I can't be an NPC

Chapter 174 The Altar

Chapter 174 The Altar
Helen's actions were quick, and at night, Li Wen received a message from Helen.

Three-ring spell-SMS.

"Come to the south gate outside the city, teleport it directly from the city wall, don't let anyone see it."

It's pretty hidden.

Li Wen acted immediately, and took out a small ball of gel, which contained one of his own eyelashes, which was a necessary material for casting the spell.

After the short incantation, Li Wen's figure disappeared directly on the spot.

3nd Level Spell—Invisibility (Illusion): A creature you touch becomes invisible until the spell ends.The target's clothing and possessions also remain invisible as long as they remain on the target.If the target attacks or casts a spell, the spell ends. (Ascending ring casting effect: When using a third-level or higher spell slot to cast this spell, you can designate an additional target for every spell slot you use that is higher than the second-level spell slot.) Release time: 1 seconds.Cooldown: None.Duration: Up to [-] hour, requires sustained concentration.Casting Range: Reach.

The door opened quietly and closed again quietly.

There were still lights on in some homes along the way, and faint laughter came from them, but most of them were dark.

I don't know if I went to bed early or moved to the central square of the city.

Occasionally, I encountered some patrolling guards, and under the premise of invisibility, no one could find out.

Near the city gate, there is a solidified spell real vision and a constant ban on teleportation spells, and there are also guards patrolling and scanning.

However, it seemed that Helen had greeted her in advance, and purposely blocked the spell effect on a short section of the city wall near the south gate.

Coming to the edge of the city gate, Li Wen appeared briefly during the casting process, but the casting speed of Mi Zongbu was already fast, and it was a spell that Li Wen had mastered early on. In less than half a second, Li Wen's The body disappeared in place under a cloud of silver mist.

When it reappeared, it was already outside the city.

Thirty feet, or 30 meters, is enough to cross the wall.

All of a sudden, the sound of all kinds of insects and frogs flooded into my ears, and the moonlight in the sky cast a bright light, but there was a little dark red color in the afterglow.

Helen's voice came from next to her ear, a trick—a message spell.


Li Wen heard the sound and looked, and saw Helen wearing a black cloak leaning against the enchanting lines of the city wall.

After approaching, Li Wen looked Helen's attire up and down.

The supple black cloak trimmed with gold thread was close to the curve of Helen's own figure, and the peaks and peaks overlapped, outlining a devil-like explosive figure.

Under the hood, most of the soft-lined pretty face was exposed except for the parts above the eyes. As Li Wen approached, he slightly raised his cheeks.

The moonlight slowly illuminated Helen's face, and for a moment it was impossible to tell whether the moonlight was whiter or her face was whiter.

Helen stared at Li Wen in front of her with clear eyes looking down.

"Let's go."

"Well~ But you are not hidden at all."

"Why do you need to hide it with clothes when you have spells? Clothes are for looking good."

That makes sense, miss.

Li Wen was about to use a spell, but Helen grabbed his hand, "It's fine to do it alone, I'll do it."

After a brief explanation, Helen quickly recited the spell.

One-ring spell - stride.

Second ring spell - invisibility.


Do you want to play with colors?
The acceleration and invisibility effects took effect one after the other, and Li Wen could only feel the heat from Helen's palm pulling him quickly towards the wilderness.


After leaving the city for a certain distance, Li Wen subconsciously twitched his hand.

After all, it is very flirtatious...

Helen terminated the effect of the spell, and at the same time let go of Li Wen's hand and lifted the hood on her head with both hands.

"There's still some distance, right? The Phantom Horse?"

"Will do."

Call out the phantom horse, and the two get on the horse.

After running for a while again, he stopped in a sparse grove that was nothing out of the ordinary.

"At this?"

While speaking, Li Wen also glanced around, and the super high level of magic power allowed him to locate something that didn't look right at a glance.

This is... High Phantom?
Helen nodded, "It's right here."

As he said that, he got off his horse and waved his hand. A barrier formed purely by elemental power disappeared in front of his eyes, revealing the creation hidden by the spell——

An ancient altar covered in moss.

Li Wen's first reaction was...

"Can the advanced phantom leave you so far away?"

Helen raised her index finger on her lips, "Special professions always have special abilities. This is not the three-ring illusion that you are familiar with~"


Li Wen turned his gaze to the altar in front of him again, "Hey! You..."

Helen blocked Li Wen's mouth, "The altar discovered by a group of mercenaries must have been a few years ago. I invited you over to see what's so strange about this altar."

It's a full set of acting, right?
The prophecy spell can indeed go back to a certain extent what happened in a small area before, and it really needs to be played out for prudence.

