I can't be an NPC

Chapter 116 Inauguration and Random Killing

Chapter 116 Inauguration and Random Killing
Qin frowned, and took the book of Taoism in Li Wen's hand with some doubts.

With a quick glance, her breathing became visibly rapid to the naked eye.

Is there another self in this world?

Otherwise, how can we explain the various characteristics of this brand new profession.

Exactly what I dreamed of.

Even many of my own thoughts are too hazy, but this new profession has been fully formed!

"This...can you teach me?"

It was the first time Qin's tone seemed so weak.

Li Wen smiled brightly, "It was born because of you. The only question now is... Are your original intentions still firm?"

Qin's eyes became firm again.

"It's natural."



"I, Jean Feldren, hereby swear that for the rest of my life, I will follow the creed of dedication! I will not lie or deceive, but I will do what I say; I will think carefully and do it fearlessly; I will help others, Eliminate the strong and help the weak. Forgive the enemy and influence with heart; I will treat people fairly, practice honor, and set an example for the world. Do good deeds and avoid unnecessary harm; I will do my best for all my actions and performances, and be responsible for the people I protect Duty. I will remember honesty, bravery, mercy, honor, duty!"

"I, Jean Feldren, hereby swear that I will use the rest of my life to follow the creed of the ancient sages! I will light up the light, broadcast charity and generosity, light up hope, and dispel despair; I will guard the light, guard the The goodness, beauty and love in the world resist the invasion of evil, guard the growth and harvest of life, and resist the spread of decay; I will maintain the light, indulge in singing and laughter, enjoy beauty and art, fill myself with light first, and then serve others Spread the light; I will be the light, joy and courage to all good deeds, I will be the light, a beacon for the hopeless."

"I, Jean Feldren, hereby swear that I will use the rest of my life to follow the creed of vengeance! I will seek out a strong enemy, and I will have nothing else to do! The choice is to hunt down the sworn enemy or expel the evil, and I will use the decisive battle to fight the stronger one." The evil is the yardstick; there is no mercy for the villains! You may be kind to the enemy, but the enemy has no mercy; for victory, you will use any means! Moral speculation will not help destroy the enemy; if you encounter evil results, do your best to make up for it! The damage caused by the enemy is still my fault, since I failed to stop it in time, I should try my best to make up for it."

The three vows were made one by one, and several circles of light of different colors appeared on Qin's body in an instant, spreading at the speed of light.

Pale White Guardian Aura: Beginning at 6th level, you and friendly creatures can add your Charisma modifier as a bonus to saving throws made by you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you to a minimum of +1.You must be conscious while granting this bonus.Beginning at 18th level, the aura's range extends to 30 feet.

Bright Yellow Courage Aura: Beginning at 10th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you do not panic, and you must remain conscious while this aura is granted.Beginning at 18th level, the aura's range extends to 30 feet.

Milky Devotion Aura: Following the devotion oath, starting at 7th level, you and friendly creatures cannot be charmed within 10 feet of you, and you must be conscious while granting this aura.At 18th level, the aura's range extends to 30 feet.

Light blue defensive halo: For those who follow the oath of the ancient sages, starting from level 7, the powerful ancient magic favors you, so that a mysterious barrier is formed around you.You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you gain resistance to spell damage.At 18th level, the range of the aura increases to 30 feet.

Qin's powerful spiritual power allowed her to change from the original level 10 priest/8th level guardian to a simple 18th level paladin in an instant.

Not to mention other powerful characteristics of the new profession of paladin, just after becoming a paladin, the four auras obtained have already begun to take effect.

Range A terrifying halo enveloped a spherical area with a radius of at least 10 meters around her.

Those beasts in the halo also fell into a kind of muddled confusion for a while.

When those "tentacle monsters" didn't resist with psionic positions and Qin's halo nearby, the control of the beasts was being quickly cleared.

But a beast is a beast after all.

Even if they are out of the control of the "tentacle monsters", they still burst out with the most primitive wildness in the face of human beings who are close at hand.

