I can't be an NPC

Chapter 163 Release the news

Chapter 163 Release the news
"Is it the solution to the blood curse problem?"


"What do you want us to do?"

"You don't need anything, just wait for the news."

Why do the aborigines need to do this kind of thing?
Free labor is in front of you, isn't it better than the pitiful floating boats of the elves to transport people back and forth?

What's more...it may attract the attention of the dwarf king, maybe he will cause some damage after he finds out.

"I'm going back to shake people, do you still want to go and have a look?"

The two elves looked at each other, and then looked at Li Wen together, with a slightly bitter smile on their lips.

Aletta bowed slightly, "No, we... will not go. Mother will be worried after leaving home for so long."

"Okay, then... goodbye."



Watching the two elves board the airship, Li Wen waved vigorously at the two elves sticking out their heads on the deck.

"Bye! Go back and tell everyone you're right! Tell them...you're all idiots! Big idiots!"

They are all idiots, otherwise why would they dare not come up to take a look while holding the airship in their hands?

Of course, even if they are allowed to take a look, they may not necessarily take the action of clearing the shell if they do not have the ability to directly see these substantive ideas.

But in any case, that is already another possibility.

Maybe there are a few whimsical and daring elves who dare to take action?

Now... let those industrious and lovely players help you complete all this.

Go through the portal and return to Croxanne's place.

Seeing that the two elves were not there, Gray Mist quietly condensed the handwriting.

"Those two elves really can't leave their world for a long time~"

Yes, that's why the two elf ladies are a little strange.

Just like what Croxan said before, people in her world cannot exist in other worlds for a long time before they possess some kind of "wall-breaking" ability, so the same is true for people in the world of Mad Moon. .

Li Wen shook his head, and didn't intend to delve into it.

He also didn't know what the so-called "wall-breaking" ability was. Could it be that he left their world with his portal?

Or do they need to release the spell themselves?That's also unlikely.

But why can I, a creature of the Gaia continent, run around?
Could it be that the Gaia continent is more advanced than their world, and the aborigines are all Tianlong people?
Can't figure it out.

It is obviously impossible to analyze this question based on the current vision alone. Knowing the answer has nothing to do with the real situation, so Li Wen simply ignores it.

Open the door and go home again.

This series of transmissions made Ah Zhi dizzy.

Fortunately, Li Wen explained to her after everything was over.

"All the residents on the mainland showing abnormal behavior today are because of a...'plague' called blood frenzy. If they are not controlled, the situation they show will only become more serious. This plague will eventually It will destroy at least half of human civilization, and I can't just sit back and watch the plague spread. So I tried to find the reason. Fortunately, I found the real source. The plague originated from a strange planet in another world."

While speaking, Li Wen hesitated slightly, thinking that some news could be released appropriately.

I just sent a mission, and there are three natural days of cooling before I can release the next mission.During this period, players can also make a little preparation.

After all, there is specialization in the art industry, and of course professional things must be handed over to professional talents. Relying on the weapons of the players alone will cause wear and tear after playing too much, and it is too violent.

"If you want to completely solve the plague, you need some people to clean up the filth on the surface of the planet. Therefore, you need some people with stonemason skills to complete this matter. After the cleanup is completed and the blood frenzy is resolved, we can communicate with the other world. communicate with each other. And..."

Since it is feeding, simply draw more cakes.

"The other world also has some new professional systems and some special spells and skills, as well as more wild beasts and magical beasts invading the lives of the residents there. A brand new world naturally has more room for development. The specifics are up to you. explore."

As he said that, Li Wen waved his hand to Ah Zhi, "Okay, that's all for today, I have to consider the issue of manpower."

It seems that after seeing off the guests, Li Wen sighed alone again, as if talking to himself: "Hey~ I don't know where to find so many helpers who are skilled in masonry..."

This clearly shows that she should understand, right?

It doesn't make sense to ask her to yell for him without giving out the task.

Li Wen, who had sent Ah Zhi away, stood at the door, looked at the dark evening stars in the sky, shook his head and turned back home.

It's still early, so there's no rush.