Li Wen looked at Helen and nodded with a smile.

Pushing aside the thick vines that looked like green pythons under his feet, Li Wen walked forward carefully.

The main body of the altar is a square, showing a pyramid structure, but the scale is much smaller, occupying only about 20*20 meters.

Because it has been abandoned for "many years", it is covered with moss and vines, and some places even have some tiny plant shoots because of the accumulation of enough soil and the nutrients brought by the decay of fallen leaves.

In the jungle at night, the entire altar quietly looks like a tomb of an ancient civilization, full of historical charm.

Bullfrog Bullfrog.

Li Wen walked up to the highest platform of about 3*3 in the center, and some unidentified carvings were engraved on the ground, and under the growth of those moss, only a roughly blurred trajectory could be seen.

Li Wen reached out and stroked it, sweeping away the moist moss, but a thorn of a certain plant accidentally pricked Li Wen's finger, and a drop of blood flowed down the plant's body to the altar floor and into the sculpture. Among the lines.

In just an instant, a certain kind of cyan light spread along the place where the blood dripped, and spread rapidly at an extremely fast speed. The ancient carvings all over the upper and lower levels of the altar crossed the barrier of time, and once again bloomed in this night Shine the light they should have.

The special effects are quite good...

The sudden flash of light caused Li Wen, who accidentally triggered all this, to subconsciously take two steps back because of shock.

The next moment, the light on the altar seemed to condense into substance, forming a layer of armor of light on Li Wen's body.

A certain ancient inheritance power condensed on Li Wen's body again.

Helen immediately asked in surprise, "How are you doing?"

"Strength...the power of blood."

Li Wen's eyes were straightened, and the acting skills bestowed by Jian Yong made Li Wen's acting skills natural.


"It's okay, you can come up and try. This seems to be some kind of... feedback or response."

Helen stepped forward doubtfully.

As Li Wen "gained" his talent, the light on the altar fell silent again. When Helen stepped forward, only the aftertaste of the ending shone dimly on the altar.

"Try a drop of blood."

Li Wen suggested to Helen.

Helen hesitated for a while, and after using her perception ability to investigate the situation of Li Wen and the altar, she still did what Li Wen said.

With a drop of Helen's blood, the light on the altar seemed to be activated again.

"really have……"

Helen opened her mouth blankly, her acting skills are more realistic, because she is not acting to some extent.

After Li Wen opened the authority, she could really be given one of the three human talents on the altar.

It's just that unlike the player, her choices are passive.

Whichever bloodline the aborigines prefer, they will naturally acquire that kind of ability.

And she... is the stride of the wild hound.

After really feeling this ability derived from blood, Helen looked at Li Wen in shock.

Not seeking explanations or discussions from fellows, but... Was this really initiated by him for all of humanity?

Moreover, these abilities did not cost her any extra.

Unlike those devil's contracts, when you get it, you will always lose your most precious things.

This feat...

"What the hell is this place?"

Helen's eyes were fascinated, "Perhaps, I can ask my teacher to come here to have a look..."

Covering the altar again with the magic ability of the advanced profession, Li Wen and Helen left.

The purpose of their coming here is to let Li Wen open the authority for the altar.

After walking far away, Helen let out a soft breath, and said to Li Wen, "Okay."

The play is over.

Li Wen laughed, "Your movements are really fast..."

"It's okay... The main thing is that it can't attract the attention of others. It took some effort."

"By the way, you can't do it alone, can you?"

"of course not……"

"What about those people?"

Li Wen was afraid that there would be a risk of leakage due to too many people.

Obviously, Helen would not make such a low-level mistake, so she made a gesture of sealing Li Wen.

Li Wen was a little speechless, "Isn't it?"

"Where do you want to go?"

Helen glanced at Li Wen, and he looked very charming at night in the forest.

"It's just temporarily hidden in a secret place. With the number of people in contact and the longer the time, I don't think the secret of the altar can be kept secret forever. It's enough if you can persist for a few days to make your plan work."

"That's good, what to do next?"


Helen put the hood back on and shouted loudly, "Drive!"

The soft and heroic voice floated in the night sky.

"Let my teacher come over and make a conjecture about the blood frenzy. Then, it will be. In fact..."

Helen frowned, and carefully felt the power that came from the blood that was surging in her body like instinct.

"I think it is indeed related to the blood frenzy."

As he said that, he looked at Li Wen, who was following closely, "It seems that it is the luck of us humans that you fell into the blood frenzy?"

Li Wen chuckled.

"It's just luck..."

(End of this chapter)

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