I can't be an NPC

Chapter 157 The new sub-post - Jian Yong

Chapter 157 The new sub-post - Jian Yong

Research and development across races is naturally not easy.

It took Li Wen's 73 soul energy to break out this mage job that only the elves can take up.

In other words, instead of smashing out sub-jobs, it smashed out features.

[In order to respond to the new features, the mage sub-class—? ? ?emerge in the path. 】

[You have discovered a brand new sub-job. As its creator, you can name it, and you can freely choose whether to take up the job regardless of racial restrictions, and you will not be subject to any job transfer penalty for the first job transfer. 】

Li Wen rubbed his hands.

The sub-job that I made up is naturally quite in line with my own wishes.

Turn hard!

As for the name...

Just call it "Sword Wing".

[You have chosen to transfer to the School of Sword Chanting. 】

[From now on, you have obtained the level 2 characteristic of the Sword and Wing School - combined combat skills. 】

[Combat tactics: From level 2 onwards, when you adopt this inheritance, you will gain proficiency in light armor and a proficiency in a one-handed melee weapon of your choice.Also gain proficiency in the Perform skill, if you are not already proficient in that skill. 】

I can finally be an actor! (no)
This feature replaces the feature that halved the learning and memorization time of protection faction spells when I specialized in the protection school. The previous feature cannot be said to be useless, but it can only be said to be useless.

Li Wen is a genius. It doesn't take much effort to learn and memorize spells from other factions. So what if it's halved?

Switching to today's features is undoubtedly a huge improvement.

Proficiency in light armor allows Li Wen to directly increase the defense value by at least 1 point depending on the quality of the armor after wearing the armor.

Orthodox mages cannot wear armor, otherwise the weight of the armor and the hindrance to movement will make some spellcasting actions unable to be performed normally, resulting in the failure of the spell. Only a mage who has acquired a certain kind of armor can cast spells with armor.

Needless to say, weapon proficiency, mages can use weapons, but without weapon proficiency to increase damage and hit, they can only rely on their personal touch to play as they please.

Of course, mages do not really rely on weapons to fight, but it is better than nothing, at least there is one more choice.

The left hand stick and the right hand sword may not be a glorious way of the great mage.

And more importantly——

[From now on, you have obtained the level 2 characteristic of the Sword Song School - the art of sword song. 】

[Sword Song Art: From level 2 onwards, you can invoke a special elf magic——Sword Song Art, as long as you are not wearing medium armor, heavy armor or using a shield.It grants you supernatural speed, agility and focus.

You can start Swordsong between casts, and it will last for 1 minute.If you become incapacitated, wear medium armor, heavy armor or a shield, or launch a weapon attack with both hands, your sword song will end early, and you can cancel the sword song yourself at any time.

During Sword Song activation, you get the following benefits:
(1) You gain a bonus to Armor equal to your magic modifier (minimum +[-]).

(9) Your land movement speed increases by [-] feet.

([-]) You gain advantage on Dexterity checks.

(iv) You gain a bonus on Constitution saving throws made to resist spell effects equal to your magic modifier (minimum +1).

You can use this feature twice per combat phase, and only once after resting for at least 1 hour, you can use it again. 】

As a level 2 trait, its bonus to the user is almost invincible.

A higher defense value, based on Li Wen's current 20-point human peak magic power attribute, is equivalent to directly bringing 5 points of defense value to Li Wen during the battle.

Coupled with the defense value and agility of the light armor... Oh, Li Wen's agility attribute is not enough, there is no effect of increasing the defense value, and various spell effects that increase the defense value can easily pile up to more than 20 points of defense value.

What is this concept?
Generally speaking, a professional human warrior who wears heavy armor and has at least 16 points of agility only has a defense value of 18 points.

If you don't have buffs on your teammates, and you don't have powerful magic equipment, this is the ceiling for most ordinary professionals.

It means that after turning on the sword song, as long as Li Wen is not standing still and waiting to die, few professional attacks can easily hit him!

The sword does not add to the body!

Even if he faced the chaotic battlefield like the last time the elves wiped out the monsters again, Li Wen would hardly be effectively hit by any attack.

Except for spells, of course.

However, the third feature of Sword Song also gave Li Wen a huge advantage when facing spells that required agility saving throws.

In other words, successfully slipping away before the spell arrives.

