Chapter 119

The discussion about the new profession in the entire professional guild has nothing to do with Helen. This is a rare profession that can feel its power just by looking at the job introduction.

As long as you are not a fool, no one will deny its value.

The only thing that may cause controversy is whether this class will usher in the fate of the Lord of Elements and Cal Simulator.

All right, Jean and Helen initiate a discussion about a mage.

"He gave you this job in person?"

"Yeah! And I know who he is...he is the strange mage who saved me that night, and he is Bobby."

Helen chuckled, "I know too."

"He seems to understand me very well..."

Thinking of her new job, Qin's eyes were confused and full of puzzlement.

After taking up a new job, facing those tentacle monsters who can control people's hearts again, she seems to be much more comfortable.

Following her trajectory, the halos that always center on her will cover wherever they are, and most of the villagers in the halo will gradually regain their senses under the influence of those halos, and get out of the control of the tentacle monster .

It seems that the new profession is the absolute nemesis of those tentacle monsters.

And this new profession seemed to be born entirely for the powerlessness she felt when facing the tentacle monster.

This kind of thought can only be expressed by Qin in front of her friends.

But Helen couldn't help her, because she also thought of the Lord of Elements.

In this sub-job, it seems that her shadow can be seen everywhere... There are some connections with her elemental apostle job.

So after hearing Qin's words, Helen also fell into a state of confusion.

"He seems to know me quite well..."

"Let's not talk about this, let's go to him to find out what he thinks about this new profession."

"Shouldn't you mind spreading it?"

Jean tilted her head.

Although she didn't have much contact with her, her powerful spirit made her seem to be able to see Li Wen's heart.

"Let's not talk about that, do you know the monster you killed?"

"I don't know, but like those snake people, it is also a humanoid creature that uses some kind of psychic power. Maybe you can ask them to get the answer? Didn't you say that you caught a snake person? You can ask he?"

"Also... that together?"

Qin hesitated slightly and nodded.


When they came to the dungeon, Helen threw the corpse of the "tentacle monster" in front of the imprisoned snake man.

Since the snakeman was caught, those snakemen in the snakeman ruins have become more cautious.

The Son of the Chosen and Izarek sent out to look for traces have not responded.

On the other hand, Helen was interested in studying the spiritual power used by the snake man. Unfortunately, there were too many things to worry about recently, and she had no time at all, so she could only temporarily imprison the only snake man she caught.

Faced with the sudden visit of Helen and Qin, the snake man who was holding a piece of energy gem was taken aback.

"What are you doing? Let me make it clear to you first, I will never betray my race! No matter how many energy gems you give me! Our snake empire will never be slaves!"

Helen pursed her lips, ignored his words, and just asked directly.

"I'm asking you something, have you seen this kind of creature?"

The snake man carefully put down the energy-contained gemstone that was floating under the control of psionic energy, and swam close to the corpse.

The "tentacle monster" that Li Wen saw from the green dragon's memory before was vague, but now the dead tentacle monster really showed its true appearance.

On the octopus-like smooth head, there are a pair of protruding gray-white eyeballs, and on the chin are four tentacles like octopus whiskers.

The special appearance of the "tentacle monster" made this snake man fall into the vortex of memory.

After a while, he recalled some fragmented information from his distant memory.

"I seem to have seen them from the records of the elders... Do they use the power of psionic energy like us?"

Qin nodded, "That's right. And the nature of the psionic energy you use seems to be opposite. You are more restrained, and they are more outward."

"That's it……"

The snake man stared darkly at the corpse on the ground, he couldn't tell what kind of mood he was in right now.

It seems to be a happy thing that these guys who were said to be the enemies of the Snake Empire in the past were also killed by these humans.

However, does it also mean that today's human beings are unprecedentedly powerful?
Is there any hope for the revival of their snake empire?

"They're illithids."

The snake man said firmly: "They live in the astral plane. They were born there and developed there. They found many planes with intelligent creatures through astral travel, invaded them massively, and easily controlled the different planes in them. Few planes. We didn’t repel their invasion until we encountered our empire, which was at its peak at that time. If there hadn’t been a battle against them, there would have been no subsequent rise of you humans.”

Helen didn't care how true or artistically processed the snake man's words were.

She only cares about the present.

"What are their characteristics?"

"Characteristics...their biggest attack method, which is also their specialty, is 'Mind Blast'. Their reproduction requires other intelligent creatures to serve as the development chamber for their young. At the same time, they themselves feed on the brains of intelligent creatures. Therefore, They need to constantly search for, conquer and enslave more intelligent creatures. In our time, they were the overlords of the entire multiverse. Oh, by the way, in our time, the most insulting sentence is - the spirit sucker opens I walked away disappointed with your head off."

"I didn't ask you this!"


Slightly silent, the snake man took the initiative to ask again: "Are they coming again?"

Helen shook her head, "I only met three."

"Then I don't know what's going on. There are often struggles among them. It may be the losers who fell in the struggle. Of course, it may also be the sentry before the arrival of their army."

"Do you know what their weaknesses are?"


The snake man shook his head, "There are almost no obvious weaknesses. To face them, we must strengthen our spiritual protection, otherwise we will become their puppets."


Helen nodded, and threw a pure colored gemstone at the snake man, "Your reward."

The snake man quickly controlled his spiritual power to catch the gem, "Slow down, don't break it."

After leaving the dungeon, Helen looked at Qin, "Is what he said reliable?"

Qin has been entangled with this monster called a spirit sucker for a while, so she should judge for herself.


Helen frowned immediately.

If what the snake man said is true...

The overlord of the multiverse... This name is too loud.

Are they really that fierce?

If they really want to invade, can humans resist?
For a moment, Helen only felt a little headache.

What happened recently?There are always things that pop up that seem to be completely impossible to solve.

First the Snakeman Empire, then the Rotmoon, and now the Illithid Empire.

Hmm... But speaking of it, the first two incidents seemed to be resolved indirectly by that guy through the Chosen One.

Thinking of that strange little guy, a smile suddenly bloomed on Helen's face.

"Shall we go to him and ask him for ideas about a new career?"

(End of this chapter)

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