The task qualification needs three natural days to cool down. Before actually releasing the task, Li Wen felt that he needed to understand what happened on the Gaia Continent recently.

The dwarf king he met in the space of the moon of madness and the so-called paladin dwarfs under him who were sworn by the crown made Li Wen feel a little bit concerned.

Li Wen had a hard time accepting that the dwarf king was a pure native.

After all, Croxanne said that the world is huge, and there may be places where the space barriers are relatively weak, so there is a possibility that one or two lucky people from the Gaia continent world can travel between the two worlds like myself Not without.

And I rely on Croxan to cheat, if other people can use their own strength to go back and forth between the two worlds, their strength is probably beyond my imagination.

Let this kind of person know that he can solve the blood frenzy, thus disrupting his plan, and the consequences... Li Wen is not willing to imagine anyway.

There are all kinds of people in the world, and Li Wen doesn't mind making his plans worse.

If he didn't figure this out, Li Wen wouldn't dare to let the news that he could solve the blood frenzy reach the ears of the aborigines other than the players.


Ah Zhi, who was leaving, found Miss Ranger who came later. She knew that the task was preempted by others, but it is always good news that Master Bobby is back.

In the past few days when he was away... there was nothing wrong with it, it tasted delicious, and it was faster to kill monsters.

There is no one in the world who does not turn around. Without Master Bobby, who often causes professional imbalances, the game seems to be more harmonious?

It's just that there are more and more residents with abnormal brains...

"How to say how to say?"

Miss Ranger was very curious about what that Bobby did with Ah Zhi in such a hurry?
With a strange expression on her face, Ah Zhi repeated what Li Wen said.

Miss You Xia was obviously calmer as an outsider. After hearing this, she immediately pushed Ah Zhi and ran in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Then what are you waiting for, the information to complete the golden reward is here! I said why did this guy disappear for so long, so he went to save the world."

While running, he muttered the information contained in Li Wen's words.

Obviously there is a mission again!
Some players with masonry skills are needed to do a door opening task, and a new different world can be developed after completion.

Turtle!The co-authors are still in Xinshou Village?
The Novice Village in this game is different from other games...

"Send a post."

Miss You Xia picked up Ah Zhi, her eyes sparkled with excitement.


"Tell everyone that Bobby is back... and tell everyone that we got the news first-hand, and it can be regarded as fighting for the reputation of our Sword and Rose Mercenary Corps... Big Sister and the others definitely need it. What about the mission they are doing?" It's not that I don't know."

"Oh oh~"

So Ah Zhi stopped, and first posted her in-game screenshots on the forum.

Then he went straight to the City Lord's Mansion to submit the golden reward.


In the middle of the night, Helen, who was awakened by the news that the golden reward task had been submitted, received Ah Zhi excitedly.

Since the announcement of the reward, there were not many Chosen Ones who came to cheat the reward, which made her very disappointed.

Of course, she announced the reward just for a try, and she didn't have much hope for the Chosen One, who basically didn't reach the third level of strength.

"It was you who found the news about solving the blood frenzy?"

Ah Zhi stared at the charming Helen, nodded calmly, "Yeah."

Those who look like this are all bad women, Ah Zhi doesn't like...

"Speak and see."

Helen wasn't in a hurry, any information task had the possibility of cheating, and this wasn't the first time the Chosen Ones did this kind of thing.

It's just that maybe the threshold and difficulty of this bounty made the imagination of those Chosen Ones a bit unable to keep up, and it was stated that there would be punishment for falsification, so this time they were never harassed.

But Ah Zhi, who came to submit the task right now, may not necessarily have definite news.

Ah Zhi repeated exactly what Li Wen said to her.

Helen frowned and muttered to herself, "Is it enough to remove the dirt on the shell?"

It sounds weird, but it's not that weird. What happens in this world is actually not strange.

Helen narrowed her eyes, "Who brought you to see all this?"

She doesn't believe that the Chosen One can travel across space just by relying on the strength of less than a third-tier professional.


"It's not surprising that he is..."

(End of this chapter)

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