As for the fourth item... it is also used to resist the effects of spells.

Three effects, respectively for physical attacks, magic effects of agility and physical immunity judgment.

All in all it's meat.

As for the second characteristic, it is simple and clear, that is, it runs fast.

The basic movement speed of human beings is 30 feet, and now Li Wen's movement speed is 39 feet when he activates the sword song technique, which is almost one-third faster than others, and he runs fast.

However, these are only Level 2 features.

Li Wen is now level 12.

[From now on, you have obtained the level 6 characteristic of the Sword Chanting school - extra attack. 】

Extra attack is a general feature of professions that use weapons to attack. The effect is that the profession can make two effective attacks within 6 seconds.

Generally speaking, a fighter who has just started can only launch one effective attack every 6 seconds, except for those extra actions such as defense, positioning, and probing.

And at the corresponding level, the ability of the profession will make the profession more comfortable in combat, and it will be able to launch more effective attacks on the target within a limited time.

It can be simply understood as increasing attack speed.

[From now on, you have obtained the level 10 characteristic of the Sword Singing School - Song of Defense. 】

[Song of Defense: From level 10, during the activation of Sword Song, you can channel your magic to absorb damage for you.When you take damage, you can consume a spell slot to reduce the damage you receive by five times the ring number of that spell slot. 】

Familiar defensive terms.

Compared with the defensive faction's Arcane Defense, Song of Defense lacks a permanent health shield, but when using spell slots, Song of Defense is undoubtedly more efficient.

After the arcane defense shield loses its health, it can also use the spell slot to cast spells to restore the shield's health, which is used to resist damage for Li Wen.

But firstly, the use of defensive faction spells can only be restored, and secondly, the efficiency is only twice the number of spell rings used.

Today's Song of Defense feature is undoubtedly more flexible.

Other than that, nothing else has changed.

Sword chant is just a sub-class, except for replacing the characteristics of the protection faction, it will not affect the professional characteristics of the mage itself.

After finishing the work, Li Wen immediately left the customs and found... Anastrina.

"Where are the Alettas?"

"My sister was called back temporarily just now, it seems that there is something important."

It was only half a day before Li Wen retreated, and it was still in the afternoon.

It's good for Aletta to be called back, after all, the character of Miss Moon Elf seems more stable, and it's harder to fool her.

Miss Sun Elf in front of her looks much bolder, why not convince her first, and then have an extra wingman.

"To discuss something with you."

Li Wen is mysterious.

Anastrina also showed great interest.

"what's up?"

"Before that, show you a baby."

Produce: The Book of Ways.

Harvest: a little girl.

Anastrina's breathing quickened visible to the naked eye, her little face flushed.

"You... you... where did you get it?"

With his hands behind his back, Li Wen twisted his fingers before saying "truthfully".

"I made it myself."

Anastrina widened Kazilan's big eyes, and Shui Lingling's eyes were full of confusion.

"You made it yourself?"

It seems unreasonable, but reasonable.

After all, none of the existing classics about the art of sword song clearly stated the detailed performance of the art of sword song.

Rather than saying that the sword song technique that Li Wen brought out was recovery, it is better to say it was innovation.

However, under the impact of this unrealism, Miss Anastrina's thinking is still as clear as possible.

She still remembered Li Wen's preface - to discuss something.

Taking out this kind of thing, the things we discussed...

"You mean negotiation?"

Li Wen felt that the goodwill won by the sword song technique should be a little more stable. Even if the other party disagreed, he would not turn his face against him.

So he threw out his long-planned idea.

"How about stealing a ship?"

"Stealing a ship?"

"Floating boat, let's go to the sky and go to the 'Moon God' to have a look? Dare you?"

Li Wen's voice was low, like a devil tempting to commit crimes.

Although it doesn't have any charm attributes, it is full of charming bewitching.


Miss Anastrina, who seemed very courageous, was not courageous at all, and instantly became timid.

"This...isn't it good? How about we discuss it with my sister?"


"The art of sword song?"

"Stealing a ship?"

Aletta, who was summoned back by Anastrina under the pretext of "big deal", heard about the appointment and proposal brought by Li Wen.

Li Wen was also adding oil and vinegar.

"Yeah, haven't you always wanted to prove that the ground under our feet is round? Why don't we...Go to the sky and see?"

(End of this chapter)

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