I can't be an NPC

Chapter 162 Polishing the Moon

Chapter 162 Polishing the Moon

Ah Zhi and General Quansheng are the two players Li Wen thinks are the most comfortable to use. One is cute and has no brains, and the other is honest and obedient.

When Li Wen asked her to cut off the ground under her feet, she didn't hesitate at all, she just drew her sword and chopped it off.

"This is a knife."

"Here comes a knife too."

"Cut a knife in this pit."

Li Wen was on the side directing intimately.

The two elf ladies couldn't understand why.

If you don't understand things yourself, just find someone to slash twice and figure it out?
What kind of special way of perceiving the world is this?

In this regard, Li Wen's explanation is that the chosen ones are special, and they are born with the particularity endowed by the goddess of creation, so everything will often reveal its true colors when interacting with them.

It also made the Chosen One appear in the eyes of the two Elf ladies for the first time.

Maybe this is just the beginning. Li Wen reckons that when this is over, maybe he can use this portal to throw all the players into this world.

The aborigines in the world of Mad Moon can save some time because of this, and the players may also have a lot of interest in those new professional systems.

Moreover, the efficiency of leveling alone is a little higher than that of Gaia Continent.

But first, the matter of blood frenzy must be resolved.

Li Wen checked Ah Zhi's panel, and the battle records naturally emerged.

[? ? ? (Voice): Looting!plunder!Crazy looting!What's ours is ours, and what's yours is ours! 】

[? ? ? (voice): Fight!Come!face me!Fight a great battle!Hahahahaha! 】

[? ? ? (Voice of heart): Have you felt the rushing power in this blood?This is the great heritage of our orcs!We will conquer the world eventually! 】

Amid the crackling sound of burning wood and grass, a muscular orc strode out of it, holding a bleeding human head in his hand.

The huge saber was swung wantonly, and the endless screams and wailing became their most exciting encouragement.


[? ? ? (Voice): Not enough time!Not enough time!I need more time!Only one more longevity spell can be used (click to view spell details). 】

[? ? ? (Voice of heart): Time... is it going to end again?I haven't discovered the true truth of this world yet!I need more time! 】

[? ? ? (voice): Wait!what is this?This is... my ambition?It turned out to be substantive...]

[? ? ? (Voice of heart): It turns out that my hands have been stained with so much blood along the way... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... In the last time, let me make up for it...]

[? ? ? (Voice): These alien species were born by me, they are innocent, let them leave their last life...]

[? ? ? (Inner voice): It turns out to be like this... It turns out to be like this... The expression is the cause, and the cause is the expression.If the heart is covered with dust...]

[? ? ? (Voice): This floating city is my last gift to you.Use it to explore the world, use it to save your own destiny... Goodbye, this world. 】

[? ? ? (Inner voice): Ossorium, I can't go back...]

A large number of creatures were destroyed by the effect of the magic field, and the original vitality in the body was taken by the caster for his own use, becoming his eternal power.

However, the great arcanist who discovered the truth knelt down alone on the surface of the crazy moon, looking helplessly at the blue-green planet in the distance, and was slowly integrated into the ground under his feet.


[? ? ? (voice): Come on!face me!Face it, justice! 】

[? ? ? (Voice of heart): The world can live forever only in the raging fire!burn it!Let this righteous anger burn throughout the multiverse! 】

Two... or three voices from different sources.

Li Wen's eyes were straightened, and his consciousness was constantly echoing in the blood and fire, longevity, and killing that filled the sky.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized——

There are actually two sources of the blood curse on everyone today, or the blood frenzy.

An orc empire from more than 1000 years ago.

The powerful orc empire swept Wushuang, but the crazy ambition and wildness infected the approaching mad moon.

The birth of those red-skinned orcs was the reverse pollution of the crazy moon after being infected.

And now, the two ambitions from the orcs and the great arcanists work together on today's humans.

The blood frenzy of more than 1000 years ago only worked on orcs because it came from their own madness.

The reason why the elves and dwarves are less affected by the blood frenzy is the same. This is a catastrophe that humans need to face.

A werewolf is the madness of an orc.

Vampires are the cruelty of grand arcanists who plunder other lives in order to live forever.

Bloodlines did bring power to some humans, but it also brought crazy ambitions to these powers.

As for the last one...

Li Wen looked at the bottom of the pit that he picked out with his sword, the thin layer of dark red substance...

I'm afraid this is the ambition of the dwarf king.

I don't know where he saw a sentence left by the great arcanist - the performance is the reason, and the reason is the performance.

And so began his pursuit of justice.

However... Even this pursuit of absolute justice has also become the nourishment of this strange moon of madness.

The next time I come back, it will be the triple buff.

It may not even have to wait until the next return, once the Dwarf King begins to execute his justice, all the creatures of both worlds will become his nourishment.

Like the orcs, a return cycle and the like, the grievances and grievances of the present world are repaid in the present world.

At that time, who should be robbed?
who knows...

How to solve it?
The Grand Arcanist has already left an answer.

If your heart is covered with dust, just brush it away.

Mad Moon was originally gray and white.

Everything today is the ambition of others, it is the desire of the world that makes the pearl of the crazy moon dusty...

When these desires and ambitions in people's hearts are manifested in a substantive form, they only need to be cleared away, and the threat from the mad moon can be temporarily resolved.

The Floating Void City left by the Grand Arcanist for the elves... or the supporting facilities of the Floating Void City, the floating ship, was officially used to explore and solve this problem.

It's a pity that for thousands of years, the elves dare not look at the starry sky or leave the shroud of eternal light because they are stuck in front of their eyes.

Until today, it is Aletta, a moon elf who is unique among elves, who bravely took the first step to understand the world.


"how is it going?"

The two elves looked eagerly at Li Wen who was in a daze.

"I have a project."

"What project?"

"Shave light for the moon."

(End of this chapter)

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