I can't be an NPC

Chapter 128 Why is the Master a Master?

Chapter 128 Why is the Master a Master?
After studying the racial characteristics for two days, it was difficult for Li Wen to directly decipher how the other party wrote the restrictions of racial characteristics into the occupation system.

But it is obvious that the alien race can no longer delay.

People are not soft persimmons that can be kneaded and squeezed at will, and they have to take care of other people's face.

Li Wen agreed to the meeting request after the association sent him an owl text message again under pressure.


"You are Master Li Wen?"

At the meeting, the leading male elves asked questions knowingly.

The slightly frivolous words instantly made all the participants tense up.

Everyone realized that this was an important confrontation between humans and elf dwarves.

There is no beacon of confrontation.

Li Wen didn't seem to hear it at all.

Without saying a word, he directly rolled out two volumes of the Book of Ways on the desktop in front of him.

"This is an arcane knight, and this is a paladin."



Confused all over the place.

Not only the elves and dwarves were dumbfounded, but Prince Helen and others were also dumbfounded.

Helen and the others were filled with astonishment.

Didn't you tell him to be more stingy?Is this your stinginess?

What is the atmosphere like?I dare not even think about it.

Could it be that Master Li Wen is a traitor?Come up and give it away for nothing?
The talking male elf looked at the book of ways that Li Wen pushed in front of him, and he couldn't believe it.

The book of way says it is precious and it is precious, and it says it is not precious and it is not precious.

Don't look at recent times, McLaren and Levin have easily come up with a few times of the book of the way, but this is because they are both career creators.

Under normal circumstances, if a professional wants to describe a known path, he must have a deep enough understanding of this profession. Generally speaking, at least a professional with a fourth-level level in that profession can have this ability. ability.

After all, it's some kind of rule book or something.

And existences like this are actually rare in the entire human world. For example, Helen is almost always the guardian of one party and the lord of the city.

Only such a person can write a book of the way, which is naturally precious.

But it is also not precious.

When there are many people, there will always be traitors.

You don't sell what others sell.

Not everyone can strictly demand that they respect intellectual property rights.

The worst plan for the elves and dwarves is to buy the book of way from those traitors and go back and study it behind closed doors.

Coincidentally, Prince Helen and others also thought so.

Due to the stalemate relationship over the years and the lack of contact, there is a natural chain of suspicion between humans and alien races.

Not to mention that when these alien races first came, they showed extremely strong aggressiveness and hostility.

So both sides prepared for the worst.

The male elf sitting opposite Li Wen opened his mouth several times, but found that he couldn't say anything.

After all, none of the scenes he had envisioned happened.

It stands to reason that when I waited for someone to appear strong and hostile when they came, and the other party treated them coldly for several days in retaliation, the relationship must have become rigid.

Therefore, they wanted the other party's research results but were unwilling to pay more. This should have been a tit-for-tat bargain.

It should be as lively as the vegetable market at 06:30 in the morning in this human city!

Why did it develop like this?
Didn't those high-ranking human officials get through with Master Li Wen in advance?Didn't he realize that this seemingly private meeting was actually a serious exchange of interests between different races?

How can I accept you like this?

But it can't just be so cold.

The pressure has come to me?

The male elf took a deep breath, carefully pinched a corner of the two volumes of the Book of Paths, and carefully pulled them over, as if they were two arcane bombs that would explode at the touch of a button.

"Master Li Wen means... gave it to us?"

Li Wen nodded, "Even if I don't give it now, you can get it by your own means, can't you?"

Before the other party could answer, Li Wen just took a breath and continued.

"Besides, I didn't write racial characteristics in it. Anyone who takes it can practice it. Whether I give it away or not, the result is the same."


How did he know about it?
I haven't said yet?
These words came out of both of their hearts at the same time.

The leading male elf naturally knew about this, and he originally used it as an important bargaining chip.

But now, it seems that someone directly pointed it out...

And it's still based on the two new jobs that others gave away for free.

For a moment, the male elf felt a little fever on his face.

The elf's pride had inadvertently come into play in another form.

Prince Rhett Flagg also felt a little astonished.

This news is also a possible event that he only learned of after two days of emergency tutoring.

After all, it had been a long time since there had been a new occupation system in the world. Although this kind of race lock was not a big secret to him, under normal circumstances no one would deliberately understand it.

Man cannot imagine what he has not seen.

After learning about this possible event, the prince kept it in his heart, and prepared to point it out at a critical moment to reveal the other party's injustice and sinister intentions.

Of course, on the other hand, I am also afraid of judging the belly of a gentleman with a villain's heart and losing face, so I keep it secret.

After all, humans and alien races have maintained the restraint of not violating the river water in recent years. It is really hard to say that they understand it, and it is impossible to guess it too much.

It's just that he didn't expect that Master Li Wen would point it out so directly.

Li Wen ignored the little thoughts that might be entangled in their hearts.

After yesterday's thinking, Li Wen slightly changed the positions of the two parties.

Why don't they treat themselves the way they treat them?
And what I said just now is also the truth, if the other party wants to play tricks, I can't stop it.

As for what I wanted... I already got it, didn't I?

At most it will take a little more time.

Under this premise, why not be a little more proactive?

"In addition, I would like to discuss with you about the Karl simulator. Can you invite you to join in the research of this spell?"

"I know that the Druids are a group of people who maintain the balance of the world. Whether they are members of the Earth Society or the Moon Society, they are all making their own efforts to maintain the balance of the elements."

"Nowadays, the Karl Simulator, which can only accommodate three elements, is obviously incomplete. Banning is not as good as channeling. Therefore, I sincerely invite you to join in the research of this spell system. I can personally provide everything about this spell." details."


Li Wen's words made everyone's eyes widen in disbelief.

The Earth Association and the Moon Association?
How did Li Wen know?
This is equivalent to two sub-classes in the druid profession. Li Wen shouldn't know about it before the elves announced it.

Is there a traitor among their elves?
And... share the research and development of the Karl simulator?
Why?Why did Master Li Wen trust them, a group of aliens who met for the first time?

Or... what he said in the square that day was the master's heartfelt words?
"I don't know……"

The male elf stared into Li Wen's eyes.

He found that his experience of living for more than 100 years could not allow him to understand the thoughts of the young human being in front of him, let alone understand where his calm self-confidence came from.

The corners of Li Wen's mouth curled up, and he smiled softly.

"Do you know what the current business system is based on?"

Then ask and answer yourself.

"Established after...the first unconditional trust."

(End of this chapter)

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