I can't be an NPC

Chapter 156 Legendary Bronze Dragon

Chapter 156 The Legendary Bronze Dragon (To express some apologies...)
After returning to the mansion, Li Wen went straight back to the room, making the two elves who still wanted to find someone to talk with couldn't help curling their lips.

"Master Bobby seems to like being alone."

"Typical academic style."


One more reason.

In fact, when he was disappointed by the moon well, Li Wen had already put his plans on the art of sword song.

It's not that the sword song technique can save the blood curse, but... the sword song technique may allow him to gain more trust from a certain elf lady, and support him in his next possible... crazy behavior.

Like, steal a ship?
That's right.

From the moment he learned that he might be able to find a solution from the blood moon itself, Li Wen was already thinking about it.

In addition, I have also seen a vehicle like a floating ship that can fly into the sky and escape from the ground. If you don't take action, are you still a person?
Anyway, it is to find a way, no matter how incredible the method is, you can try it.

If everything fails, and the final world chaos follows the civil strife of the orcs, or as the Dwarf King said, it will start to establish a glorious age, that is also a no-brainer.

It's all done.

As for waiting to die?


If you can get the first Moonwell quota, you can get the second one. At worst, you will be reincarnated as a half-elf, still cool and unrestrained.

Li Wen made a decision and began to devote himself to the final sprint stage.

Li Wen already had some experience with the art of sword song.

This is the first brand-new creation that Li Wen started to research simply by relying on his own learning, but in fact it is not all.

The knowledge about the racial characteristics of elves obtained from the elves of the Gaia continent also plays a key role in this matter.

The art of sword song is exclusive to elves, and neither dwarves nor humans have the chance to learn it.

The essential reason is that the art of sword song requires the pursuit of art that the elves come from their blood.

Singing is also a way of communicating magical elements, essentially the same as the spells used by ordinary mages when casting spells.

Spells can communicate magical elements, putting them into alignment, and so can singing.

In Chapter 1 of Sword Song Art, there is just this sentence - "The holy words of creation are still echoing in the background sound of the universe."

Wonderful rhythm is also a smooth way to communicate the law.

Coupled with the natural agility of the elves and their closeness to various light weapons in their blood, they created the unique skill of sword song that only elves can learn to use.

The most important thing is that Li Wen even took the lead in perfecting the sub-task of the dual cultivation of tactics such as the arcane knight.

Although the two focus on different directions, there are some similarities in the end.

Now, Li Wen, who has enough understanding of all these, seems to be able to "recover" this elf characteristic mage that disappeared in the years in his own way.

Before coming here, Li Wen also gave players enough confidence by opening up the harvest of human race talent, coupled with the follow-up spread of Arcane Knights and Paladins in the past few days.

A total of 116 million soul energy can be squandered at will.


Where did Li Wen go?
Having just received the news from the upper floors, Helen walked to the window sill with some worry, looking in the direction of Mink Street.

In the past few days, the blood frenzy has affected more and more people, and the degree of influence has gradually deepened.

There are more and more civilians locked in the circle in the central square of the city. It is not an easy task to maintain and manage the livelihood and order of those people every day.

Even with the selfless dedication and constant surveillance of those Chosen Ones, more and more human beings who have been affected by the blood frenzy are still boldly resisting.

And because human beings have a good proportion of professionals nowadays, even if most of them are only two or three-level professionals, after being affected by the blood frenzy, their strength will have a sharp increase, and they even have various strange and powerful characteristics - such as Powerful regeneration ability, dodge ability and even some kind of strange escape ability.

So much so that those Chosen Ones with an average level of about eight or nine fell into a hard fight when facing a large number of blood frenzy.

But the strange thing is, facing this kind of difficult battle of wits and courage, these Chosen Ones burst out with even greater enthusiasm, which Helen couldn't understand.

Whenever this happens, Helen always thinks of that guy. After all, when facing the Chosen One, this strange guy always has his own unimaginable methods.

But now, when Helen thinks of Li Wen, it's not because of the Chosen One.

It's... worrying.

Worried about Li Wen, worried about the blood frenzy on Li Wen.

The blood frenzy wasn't serious enough to completely disturb the mind. With the kind of self-control that Li Wen had shown before, Helen certainly wasn't worried that Li Wen would be hurt by the blood frenzy itself during this period. one thing...

Bronze dragon Glixis.

Ordinary people naturally don't know this famous bronze dragon.

But some city residents who live by the sea, as well as most high-level professionals, are familiar with the name of this legendary bronze dragon.

Although it is not a god, in the eyes of fishermen or sailors who often go to sea on the Gaia continent, it is more reliable than gods.

In the event of an island robbery or a hurricane at sea, instead of praying to the god of the storm and the traveler, it is better to call the name of the bronze dragon Glixis who may be sleeping or wandering nearby.

With the blessing of this legendary bronze dragon, the sea area is often calm, and no pirates dare to act presumptuously.

At the same time, this bronze dragon is not only active on the sea.

It also often transforms into various forms of creatures, mingling everywhere in human society.

On the land near the coastline, if there happened to be some crimes discovered by it, the perpetrators would often be hung on nearby big trees or city gates.

The body is often stripped naked by this playful legendary bronze dragon, and some funny patterns are drawn with black mud or ink.

Of course, few lucky ones were able to see him in person, and few who were helped knew at the time that it was this great legendary bronze dragon who saved them from their tragic fate.

People tend to be belated.

Only through careful analysis of some clues afterwards can we know who helped mankind.

So although few people looked directly at the real body of this bronze dragon, its name was still resounding in the ears of many people.

He is a messenger of justice.

He is the faith of sailors.

He is a good partner that human beings can always rely on.

And has been famous for many years.

The farthest legend that Helen has heard can be traced back to the childhood of her teacher who was over 100 years old.

In other words, this legendary bronze dragon has been doing this kind of thing for hundreds of years.

He is very old.

The prestige of such a bronze dragon in human society is unimaginable.

Therefore, when the legendary bronze dragon proposed that he had a method that could completely solve the blood frenzy, the high-level human beings believed that he had this ability almost irresistibly.

The only thing that makes people feel a little hesitant... is the method proposed by this legendary bronze dragon, which is a bit...unbelievable.

Kill all humans affected by the blood frenzy!

They had almost the same plan for facing the disaster of beast blood boiling in the past orc period.

I just don't know if the orcs at that time had no choice but to choose this only solution after discovering the truth.

Historical records are often not necessarily credible.

And killing is not everything, and even today's moderate code needs to be rewritten.

Let anyone who commits crimes have only the death penalty.

In other words, from now on, there will be no distinction between major crimes and minor crimes in the code.

As long as you break the law, you only have to die!

Only when everyone who walks in the sun is worthy of a sunny heart, and only when there is no haze under the sun, can human beings become the eternal protagonists of Gaia!

This crazy plan naturally caused an uproar from the moment it was proposed.

The high-level officials of the Kingdom did not dare to make decisions without authorization, so they handed over the final decision-making power to every person in power across the country in the form of some kind of ballot.

Helen is also one of them.

It also means that if you cast your yes vote, it is tantamount to putting shackles on the lives of those who were attacked by the blood frenzy...including Li Wen's life.

But if you vote against... it is irresponsible to everyone else.

Besides, is an absolutely bright and just world really the future that everyone yearns for?

Helen was undecided.

(End of this chapter)

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