Chapter 161
It was specified that something was misunderstood.

Li Wenchong waved his hands to the two elf ladies, "You can go shopping as you like, and I'll call you back when it's done."

He knew that the two elf ladies must be extremely curious about the Gaia continent, after all, this was the first time they had set foot in a different world after living for so many years.

It's just that I don't have time to take them for a stroll at the moment, the place where the missions agreed to for those players is right in front of my house, and it's not easy for me to be the first one within an hour.

So just let them wander around the city by themselves. It was night, and the two of them were wearing cloaks, so they probably wouldn't attract much attention.

The two elves did not follow Li Wen's suggestion, but just stayed where they were.

No need for other scenery, just the milky white moon with some red light in the sky, and the dark night covering everything, they felt endless surprise.

It seems that the huge impact of this brand-new world made the two elf ladies full of vitality and desire to explore not dare to step into it on their own.

So they just stood at the door of Li Wen's house, looking at this different world compared to them with two pairs of bright eyes.

Li Wen didn't force them, but just came to Leonard's side.

Almost ten days after leaving the Gaia Continent, Li Wen was also very curious about what happened in the Gaia Continent, and happened to have an acquaintance who could inquire about the news.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Long time no see. Where have you been these days? The city lord came to look for you two days ago, but unfortunately you are not here."

As he spoke, Leonard unconsciously glanced at the two figures behind Li Wen.

"So I haven't seen you for a few days, so you can't just hang out with these two elves all the time? Tsk! Can your body withstand it?"

"Vulgar! Read less of The Pink Manual."

Li Wen mercilessly reprimanded him for his dirty thoughts, and turned to ask about the things he cared about, "How is the situation in the city now? That blood..."

Remembering that before he left, the news about Mad Moon and Blood Frenzy hadn't spread, and Li Wen didn't dare to spread it without authorization, so he changed the wording again.

"Have there been any mass outbursts of out-of-the-wits?"

"Someone out of his mind?"

Leonard sneered, "The central square is almost full, God knows why so many people get sick at the same time. But fortunately, there are those Chosen Ones to help maintain order, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy just relying on the guards in the city enough."

Li Wen stared at Leonard.

"Are you okay?"

Leonard sneered.

"How could something happen to me."

"Is there any definite news about this matter?"

"You asked me, I want to ask you..."

Leonard rolled his eyes, "I know you can talk to the city lord now, and I wanted to get some news from you, but I didn't expect..."

As he spoke, Leonard glanced at the two Elf ladies again, and let out a contemptuous snort from the depths of his throat, "Hmph!"

"Full of unhealthy thoughts."

It seems that it is difficult to get any useful news from Leonard's mouth, Li Wen waved his hand, "Go and do your work if you have nothing to do."

"Tch! I forget my righteousness when I see sex."

With a slam of the door, Uncle Leonard expressed his dissatisfaction.

Li Wen returned to the two elf ladies again, "Why don't you go out for a stroll, our city is very safe, don't worry about danger."

Aletta had a rare look of hesitation on his face hidden under the hood, "It would be nice to have a glimpse from a distance."

Is it because you are facing a new and strange world, so you are subconsciously afraid?

Li Wen smiled and didn't force it, anyway, there will always be a lot of time in the future.

"Then just wait, the person I'm looking for will come later."


The first lucky one is... Ah Zhi.

What Li Wen asked the players to do was very simple. He didn't need so many people, so he naturally didn't want to spend time waiting.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Ah Zhi excitedly ran straight to Li Wen.

Every player can see the chaos in the city these days, but not all players are interested in being NPC nanny.

Even if there are some rewards for the task, the reward for this kind of task is not high. After doing it once or twice, you will get tired of it.

Those who persevere are players with a relatively peaceful personality like Ah Zhi.

So as soon as Li Wen sent out the news of the mission change, Ah Zhi, who was not far from Li Wen's house, finished an errand mission as soon as possible, and hurried over.

"Sir, long time no see."

The girl's tone was as cheerful as ever.

And even though she was calling out to be an adult, the tone of voice was a kind of equal gesture, and the title was just a title to her.

Li Wen nodded, "I came here because I have an important task for you."

[? ? ?Ready to entrust you to complete the task - to explore the truth (click to view the detailed description of the task)!Whether to accept?Please respond positively. 】

Ah Zhi didn't even read the quest introduction, and agreed immediately.

The girl's game concept is very simple, everyone is already friends, as long as you dare to send a task, she will dare to accept it.

[Mission - Explore the truth: The truth about the blood frenzy is about to come out, and we only need to put in more effort to fully understand the truth.Mission rewards: a large number of client favorability, some truth about the "Frenzy Moon Incident". 】

After accepting the mission, Ah Zhi, who saw the mission description clearly, widened her eyes.

The truth about the events of Mad Moon?
This is this...

This quest of Mr. Bobby does not seem to be of high grade, but it seems that it can provide players with information about completing another golden reward quest. Rounding up, this is actually a golden legend?

"Okay, let's go."

Li Wen opened the door and let Ah Zhi in.

Ah Zhi, who entered the house, looked around Li Wen's house with agile eyes. For her, this was also the first time she had entered Li Wen's house.

As the eyes wandered, they naturally interlaced with the eyes of the two elves.

"What a beautiful elf sister..."

For a moment, Ah Zhi felt that the peach blossoms were blooming and that she had fallen.

I blow the evening wind that you blow, does this count as hugging?

Until Li Wen's actions caught Anastrina's attention.

"What are you doing there?"


After so many days of rigorous verification after opening the server, Li Wen already knew that players were not completely unable to enter the homes of the aborigines without permission, but that they could not enter the homes of the aborigines whose doors were locked without permission.

Last time he left in a hurry and didn't pay much attention to it, but this time he can't forget it, he doesn't want his home to be gone when he comes back.

God knows how many times Li Wen recalled Gaia Continent in the space of Crazy Moon, thinking about whether he locked the door when he left...

It's almost becoming an obsession.

Anastrina curled her lips, "The atmosphere of doing great things is gone."

After confirming that it was locked, Li Wen didn't care at all, and smiled hahaha, "Don't you have to continue living after finishing the big things..."

Reaching out to call out the familiar portal, Li Wen took the lead in, "Let's go!"

As soon as she set foot on this somewhat familiar land, Ah Zhi gradually recalled the brief struggle of the previous period.

The month of corruption!

Well, sure enough, even this door was opened by Bobby.

Before, he pushed an old woman to the front to deceive all players!hateful!

Thinking about this in his heart, he heard Li Wen shout into the air.

"Croxanne, please open the door."

"Good Le~"

At the same time as the gray mist writing was outlined, the portal leading to Frenzied Moon was slowly established.

Dazed, Ah Zhi just ran behind Li Wen.

The big silver-white ship with a sense of technology standing in the air without relying on water, the reddish-brown hard ground on which the feet are standing, and the "ball" floating in space in the distance make this man himself Miss Warrior, whose brain is not very bright, fell into a downtime.

She was playing a fantasy game, right?

Li Wen's voice brought her back to her soul.

"Come! Cut it!"

Li Wen pointed to the red-brown ground under his feet, and said to Ah Zhi.

(End of this chapter)

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