I can't be an NPC

Chapter 178 Above the Moon!

Chapter 178 Above the Moon!


A hazy blood moon hangs in the sky.

The moonlight tonight is particularly red, spreading over the earth, as if covering everything with a somewhat strange hazy red light.

At the critical point, even the moon on the continent of Gaia itself seemed to be temporarily covered by the phantom of the crazy moon from the alien plane, presenting a rare scene that has never been seen before.

All the humans in the city who were affected by the blood frenzy are struggling against the blood that is boiling more and more. Even some humans who have not been affected before feel that the blood in their bodies is beginning to awaken.

From time to time, the melodious howling of wolves resounded from all over the city... Not all the people who were affected by the blood frenzy went to the central square of the city to be isolated, and the fierceness that was hidden alone was brewing in the darkness.

When the power of blood becomes more and more intense, human beings are no longer human beings.

And even those residents in the central square of the city who were appeased by the effect of the magic circle gradually began to become irritable.

The effect of the magic circle is losing its effect in the face of the blood frenzy when it is critical.

At a time like this...but I can't find that guy Li Wen!

Helen stood in the tallest tower in Jianfeng City, her gaze swept across the entire city that was starting to stir.

Behind him stood a messenger from the imperial capital.

Under the tower, countless well-equipped city guards are ready to go, and the standard weapons in their hands reflect a cold and bloody light at night.

Around the central square, there is even a group of high-level mages from the Mage Association, who are brewing large-scale destructive spells.

Just one ringing of the bell will turn the central square into a bloody slaughterhouse.

At the same time, the entire city will also become a hunting ground for hunting those blood frantic people.

after tonight...

Helen knew that everyone was waiting for her order.

But now, what Li Wen and she said echoed in her mind——

"Who is not an ordinary person, and who doesn't have the occasional evil thoughts in their hearts? When the evil in their hearts is magnified, what they need is salvation, not abandonment."

So, at this critical time, where did you go?
"My lord, the time is up."

The envoy from the imperial capital behind reminded him softly.


On the continent of Mad Moon, Larika found Aletta and Anastrina for the last time.

"If the Bobby you mentioned hasn't taken action yet, I think...our elf guards are about to start a sweep."

"Can't we wait any longer?"

Anastrina pursed her lips.

Larika didn't speak, just looked at her calmly.

Aletta didn't speak either, just looking at the dark red moon in the sky.

in the end……

Suddenly, Aletta jumped up.

She received a message in her ear, a message from Li Wen——

"Look at the sky."

Three-ring spell-SMS.

As long as they are on the same plane, information can be sent no matter where they are.

So, he is in heaven?

On, above the moon?

"Hurry up!"

Aletta lifted her skirt and ran out, "He's started to move."


Larika beckoned behind her to try to keep her, but found that the precious girl ran out in a hurry, so she had no choice but to keep up.

If she doesn't follow, her daughter will be unable to move an inch.

Come to the center of the floating city, where there is the highest platform of the floating city.

The platform is in the shape of a ring, and now all the high-level elves are here.

After all, as long as one order is issued, they can see the grand sight of their elven messengers setting off from the main city to send messages to all the elven cities in the whole continent.

This decision is almost only for humans, and most elves don't care about it, but they don't understand why a few high-level officials have been dragging their feet and unwilling to implement it.

The dwarf king is also here.

This is the last moment, as long as the elves here make a decision, his army of paladins who have sworn the oath of the crown will start cleaning up first.

What he wanted was never the army of these elves, but just an attitude from them.

After all, the high-level elves are close to humans. If the dwarves he controls directly start a massacre if they disagree with each other, it will inevitably anger these elves, and unnecessary wars may occur.

His actions are just.

Naturally, they are unwilling to use unjust processes to achieve their goals.

Now, it is finally time to issue the final order.

The era of eternal glory and justice will finally come.

It's just...how could that little elf who stole their elf floating ship some time ago rush forward recklessly at such a time?


Aletta, who rushed up, ignored the strange eyes of others, but ran to an empty corner alone, looking up at the sky, as if waiting for something.

Under her action, everyone on the high platform subconsciously looked at the sky.

What's there?

Li Wen was ready.

The time from the afternoon to the present is to prepare for casting spells.

A portal...a huge portal.

Portal Dozer.

On the moon of madness, it is now Li Wen's home field alone.

Calling out the phantom horse, Li Wen got on the horse.

In front of him was a long and narrow portal close to the ground with almost no end in sight.

What Li Wen needs to do is to control the portal to circle the Moon of Frenzy and transfer all the Demon Heart Mine to Croxanne.

At worst, the side facing the Mad Moon Continent should be cleared first.


Li Wen started to gallop his horse.

So... in the eyes of the residents of the entire Mad Moon continent, the reddish-brown "Luna" hanging in the sky like countless blood stains on the surface seemed to be wiped away bit by bit by a piece of skin at a speed visible to the naked eye. Like stains on the surface, revealing the off-white true face underneath.

little by little...

The scope gradually expanded.

Tengu... spit the moon?
The changes from the Moon manifest directly in both worlds at the same time.

On one side is the eternal day, on the other side is the dark night.

What remains unchanged is that the moons hanging in the sky on both sides are gradually revealing their true colors.

Different world, same mood.

Seeing this change, Aletta and Helen shared bright smiles on their faces.

Carefree place, even laugh out loud.

The two faces with their own characteristics but equally exquisite in a light and dark environment make everything around them seem to be eclipsed.

"what is that?"

"The moon...the moon..."

The strange changes caused many people to watch subconsciously, thus slowing down the movements in their hands.

Not only that, as the bloody stains on the moon were gradually cleaned up, those human beings with distorted faces and convulsions all over their bodies who were struggling against their own blood instincts quietly relaxed their bodies.

The boiling blood seemed to be soothed by some kind of power, so that they no longer had to let their reason and impulse fight.

Under the weird changes on the moon, the whole world seems to be under control.

Everyone just stared at the moon blankly...to see what it would look like.

As the area of ​​white becomes larger and larger, the boundary line between white and red becomes more and more distinct.

Some professionals who have cast spell effects or have extraordinary vision seem to be able to see the small black dot that is always at the junction of white and red.

"Someone on the moon?"

"Who's going up to see?"

"Look at Nima!"


The player forums are even more frantically swiping the screen.

"Did you see it? This is our credit!"

"I'm in charge of that area! I knocked it all down! Do you think I hang it?"

After the night's accident occurred, even though the participating players hadn't received the rewards of the mission, they still feel honored that such a big event that attracted the attention of the whole game came from them.

Tonight, no matter where you are, no matter what your status is...

Everyone is looking up at the moon...

Tonight, a god drove his carriage and opened a curtain that blocked the original face of the moon...

(End of this chapter)

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