I can't be an NPC

Chapter 168 The Great Exploitation of the Moon

Chapter 168 The Great Exploitation of the Moon

People are relying on their own hard work to learn the knowledge of spells, that guy is good, the talent for magic flows in his blood, isn't this the pure protagonist?
The protagonist takes me!

It's a pity that I still don't know where the protagonist is hiding...

The boiling blood in Li Wen's body after venting well seemed to be exhausted, flowing quietly and slowly in his body, no longer rushing like a river.

So Li Wen could sleep... what to sleep?Only those who are useless to the world sleep.

Go to overseer.

I don't know if the players are doing well in the month of madness, and how the project is doing.

After opening a portal, Li Wen went straight to Mad Moon.

The moon is full of heat.


As the level increases, players do not get nothing when they are in the card level.

The reason for the card level is very simple, there are few monsters, the difficulty is high, and the distance is long.

If you want to solve it, you just need to overcome it one by one.

Fewer monsters...Learn maps, detect knowledge, inquire about information and characteristics of monsters from the aborigines, and reduce the time as much as possible.

Difficulty is high...Research on more advanced combat skills, even including training weapon proficiency, expertise, etc.,
The journey is far away... Mage players took the initiative to inquire and learn some methods of building a teleportation circle from the aborigines, and began to try to build a small fixed-point teleportation circle by themselves.

You know, the players are all templates of the chosen ones, and their natural attributes are not comparable to ordinary aborigines. It can be said that each of them is a genius.

Of course, players cannot learn spell knowledge, their foundation is inherently different from that of the aborigines.

But they are not as good as the progress of geniuses like Li Wen among the aborigines in learning knowledge, but they are more convenient.

As long as some of their basic preconditions are up to standard - such as how many points of magic power, whether they are specialized in relevant factions, whether they have enough spell-casting materials in their pockets to try, etc... After meeting the conditions, check in for a certain period of time every day, and there will be learning progress strip.

The progress bar is here, even if their minds are muddled, it will be done.

After these days of card levels, some players who meet the conditions are doing these things.

Maybe these players are few in number, but every city has a few of them.

It is these mage players that allow players to finally break through the geographical barriers between cities to a certain extent.

You must know that there are often wilderness between cities, and some natural dangers are waiting for travelers.

And there are not many resurrection points that can be bound on the road. Once you die and go back to the original city directly, the road you traveled before is all useless; and the road itself is quite boring. The time wasted on the road is equivalent to hanging up compared to other players. , the goodwill of various NPCs in the city and the familiarity with the city that have been accumulated so hard are all wasted.

This is also the reason why very few players were able to travel across mountains and rivers even though Sword Wind City frequently had unique advantages.

Players in one or two cities that are closer can still run, but other cities can only feel helpless.

Of course, there is indeed a large fixed-point teleportation circle in the city, but that thing is not open to civilians, only large-scale military operations and real senior figures are eligible to use it, and the materials needed for each activation are expensive.

In fact, the circulation of civilians between cities in this world is not high. Those high-level mages are omnipotent, but the relationship between the city and some nearby villages and towns is the world of ordinary people's life.

Higher-level professionals can still walk around, but most players are not included.

Players grow up too fast. Apart from levels, their abilities, common sense, and relationship network are far inferior to normal aboriginal 8th and 9th level professionals.

In areas other than combat, they were completely overwhelmed by the aborigines.

Fortunately, now they have also taken the first step on the road of exploring the world.

This kind of task related to the new version of the ship and the new map of the ship, let the players work together, and the one who contributes, the one who contributes, and the one who contributes money.

After possessing the ability to establish fixed-point teleportation circles, mage players from various cities joined forces to connect almost every city with some teleportation formation springboards, which also allowed Li Wen's mission to be taken out of Jianfeng City for the first time. Shared to the whole kingdom.

This is the first time that Master Bobby's brilliance has favored players all over the country.

Of course, the main reason is that Croxanne is not that smart.

She can tell who has the authority given by Li Wen, but she can't tell who is a mason and who is not. Otherwise, it is actually the fastest way for her to open a portal for players to gather first and then share tasks.

Fortunately, the players were not vegetarians either. When Li Wen felt a little overwhelmed with certain things, they stood up by themselves.

And so in the night of the frenzied moon...

"Hey! Hey!"

"Sledgehammer! 80! Sledgehammer! 80!"

"One two three! Smash it! One two three! Smash it!"

"Small hammer 40 small hammer 40 small hammer 40 small hammer 40..."

