I can't be an NPC

Chapter 158 Goodbye, Mommy, I'm Going to Voyage Tonight

Chapter 158 Goodbye, Mommy, I'm Going to Voyage Tonight
I don't know what reason moved this sane and calm Miss Moon Elf.

She nodded fiercely.

"no problem!"

Instead, he added in a low voice: "Actually, I've wanted to do this for a long time."


It was Li Wen's turn to stare at her in disbelief, but unexpectedly, this seemingly honest man became even more deviant.

"Just tonight."

After making a decision, Aletta was even more active than Li Wen, and began to plan the itinerary and make suggestions.

"I'll go and hand over the sword song to my mother first, and let her delay the decision of those members of the parliament who are inclined to the dwarf king according to what Master Bobby said. Then... let's steal the ship!"

Anastrina looked at her sister as if it was the first day she knew her.

"elder sister……"

Aletta glanced at her, "If you're afraid, you don't have to participate, and I won't blame you."

As he spoke, Aletta's eyes blazed with madness.

This kind of madness was not a temporary idea, I am afraid that it has tortured her for countless days and nights.

She wanted to know the truth of the world, and thought of madness for it.

Other than that, the blood curse actually has little to do with her.

She just wants to know the truth, even if it's just a glance.



But there is no night.

In the conference room where the spell lights are always on, a high-level meeting of the elves that is closely related to the fate of the entire continent is being held.

After a few days of discussions among the various families, as well as the collection of various information on the entire continent in recent times, the spokespersons of these families have their own tendencies.

At this moment, everyone's opinions need to be unified and integrated, and finally decide whether to act according to the dwarf king's proposal.

The mother of Miss Moon Elf, Aletta, the president of the council, Carrera, is not very optimistic about the possible final outcome of this matter.

She tends to act conservatively. After all, in her opinion, the blood curse has lasted for a long time, and this is definitely not the last critical moment.

But it was too much of a temptation for them to settle all their troubles once and for all.

The elves generally have a lifespan of seven to eight hundred years. Maybe they can live to see the mainland civilization completely lose the blockage of the blood curse and take off.

As for human beings... After one or two generations of replacement, how can young people who grow up in the new era know what their parents have experienced?
Reformers in parliament have always been more popular than conservatives.

After all, these councilors who can represent the family into the parliament are themselves elected by the elves.

The ideas of the innovative school are full of vitality, and they also conform to the small thoughts of some young people who cannot be said.

After all, the unconditional help to humans for a long time has made some young elves who don't know the achievements of humans in the past have long been dissatisfied.

This large-scale cleaning behavior does not have much impact on the elves themselves.

What's the use of those human beings who are only dragging their feet?

Killing some alien races that have nothing to do with the elves can make the future of the entire continent look bright. In the eyes of most young elves, this is a choice with little hesitation.

Sure enough, from the very beginning, the parliament showed an almost one-sided trend.

"The information reported by various places shows that the probability of monsters appearing among those wild beasts is getting higher and higher. In the past two years...especially in the past month, it has increased by 77.7% compared with three years ago."

"Individual reports of blood curses in those human communities are also increasing year by year. If this continues, we may have to send people to garrison in various human communities to prevent the situation from getting worse. It is urgent to take action. "

"All signs indicate that the Moon God is angry."

"Yeah, the color of Luna... is getting darker."

Carrera listened silently to the opinions of the councilors, knowing that it would be difficult to suppress this tendency by normal means.

So he glanced at one of the quiet councilors.

Seeming to have been waiting for this moment, the congressman also made his voice heard.

"Yeah... Everyone here remember how long it has been since we went to the opera house to watch a complete performance? Frequent changes have made us lose the leisure in the past. If the days are always in such a hurry, I don't know how long we have What is the meaning of life. If life is not for enjoying those good things, then it will be meaningless."


Some congressmen looked at the speaking congressman with surprise in their eyes.

When they saw this congressman speak, they were all ready to bite the bullet and launch a counter-storm.

After all, this congressman Carlin is the henchman of the well-known parliamentary leader Carrera, and the parliamentary leader Carrera is a staunch conservative.

When she starts to speak, it often means that the parliamentary president's counterattack begins.

But I didn't expect that you with thick eyebrows and big eyes would also betray you?

