I can't be an NPC

Chapter 154: Treating the Symptoms is worse than Treating the Roots?

Chapter 154: Treating the Symptoms is worse than Treating the Roots?

One day earlier, Anastrina reminded Li Wen to prepare for the next day.

When reminded, the face of the Sun Elf lady was a little weird.

"At that time, master, please be patient as much as possible. There may be some gossip. Don't take it to heart when you hear it."


Li Wen was a little puzzled, he was innocent and did nothing.

You can't smear people's innocence out of thin air.

"It's about the quota of the Moon Well."

Anastrina patiently explained: "There are a number of places in the Moonwell, all of which are divided among our families and the council. Generally speaking, these places are only for each family to recruit promising humans. The quota in the council may be fairer. , distributed in the form of some kind of lottery. But no matter what, the target of obtaining the places is those humans with talents, and Linton... the most important thing is that the original places have actually been allocated. This is a temporary... crowded The one that came down."

Li Wen nodded, indicating that he understood what Anastrina meant.

Linton's talent may not be good, and it is indeed easy to cause controversy when he squeezes out another person who may have a great future.

There are so-called conflicts of interests anywhere in the world. Even within the same race or even within a family, it is difficult for them to be all in one piece.

And the person who caused this abnormal situation is naturally at the core of the discussion.

But there is another problem that is not a problem.

"This quota belongs to Miss Aletta's family, right?"

Others shouldn't be able to intervene in their own affairs, right?
Also said that this rumor came from the family?
The two elf ladies were reluctant to talk about these things before, but now that they are talking about it, Li Wen certainly wants to ask for clarification.

"Not at all..."

Anastrina shook her head, "This matter is also related to Sister Aletta herself. Some of the ideas that Sister Aletta insists on exploring the world have conflicted with many people. To tell you the truth, the relationship between my sister and I So when I went to a small town like Queiroz, it was precisely because I had a quarrel with some people at an academic research conference in the main city not long ago, so I went to that place to relax. It's just a coincidence."

While speaking, Anastrina felt a little emotional, maybe this is fate.

Fate is destiny, happiness is yours and mine...

"So whenever my sister behaves in a way that doesn't seem 'smart', there is always some cynicism. They don't necessarily want to get anything, they just want to hit sister Aletta. I warn you in advance, just because I'm afraid You don't understand the situation, and you have conflicts with people. Sister Aletta just wants to do her own research, and generally doesn't pay attention to those people, so I don't want you to be affected by it."


Li Wen responded immediately, "I can't see and I can't hear, I pretend I can't hear what I say, and get angry with them."

Anastrina narrowed her eyes and laughed, "Yes! That's right! Just ignore them, and they will be even angrier."


The next day arrived.

The place where the Moonwell ceremony is held is not inside the main city of the elves.

The moon well is a natural wonder. The entire city of the main city can be lifted into the sky, but the moon well cannot be taken away.

It is located in a jungle in the ancestral land of the elves, not far from the main city of the elves.

When they gathered in the city to go to the Moon Well, Li Wen met Miss Aletta, the moon elf who had been separated for a few days.

Li Wen belonged to her, and Linton's place was also requested by her to be replaced. Naturally, she had to personally come forward for such a matter.

It just seemed that this Miss Moon Elf's face was a bit haggard at the moment.

"what happened?"

Anastrina obviously didn't know, seeing the haggard look on Aletta's face, she asked worriedly.

Sighing slightly, Aletta waved her hand, "It's about the Dwarf King, I'll talk to you after the ceremony is over."

Li Wen watched coldly, without saying a word.

I am very clear about how capable I am. It is not easy for me, an outsider, to intervene in this kind of matter between the two indigenous races, nor do I have the qualifications.

Being an honest listener might make you feel better.

After the assembly, the representatives of all the families, as well as the humans who actually needed the Moon Well places, boarded the floating ships moored at the port in front of them.

The Floating Void City naturally has the supporting facilities that the Floating Void City needs. The vine "elevator" that Li Wen and the two elf ladies ride is just a simple upper and lower device developed by the elves themselves. The real large-scale population travel still depends on large-scale transportation. .

It has to be said that this is also the first time Li Wen has seen this thing.

In terms of shape, it is not much different from those ships sailing at sea, but it is driven by some kind of magic circle, and it only needs to be driven by at least a third-level mage to go up and down.

The magic tree of people in this world is really crooked...

"This is not our own creation."

After getting along for a few days, Anastrina somewhat understood what Li Wen's facial expression represented. At this moment, she seemed to have seen Li Wen's thoughts, and she took the initiative to explain aloud.

"It's the supporting facilities that the great arcanist left behind when he helped us build the floating city."

Li Wen pinched his chin.

"This seems to be able to fly?"

Anastrina understood what Li Wen meant.

Maybe sitting on this boat can fly to the "Luna".

"My sister also tried it, but unfortunately it was rejected. They said that these are the only floating airships that can still move. If they break, they will be completely gone."



The airship took off slowly without making any sound.

