I can't be an NPC

Chapter 127 The Voice of Elves and Dwarves

Chapter 127 The Voice of Elves and Dwarves

These elves and dwarves are indeed quite competent.

[? ? ? (Voice): I don’t know if Master Li Wen has set a race lock in his creation, so that we elves/dwarves (click to view race details) can’t use it? 】

[? ? ? (Inner Voice): Oh~ Is this the feeling of Holy Cut?Come more.Let me see what's special. 】

[? ? ? (heart voice): ah~]

[? ? ? (Voice): Don't stop, do more!Do more!I will be able to understand the mystery of the paladin soon! 】

[? ? ? (Voice of heart): It all depends on the barbarian of the holy cut!Barbarian!Why can't our resistance to blow, piercing, and slash damage resist the damage of holy cut? 】

[? ? ? (Voice): Mom, I don't want to be a barbarian (click to view career details)!I want to be a paladin too! 】

[? ? ? (voice): Karl simulator?Is this the evil spell that utilizes the elements?This is the enemy of all our druids (click to view class details)!Be sure to get this spell in hand! 】

The voices obviously come from many different alien races, and each alien race has a different reaction to the player's attack.

And among them...

Li Wen set his sights on the most special short female voice among them.


"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah~"

After repeating it more than ten times, Li Wen finally stopped in satisfaction.

All right……

Then let me see what they mentioned?
Druids... The four elements that make up the world—earth, water, wind, and fire must be kept in balance. If one of the elements is more powerful than the others, the structure of the world will be destroyed and degenerate into the corresponding elemental plane and then fall apart.So all creatures that worship evil elements and try to enhance the power of only one element while crowding out other elements are their enemies!

Good guy, I didn't expect that the Karl simulator would have such a hidden enemy?
As expected, these elves were suffocating secretly.

As for the savages...

A purely brainless violent output profession, the core ability is to put aside the brain and act with fighting instinct.

Pure savage.

In Li Wen's view, apart from the violent output and thick blood, the only value of this profession is to broaden everyone's tactical options.

Of course, it also has the only powerful characteristic in Li Wen's eyes——

Primal Fighter: Beginning at 20th level, your very existence is a manifestation of the forces of the wild.Your strength and constitution are increased by 4 each, and your upper limit of these two attributes becomes 24 points.

This is the only way Li Wen has seen so far that can increase personal attributes to more than 20 points, and it is also the only characteristic with this ability among all professions.

You should know that once a certain attribute exceeds 20 points, this attribute has entered the legendary realm, and a very powerful single-attribute specialty will be obtained.

For other professions, it is necessary to find a legendary way to break through personal attributes to this level, but the level 20 characteristics of this profession are directly free!Even directly gifted 8 points of attributes.

Of course, it's a bit tasteless... because he first needs a professional to raise the barbarian's professional level to level 20.

And the 20th level itself has also stepped into the legendary realm, and this process is not easy.

The huge demand for soul energy is only second, and a series of professional tests need to be completed before entering the legend.

Only by integrating the characteristics of the professional system with personal experience and habits, and polishing skills, wisdom, and mentality to the peak level, can it be possible to cross the legendary barrier.

The legendary expertise that can be obtained by stepping into the legendary field is very powerful, but in fact this kind of power is also obtained by individuals.

Legendary professionals are powerful, but what is really powerful is the professional who can become a legend.

Li Wen, who got two new jobs, studied them for a while, and easily found the problem.

I can only roughly check the basic abilities and characteristics of the two professions, but if you want to learn to work...

Sorry, no way.

It's not because Li Wen has no understanding or anything.

In the Gaia continent, as long as you meet the job requirements, and you have a book of ways or someone to guide you, it is quite easy to get a job.

And the voice of the heart is the book of the way, even a more advanced book of the way.

The reason comes from... locks.

The racial lock mentioned in the first voice.

When creating new occupations, the founders of these two races deeply matched the characteristics of their races with the new occupations, so that other races could not use their special occupation systems except for the people of their two races.

In other words, simply exchanging occupations is useless.

