I can't be an NPC

Chapter 191 Genius Step 1

Chapter 191 Genius First Step

so weird.

Why would Helen allow it?Isn't this simply letting the tiger go back to the mountain?
It was Li Wen's turn not to understand.

Helen didn't explain too much about the snake man.

He just said that he had to find two partners for him tomorrow before he could set out to find the snake man, and then he took Li Wen out of the dungeon.

When walking on the way to the City Lord's Mansion, there were not many people on the street, Helen said to Li Wen with a soft smile.

"What? It seems that you don't understand it very well?"

"I understand a little, but not much."

"It's actually very simple. I don't know if you have seen those civilians who use medicine to clean up the cockroaches in their homes?"

"I'm not talented, I'm a commoner in your mouth."

Helen pursed her lips and chuckled, "That's even better. A cockroach that steals medicated food and returns to its cave will only kill all its people."

"So you put poison on that snake man?"

Li Wen's eyes were terrified, he didn't expect to be the most poisonous woman's heart.

Helen rolled her eyes at Li Wen, she was soft and charming.

"Do you think I'm like that? In fact, after being imprisoned for this period of time, I have roughly understood the mind of that snake man. After such a long time, they actually have no hatred for human beings in their hearts."

The time of 5000 years is not just talk.

Don't look at the snake man screaming fiercely, but he has a clear understanding of the situation in front of him.

Now that human beings are powerful, they are far from the weak race that they were allowed to bully back then.

Even if the Snakeman Empire in its heyday and any one of the three major human kingdoms today are in a match, they may not dare to say that they will win, let alone as long as they show up, they may face the same hatred of the three kingdoms .

When there are no foreign enemies, humans play backstab sneakily, and when there are foreign enemies, they are also natural allies.

Snake people understand humans better than anyone else.

Not to mention that they are now the only party that is surviving. With the remaining wealth, it is not bad to be able to fight against the main cities of two or three kingdoms. What is the talk of fighting against the entire human race.

Coupled with Helen's insistence on seducing and profiting...

Even the snake people have to admit that, as the overlords of the mainland, their snake people's development of the world is not as thorough as humans.

All kinds of energy-rich ores, which would be pure luxury goods, are piled up in front of their eyes. Which snake man can stand it?

Even the many delicacies of human beings have rekindled the desire for food for the snake people who are used to absorbing energy instead of eating.

The imprisoned snake man looks like a snake man on the outside, and his mouth is still hard, but he probably has turned into a human being inside.

"So if you put back an Izarek, you can bring back a snake man, and if you put back a snake man, what can you bring back?"

Helen is full of confidence.

Li Wen wondered where Helen's confidence came from.

"How do you know he's not acting in front of you?"

Helen turned her head to look at Li Wen, a strange blue-purple color lit up in her eyes.

Spirit... psychic power!
Li Wen instantly felt this familiar attribute.

It is somewhat similar to the core strength of the paladin, but not the same.

The paladin passively arouses the power of psionic energy because of his strong oath and perseverance.

And right now... Helen is actively using it!
And the snake people... No, more precisely, they are actively using them like those so-called illithids!

Nima's!Another unreasonable genius.

No wonder the two women, Helen and Qin, are best friends.

The two are not only rare geniuses in their respective fields, they even have outstanding natural aptitudes in terms of spiritual power...or charm.

In their eyes, ordinary professionals are probably Muggles.


Helen tilted her head slightly, and the blue-purple light in the dark night looked evil and terrifying, "How did you get it?"

Li Wen swallowed, nodded, "Yes."

The blue-purple light in both eyes gradually faded, Helen smiled, "Do you think I've been idle for a while?"

She is also a young and promising legendary candidate!

Every legend is the mainstay of the human world, and there is a world of difference between legends and non-legends.

So Helen is not only the lord of the city, but also a diligent professional.

How did she get all her strength?It fell from the sky?
If she has nothing to do, she will go to the mountains to find some powerful creatures to challenge her limit, which is what she often does.

Recently, when Li Wen was looking for her, it was abnormal. It was just because she had been observing and experiencing the psychic power of the snake man at close range almost every day.