This weird mutiny made the parliament temporarily silent.

In the silence, Carrera placed the book of ways in her hand on a special resonance area on the long table.

So the records from the Book of Ways are easily displayed in front of everyone.

"Since everyone knows the skill we were once proud of, can you wait patiently for a while if you don't know this thing?"

The Art of Sword Song!

This is the soul of their elves!

Integrate the elves' understanding and pursuit of art into the career system, and integrate life, art, and combat into one.

There is no elf who does not know the meaning of sword song to elves.

Like a firefly chasing fire.

"President Carrera?"

With a gentle smile in Carrera's eyes, she glanced at all the congressmen present.

"Even in times of ill-fated times, no one has forgotten to sing. I have only one request, please give the mainland some time, and give those humans some time. Hundreds of years ago, a human sage gave the mainland the present An Ding, hundreds of years later, we will always have to wait a little longer for human beings. Don't forget, everyone, that the floating city under our feet is also a gift from humans."


Seeing those councilors silence, Carrera looked out of the dark window of the meeting room.

That direction is the direction of a port...


The Dwarf King's proposal may only be known to the members of the parliament, but people from various family factions may not be able to collect some information.

Faced with this unprecedented major change, the more energetic young elves were naturally excited about it.

So a dinner party was a matter of course.

At the meeting, everyone excitedly discussed the new days of the future of the mainland and the elves if actions were taken.

Only Aletta stood alone on one side, looking at the two light balls hanging in the sky, his eyes were fascinated.

Being on the mainland, you can see two balls in the sky.

If you are on the ball, can you see what the continent looks like?
Fortunately, she is about to give practice.

"Aletta, are you here to study your truth again? How about dancing with me?"

A male elf who looked flawless even among elves approached.

In the eyes of the young elves, the maverick Aletta is actually a kind of charm.

Sometimes the target is to suppress, or to attract attention... who knows?
Aletta just shook her head with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and she started to walk towards the door of the ballroom.

Many people in the meeting have been staring at the eldest daughter of the chairman of the council intentionally or unintentionally, and now their eyes follow her.

When she was about to leave the door, Aletta turned around and looked at all the dinner party participants.

"You idiots."

she says.

It seemed that this was the first time she made such a crazy move, which made the usually calm Miss Moon Elf blushed, and couldn't help but bowed to everyone.

"You idiots! I'm going to see the real world!"

Saying that, Aletta lifted the hem of her skirt and ran away.

The outrage in front of me is just an appetizer, and there will be even more crazy actions next!
Aletta's unexpected behavior made all the participants stunned.

"Miss Aletta can even curse?"

"Woooooo! Miss Aletta's voice is so beautiful, please let her scold me again!"

"What a strange feeling... I want to be scolded again! Miss Aletta scolded me again!"


The elf council, which was attracted by the art of sword song, was interrupted by a sudden report.

"Miss Aletta snatched a floating ship and ran away!"



Carrera was still staring out of the window with a smile on her lips before disappearing.

"Send someone to chase!"



In this night without night, all the elves in the floating city saw the big ship hovering above the floating city.

What is puzzling is that there are not many people on board.

There is no time to use the floating boat.

There was only one moon elf sticking his head out from the side of the ship.

Perhaps stealing a ship is quite difficult for others, but for Aletta, there are only two steps to steal a floating ship——

Think about it, then act on it.

Aletta, who made such a crazy move, flushed with excitement, her voice trembling.

She kept pulling Miss Sun Elf who was squatting and leaning beside her, who dared not see anyone.

"Get up! Get up! Looking at the city from this perspective is really a new feeling."

Miss Sun Elf, who usually looks bold, just crouched on the deck with her head in her arms and shook her head vigorously.

"I don't look, I don't look! Don't let them see me! God, I must be crazy, even with you."


Aletta didn't force Anastrina either, she just waved her little hand excitedly at the city below by herself.

"I'm leaving! Goodbye!"

Carrera, who hurried out, flew to a high platform and shouted loudly at Aletta on the boat.

"Come back to Aletta! Don't come back after you leave!"

Aletta, who had already ventilated with her mother in advance, saw her mother and waved to her excitedly.

"Goodbye mom, I'm going on a long voyage tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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