I can't be an NPC

Chapter 167 New Racial Talents

Chapter 167 New Racial Talents
I sent out mission rewards for most of the day, that is, I received about 2000 customers.

Li Wen, who was not too tired after returning home, turned to the ancient instinct in the previous few voices.

Under the action of the boiling blood in the body, it is definitely impossible to do fine work. We can only try to hand over the control to the blood itself like last time. As long as we control a general direction, maybe we can let it control the new His talents were fiddled with.

But right now, there are only 46 soul energy left in his hand, and he doesn't know how many can be smashed out.

Li Wen gradually relaxed his control over his body again, with 20 points of peak magic power, allowing him to do many things that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

It's a pity that Li Wen has no idea about the legendary method after more than 20 magic points.

This thought flashed by, and the boiling blood left Li Wen with no time to think about other things.

Li Wen's hands were itchy, eager to fight!

With the last clear will, Li Wen cast a spell on himself-transfiguration.

Today is Muscle Poppy's day!
The strange face with a slightly stronger figure and a fierce face opened the door, and turned into Li Wen with slightly scarlet eyes and went straight to the field.

There are players out there.

Let me see what are the skills of today's players?
Have a good time hunting tonight!
In the evening at dusk, the players who were still wandering outside the city leveling or just came back encountered a sneak attack by a devil.

The short, stout man with scarlet eyes and fierce face rushed over like crazy when he saw their players.

There were still some incomprehensible words in his mouth.

What are "amazing", "cracking the head with a strong hand", "deliberate punching", "pride on the battlefield"...

The victim can only go to the forum to keep warm after escaping the place that the player must pass through.

"Woooooo! He hit me! He kept hitting me! He never stopped."

"It doesn't hurt when he hits me, but I can't hit him with a single hit... It's all misses! I suspect that he is here to humiliate me."

"While he was beating me, he was still yelling 'Woooooooooooooooooooo'..."

"Isn't today April Fool's Day? Today must be April Fool's Day, right? I don't believe it!"

"There are people out there, there are people out there, and there is such an awesome NPC. I fought with him and I couldn't break his defense? I realized it with my teacher."

"Brother upstairs, why do you hear something different from what I heard? What I heard was 'Ola Ola Ola Ola'!"

"That may be because you were simply beaten..."

"Fuck! The latest news is absolutely amazing! Do you know who the mysterious person is tonight? Telling his name will definitely scare you!"

"What? Who is it? I'm going to learn art from him!"


"Yes, I prove it! The duration of his spell has expired, and the prototype appeared in front of me! He is Bobby!"

"Why didn't he release the spell halfway and transform into Bobby?"

"Yes! I don't believe it! Poppy is not a mage? You can't lie to me!"

The whistleblower didn't talk nonsense, and directly posted the short video in the post.

"Hey! There's no spellcasting action at all, can you show me a transformation technique?"



(The following 99+ repeated information is superimposed...)

"I didn't expect Bobby to have this side! I love it~"


"Hitting is kissing and scolding is love. There is nothing wrong with what the upstairs said."

"Then why did he run?"


Of course it's because of the burden of being an idol!

Li Wen, who was obsessed with fighting, never realized that there was such a thing as the duration of spells on him. Do you know how good it feels to be punched to the flesh?

It is life to vent so happily once in a while.

What's more, Li Wen now has a lot of defense buffs, so he doesn't worry about getting hurt at all.

10 points disappear after wearing armor, but 5 points for Sword Song Art, 1 point for the newly obtained magic item-defense ring, 13 points for the excellent light armor of the elves, 5 points for spells-shield, if it weren't for Li Wen's agility is only 11 points, and without the agility bonus, the defense value can be higher.

The defense value buffs of the same source generally only take high values ​​and do not superimpose, but Li Wen's defense value bonuses all come from different sources.

Under the superimposition of multiple buffs, Li Wen's defense value was close to 24 points at the peak when the sword song technique and the shield technique were activated at the same time, even the permanent defense value was 14 points.

And what about normal players?
The basic attack judgment is 6 points or 8 points, which is the attribute of the weapons in the hands of most players.


Only by exerting every attack to the limit can the hit and break of the full 14 points be achieved, but it is comparable to Li Wen's resident defense value.

Attack and defense actually depend on performance, and the attacker has a minimum guarantee of strength and sensitivity bonuses and weapon proficiency bonuses, and they can usually hit when they are fully utilized with similar values.

But Li Wen in the "Blood Frenzy" state... defaulted to 100% defense value.

In this safe situation, Li Wen had a great time.

It wasn't until the player in front of him stopped suddenly, pointed at himself with shocking eyes and shouted "Damn! Compare!", Li Wen was shocked to realize that the spell's duration had expired.

So he ran away.

The 20-point peak magic power allows Li Wen to enter and exit the state at will, and regain control of his body at any time.

If the blood frenzy has been kept in this state, Li Wen thinks it's actually pretty good... Oh no, if you can't do research, then forget it.

Li Wen, who ran all the way home, didn't know that he had another wave of presence from the players, but after taking a few big mouthfuls of cold water, he began to check his body's "development log".

[You are trying to display a talent in a more stable form, and the completion rate of this attempt is 1.43%. 】


[... 3.76%. 】


[... 5.38%. 】


[... 8.12%. 】


[... 12.13%. 】



[... 60.1%. 】

【payment successful. 】


【payment successful. 】


【payment successful. 】


【...98.13%, need to pay 121230 points of soul energy to endow the race—"human" with new characteristics, do you want to pay? 】


[You are trying to display a talent in a more stable form, and the completion rate of this attempt is 7.77%. 】


[You are trying to display a talent in a more stable form, and the completion rate of this attempt is 77.7%. 】


【payment successful. 】

[Your blood has become accustomed to your stupidity, and it has used your knowledge about the Eleventh Ring spell——Longevity. 】


【...99.92%, need to pay 5980 points of soul energy to endow the race—"human" with new characteristics, do you want to pay? 】

These two characteristics drained Li Wen's 46 soul energy inventory.

The second one is okay, but the first one used up as much as 39 Li Wen's soul energy.

It seems that this body doesn't like to fight naturally...

Name it...

First, the wolves.

The second one is the Immortal Golden Body.

[Wolf Pack: Your intuition for combat allows you to detect the opponent's flaws more keenly when launching an attack. When making basic melee attack judgments, a correction value of 1 point is always added to the judgment result. 】

【Imperishable Golden Body: Basic HP +2; at the same time, your strong desire for life keeps you tough even when you are seriously injured. After receiving fatal damage, you can still retain a minimum of 1 HP. This state lasts for 6 seconds.After that, you need to leave the battle as soon as possible within the time related to the constitution bonus to heal yourself and restore your health to a healthy state, otherwise you will still face death. 】

So far, three characteristics - fighting and fleeing dogs.

Like those subraces of dwarf elves, each of the three talents can only choose one.

But as a creator, Li Wen has three...

But there is one last question, the blood talent about magic that I saw that day... It seems that it is not among these talents of the blood frenzy.

In other words... Is it the talent of the individual?

(End of this chapter)

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