I can't be an NPC

Chapter 142 The Heteroplane

Chapter 142 The Heteroplane

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight poured into the library with bright and clean windows. Irene, who was surprised that it was dawn, looked out the window, got up and stretched.


Susan opened the door amidst the voices gradually starting to sound on the street, and when she stretched her waist, she inadvertently saw her feet and uttered a doubt.


a letter?


Leonard prepared the spells that might be used today, left the house, turned his head to look at the closed door next door, suddenly remembered the conversation last night, smiled helplessly, turned and left.


Helen, who received another so-called return to sect news, couldn't help pressing the center of her eyebrows with some discomfort.

Walking to the window of the morning light, looking beyond the heavy barriers, looking in the direction of Minke Street, the eyes were in a trance for a moment.

After a while, he blinked his eyes, and continued to think about the new news in his heart——

A savior who prophesied his return could return from another world with his most heartfelt guard and absolute justice when mankind is in the most suffering, and save everything.

Whenever there is some chaos, these similar remarks are flying all over the sky.


Li Wen stepped on the flat and soft grass.

The warm breeze gently brushed his face, and there was a bit of sweet grass in the air.

The sun... is bright.

Li Wen looked up and found two celestial bodies hanging in the sky.

A light as bright as the sun...the ball emits a constant radiance, but...no temperature?
A dark red non-luminous sphere like precipitated blood stains hangs not far from the luminous sphere, in this... daytime?It is also clearly visible, so that the light emitted by the luminous sphere seems to have a dark red color.

There were so many strange things that Li Wen didn't know where to start.

First of all, when I came here, it was night, right?

It's daytime here?The time is different?
Well, this is acceptable and normal. After all, the residents of the Gaia continent also have a time difference of half night and half day.

But why is there...the sun here?
Of course, it is not very appropriate to say that it is the sun.

Its light has no temperature. The temperature here...is about the same as that at Croxanne's, maybe a little bit higher, but Li Wen is not that sensitive.

Secondly, the image of this ball of light is so specific that Li Wen can even see its curved surface clearly, which is too far from the appearance of a dazzling optical disc on the Gaia continent.

Li Wen lowered his head, looked at the lush green under his feet and fell into deep thought.

How can a light sphere with no heat...in other words, no energy output keep these plants flourishing?
Of course, it's understandable for the alien plane to be unreasonable... right?
So weird.

Li Wen pondered slightly in his heart, and took the steps of exploration.

In any case, one must first find the natives of this plane and learn more about the situation before proceeding to the next step of exploration.

According to Croxan, there are quite a lot of signs of life here, even compared to the Gaia continent.

And the place I sent myself here was to find a place where the magic elements were calm and there were some signs of peaceful life around.

Should be easy to find...

Sure enough, within a few steps, a small village surrounded by wooden fences appeared before Li Wen's eyes.

The village was quiet, with no one moving around.

Only in front of the wooden gate of the fence, there are two listless...human beings leaning against the fence?
After carefully seeing the two figures, Li Wen was overjoyed that they were indeed human beings.

Of course, the human beings on the alien plane may not be the same as themselves, but at least they are similar in appearance.

The appearance of human beings is so good, at least it seems that they are not so special.

After all, Croxanne can only detect signs of life, not specific races. Originally, Li Wen was worried about this issue, wondering if he needed to use the transformation technique to act, but now it seems that he has saved a lot of trouble.

I squeezed a pinch of salt powder from the small bag I carried with me, and after a few seconds to cast a ritual spell step by step, Li Wen, who was approaching normally, instantly aroused the two people who seemed to be dozing off. "Humanity".


It fell into Li Wen's ears to use a language of a completely different system from the Gaia continent, but it became a meaning that Li Wen was familiar with——

"What are you doing!"

This is the effect of the spell.

1st-Level Spell—Comprehend Languages ​​(Prophecy) (Ritual): You know the literal meaning of all languages ​​you hear for the duration of the spell.You can also read the literal meaning of written words by touching them.Reading each page of text in this way takes 3 minute.Certain written or graphical ciphers (such as an arcane rune) cannot be deciphered by this spell because they do not belong to the category of written languages.Release time: 1 seconds.Cooldown: None.Duration: Up to [-] hour.Casting distance: Limit yourself.