Before being a powerful professional, she was first and foremost a mage.

Every sorcerer is full of aggressiveness and desire to explore, without this kind of mind, it is impossible to delve into esoteric spells.

A mage is a profession, an identity, and an attitude towards life and the world.

A brand-new power system is in front of her, and she has no reason not to study and understand it.

Li Wen nodded.


The self-confidence in Helen's words made him realize that everyone is essentially the same kind of person.

They are all mages!

"It seems that it is all in your plan. No matter whether his reason this time is to deceive you or not, it can bring you enough benefits."

If the snake people were not in danger, they might be able to bring back a nest.

If the snake man is in danger, at least he can bring back some news from the snake man who has started to really think about human beings.

Helen raised her fair chin proudly, the smooth arc outlined a thrilling beauty under the moonlight.

"Do you think that only you can do those great things?"

People at the same level are only happy when they hear praise from people at the same level.


Li Wen blinked his right eye at her and said with a smile.

"But actually I know..."

He cooperated like this just to make Helen happy.

Let the other party feel that she is really good and powerful, let the other party know that she is not an idiot, and at the same time let the other party know that she is willing to pretend to be an idiot temporarily for the other party.

Do you know what a social butterfly Bobby is?
Helen understood Li Wen's meaning and was startled.

It's broken, I was teased by this little guy.

So he immediately narrowed his eyes again, and leaned over with a smile, until Li Wen subconsciously leaned back to try to avoid her intrusion, and then suddenly asked.

"My teacher is very interested in you, but he didn't say it clearly. Do you want me to match you up?"

The legendary strong also has the pride of the legendary strong.

"your teacher?"


Li Wen shook his head straight.

"do not want!"


He was quite afraid of those powerful professionals. In front of those people, he always felt that everything about him was transparent and completely insecure.

Even though those beings are not very intelligent and perceptive like the legendary bronze dragons I have seen before, their own strength is enough to make Li Wen feel jealous.


It's best not to meet each other in this life.

Helen twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, mocking in a low voice, "A self-closing house mage."

"Ah, yes, yes, I am."

"Hey~ You haven't said why you are looking for me?"

"Oh~ I need your help with something."

"what's up?"

"Can you find me a complete book of the mage's path? It's best to give me a complete copy of all the spell scrolls of the third ring and below."

Li Wen has indeed taught some spells to the two elf ladies, but that is the version Li Wen understands, not the standard version.

Li Wen's level is not too high, and his understanding must be lacking, and the spells he learned and passed on to others are somewhat private.

In fact, if there is no legendary realm and legendary magic power level, it is impossible to produce an absolutely standard scroll version.

And legends are not so easy to achieve, so some spells on the crazy moon continent are gradually lost under such circumstances.

Since it is given, of course we must give the best.

"Three rings?"

Helen brushed a strand of curly hair from her ear, "But aren't you able to learn the spells of five rings?"

Li Wen was taken aback, "Huh?"

I can learn five-ring magic, why don't I know?Where to study?
Helen was also taken aback, "Didn't I tell you?"

"What did you say?"

"You are the honorary city mage of Sword Wind City!"


"You can go to the library of the Mage Association's resident library to look up the spells of the fifth ring and below? The ring I gave you is the passport."


Li Wen stared at her and paused every word.

"You! No! Say! Yes!"

"Ahaha~ It should be the same now, right?"

Li Wen thought about it.

"Then can I ask for spell scrolls with five rings and below?"

Helen raised her eyebrows.

"The two elf ladies for you?"

"It is for the entire different world continent, and they have also helped me a lot."

Li Wen corrected seriously.


Helen nodded her chin, as if hesitating for something.

Glancing at Li Wen, who was a little nervous, he suddenly smiled, like a lily blooming in the middle of the night.

"Just teasing you...Of course, I'll send someone to your home tomorrow."

"Thank you~"

"You're welcome."

Taking two quick steps, Helen stood in front of Li Wen.

The surging sense of oppression made Li Wen subconsciously make defensive moves.

"Master Li Wen might as well be bold. You are a genius. The geniuses I have seen are all proud and enthusiastic. Just like the sun in the sky."

(End of this chapter)

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