I can't be an NPC

Chapter 173 This is how dwarves make friends!

Chapter 173 This is how dwarves make friends!
Unnamed Belt (Shimmer) (Symbol Required): When worn, this belt grants the wearer an advantage on Magic saving throws, Wisdom saving throws, and Charisma saving throws.Requirement: At least +3 on Wisdom saving throw, otherwise the wearer takes 3 points/hour of psychic damage and is exhausted, but the equipment effect still applies.

The dwarves' creations were soon revealed.

A finger-length leather belt that looks like it's covered with a layer of red amber.

And these dwarves also directly gave the identification attribute of the belt.

The requirement to use it is at least 16 points of perception, or have other magic items or spell states that make up to +3 perception bonus, otherwise it will fall into a state of exhaustion and suffer 3 points of spiritual damage from the belt every hour.

This state is actually not difficult to make up.

Especially for the four professions of priest, druid, paladin, and mage, their professional ability has a natural perception saving bonus, and it increases with the level, and it happens to be +9 at level 4 With the addition of the Chosen One's innate perception of at least 8 points, the ability to wear this piece of equipment can be worn without any damage.

As for the requirement of coherence... But any magic item needs coherence.

But the problem is... The monsters that players have to face generally rarely have the direction of spiritual damage.

On the contrary, many of the spells of human mages will involve the determination of immunity.

So the large-scale promotion of these belts will make the mage suffer?
Obviously not.

Li Wen waved his hand, "No."


"The ore I found is only these two pieces, so what... I have nothing to do, I will leave~"

As he spoke, Li Wen wanted to run away. His purpose of coming here was fulfilled, so there was no need to stay as a guest.

"and many more!"

The dwarf who brought Li Wen here grabbed his arm, "You can't leave yet."


The dwarf looked around, pulled out the belt held by another dwarf and handed it to Li Wen.

"Take your stuff away!"


Li Wen stared blankly at the belt in his hand—what do you mean?
"We don't want your trash!"

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked elsewhere with a haughty expression.

Cow wow cow wow.

You are amazing!You are noble!

Li Wen gave him a thumbs up, hugged his belt and ran away.

The rough voice of the dwarf came from behind, "I warn you, return our chosen son to us as soon as possible, otherwise, don't say it is unpredictable!"

"I know, I know~"

Seeing Li Wen's leaving figure, the eyes of the dwarves shone with cunning.

This is the wisdom of dwarves in making friends.

Do you think I don't know that your city lord is using us to build weapons and equipment using the aggressive method?
You think I don't know that you're taking advantage of our ability to test new ores?
Do you think that I really came to ask your teacher Xing Xing for my crime?

We know everything.

If it wasn't for you, Li Wen, they would have returned to their own territory long ago, so why would they stay in the human world.

Because of Li Wen's existence, so many new things have emerged in the human world.

And also promised to discuss the skills of magic with the elves and explore more possibilities of new spells.

Everyone is good, but the dwarves are nothing.

Is this reasonable?


So we have to see if you, a master, can still get some benefits.

Ordinary people are rigid to please, but the dwarves are different, they pretend to be stupid.

Stupid people, rich money, hurry up.

I don't take the initiative to find you, I let you take the initiative to come to me.

What does it mean to be wise and foolish?

You thought I was on the first floor, but I was actually on the fifth floor.


"Sister, when do you think Bobby will rescue us?"

In the Lunatic Moon Continent, in the palace full of luxury and natural atmosphere, there are two free hearts trapped.

Anastrina and Aletta, the two elf ladies, had just returned to the floating city in the floating boat when they were held down by guards swarming up.

Of course, the two elf ladies cooperated very well, and the families of the two elf ladies also declared their efforts to protect them, so all possible troubles were avoided, and they just let them think about their mistakes behind closed doors.

It's just that the two elves who thought about their mistakes behind closed doors obviously didn't have the slightest intention of repenting.

The two walked to the balcony and looked up at the dark red "Moon God" in the sky.

