Chapter 179

Larika quietly walked to Aletta's side, and the mother and daughter looked up at the "Luna" in the sky together.

"It came just in time."

Larika teased with a somewhat relaxed tone.


Someone around me exclaimed.

As the white area of ​​"Luna" became larger and larger, the reflective smooth texture also caused some strange reflections to appear on it...


The whole of the ball has not yet fully appeared, but half of its outline can be vaguely seen.

"what is that?"

"So smooth, you say... Could this be a mirror?"

"Mirror... When can Luna be a mirror?"

"But what if it has the same function as a mirror?"

"That ball up there..."

Larika, who also saw this scene, narrowed her eyes and looked at her daughter beside her.

"Aletta, is this what you see up there?"

"Looks like... isn't it?"

Aletta is not too sure, because she remembers... the ground that was cut by Bobby at that time was some kind of off-white texture, so it should not reflect light?

Could this be some kind of illusion created by that guy?
"Is this what our Moon God should have been like?"

Larika looked at the sky again, and the "Moon God", which had already shown its original appearance in most of the area, looked so holy and elegant.

In comparison, the remaining half of the reddish-brown dirt that is being quickly removed is really like a scar on a beauty's face, which attracts hatred.

"But I remember that the surface of the Luna we saw at that time was not like this..."

Anastrina whispered on the side.

Larika looked at the smooth surface of the moon god that seemed to reflect something, and looked at her daughter with a smile.

"Is it possible... that he did some processing for you?"


Aletta was speechless for a moment, feeling complicated.

With the passage of time, the side facing the Land of Mad Moon took the lead in showing its true colors.

A smooth curved surface reflects the opposite scenery.

Among the smooth reflective surfaces, a layer of white light is attached to the surface, and there are blue, yellow and green colored balls under it?

Even at the edge of the colored ball, there is a clear dividing line between light and dark.

The dark areas... are the Underdark.

If Luna is a mirror, reflecting everything it "sees".

Then this colored ball reflected by the moon god...

For a moment, the eyes of all the elves on the scene looked at Aletta who was rushing forward.

So, what Aletta all true?

The ground beneath their feet is really spherical.

Aletta has really been to the sky and witnessed all this with her own eyes.

After she came back, she did not deceive everyone, but no one wanted to believe it...

Wordless shock rose in the hearts of every elf.

Guilt, shame, respect and all kinds of emotions are mixed in, making this special moment seem weird.

This is the first time for everyone on the mainland to see the original face of the land under their feet.

The blue ocean...

The khaki desert...

dark green jungle...

Light green plains...

Mountains, rivers, jungles, rivers and rivers...

It turned out that the land under their feet turned out to be such a vast and wonderful existence.

So... what about the other side?

What about the other side that wasn't photographed?

Over there... what kind of scenery does it have?
At this moment, the chests of many elves jumped up.

After seeing the real world, they looked forward to the wider world even more.

But there are still people who remember the purpose of their gathering here - they are not here to admire the moon, nor are they here to witness the truth of the world being verified.

"President? Our orderly..."

An elf found Larika and asked for instructions.

Larika waved her hand, "No need."

"no need."

The two voices sounded almost simultaneously.

So everyone looked at the dwarf king who was sitting alone with the big horse golden sword.

Before that, all the elves avoided him intentionally or unintentionally because of his terrifying aura.

Even if one or two elves had said a few words to him in the past, they subconsciously walked away after finishing speaking.

Even the eyes of most of the elves avoided where he was intentionally or unintentionally.

But now, for the first time, the voice of the dwarf king attracted everyone's attention.

The talking dwarf king looked up at the sky, sighed softly, and slowly got up.

"There is no need to carry out the plan."

Just now, he felt that the connection between himself and Mad Moon was being released.

It was that kind of vague connection that allowed him to speed up the critical time of the Moon of Madness before, and also allowed him to see some vague words left by the great arcanist.

Until today, he thought that he was the only creature who came to this crazy moon world through an underwater space anomaly by accident.

Unexpectedly, there are others who entered this world in another way.

But now, this person who also entered this world has chosen a solution completely different from his own.

"He" chose to face the blood frenzy itself.

When the threat brought by the blood frenzy is removed, no matter whether it is the people on the Gaia continent or the people on the Mad Moon continent, there is no imminent danger.

Executing justice requires long-term pressure. Now that the pressure has disappeared, even if they kill some of the groups that have been affected by the blood frenzy before the truth emerges, it will not be beneficial to his plan.

What he wants is a glorious and righteous eternal world, not pure killing.

What's more... as the blood frenzy is resolved, those creatures who have been affected by the blood frenzy will gradually return to normal.

After returning to normal, they are no longer evil creatures.

The majestic pupils stared at the frenzied moon in the sky like the bottom of a smooth porcelain bowl. The dwarf king's eyes were in a daze, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Li Wen almost squeezed out his last bit of control.

After controlling the portal to clean up the entire surface of Mad Moon, he staggered off his horse and lay down on the ground, unable to move again.

He only felt as if every finger and every cell in his body had fallen into a state of strike.

In fact, it was only Li Wen's head that went on strike.

After all the Demon Heart Mine was cleared to Croxanne, the effect of Blood Frenzy had been completely eliminated on Li Wen.

The tranquility of the body and the exhaustion of the mind made it extremely difficult for Li Wen even to move a finger.

But for a moment, a surge of exhaustion struck, and Li Wen fell directly into a drowsy sleep.

Fortunately, the Moon of Madness can be regarded as absolutely safe...

The portal is still open.

A wisp of gray mist pinched the four corners of a quilt, and wobbled out from the portal.

This is a standing item that Li Wen kept at Croxanne for occasional camping in the wild, and it happened to come in handy now.

The quilt pinched by the gray mist divided into four was carefully aimed at Li Wen's body, and it was released gently.

The quilt slowly fell down, covering Li Wen's body.

The soft gray mist thoughtfully straightened Li Wen's body, allowing him to rest in a more relaxed posture.

Then, under certain rules, the gray mist that came out of the portal quietly melted like spring snow in the sun.

"Hey~ it hurts..."

From the other side of the portal, there came a pitiful sound that ordinary people could hardly perceive.


Li Wen, who was in deep sleep, could not hear a certain mechanical voice in his mind at all——

[It has been detected that all the generic links have been cleared, looking for new link targets...]

[Detecting the individual will from the autonomous world, trying to link...]



【? ? ? 】

【Are you deaf? 】

[Are you talking back? 】

[Broken... the only optional target is a deaf man. 】

Li Wen, who was in a deep sleep, turned over slightly, and murmured like a dream.

"Sabbie shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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