I can't be an NPC

Chapter 155 The ambition of the dwarf king

Chapter 155 The ambition of the dwarf king
Li Wen's figure is undoubtedly special.

From Li Wen's point of view, he is just a passer-by in this world, and he doesn't care even if he observes the changes in Linton's body at close range at the Moonwell, where no one is close except the spellcaster.

However, in the eyes of others, even if Li Wen got permission, even if this kind of observation would not interfere with the progress of the ceremony, no one has ever done so, and it is some kind of offense if you do so.

So after the ceremony ended, several figures of elves approached Li Wen and the other three.

The face is full of the same arrogance, surprisingly, in a race of handsome men and beautiful women like the elves, even this kind of arrogant pride does not seem so unworthy.

"Miss Aletta, if you don't study the truth of your world, how can you have the time to care about such trivial things?"

One of the elves glanced randomly at Li Wen's chest twice, but didn't find the existence of the family badge, and immediately spoke sarcastically.

"It seems that you must be a legendary professional, right? Otherwise, how could our proud Miss Aletta be so flattering?"

The words elicited a small chuckle.

As we all know, humans on the mainland do not have legendary professionals.

The two elf ladies didn't say a word, they just walked towards the airship with inky faces.

The ceremony is over, so naturally it is time to go back.

In the direction of departure, the surrounding elves subconsciously stepped aside.

Li Wen followed behind the two elf ladies.

Just before he was about to leave the encirclement of those elves, he turned his head and blinked his right eye at a few elves whose faces were gloomy because they were ignored.

"Maybe soon, you will be able to see Miss Aletta's verification results?"

The elves who were hit back by Li Wen were stunned, and then became excited. Finally, someone responded to their provocation!

However, just as he was about to launch a vigorous counterattack, he realized that Li Wen had turned around and followed the footsteps of the two elf ladies.

Although the two elf ladies walking in front were not in a bright mood, they couldn't help but smile when they heard Li Wen's words.

On the way back, in the cabin with no outsiders, Anastrina asked again what Aletta hadn't mentioned before.

The sorrow on Aletta's eyebrows has never dissipated, and she sighed when she was asked again at this moment.

"The dwarf king decided to send troops to wipe out the Underdark region, and all three tribes who were corrupted by the blood curse will be executed. He wants to build a brand new world that is absolutely bright, absolutely righteous, and will never be troubled by the blood curse."

"Where did he get the confidence?"

Empty words have no proof, anyone can say hello.

But if there is no practical possibility, the top elves are not three-year-olds.

Aletta smiled wryly.

"I'm afraid, there are."

Although she didn't know the specific process, and her mother, the chairman of the council, didn't explain too much to her, but since a private meeting between only a few high-level elves and the dwarf king, the attitude of many high-level elves is inclined to the dwarf king.

In other words, his approach was actually feasible in the eyes of most elves, otherwise no one would support his decision.

"Is it really possible?"

"Can it completely solve the erosion of the blood curse?"

Li Wen and Anastrina questioned subconsciously.

The blood curse is a problem that the Mad Moon Continent needs to face permanently, and it is also the most urgent problem in the Gaia Continent at present.

Aletta shook her head, "It's not to solve the blood curse, but to prevent the possibility of the remaining people being exposed to the blood curse."


Can't understand.

"Is there any detailed news?"

Aletta nodded, "Yes, I actually heard a little bit about it. But..."

Anastrina and Li Wen immediately expressed their opinions and pulled their mouths, and they almost spoke in unison.

"Secret! I understand!"


Aletta smiled helplessly, "I don't know if the news I got is true."

Anastrina grinned.

"Fake ones are fine, just have fun."

"Okay... I actually just heard a sentence - 'The manifestation is the cause, and the cause is the manifestation. The symptoms are also the root cause.'"

Anastrina held her chin and began to use her imagination.

"So, the blood curse infects life, and life in turn will provide some kind of... power for the blood curse? The two complement each other, and if one of them is cut off, the blood curse will break without attack?"

Li Wen also began to recall some of the information he had obtained.

"The manifestation of the blood curse is to stimulate and amplify certain desires of the infected. Young people are gluttonous, aggressive, eager for power and wealth, old people are afraid of death... There are many other desires. Eliminate these people with strong desires, Will it be able to completely cut off a certain source of power of the blood curse?"

Aletta nodded.

"My guess is about the same."

Anastrina frowned, "In this case, how big is the scope? Not to mention those werewolves and vampires in the Underdark, many ordinary people still have these desires? What should they do?"

Aletta had deep brows and eyes, and said in a dignified tone, "Kill."

This is exactly what she has been worrying about these days.

"So from what I've heard, the dwarf king meant to kill, not only to completely wipe out all werewolves and vampires in the Underdark, but also to use heavy punishments in civilized society. All of them will be obliterated by force. Killing the last tens of hundreds of years will completely cut off the seeds of the blood curse. Starting from our generation, we will survive with a broken arm. It will bring peace to all generations to come! And there will be no such individuals with tyrannical desires In the end, this world will finally usher in an era without darkness, without ghosts, and only with endless light and justice. Only in such an era of absolute justice will the infestation of the blood curse be cut off forever. This is the ambition of the dwarf king !"

too aggressive...

Also too bloody.

Anastrina also frowned when she understood everything.

"That's... so many lives."

Anastrina's mind is also the insistence of those high-level elves who are still unwilling to support the dwarf king.

The reason why the Underdark exists is actually the acquiescence of the elves and dwarves.

After all, before becoming werewolves and vampires, the residents of the Underdark were originally members of the three major races.

They are all former compatriots. Even if they can't live together, they always hope that the other party can die.

And because of the existence of the eleven-ring spell in the sky—Eternal Light, except for a few powerful or special individuals, the rest of the werewolves and vampires couldn't act under the glow of Eternal Light for a long time.

The Underdark is the last pure land for werewolves and vampires.

These prerequisites allow the two sides to maintain a barely balanced balance.

But now...all of these will be broken.

This sense of powerlessness in the midst of large-scale changes and drifting with the waves made the two elf ladies feel sorry for each other.

On the other hand, Li Wen thought more.

The two elf ladies are limited by their knowledge, and they don't know that there is a continent of Gaia.

But Li Wen knew.

If, according to the information so far...assuming that this kind of killing is really useful, will the people of the Gaia continent also be able to provide some kind of... motivation for the blood curse?
Whether it is just the cleaning behavior on this continent that can really solve the problem.

If not, how should the Gaia continent deal with itself?
Do the humans over there know about this possible solution.

Will people who know this method use this method in the same way?

And if you use it... I seem to be on the elimination list?

"Master Poppy? Master Poppy?"

The call in his ear made Li Wen blink his eyes, recovering from his thoughts.

"It's almost here."

"Oh oh~"

Li Wen pursed his lips, perhaps it was some kind of sad mood that made him subconsciously want to stop this situation.

"Are they already, sure they want to do this?"

Aletta bit her lip.

"The situation is not optimistic, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless there is some irresistible force that makes them suspend this decision and find out more variables."

Li Wen squinted his eyes, "For example, is the weight recovered by the sword song technique enough?"

"That was the skill that our elves were most proud of in the past, so it naturally has this weight."

"But the art of sword song has been lost for a long time, and now Luna, the most outstanding dancer who inherits this skill, can only use it to perform some performances."

Li Wen nodded and said nothing.

If it's something else, he's probably not very good at it yet.

But creating a new profession... seems like a bit of a professional counterpart?
(End of this chapter)

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