I can't be an NPC

Chapter 192 Can't think of a title

Chapter 192 Can't think of a title
Back home, it was still before eight o'clock in the evening, Li Wen lit the newly bought kerosene lamp, and began to prepare the special ink for writing the book of journey.

Similar to writing those trigger scrolls, this is the basic ability that every mage will learn when getting started.

In fact, before becoming a mage, Li Wen had already mastered these abilities, and it was only after he became a mage and had a sufficient understanding of the things that needed to be written that he could really start making it himself.

Li Wen is quite familiar with professions such as arcane knights, paladins, and even druids, and the writing of the Book of Ways is extremely smooth.

After finishing the work, I even want to write two trigger scrolls, that is, scrolls that can be torn apart and directly throw spells during battle.

It's a pity I didn't buy it.

The prices of blank spell scrolls that can carry different numbers of rings are also different.

The ones with the first and second rings are okay, but the spell scrolls with the third ring are not affordable by Li Wen now, and it is impossible to throw them away as consumables.

In the first and second ring spells mastered by Li Wen, the protection against good and evil, and the lost step are a little more practical. The protection against good and evil, which requires concentration, is also troublesome to make, and it needs to maintain the maximum concentration time limited by the spell. The production is complete; as for the lost track step, it is a little simpler, but Li Wen is not so urgent that he needs the scroll to supplement the number of times the spell can be used. enough.

The wealth of a mage is also a resource that needs to be measured and used. It is impossible to achieve the ultimate in everything, and it is just a waste.

still poor...

Li Wen sighed lightly.

The degree of wealth of a mage, as well as the preparation in advance, can really determine a mage's combat ability.

Otherwise, don't say too much, just resist a box of three-ring fireball scrolls, blow up wherever you go, and the gods and ghosts will change.

After finishing all this, Li Wen put away the copy of the Taoist book, opened a portal, and slipped to Croxanne.

After having the experience of Er Gouzi, Li Wenting wanted to go to Croxan's body, which is the corrupted moon in the sky, to see what it looked like there.

But you still have to be careful about testing, and I don't know if she will avoid it.

The space of the Moon of Corruption is as dilapidated and desolate as ever.

However, Li Wen's arrival seemed to bring life to everything.

The faint gray mist that originally permeated everywhere dissipated instantly after Li Wen appeared, leaving a large space where Li Wen was. Only such a faint wisp of gray mist condensed into writing in front of Li Wen.

"Good evening~"

"good evening……"

Li Wen looked at the sky, and the twelve moons hung quietly in the sky like a string of Buddhist beads ranging from large to small.

Croxan can only see twelve rounds of the moon here, and can't see the starry sky. The sky is dim, but I don't know where the light source keeps the visibility here, at least it won't be as dark as the night of the Gaia continent.

The gray-black moon of corruption seemed to be getting smaller, but it didn't seem to change, but Li Wen knew that it was going away.

On the contrary, Er Gouzi's Crazy Moon seems to be closer...

The rest of the moons, big and small, basin-like or small balls, are all in a row. The farthest bright spots can’t even see the color clearly. The closest ones are the gray-black corruption moon and the white pearl-like frenzy moon. Outside, there is a moon with a copper-colored surface.

so weird.

Why can only the appearance of the full twelve moons be seen here in Croxanne?
Li Wen, who went to Mad Moon Continent, discovered this problem a long time ago——

No matter in the Gaia Continent or the Crazy Moon Continent, there is no such vision of twelve moons hanging in the sky at the same time.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Wencai asked, "Have you ever heard of the term 'resource module'?"

The same is the moon, since there is resource module 2, maybe there is 1?

Is Croxanne 1?

Obviously Croxanne is not 1.

Facing Li Wen's question, the foggy handwriting showed doubts.

"What is a resource module?"


Li Wen didn't know either.

After all, even Ergouzi himself didn't know why he was called a resource module.

At the same time, even referring to the so-called "people" who called him "resource modules", Er Gouzi could not describe more detailed information about those "people".

As he himself said - "He is just a resource module, and he can't explain these problems."

The resource module doesn't look like it, but it looks like a bad module.

It's hot, it's hot, if you don't know it, it's hot.

In life, sometimes there is nothing wrong with being properly confused.

It’s not necessarily necessary to break the casserole and ask the end of everything, the main reason is that if you want to ask, you can’t find someone who knows everything…

"Where are the ores I put in your place last time?"



"Here it is!"

Like a magic trick, piles of devil heart mines like hills appeared in front of Li Wen's eyes almost instantly.

What changes at the same time is the surrounding scenery. Although the ruins of dilapidated buildings in the distance are blurred, they can always be used as a reference.

Obviously Li Wen himself was taken to another place.

The scale of the Demon Heart Mine in front of me is still huge. After all, the shell of the entire moon has been knocked off. Even if it is divided into half by the players, the remaining Demon Heart Mine is enough for Li Wen to use forever.

Of course it wouldn't just be left like this, but Li Wen didn't think about how to use it for a while.

A large-scale sale doesn't feel necessary. Li Wen is indeed short of money, but he doesn't want to do such a one-shot deal.

As he himself said in the mission rewards, this is a version-limited one. After passing this village, there will be no such store. After selling it, he will not regret taking the medicine.

How to use it has to be carefully considered.

Li Wen took out "The Great Melting Pot" and prepared to use these ores to practice his hands first.

Knowledge and practice have always complemented each other, progressing little by little, and went straight to the sophisticated magic item like the golden key. Li Wen felt that he might not be able to analyze it, but the possibility of breaking other people's things was relatively high. big.

According to the records in "The Great Melting Pot"——

[Article [-]: You must experience succubi and erinia in your lifetime, but don't sign a contract with them before starting!Remember! 】

[Article [-]: There are many chaotic and kind-hearted creatures in the heavenly world, they are easy to deceive, come quickly! 】

where is wrong?

Oh~ I took the wrong book, why did I get the handwritten copy of "The Pink Book".

study hard!

Li Wen threw the manuscript aside and picked up the melting pot again.

[Before you start learning to build an item, you first need to understand the nature of all relevant materials and the purpose of the item you want to create. 】


And in the council of the main city of the elves in the Crazy Moon continent, where there is no difference between day and night, a discussion about whether to accept outsiders is also going on.

(End of this chapter)

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