Unless the scholars in their clan compiled the racial characteristics of human beings into the scope of permission for the new profession based on the characteristics of the human race, otherwise humans would not be able to take up the job even if they obtained all the detailed information about the new profession.

Not to mention research, and even relying on one's own understanding to contribute to a new career.

I don't know if those guys in the mission know about it, there is a high probability that they do.

So to change the question, I don't know if they will dig a hole with this kind of thing.

The opponent's attitude towards Li Wen determines Li Wen's attitude towards his opponent.

Since the new professions are locked by race locks, Li Wen doesn't have many better ways to deal with them for the time being.

I can only turn to study the racial characteristics mentioned in the initial voice.

In the voice of the foreign race, Li Wen did not see the racial characteristics of human beings.

Although Li Wen himself is a human being, he doesn't know much about this aspect.

Fortunately, there is a comparison.

When thinking of the characteristics of their own race, those alien races naturally compared it with the characteristics of humans.

And it is an all-round comparison initiated from aspects such as attributes, movement speed, body structure, and racial specialties, and the comparison uses the human template as the standard.

This kind of comparison is actually the change that the personal panel will usher in after the player reincarnates.

In addition to Constitution +1, dwarves have -1 in all other five attributes, and their action speed is reduced by 5 feet, but these disadvantages are traded for permanent darkvision and strong resistance to poison.

At the same time, you will also automatically gain natural proficiency in weapons such as battle axe, hand axe, light hammer, and war hammer, and you can obtain proficiency in life occupations such as blacksmith, wine brewing, and stonemason without learning.

And this is just the basic change after the reincarnation of the dwarves. The dwarves are also divided into races. After choosing to join a different subspecies, they will also get additional adjustments to the characteristics of the subspecies.

There are three subspecies: hill dwarves, mountain dwarves, and most specifically rune dwarves.

Selecting the hill dwarves will again gain +1 perception, initial and upgraded health +1 characteristic adjustments.

If you choose a mountain dwarf, you will get strength +2, and the characteristic adjustment of light armor and medium armor proficiency.

As for the rune dwarves...they are the nobles among the dwarves.

Not every dwarf can be called a rune dwarf, so even the dwarves who spoke out don't know the advantages of the rune dwarf, they just know the name.

And the elves...

At the cost of all attributes -1, in exchange for the advantages of +2 agility, dark vision, halving the rest time and being able to roll in dreams, and they naturally have stronger resistance to charm.

Seeing the feature of being able to think in dreams, Li Wen's eyes lit up for a moment, and he admitted that he was a little moved.

The advantage of halving the rest time and rolling in dreams may be useless to the player, but to him...

Forget it.

I am a human being, and I don't want to leave my human status for the time being.

Of course, elves also have three subraces—high elves, wood elves, and drow.

High elves have +1 magic power. They naturally have the proficiency items of long sword, short sword, long bow, and short bow. They can even learn a 0-level spell directly from the mage table regardless of their occupation.

Wood elves have +1 Wisdom, 5 feet faster movement speed, the same weapon proficiency as high elves, and natural concealment bonuses in wild environments.

As for the drow, it has charm +1, enhanced dark vision, and has weapon proficiency items such as short thorns, rapiers, and hand crossbows. At the same time, when the total professional level is 1, 3, and 5, they will learn tricks respectively— —Three spells, Dancing Lights, Fairy Fire, and Darkness.

Whether it is a dwarf or an elf, after reincarnation, they are based on the basic characteristics of the race plus the adjustment characteristics of the subspecies, which constitutes their contrast with the human race.

It seems that they are all loss attributes, in exchange for the race's specialties in other aspects, as well as the special enhancement of specific attributes.

It’s hard to say whether it’s a profit or a loss, but it’s always more choices. Those players who want to pursue the ultimate and don’t like balance may like it.

Thinking of this, Li Wen's heart moved slightly.

Just relying on unique spells or combat skills as a bargaining chip to attract players, always feels a little detrimental to others.

So can intelligence also be used as a tool to maintain one's position in the minds of players?
(End of this chapter)

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