In fact, the person who was most surprised...was Li Wen.

He knows that Qin is very talented, and he also knows that there are always some people in this world who are not reasonable.

But I didn't expect to be unreasonable to such an extent.

These are three vows!
Paladins also have sub-classes.

The three vows made by Qin are actually three sub-positions under the paladin with different development directions.

Devotion, Ancient Virtue, Revenge...

It may be difficult for ordinary people to keep a vow.

Good guy, do you want them all?

what is this?
The original paladin?
You can do whatever you want in the first place, right?

But right now, even surprise couldn't dispel Li Wen's tiredness.

"Okay, leave this place to us, and there... is your battlefield."

Li Wen looked over the beast tide, and looked at the origin of everything that happened in the distance, which was located in a quiet place.

Qin glanced at Li Wen, nodded calmly.

"Thank you. By the way, haven't I asked for your first and last name yet?"

"Li Wen."



Watching the priest off... Li Wen yawned again after the figure of Miss Paladin rushed in that direction nimbly.

Sleepy sleepy.

Really sleepy!
Li Wen now wants to find a place where no one is around, and set up a Leomeng hut to sleep soundly.

However, there are always blind creatures who dare to disturb Master Li Wen's plan.

A wild wolf bared its teeth and jumped towards Li Wen, its mouth full of stinky saliva, full of desire to devour people.

"You're done!"

"You are all finished!"

Master Li Wen was very angry.

Very serious consequences!

The strong wind began to rage...

As the creator of the Carl Simulator, Li Wen has no cooldown time when using the Carl Simulator.

At the same time, as the creator of elemental reactions, melting and superconductivity have no cooldown time for Li Wen, and they are not even limited by the fact that homologous damage cannot trigger the second-dimensional elemental reaction.

This is the unique advantage of the creator, and it is also the biggest personal advantage that Li Wenxin has obtained.

Number one is always special.

The self-improvement obtained by innovating these new things is the real capital for Li Wen to settle down.

Wind, magnetic storm.

Ice walls, meteorites, push waves.

For a moment, Li Wen looked like a legendary mage who had activated the super magic feat.

All kinds of spells were bombarded wantonly as if they didn't want money.

The damage of the spell itself is second. Spells with multiple damages, such as ice wall and meteorite, can trigger elemental reactions back and forth between each other's damage jumps. Let those beasts see what is a real mage at the last moment of their lives?

It also made the green dragon, who was hiding far away in the dark and planned to watch the excitement, almost stare out his eyes.

What is this... what is this?
Is he too ignorant?
When did the human profession system allow such a second-level mage to cast so many powerful and terrifying spells.

It is extremely sensitive to the magic elements in the air, and can easily feel the lethality of those elements that are raging right in front of Li Wen.

Those beasts that fell to the ground and died could not represent the real lethality of these spells at all, after all, they all owed blood.


It seems that I have stayed in the mountains for too long, and I don't understand the current development of human beings at all.

The green dragon was vigilant.

When this incident is over, he will change his form and sneak into human society to see how they are developing now.

However, Li Wen, who was bombing, suddenly misfired...

The concentration of three attribute elements in the air is not enough.

Still the same problem, although this spell does not consume spell slots, it does not consume much stamina for the player, which is similar to the blue bar.

But it essentially consumes blue bars in the air.

Li Wen's level 3 element control expertise allowed him to drain the three series of elements in the nearby sphere space of at least 100 meters.

If you want to cast a spell, you need to move a distance of at least 200 meters.

of course not!
Li Wen has not forgotten his original intention.

Clearance is for sleeping.

As the beasts in the large area in front of Li Wen were emptied, the players who had been robbed of monsters could only go further afield.

Li Wen randomly found an open space leaning against a big tree, opened a Leomeng hut, and got in to sleep soundly.

If the heart is sleepy, the sky will not fall.

The rest has nothing to do with him.


When Helen and the others arrived, what they saw was a messy scene of wild beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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