I can't be an NPC

Chapter 190 The Incident of the Snake Man

Chapter 190 The Incident of the Snake Man

After the reward was issued, Li Wen didn't care about the follow-up matters. This lesson should be enough to scare chickens and monkeys.

This is just an unexpected small adjustment, and my own affairs are important.

Go straight to the dwarven smithy again.

The eyes of the dwarves who got the book of the way of war madness were filled with tears that were visible to the naked eye.

Woo hoo!They held back their bad research and came up with a barbarian profession, not to mention, it was originally intended to be a killer in case of disputes with humans.

After all, human ambition is terrifyingly large.

It's just that I didn't expect that this profession, which was used to snatch the resources of the Chosen One from human beings, was returned backhanded by others, and even gave an additional sub-profession, and even a special armor manufacturing method.

You must know that the crafting process of armor is much more troublesome and complicated than that of weapons.

Behind every piece of qualified armor, I don't know how much hard work has been put into it.

Master Li Wen is so hot!
"Master! Good brother! You must come with us to our mountain fortress in a few days!"

The debtor dwarf handed over the so-called "Great Melting Pot" to Li Wen with a look of excitement.

"Good good~"

Li Wen took it with a smile on his face.

It doesn't matter to him, as his strength grows, he also wants to go out and have a look.

The world is big, and under the premise of safety and security, Li Wen also wants to see more humanistic landscapes in this world.

Maybe his root is in Jianfeng City, but before the fallen leaves return to their roots, he can also travel around the world.


After getting what he wanted, Li Wenxian returned home and hid "The Great Melting Pot" under the bed.

He felt like the little squirrel storing winter food...

Then they went out again, since they had to do something, they simply did it together.

The Book of Ways is easy to do, and it’s not easy to get it. After all, most people who want to become a mage and learn spells don’t rely on the Book of Ways to understand it by themselves.

The Mage Association has related services to guide inaugural mages to join the association to learn magic knowledge, and the temple also has volunteer mages on guard.

The difference is that one requires money, and the other does not; one is comprehensive, and the other is resigned;

It is definitely better to be guided by a master than to be enlightened by oneself. Not everyone is a genius.

Therefore, although the book of Taoism that completely records the eight major factions of mages is not rare, it is not easy to collect them all at once.

It even includes some spells lost in the Mad Moon Continent. The spells that Li Wen can learn are limited. There are at least [-] or [-] spells for each ring level. He can't let him learn them one by one and hand them over to the two elves. Miss.


When he came to the City Lord's Mansion, Li Wen rarely saw Helen immediately, and was told by the guard at the gate that he was not there.

Where did you go?do not know.

So a short message technique was thrown over.

"I want to ask you something, where is it?"

"Dungeon, you can come here."

After asking the guards, Li Wen searched all the way there.

The dungeon is located in a remote place, dark and gloomy, and it looks even colder at this time of night.

However, seeing Li Wen, the warden guarding the dungeon was not surprised at all, apparently he had received instructions in advance.

Under the leadership of the warden, Li Wen followed him all the way to the depths of the dungeon.

There were not many people in the dungeon, only occasional rustling sounds from some rooms.

Li Wen glanced at the magic light on the gray iron-colored stone wall, and unexpectedly found that the dungeon was not as dark and damp as he imagined, full of all kinds of strange musty smells.

On the contrary, the air is fresh, the environment is dry and the light is moderate.

Really went inside and found it a little warm?
In front of one of the specially-made magic cells in the deepest part, Li Wen saw Helen standing at the door wearing a long purple dress with her back to him.

After bringing Li Wen here, the warden gave Li Wen a quotation and smiled.

"The Lord City Lord is here, I'll go first."

"Thank you."

When he came to Helen's side, Li Wen could see clearly the scene inside the prison cell that could be seen through the gap on the iron door.

"Snake man?"

This was Li Wen's first time seeing a snake man with his own eyes, and he had only heard about it before.

The snake man he met for the first time made Li Wen forget his purpose of coming to Helen for a moment.

Helen nodded, "It's the one I caught last time."

The snake man in the cell was lying lifeless on the ground at this moment, his whole body was soft, and he looked like a dead snake.

However, under his not thin body, he didn't look a bit weak.

"What's up with him?"

Li Wen asked in a low voice.

Helen shook her head, "It's said that she felt some cry for help from my compatriots."

When the snake people are in danger, they can release a field wave to the surroundings, or call for help or warn. The stronger the strength, the farther the range of influence can be, and only other snake people who also use spiritual power can hear it. Such a vague message.

This kind of ability consumes a lot, and generally no snake people are willing to use it lightly if it is not an emergency.

Even if the snake man in the cell fell into the hands of humans, he would not use this natural ability until the moment he actually met the butcher knife.

Now, the snake man who is a prisoner did not take the lead in calling for help, but instead received the... warning from his tribe first?
This made Helen a little confused.

Did those tribesmen running around with their so-called relics encounter some kind of big boss?Was beaten almost completely wiped out?
Or... there is no other possibility.

But how?

Just looking at the snake man in front of him, you can tell that these snake men can bend and stretch, and their own strength is definitely not weak.

If they were really determined to use their energy reserves and those so-called magic soldiers to attack Jianfeng City, even with the reckless help of the Chosen Ones, Helen would not necessarily be able to defend the city.

These snake people are definitely not weak. The reason why they dare not show up openly is nothing more than fear of attracting the attention of too many human bosses after they show up, and they will be completely ashamed.

These things, from the mouth of the snakes who have been imprisoned for so many days, Helen has already got a lot out.

He has strength and is not afraid of losing face. If he can't beat him, he will run away.

Being able to run is something that every strong person in this world needs to learn.

As long as you can escape, there is hope for everything.

Under these premises, who else can beat those snake people holding the relics of their empire to the ground without attracting attention?
He didn't even allow rescue, and directly issued a warning to all compatriots who heard it to leave far away.

Helen didn't understand.

"Could he be in disguise?"

Li Wen pinched his chin.

"What is he doing pretending that he has nothing to do?"

"Perhaps to trick you into letting him out?"

"What reason does he have for me to let him out?"

"For example...he wants to see what happened to the tribe?"

"None of my business."

"Maybe it is also a threat to us humans?"


Helen narrowed her eyes slightly.

"And only he can find the source of his people's warning."

"It seems to make sense..."

Whispering softly, the snake man who was lying on the ground seemed to be uncomfortable suddenly rushed towards the door of the cell.

The rapid approach of the snake face that looked a little different from humans made Li Wen and Helen subconsciously take half a step back at the same time.

"I'm going to find my people!"



Helen pursed her lips and subconsciously looked at Li Wen.

"You're not in collusion with him, are you?"

Li Wen smiled embarrassingly, "I'll just make a random guess."

"I suspect you are reminding him."

Helen shook her head and looked at the other party, "I agree."


(End of this chapter)

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