They couldn't see what was happening up there, but their hearts were full of expectations.

Because, someone is there to save the world, and they are also saving them.

The only pity is that there is no way for them to say what they have seen above.

They knew they couldn't talk about it, even if Bobby hadn't warned them, they couldn't say anything about the "Moon God".

After all, if the dwarf king knew that Bobby was doing something that would disrupt his plan, there was no guarantee that the dwarf king would do something unimaginable.

For example... through a war to take away the airship of their elves?
Or just fly up by himself... just don't know if he has the ability, probably not.

In any case, there is always the possibility of danger.

So even if they are suffering some grievances now, they are always happy with expectations for the future in their hearts.

If there is anything unhappy... it is the only fact that can be said, which is easily despised by those people.

"The world is a ball?"

"Hahaha! Don't be ridiculous! If the world is a ball, don't we all have to fall?"

"Or like those hilarious human circuses? Balancing awkwardly on a ball?"

"Seeing it with your own eyes? Of course you saw it with your own eyes. You stole the airship for this purpose. Even if you just wandered around in the sky casually, you certainly saw the so-called...'fact' with your own eyes, didn't you? "

"Dear ladies, so what if it's the truth? What the world looks like can't change the various situations we are currently facing. Instead of looking at the sky, I think you should pay more attention to your own situation."

Anastrina remembers the counterattack from the taunting guys nearby after she landed, and how hard their mouths remained even after she told the truth about what she had seen with her own eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Damn it! Why isn't Poppy done yet? I can't wait to slap them in the face!"

Aletta just listened to Anastrina's words silently, staring at the sky above her head, a little lost in thought.

Her wish has been fulfilled, and now everything is satisfied.

As for other people's recognition... She was naturally happy if others recognized her, and she was already satisfied if others didn't recognize her.

Pursue the truth, not for others.

If she had any regrets... it was that the fist-sized souvenir she brought down from the "Luna" disappeared.

It may have been lost in the chaos when it landed, and even though I asked my mother to look for it later, I couldn't find the dark red crystal substance.

There was an insignificant knock on the door, and the voice of Aletta's mother, Carrera, sounded beside the door.

"Can I come in?"

"Okay, please come in."

Anastrina replied cheerfully.

Carrera, who walked in slowly, saw the two elf ladies leaning on the balcony one by one, and smiled helplessly.

"Didn't it make you think about it... It seems that you don't mean to think about it at all."

"It wasn't our fault~"

Anastrina had a lively tone.

Carrera shook her head and chuckled.

"So, what did you see on it, can you really not even tell me?"

"No, mother, in a few days, you will know everything in a few days."

"Mysterious and mysterious..."

Carrera didn't care, on the contrary, she was very interested in the culprit who caused all this.

"It seems that the Bobby you mentioned really showed you something extraordinary. What about others? Why didn't he come back with you?"

"He...he has his things to do. The responsibilities on his shoulders... are much heavier than ours. "

Perhaps the weight of life cannot be measured, but two worlds are obviously much more important than one world.

"I suggest that Auntie think about how to entertain him next time. He is the greatest mage I have ever seen, and he will also be the greatest mage in this world."

Traveling across the world in search of redemption sounds romantic enough...

Not to mention, when they were with him, they also saw scenery that they had never imagined before.

They are not alone.

It turns out...in another world, there is still a cold moonlight.

The long night is quiet, the moonlight is like water.

The hazy moonlight made them have endless reverie about the different world.

It's a pity... the first side, and the last side.

When we meet next time, maybe I can ask him to bring some landscape paintings about their world...

It must be beautiful to think about it.

Carrera looked at the mental state of the two little guys, and felt relieved.

It seems that they are more optimistic than everyone outside and look forward to the future.

So... How to delay the time as much as possible and prevent the dwarf king from destroying the dreams of the two little guys is what her mother, who is also the head of the Elven Council, needs to do.

(End of this chapter)

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