I can't be an NPC

Chapter 115 Rescue

Chapter 115 Rescue
The endless tide of beasts submerged Miss Priest's body.

During this period of time, she was like a lone warrior who constantly challenged her weakness, attacking those monsters hiding in the village who never faced her directly.

Those monsters never showed up directly, and every time they were black-armored monsters mutated from ordinary villagers, they tried their best to stop her.

However, under her innate super high perception, even if the opponent's body is hidden, the ubiquitous spiritual energy field permeating the air still makes her understand this ability more and more day by day.

And facing such a high-level professional at level 18, even the black-armored villager, who is not particularly outstanding in single combat power, can hardly keep her.

Come when you want, go when you want.

During this process, Qin could feel that her thoughts on the new development system became clearer and clearer.

Give her some more time...

But no one gave her enough time.

The "tentacle monster", who has a general understanding of the strength of the nearby towns from the memories of the villagers, has accumulated a herd of beasts that he thinks is enough, coupled with the frequent harassment of the pastor, the mastermind behind the scenes "tentacle monster" made a dispatch The decision to sweep up the beast tide.

Controlling humans is more difficult than controlling beasts.

Only by using the beast tide first to make those human beings feel fearful can their spiritual abilities be better utilized.

However... Faced with such a large-scale beast horde, Miss Priest has only one spell of mass destruction, which can barely deal with it.

Seventh-Level Spell—Firestorm (Evocation): A storm of flames sweeps across an area of ​​your designation within range of the spell, consisting of up to ten 10-foot cubes.You can arrange the combination of cubes yourself, and each cube must have at least one side connected to other cubes.Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw.Those who fail the save will take 7 times of fire damage of 4~6+Wisdom adjustment bonus points, and the damage is halved if the save is successful.

The flames of the storm will cause damage to objects in the area and ignite all unclothed or carrying flammable objects in the area.You can choose to make plant life in the area immune to the effects of this spell.

Cast time: 3 seconds.Casting Range: 150 feet.Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Every spell-casting or semi-spell-casting profession has its own unique spell table, and the spells recorded in it are often very different.

Although there are some special spells in the priest's spell list, they are far inferior to mages in terms of quantity and lethality.

Among the high-level spells mastered by Miss Priest, this is the only one with the ability to cause mass destruction.

The raging herd encountered a hundred-foot wall of fire.

Seven times of 7~4 damage caused most of the beasts to suffer a fatal blow, and those controlled beasts fell down in an instant.

The health templates of beasts below the large size are not high, and the initial health templates are all below 5 points, and the physique adjustment bonus of wild beasts is generally difficult to be too high.

The constitution adjustment bonus multiplied by the base health value template constitutes the upper limit of the health value that a beast can have.

Except for those beasts specially strengthened by psionic energy, the rest of the beasts burned by the fire storm were almost wiped out.

The raging beast tide cleared the area for a short time.

However... the dense sound of animal hoofs drowned Qin again after only a moment.

This is the dilemma faced by spellcasters in the Gaia continent when they face a huge number of enemies, and it is the same feeling that the people of the Shadow Cult faced with the players at that time.

Spell slots are limited.

In fact, even the demand ring level of the flame storm can only be released by Qin with difficulty.

She is a 10th-level cleric/8th-level guardian.

Daoist is an advanced profession, very powerful. Most of her melee strength comes from level 8 guardians.

But this advanced class is only a half-casting class.

When calculating available spell slots, the level of the half-casting class is halved and added to the level of the main job priest.

That is, the spell slots she possesses are equivalent to the spell slots available to a level 14 priest.

And a 14th-level priest has only one seven-ring spell slot.

That is, this large-scale and powerful spell, she can only cast it once in a battle phase.

How to do?
Can't stop so many beasts.

Even if his idea of ​​a new career comes true, there is probably nothing he can do in the face of this predicament.

Qin looked over the beast tide and looked at a small town where the beasts rushed away.

The expressions of fear and despair of the residents of the small town who discovered the beast horde seemed to cross space and meet her eyes.

Qin closed her eyes in pain, unable to bear to see this scene.

No matter how she grows up and how she takes revenge, she can't save this small town today...

However, some more messy and powerful footsteps seemed to come from the opposite direction of the beast tide, that is, behind him.

What is it?
Before Qin crossed the hillside behind to see the truth, she heard a voice that sounded a bit tired——

"Sorry for being late."

Immediately afterwards, countless noisy voices came chaotically.

"Brothers go!"

"Kill the monster!"

"Save Miss Priest!"

"Save my wife!"

"Qin! My Qin! Hehe~"

A mass of black human heads emerged from the hillside like a tide.

Are they the Chosen Ones?
Never for a moment, Qin felt that these Chosen Ones were so reliable.

But... who used the communication technique on him?


Li Wen was coerced in front of the crowd.

He just wants to sleep now.

But can't sleep.

Miss Vicar is fighting alone.

The players are also enthusiastic.

So, hand over the new job to the pastor lady, and let her settle the matter here as soon as possible, so that she can have a good rest.

"Hello, Jean."

At the forefront of the confrontation between the herd of beasts and the players, the tide of people and the tide of beasts collided violently.

The leaping beast bared its teeth, full of wild rage.

The players raised their swords in the face of the beast, their eyes full of presumptuous smiles.

However, this confusion seems to have nothing to do with the two of them.

Li Wen and Qin looked at each other, and the time and space around them seemed to have stagnated for a moment.

"It was you who saved me in the city that day, right?"

Qin asked softly.

Li Wen asked a little strangely.

"Did you see me that day?"

Qin shook her head, "I remember your breath..."

For her, Li Wen's breath was unique.

Li Wen shrugged.

In this world full of extraordinary powers, there are always some strange abilities.

Not surprisingly.

"I have a new job here that should be quite suitable for you, do you want to learn it?"

Li Wen held the book of ways in his hand, and asked Miss Pastor with a smile.

 The first order 1960 on the shelves is still acceptable, so I will write for a long time~
  About the update - three changes every day, at 8:12 am, 6:[-] noon, and [-]:[-] pm.

  just sauce
(End of this chapter)

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