I can't be an NPC

Chapter 120 First of all, I am not Nantong

Chapter 120 First of all, I am not Nantong (fourth watch, ask for tickets)
Qin hesitated slightly and shook her head.

"I won't go, I have something else to do."

Li Wen told her when he gave the book of ways.

After solving the village incident, Qin needs to replace Li Wen to fulfill the promise made to those chosen children.

That is, to issue task rewards...

There are two different forms of teaching the occupation system to the aborigines and teaching it to the players.

There is no requirement when teaching it to the aborigines. Whether it is personally guiding or giving the technique of the way, it is all right for them to comprehend it by themselves.

However, players are all idiots, and they can only get started if they are personally guided.

And since it is a guide, it needs the guide itself to be a professional of this profession.

Mainly because it is also in line with the core idea of ​​recruiting wage earners...

So the honest Qin obeyed the request of a generous level 8 archmage and went to stand guard outside the west gate of the city.

At work, Qin is dedicated to her duties, and she does not perfunctory her work at all because of the chaotic nature of the Chosen Ones.

When guiding the career of each Chosen One, she will earnestly ask the other party to read the oath aloud, and vow to practice it for life.

The shame level exploded.

However, it is precisely this kind of seriousness that to some extent allows these paladin players to truly feel the significance of this professional system to the aboriginal world.

They are the guardians of order, the executors of justice, and the greatest nemesis of all injustices in the world.

This new profession once again ignited the passion storm of the players in the entire player forum.

Of course, there are two different voices.

"It's Sword Wind City again! It's Sword Wind City again! I protest! The Lord of Elements is that, and the Carl Simulator is again. If the paladin hasn't been announced this time, I won't play it!"

"That's right! It's not fair! Why should they give Jianfeng City all the benefits! This game is so difficult to run, so many of us can't all reach Jianfeng City."

The player contest that happened not long ago can be said to be the fuse that pushed this antagonism to the highest point.

If it was just pure envy before, then after the game, this disparity in hard power has already led to some kind of emotional imbalance.

Everyone was tortured to death by monsters, yes.

Let's find a way together and form a team to make a strategy.

But we are burning hot in the water here, and you are killing people indiscriminately there, that will not work!
Do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from inequity.

This is especially true after the emergence of this seemingly powerful brand new profession.

There are also some rational players who try to analyze.

"I think it should be released, otherwise there is no reason for this task to take out the resource of justice points as a reward. It could have directly used the profession of paladin as a reward. As for justice points as a reward, only An explanation - this profession will eventually become a fixed and open resident profession for everyone to choose freely. This mission is just for players who have completed the mission to try something new, and at the same time save them from wasting soul energy and doing justice point missions when switching professions cumbersome."

Of course, these voices have nothing to do with the Swordwind City players who actually obtained the Paladin profession, they are just obsessed with whether this profession is really easy to use.

Those players who have completed the task but don't have a natural 13-point charm are a little bit entangled, wondering if they should take a part-time job for this profession.

The natural charm of 13 points is a hurdle, which means whether they can directly replace their original occupation with a brand new paladin with the help of Qin.

For example, a level 8 warrior can directly become a level 8 paladin after conversion without any loss of soul energy.The premise is that he has 13 charisma points before taking office as a soldier.

If it is a professional who uses the attribute points obtained after taking office as a warrior to increase his charisma to 13 points, he cannot make a direct conversion. They need to become a paladin in the form of a part-time job.

It also means that a lot of soul energy needs to be paid.

Soon, someone made an experiment.

"Brothers, if you don't want to lose too much experience, mages and priests can work part-time as level 2 paladins, especially melee priests. Level 2 paladins are the most cost-effective part-time jobs."

"Yeah, at level 2, you can use the energy value (spell slot) on your body in the form of the holy cut, and the damage is a bit explosive. And the paladin is a half-casting profession, and the part-time job at level 2 will only lose 1 spellcaster level , the loss is not too great for the original spellcasting profession."

"And if it's only level 2, you don't even need justice points."

"The ranger sub-job hunter who mainly focuses on melee combat can actually also work part-time. After all, they are semi-spell-casting occupations and also have energy points (spell slots)."

So, the arcane knight can also do it?

Ah Zhi, who was casually looking at the post, rolled her eyes slowly.

Her arcane knight situation is similar to the ranger's sub-job hunter.

The only pity is that she didn't do the task.

She is the "bad guy" who got beaten up~
In the entire forum, in addition to discussing the strength party of professional strength, there are other gossip parties.

