I can't be an NPC

Chapter 143 Blood Curse?

Chapter 143 Blood Curse?
The native glanced back quickly, then turned his head back immediately, and said quickly.

"What's the matter, don't try to lie to me, I have the eyes of the wise guardian! You cunning foreigner... huh?"

It wasn't until he turned his head to face Li Wen that the native realized what he had just seen.




The aborigine picked up the steel fork at hand, turned around and wanted to run to the accident site.

Suddenly remembering that there was Li Wen beside him, he quickly turned around and said to Li Wen viciously.

"You wait here and don't move, or you will be rewarded! Master Borg in our village is not a vegetarian!"

Li Wen raised his face slightly and looked at the native who was a head taller than him, and replied with a smile.

"Good Le~"

However, as soon as the front foot native entered, Li Wen followed.

Can you not watch the excitement?
A crazy-looking man was shuttling between the simple wooden houses. Although he was thin, he moved swiftly, and it was difficult for the villagers who were also skinny to keep up with his movements for a while.

Even under heavy siege and interception, he couldn't be subdued for a while.

On the contrary, several fire sources were randomly knocked over, easily igniting some flammable items in the village.

Chasing people chasing people, fighting fires, it was extremely lively.

Li Wen got closer, and when the man frantically ran past him, he realized that the man was holding a large black thing in his right hand, and was biting vigorously on it while running.

A few villagers holding steel forks waved the steel forks, which was inconvenient to move, and they did not dare to greet people casually.

Messy voices poured into Li Wen's ears from all directions.

"Stop! Stop! Stop running!"

"Stop you little bastard!"

"Stop him, stop him quickly! Don't feed him!"

"Little Linton's hungry! He's hungry!"

"Is he also under the blood curse!"

"Take people under control first!"

"Where's Master Borg?"

"Master Borg...drunk..."

Li Wen glanced around, but didn't find any villager with the strength of a professional.

Is it too miserable?
However, is this just an opportunity to perform?

hee hee~
"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Although the man seemed to be running around in the village, his purpose remained the same, he just wanted to run outside the village.

While escaping, a woman who just heard the noise coming out of the house happened to appear on the way he was escaping.

The crazy-looking man obviously frightened the woman who had just woken up, and froze there for a moment.

Since the man with the shortest line between two points is unwilling to take a detour, he waved his hand and prepared to violently push the woman blocking the way.

At this time, a soft voice sounded from not far away, "Ding."

Li Wen has been chasing the escaped man not far away, and a small rectangular iron piece disappeared at the fingertips during the movement of his fingers. Following short incantations and gestures, the figure of the man pointed at by Li Wen stopped, as if It froze like a frame and stopped there for an instant.

The outstretched hand almost touched the woman's shoulder, but it just froze there.

From extreme movement to extreme stillness, only in an instant.

The eyeballs with only two eyes are still turning around with some kind of anxious gaze, trying to find who is restraining him.

Second-level spell—hold human being (enchantment): a humanoid creature you can see within the specified casting range.The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration of the spell.The target can make another Wisdom saving throw every 6 seconds. A successful save ends the effect of the spell on it.

(Ascending ring spell casting effect: When using a third-level or higher spell slot to cast this spell, you can designate an additional humanoid creature every time the spell slot you use is higher than the second-level spell slot. When specifying a target, each target creature Must be within 30 feet of other targets.) Release time: 3 seconds.Cooldown: 30 seconds.Duration: Up to 1 minute, requires sustained concentration.Casting Range: 60 feet.

Magic is not just about fighting and killing.

Seeing that the man was frozen out of thin air, the villagers looked dumbfounded instead.

"Spell! It's a spell!"

"Which elf master is here?"

"It's him!"

Li Wen, who was dressed a little differently from the locals, appeared in front of everyone.

The aboriginal gatekeeper with a steel fork quickly walked not far from Li Wen and then slowed down, looking at Li Wen with admiration and fear.

