I can't be an NPC

Chapter 118 Paladins!

Chapter 118 Paladins!
A paladin swears to uphold justice and justice, swears to fight against the eroding darkness with all the good in the world, and swears to hunt all the evil lurking everywhere.Paladins focus on different aspects of the public good, and their strength comes from the oaths they have sworn.

They may dedicate themselves to the good gods, but the paladin's selfless devotion to justice itself gives them great power, even this power can be compared with the power bestowed by the gods.

The paladins practiced their combat skills for many years and needed to be proficient in various weapons and armors. Even so, their military power was second only to the magic power they exercised. They used it to heal the wounded, slay evil, and protect the innocent. All those who fight for what is right.

On the book of ways, the first paragraph of the opening paragraph is about the qualification of the paladin profession.

People always say that there is no difference between good and evil in power, but the emergence of this new profession seems to be born for justice.

Justice without strength is just false justice, but this profession can reflect the powerful path of justice.

First of all, the occupational health template is equivalent to that of a fighter. The initial 10+ constitution adjustment bonus is two points more than the priest's 8+ constitution adjustment bonus; the subsequent growth of each upgrade is also 6+ constitution adjustment bonus, still 1 point more than the priest.

Then there is the most important professional characteristic——

The first-level paladin who has just taken office has two powerful characteristics of divine perception and lay on hand.

Sacred perception can detect the racial types of all creatures around it, or some places or objects that are blessed by spells or desecrated.

There is nothing to say about lay on hands. Each battle stage has a life pool whose total value is the paladin's professional level * 5. It can be released on one target at a time, or it can be released on multiple targets separately.

It can also cure a disease on the target creature for 5 healing points, or remove a poison effect.

This is a rare way to restore health in all professional systems, and its value is beyond doubt.

At 2nd level, the paladin acquires a fighting style, choosing one of the four types of defense, duel, great weapon combat, and protection.

This is not much different from the professional characteristics of fighters and rangers.

At the same time, at level 2, you will also gain the ability to cast spells, have the unique spell table of the paladin profession, and the most important thing is——

Attributes that enhance the power of a paladin's spells point to Charisma.

Charm is the core attribute of the paladin profession, and equally crucial is strength.

This is the beginning of this profession's double cultivation of material and law.

And it is also at this level that the paladin will acquire a powerful characteristic that combines physical attacks and magical abilities——

Holy Slash: Starting at level 2, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can consume a spell slot and deal extra radiant damage to the target in addition to weapon damage.The value of the extra damage is 2 times 4~5 when the spell position is first level, and when the spell position is higher than the first level, the number of times of damage will be increased by one more time, up to 5 times.If the target is an undead creature or a demon, this additional damage will be increased by one more hit, up to a maximum of 6.

Then at 3rd level, the powerful psychic power brought by psionics makes paladins permanently immune to all diseases.

And it is at this level that paladins will face the choice of three oaths.

In other words, it is the choice of sub-position.

The oath of dedication, the oath of ancient sages, the oath of revenge.

Three different oaths point to three different development routes.

After confirming the sub-job, you will get different characteristic abilities of the sub-job at four different levels of 3, 7, 15 and 20.

In addition, the paladin's job will still provide additional abilities at a specific level, which is a characteristic that a paladin will obtain no matter what oath he chooses——

Extra attack at level 5, protection aura at level 6, and courage aura at level 10.

At level 11, the holy cut obtained at level 2 unconditionally adds another damage times.

Cleansing touch at 14th level removes one of any spell effects from a specific target.

Just looking at the introduction of the occupational characteristics has already made the expressions of all the humans present high.

The effect of high-level abilities is not clear for the time being. It seems that it helps teammates more than improving oneself.

However, anyone can understand the Lay on Hands at level 1 and the Holy Cut at level 2.

At level 2, a paladin can have 2 first-level spell slots in each battle stage. One spell slot is used to release the Holy Slash, which means at least 8 points of extra radiant damage, plus the basic damage of the weapon, that is a total of at least ten points. harm.

Two first-ring spell slots can deal more than 20 points of damage.

And how much blood does a level 2 professional have?

A fighter with an initial physique of 16, if he has no spell effects and no special bonuses, he will only have 22 points when he hits the bare blood.

With this kind of damage ability, what kind of spell do you need?
All the spell slots are used to release the Holy Slash!

Charisma bonus paladin spell power?What charm?
There is a 13 o'clock to be able to take office and it will be over.

With all strength and physique, he is a ruthless tool man for the holy slashing!
Chop chop!Cut out a piece of the sky!

Those who practice justice must be much stronger than those evil people.

Aren't you dwarven barbarians blood thick?

Come come come!Let me see how many holy cuts I can resist?

Looking at this nascent profession, the prince's eyes lit up.

"It's hard for us to find too many professionals to transfer to a brand new profession, so just find a few newcomers to compete with you. Don't bully anyone, let's decide the winner at level 2."

Lion cubs sometimes have the little thoughts of cunning wolves.

The faces of the elves and dwarves were blackened visible to the naked eye.

Seeing their silent appearance, all the human beings felt very happy.

A certain rainbow mage was kind enough to give them more options.

He stretched out his hand to Qin, who had been standing silently since he took out the book of ways, "Why don't you send a level 18 professional to compete with our Miss Qin."

The elves and dwarves looked at Qin, and their faces became darker.

The first paladin, God knows how strong she is.

Not as good as level 2...

A female elf who had been following behind the elf speaker suddenly stepped forward and said.

"I don't think it's necessary to decide whether to win or lose. We all agree that Master Li Wen, who created these spells and professions, must be a rare genius in the world. I don't know if we can ask City Lord Helen to pass the conversation on his behalf. Tell Master that we want to ask to see his old man."

Maybe they have a natural arrogance.

But the reality before them easily shattered their pride, at least in front of that legendary master.

Masters like this are probably rare in the entire human world.

If you can win the master's favor, I wonder if you can let the master open the authority of the arcane knights and paladins to their elves and dwarves, and it is best to also take the spells of the Karl simulator...

In exchange, hand over the druid and barbarian career paths.

Before that...

"We need to get our shitty stuff out of the way first."

Helen smiled slightly, and stabbed the other side quietly.

The elves and dwarves have a clear purpose, but they need to prepare themselves first.

First of all, I have to say hello to Master Li Wen, and secondly, I need all the professional guilds to come together to define this new profession.

And most importantly, ask your superiors.

(End of this chapter)

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