In order to explore the alien plane, Li Wenke made full preparations.

After being promoted to level 12, there are a lot of qualifications for learning spells. Li Wenquan filled the quota with low-level spells, most of which are functional spells.

A mage may be able to fry, but a mage doesn't only have to fry.

So even if the Karl simulator, and even the subsequent research and development of the Karl simulator, have achieved excellent results, it still cannot completely replace the current spell system.

Compared with pure destruction, there are still a large number of practical spells used in other aspects in the current spell system.

Mages are omnipotent, they can truly change the world.

This is the charm of a mage, and it is also the real reason why the former goddess of magic banned spells above nine rings.

Of course, after reaching level 12, Li Wen could even use spells with the highest sixth ring.

It's a pity that apart from a trigger spell, Li Wen didn't have any channels to obtain more spells beyond the third ring.

As for the triggering technique itself, I learned how to do it while researching the Elemental Mastery Specialty in the field three days ago.

Knowing how to master hands does not mean being proficient, and when there are no more six-ring spells as a control group, it is also difficult for Li Wen to use the knowledge about "mystery" obtained from the green dragon's insight.

What's more, after learning how to do it, the incident of the Moon of Frenzy happened, and Li Wen didn't have the thought to study it.

The most is to use the gap of two rest periods every day to release some self-preservation spells.

The trigger technique can keep a spell effect for ten days, and you can customize the trigger conditions, which is quite easy to use.

This is why Li Wen has the confidence to explore the alien plane himself.

Don't look at him with nothing on him now, if he was attacked by a bunch of spells, the aura would light up.

Right now, due to the effect of the spell, Li Wen can communicate with the local aborigines on the alien plane without hindrance.


Li Wen said to the other party with a smile.

Afraid of saying too much, Li Wen's explanation was as concise as possible before he learned more about the humanities in the world of Mad Moon.

The aborigine who asked the question did not believe rashly, but stared at Li Wen's body up and down.

In fact, there is not much special about Li Wen's dress. In order not to attract attention, he is wearing the civilian clothes he usually wears.

Although the clothes are slightly neater and cleaner than the aboriginal clothes, there is not much class difference.


too skinny.

There is too much blood.

Their respective thoughts jumped from the hearts of Li Wen and the indigenous people almost at the same time.

When talking after walking in, Li Wen discovered that the appearance of the other party was not much different from that of Gaia continent, but his figure was so thin that it was not too much to say that he was skinny, as if a gust of wind could blow him Walk.

His face was pale, with a look of yin deficiency with insufficient blood.

Although the eyes are bright and full of insights from intelligent creatures, overall, they still look weak.

In the eyes of the natives, Li Wen was equally strange. As a human being, his complexion was ruddy and he was full of energy, just like those elves and dwarves.

Serious human beings generally do not exist like this, could it be... Could it be...

Realizing a terrifying possibility, the speaking native waved secretly to another native beside him.

Li Wen saw all his little moves, but he didn't show any strangeness, he just smiled and wanted to get close.

"Master, what do you do?"


The aborigine looked at Li Wen strangely, feeling more and more that his guess was correct.

I heard that group of people really don't have a good brain.

So the time spent with Li Wen was incomparably tormented.

(Damn it, why hasn’t old Ivan come back! Let him go to invite Master Borg for so long!)

The aborigines didn't speak, but kept staring at Li Wen with some kind of guarded eyes.

Until the noisy sound came from a corner of the village.

Looking at the flames that started to rise, Li Wen asked curiously.

"What happened?"

The aborigine kept his fierce face as much as possible. After hearing Li Wen's words, he was nervous and immediately replied viciously.

"Don't care about your business, just wait here and don't move! Otherwise, you will have good fruit!"

Li Wen closed his mouth obediently.

However, as a level 12 professional, his five senses are slightly stronger than normal people. After a moment of silence, he heard the faint wailing and roaring sounds coming from the wind, so Li Wen rubbed his hands. hand, and tried to ask again.

"But it seems like a big problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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