The scenery outside the ship receded quickly, but Li Wen, who was standing on the deck, did not feel any feeling of being hit by the strong wind.

It's like... the constant environment in Leomont's hut.

When he came to the side of the ship, Li Wen stretched out his hand, and found that even though he stretched out his hand over the side of the ship, he did not feel the riot of the air current.

Aletta stood beside Li Wen, explaining the reason softly, "There is a spherical protective cover that wraps the entire floating ship, and you can't feel anything from this distance."

Li Wen nodded.

The power of spells does not prevent mages from flying into the sky, but it can also protect themselves.

But allowing everyone to enjoy this kind of convenience is not something ordinary spells can do.

It is hard to imagine how powerful the human great arcanist was during the time of the Ossirium Empire.

Those human beings who got the moon well quota and took the airship for the first time are scattered on the deck and shipboard of the airship at this moment. This is an extremely rare scene in their lives. Also full of waves.

When the ship shuttles between the sea of ​​clouds, it seems that you can touch the soft clouds that used to be high above you with your hands.

When the sky is no longer far away, curious birds fly together not far from the hull.

When the line of sight can easily overlook the earth, everything on the ground that used to look huge has now become very small, and it will naturally make people feel heroic.

Only when you change your perspective will you find that the world is so wonderful.

Everything in the past seems to be no longer important.

Even after this trip is over, everyone has to go back to their respective trajectories to continue their so-called life.

While also looking at the scenery outside the ship, Miss Aletta's gaze was only looking at the distant distance.

The blue sky meanders down, like a curved surface, connecting with the end of the line of sight and the earth.

"It must be a sphere."

she says.

"Maybe it's really a sphere..."

Li Wen looked into the distance and responded to her words.


The ancestral land with the moon well is not far from the floating city, and the wonderful journey will eventually come to an end.

When the floating ship landed smoothly, some human beings were still a little bit unsatisfied.

However, rituals related to fate are obviously more important.

Only after drinking the water from the Moon Well and reincarnating as a real half-elf can their fate be completely liberated, instead of worrying day and night that they will be eroded by the blood curse and become those emotionless, crazy and barbaric people. Werewolves and vampires.

Li Wen followed behind the two elves, and saw Linton who had been taken away by the elves for a series of physical and aptitude tests.

At this time, Linton was wearing loose clothing, standing in the crowd with a worried expression on his face.

After several days of cynicism from his companions, he realized how difficult it was for him to get this spot, and he also became more aware of the price Li Wen had paid.

Poppy, my Poppy!

Li Wen didn't care about what Linton thought in his heart, and it didn't take much effort to agree to a request. Instead, Aletta bore the greatest pressure.

If Anastrina hadn't explained it to herself, I'm afraid I would never know these ways between elves for the rest of my life.

Come to think of it, this is also a little thought of this Miss Sun Elf, she doesn't want her sister Aletta to take the blame for her good deeds, and the person concerned is completely kept in the dark, taking it for granted.

Whether to offer more remuneration and leave it for a later date, at this moment, Li Wen just looked at the several moon wells in front of him, his eyes full of inquiry.

The mouth of the well, which is randomly piled up by gray and white rocks, is the so-called Moon Well Spring.

The blue spring water continuously floats into the air, dotted with fleeting blue light spots like fireflies.

Is this the thing that can make humans reincarnate into half elves?
Can human beings no longer be eroded by the blood curse?

In the process of this change, is there anything that can be used for reference to help oneself figure out a way to completely solve the large-scale blood frenzy that Gaia is facing.

This is what Li Wen is most concerned about.


But obviously, this road cannot be replicated on a large scale.

Li Wen, who was allowed to watch Linton drink the spring water from the Moonwell from a close distance, and was soaked in the spring water and cast spells jointly by several elf mages, did not find any clues from the flow of magic elements.

When he probed Linton's inner body with some gentle magic power, the feedback he got was extremely simple——

Some kind of strange power directly rewritten Linton's own life factor in a tough posture.

In this process, the "bad blood" that caused the body to be affected by the blood curse has no place to stand.

The blood curse, or the blood frenzy is to make the blood in the body produce another will, and become the daughter of the frenzied moon.

However, this ritual directly replaces the individual's whole body blood, and it is still a complete blood exchange at the bottom level based on the nature of race.

Even the blood type has been changed, so naturally there will be no blood curse.

This process coincides with the knowledge that Li Wen once obtained about the characteristics of elves.

This is the simple reincarnation ceremony of the elves, using the magical power of the moon well water to forcibly reverse the underlying life factor of a life.

This is the authority of the Creator, this is the authority of the gods.

It seems that a small human being like him is not qualified to peep.

Despite the anticipation and preparation in his heart, Li Wen couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Is even this road completely cut off?

Li Wen bit his lip, his eyes dim.

What else can be done?
and also……

His eyes drifted slowly, and finally, Li Wen raised his head and looked at the frenzied moon hanging far in the sky, whose surface seemed to be wrapped in dried blood.

According to the two elf ladies, it seems that that is the root of the problem.

Treating the symptoms is worse than treating the root cause?
(End of this chapter)

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