Li Wen, who was Lord Bobby in their eyes, made a move in front of everyone for the first time.

And as soon as he made a move, it was an unbelievable sorcerer's style.

There was almost no pause in the casting of spells, and the continuous spells filled the entire battlefield in front of him in an instant, as if they were free of money.

Compared with the city lord who once shot in front of all players, Li Wen's spellcasting may not be as earth-shattering, but it seems more smooth and natural.

After all, he has no CD for casting spells since he created his own Karl simulator.

As for spell power...

Those wild beasts shattered as soon as they were touched, and they all owed blood, and it was hard to tell how powerful they were. Judging from the scene alone, the scale was a little worse than when the city lord used it, but maybe Lord Bobby did it deliberately.

Who knows?

After all, he brought out so many new gadgets that are rare even in the eyes of the aborigines. Even among the aborigines, Mr. Bobby should be regarded as a powerful figure.

The whole process of Li Wen's shot was recorded by players from various perspectives, and the screenshots of Li Wen's appearance clearly appeared in the eyes of all players for the first time.

This time, Li Wen did not cast any spells to change his appearance.

Letting players know what they really look like helps build their prestige among players.

As players explore the game deeper, they will identify more and more with this world, and gradually understand the love and hatred in the aborigines world, and build empathy.

In addition to the interests of mission representatives, they need to be given more imagination to follow.

To give them benefits, you have to give them entities, let them know what kind of specific person they have been following all this time, so that they can raise their arms when they need it in the future.

And anyway, it's a player, no matter how big the influence is, it won't radiate to the aborigines...

Just like the city lord or Qin, everyone knows that they are powerful and prominent figures in the aboriginal world, but they have never seen players chasing after them all day long to bother them.

After spending the initial fresh energy, he is still a decent mage with some skills in the eyes of the aborigines.

So on the player forum, among all the screenshots about Li Wen, one of them won unanimous praise from most players.

At that moment, Li Wen had just thrown out a strong hurricane, and the airflow from the strong wind blew his light green robe back high, a few strands of light brown hair reflected in the overall black In short hair, shaking gently in the strong wind.

The broken hair slightly touching his eyebrows made Li Wen squint his eyes unconsciously. A cute little face without any murderous look or edges appeared to be heroic enough in this scene of killing an enemy.

Cute looks combined with powerful strength, plus the crotch-like face that seemed to feel meaningless for all of this when he killed the beast.

World-weary face for short...

Taken together, it's like some kind of enchanting poison.

Below the screenshot of the post are the fanatical comments from fans.

"I don't care, this must be Lord Bobby's true face!"

"My Poppy can't be this cute!"

"Bobby Supermarket, I'm woo woo woo!"

"First of all, I'm not Nantong, but Bobby is really young and cute; secondly, I'm not Nantong, but Bobby is really pretty when casting spells; once again... Forget it, I'm Nantong!"

"I love Poppy! I love Poppy!"

"He sends me tasks, and he has me in his heart. I help him with tasks, and I have him in my heart. True love is like that, going both ways!"

During this period, there were occasionally one or two speeches that seemed to recognize Li Wen's real body, but they were drowned in the boundless sea.

"Isn't that the mentor of the protection faction who gives us special tasks in the temple every day?"



Li Wen stood up in the stable environment of Leomeng's hut and stretched his waist.

This time, I slept comfortably.

When he woke up, he saw the reminder that popped up in his mind after a while.

[Due to the agreement, you have been divided into 10000 points of soul energy. *1000 (information overlay summary)]


[Due to the agreement, you have been divided into 10000 points of soul energy. *1000 (information overlay summary)]


[Due to the agreement, you have been divided into 9140 points of soul energy. *914 (information overlay summary)]

The total is close to 3000 people.

Is this the share of paladins?

The paladins themselves accounted for 5% of the income, and the arcane knights only accounted for 2.5%.

So, the original lady paladin, quite competent?

Soul energy income of around 3 points may not seem like much, but it is just the beginning.

In addition, I don't know whether this new profession has been spread by Qin, whether those aborigines are aware of the emergence of this new profession, and what their opinions are.

This time, no matter what, I have to promote this profession to the whole world!

I have a big love with the world in my heart!

The main reason is that this time, in order to smash out this brand new profession, my soul energy storage was exhausted and cleaned up.

Whatever you say, you have to earn it back!

 Everyone's holidays are over, happy to go to work
(End of this chapter)

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