"Take the sledgehammer in your hand and forget the worldly troubles."

Li Wen scanned everything in front of him, feeling only relieved in his heart.

What a good worker!I must not let you down!

The harder you work, the better I can live!come on!Hit the workers!

What is the situation of those figures patrolling around with their hands behind their backs?
While thinking about it, one of the players who looked like a contractor swayed over, and he couldn't help but frown when he saw the back of Li Wen, who was not doing business properly.

"Who is that? Why are you looking around when you're not working?"

"Just say what are you looking around for?"

It wasn't until Li Wen turned around that the contractor opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Damn it, Bobby!"

Li Wen looked at him with a smile.

"Are you an overseer?"

The player immediately came over and responded with a smile.

"That's not right! Everything needs to be coordinated, and nothing can be done in a mess. We have divided our respective areas of responsibility in a place as large as the entire planet. Anyone who fails to complete the task will be punished."

Li Wen nodded, and did not comment on the overall coordination of the players.

He just turned over the materialized reddish-brown substances that had been pried open and covered back by the players, and found that the surface of the Frenzied Moon about a foot below was indeed that kind of off-white skin. Put it back again.


The ambition of the legendary bronze dragon as a unit is only in the preliminary stage, and it is not very obvious on the surface of the crazy moon. It must be far behind the players' digging speed.

As for not cleaning up these substantiated substances immediately after prying them open, it was Li Wen's request. People on the ground can see the physical appearance of the crazy moon.

What if the originally dark red moon turns white in large swaths, and the legendary bronze dragon notices it and flies up to Kai Wushuang, who can stop it?
The players who had a boss were very happy, but Li Wen reckoned that these level 8 and 9 players might not necessarily be the opponents of this legendary dragon.

If the giant dragon is willing, after the blood frenzy incident is completely resolved, Li Wen doesn't mind making him and the players lively.

"If possible, polish it after cleaning it, it's not good-looking if it's not gray."

Li Wen patted the player on the shoulder, exhorting him casually, without making strict demands.

After all, it is not easy to just clean up these things.

Seeing that the players were all working hard, Li Wen felt relieved. After speaking, he turned around and stepped into the portal he had just summoned.

Highlight a relaxed and freehand style, as if going out for a walk.

On the desolate moon of madness, clanging sounds came and went one after another.

But gradually there were some unexpected voices——

"It's a strange way to open the door. I haven't seen the task of polishing the planet as a condition for opening the door in other games..."

"What Jibai mission? There is no reward if there is a reward! There is also a TM limit on the completion time! How long will it take us to complete it on such a big planet?"

"That's right! Made quit!"

"It's over! It's not spicy!"

"What Bobby Jibai! I gave him a blow to the sky!"

After half a day of mechanical labor, some players have become impatient.

"Woooooo! You are not allowed to say that about my Bobby! Don't say it! Don't say it!"

"That's right! We obviously asked for this task, and I came here voluntarily! Labor is the most glorious thing!"

"Do you know how glorious it is to contribute to another world? Huh?"

"Don't call me! Do you know how fun it is to go 'da da da' every day? You don't know! You don't even know!"

"I'm not bitter! I'm not tired! I contribute to a different world! I am happy for everyone!"

"Quick! Stop all of you, and leave it to me alone! At worst, I'll go back and fool my stupid dwarf NPC mentors up, and then I will develop the different world alone! Hmph!"

There are also some players who enjoy it.

The small emotions in the hearts of these individual players have their own individual and group adjustments, and no one can force it.

The supervisor who had just talked to Li Wen's eyes lit up after hearing Li Wen's words, and immediately held a supervisory meeting.

"Let's analyze and analyze the meaning of Master Bobby's words?"

"Do you even need to ask? Is this an inappropriate hidden condition?"

"It's hard work that pays off! Do it!"

"That's right! Are you happy that the workers in your company are doing more work for you?"

"Happiness is happiness...but what will you give them?"

Soul questioning silenced the Overseer Assembly.

turn to...

"Hey! Who cares! Don't judge others by yourself, can you? Do you think Bobby-sama is just like us?"

"Do it! My evaluation is as long as you can't do it to death! Do it to death! Come on! Beat the workers!"

"Come on, come on, let's study the process required for polishing. Where's the engineering department? Hurry up and come up with a plan! The finance department hasten to purchase the tools you need! Everyone hurry up and complete the task as soon as possible!"


Such cute players~
With a gratified smile on the corner of Li Wen's mouth, he fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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