I can't be an NPC

Chapter 159 Another world also talks about science?

Chapter 159 Another world also talks about science?
The airship hardly makes any sound when flying, and so does the chasing airship.

There were still two active airships left in the city, which started to chase after hastily launched. The two elf ladies who saw the airships chasing up from a distance from the deck raised their hearts to their throats.

If he was caught up, he would die before he could finish his mission.

So he hurriedly ran to the interior of the cabin, where Li Wen was in charge of controlling the floating ship.

"They're catching up!"

"How to do how to do?"

Aletta was fine, but Anastrina panicked.


At this moment, Li Wen was stroking a transparent crystal ball with his right hand, one was to input magic power, and the other was to control the driving.

The operation of the floating ship can be described as a fool's operation, and the precious legacy left by the great arcanist has amazing convenience.

And even in the cabin, Li Wen can also know the situation of the floating ship from all angles of view through some kind of magical observation facility of the floating ship.

The images detected by the spell directly let Li Wen drive immersively, as if he was in the blue sky.

Seeing two other airships following behind him, Li Wen smiled.

Under the control of Li Wen, the airship under his feet drew an arc-shaped trajectory in the air, and slammed into it fiercely towards the way back.

Of course, Li Wen gave the opponent enough time to react so that they could avoid it.

He just wanted to deter, not to die together.

My elves, on the premise that you have already lost one antique treasure, you don't want to lose two more, do you?
Sure enough, being frightened by Li Wen's crazy actions, the floating ship quickly avoided, and seemed to have received an order, and landed back to the port of the floating city.

Now, there is no one to stop their footsteps.

The moment of thrilling not only made the chasing elves retreat, but also made the two elf ladies beside Li Wen hold their breath and tense up.

Until they found out that they were really free from restraints and could do what they wanted freely, the two elves laughed out loud for the first time regardless of their manners.

For a moment, only the clear and crisp young laughter echoed in the sky.

This laughter was also transmitted to the floating city.

In the eyes of those elves who looked up at the floating ship in the city, they could only see that the floating ship carrying laughter and laughter was getting smaller and smaller until it turned into a small dot and disappeared in the distance.

"Where are they going?"

"I don't know! But I really envy them."

This kind of crazy behavior is probably only once in a lifetime.

"Why didn't they call me... woo woo woo~"


The floating ship can travel freely in the endless blue sky, and the shadow of the floating city quickly disappeared from the sight of the three of them.When the concerns and worries from the elves are gone, only the endless blue sky unfolds wantonly at the end of the line of sight.

This kind of emptiness where the world is so big that I can roam around makes people feel heroic unconsciously. For a while, no one said a word, and quietly emptied their hearts.

The blue sea and blue sky carry the endless exploration and dreams of the three young people.

Forests, mountains, rivers.

In the process of flying into the sky, countless scenery came into view.

And before staying in the line of sight for a long time, it quickly shrank in the eyes, becoming an insignificant microcosm on the background of the huge curtain.

The earth is getting farther and farther away.

The arc of the sky is also becoming clearer.

Aletta's chest began to thump, and she realized that she was getting closer to the truth.

Anastrina stared at the two spheres, one light and one dark, and asked soul-like questions.

"Why didn't they get bigger?"


Li Wen also looked at the top of his head.

The earth is moving away, and everything on the earth is gradually shrinking, so it stands to reason that these two light spheres should be getting bigger and bigger in their eyes.

However, the fact is that no matter how the floating ship flies upwards, the two light spheres always maintain a constant distance from Li Wen and the other three.

It seems that it is not a physical existence, but a conceptual existence that exists in everyone's eyes or consciousness.

This kind of discovery made Li Wen and Aletta, who came here with the purpose of finding the truth, subconsciously beat their drums.

On the contrary, Anastrina didn't take this point to heart this day, because she, Li Wen and Aleka had different goals.

She was dragged into a pirate ship, and she was just here to play.

So just ask questions.



The airship climbed rapidly.

Under the high-speed flight, the protective dome on the outer layer of the ship had violent friction with the air, and even sparks visible to the naked eye appeared.

The loud sound and a little vibration were transmitted to the three of them through the hull, making the three of them wait in silence for some kind of strange arrangement.

For example - is the airship allowed to fly away from the continent...or fly away from the planet?

This is what worries the elves.

Fortunately, after a short period of friction and tremor, the airship resumed its smooth flight, and the surroundings began to be quiet.

Above the silent sky, only the clear breathing of the three of them was alive.

A certain sense of loneliness made the two elf ladies subconsciously hold each other's hands and hold on tightly.

Li Wen remained calm, slightly pleased. The spherical position on the floating boat was indeed not much different from the environment in Leomeng's hut, and it could also maintain a constant ecological environment.

And after discovering that there was not much change after being far away from the earth, the sun elf lady who escaped her mind turned her attention to other things in a blink of an eye——

dividing line.

The dividing line between light and dark.

The dividing line between the normal area and the underdark area.

In the eyes of Li Wen and the others who had risen to a high enough height, the dividing line was so obvious.

Half white and half black.

The difference is clear.

The eleven-ring spell, Eternal Light, covered most of the continent, but only the half of the Underdark region seemed to be missing.

It's like... It's like leaving the last retreat for the blood curse infected.

"The great arcanist back then didn't have the ability to let the glow of spells illuminate the entire world?"

Li Wen looked in that direction, and said in a rather emotional tone.

"It's not so much that I don't have the ability, but I feel like I set aside that piece of land on purpose."

"Why do you want to stay?"

Li Wen and Aletta looked at each other, and it was Aletta who spoke softly.

"Perhaps... just to leave a way out for those infected..."

The floating ship rose at an extremely fast speed, and the continent in front of him gradually showed a complete picture.

A... round shape.

Or spherical.

The empty air and the rushing sea will not flow unscrupulously.

Instead, at a certain limit, it turned a corner and flowed to the back of the big ball.

At this moment, Aletta burst into tears.

And not only that.

The constant sphere of light—the eternal light and fire also disappears instantly after the floating ship reaches a certain limit. It only covers and protects the creatures on the planet, and the universe is not under its control.

The dots of background starlight in the extreme distance have been reflected over an unknown distance and are already dimmed. Fortunately, there are still some magical glows on the inner wall of the floating ship, which will not make people completely flustered.

The airship sailed silently in a black ocean. In front of it, a solid celestial body covered in reddish-brown blood stains was quietly suspended in the space.

Li Wen glanced over all of this, and sighed involuntarily.

"It turns out that this world is quite scientific..."

(End of this chapter)

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