"My... my lord? So you are a mage... why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Li Wen shrugged, "You didn't ask?"

Although I don't know why professionals seem to be some kind of rare existence in this world, Li Wen is also relieved.

In this way, it should be regarded as temporarily integrated into the aborigines of this world, right?

Seeing the villagers gradually swarming over like watching a monkey, Li Wen raised his chin at the man who was pinned down.

"I said, don't you need to consider his situation first?"

While speaking, Li Wen secretly rubbed his fingers, feeling a little strange.

The ceremonial spells that were cast before - the mastery of the language can't be seen, after all, the ceremonial spells are cumbersome.

However, when performing the Human Body Immobilization Technique this time, Li Wen was surprised to find that the process of casting the spell was unexpectedly smooth.

Clear thinking, as if accomplished overnight.

Has the blood frenzy's influence on him been reduced?

But why?

Could it be that the natural environment of this world naturally inhibits this reaction?

Or... the sun?
Li Wen casually glanced at the ball of light hanging in the sky, no matter how you look at it, the ball of light is very strange.

Facing Li Wen's order...or what they saw as an order, an older middle-aged man among the villagers who surrounded him nodded as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Oh~ Hurry up and tie up Xiao Linton and see what's going on with him!"

As he spoke, he walked towards Li Wen again, with the same fear and admiration in his eyes as the janitor steel fork, and his tone of voice was apologetic.

"grown ups……"

Li Wen shook his head, "Don't worry about me, let's see what's going on with him first."

A villager mentioned the blood curse just now, and Li Wen suspected that it was most likely the blood frenzy Helen mentioned.

It's normal for different worlds to have different names for the same thing.

He would like to see if the natives who can survive the Moon of Madness for a long time and establish a stable civilization have any good solutions to this phenomenon.

"Good Le~"

A human mage who can cast spells must be an adult of noble blood, which is the absolute truth in the eyes of the natives.

A grown-up like this naturally does what he says.

Seeing that the villagers tied up the young man named Xiao Lindun tightly, Li Wencai took the initiative to stop maintaining the spell.

The young man who had been removed from the spell looked at Li Wen who had restrained him, his eyes were full of fanaticism and a bit of hidden fear.

"My lord! My lord! Help me! Help me! You must be able to speak to the elves! I beg you to let them give me a place in the well of elves! I can't take it anymore! I can't take it anymore !"

The middle-aged man who seemed to be the village head couldn't see Xiao Linton's crazy appearance, so he took a wooden stick as thick as a wrist in his hand and slammed it on his buttocks.

"Don't scare your lord!"

Then he squatted down in front of Linton with a solemn expression, his eyes caught his confused eyes solemnly.

"Honestly, have you been under the blood curse! When did you get it?"

Xiao Linton dodged his eyes, did not dare to look at him, and did not answer.

The middle-aged man sighed slightly, stood up and said sadly.

"It seems so."

The wooden stick in his hand was pestered on the ground, and the man said with a sad expression.

"Little Linton, you know the rules..."

"Don't! Don't! Don't drive me away!"

Linton, who was tied up, began to struggle wildly, "Don't let me go to the Underdark! I don't want to go there!"

The middle-aged man sighed softly.

"You still have a way to go there, stay here...you know it in the end."

Li Wen just listened on the sidelines, secretly writing down every word they said and trying to extract the information, while remaining silent.

He who knew nothing about this world said a lot and made a lot of mistakes.

The middle-aged man who watched Li Wen's silence retracted his passing gaze, and waved his hand weakly.

"Take him down first."

"Good village chief!"

As he spoke, he looked at Li Wen again.

"Your Excellency... I surprised you."

The other party was so respectful, so Li Wen went along with it. Maybe professionals in this world should be so honorable?

He waved his hand, "It's okay."

As he said that, watching the back of Xiao Lindun who had been set up by two villagers, Li Wen cautiously began to ask according to the small part of the information he had just learned.

"Do you often get blood curses here?"

(End of this chapter)

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