I can't be an NPC

Chapter 194 Hi!Good morning!

Chapter 194 Hi!Good morning!
Larica just watched with a smile.

After waiting for a while, I saw that black-haired young man who had met once got half of his body out of the portal, and extended his right hand to the nearest person outside... that is, Aletta, sending out an invitation .

"Dear Miss Elf, welcome to the journey of another world. This journey will be led by Bobby, the chief tour guide of Poppy Co., Ltd., to appreciate the scenery of the other world. Passengers who enter the door should be prepared. Hold hands with each other, Don't get lost. So now... let's go!"

Aletta put her hand on Li Wen's with a smile on her face, and at the same time stretched her left hand back, grabbing the palm of a congressman behind her.


Jianfeng City City Clock Tower, this is the place with the best view in Jianfeng City.

On a nearly invisible transparent wall, a portal with gray mist surging around the edge, a long string of elves walked out like a string of gourds.

In the middle of the tower, Helen, who was casting spells to maintain the force field wall and used the elements given by her advanced profession to weave camouflage ability, looked at Li Wen who was walking in the forefront, and the person who was directly pulled out by him was different from the Gaia continent. Elf sisters of any subspecies of elves couldn't help raising their eyebrows.

However, after seeing the elf sisters brought out in a long line, Helen already felt a little numb.

We all know that only the exhausted oxen have not plowed the damaged land. With so many people, he must not be able to withstand it.

That means it's not at all...

Didn't it mean that there were only a few?

This is... an elf from another world that can barely stand up to the force field wall covering an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

"Be careful, don't fall."

Aletta thoughtfully reminded the other elves who followed closely behind.

In order to carry more people, the force field wall suspended in mid-air by the edge of the clock tower does not have guardrails.

Of course, these elf councilors who have lived for hundreds of years and have good strength will be fine even if they fall.

It is beyond the scope of Helen's element weaving camouflage, and it is easy to attract the attention of ordinary people.

After all, under the tower, there are some ordinary city residents passing by.


The feet were really stepped on, and the bright sky made the elves who walked out of the portal realize that they had reached their destination.

High altitude... high altitude does not make these elves feel afraid.

However, the other world can.

After stepping out of the portal, the frolicking elf sisters voluntarily dispersed to make way for the elves who came later, and at the same time began to look around.

The Bell Tower is the tallest building in Jianfeng City. Standing on the highest point, one can have a panoramic view of the entire Jianfeng City.

The towering city walls erected defenses on all sides, and the city roads planned and ordered like a grid cut the entire city horizontally and vertically. They were not completely straight, but the twists and turns of the roads made the city look more vibrant.

However, this kind of planning presents a different layout in the center of the city, just like the sea accepts all rivers, and every road eventually merges into a circular square in the center of the city.

A dozen majestic palaces surround the square, and the square is densely packed with crowds.

This is morning, the most energetic time of the day.

The natural eyesight of the elves makes them more able to see things in the distance—

Young apprentices are holding classics, sitting on the stone steps beside the square and studying deeply.

A group of priests are solemnly facing a certain direction, sincerely praying for something.

Several smiling young girls, holding a stack of parchment in their hands, are enthusiastically introducing it to every passerby.

The exaggeratedly dressed circus used simple tricks to make a group of onlookers laugh.

The handsome poet affectionately expressed his admiration for the noble lady with melodious tone.

The eyes drifted into the distance... a few pale white smoke floated from the chimneys of some houses.

The boss greeted the acquaintances with a smile, and the storefronts with different house numbers were unfolding among the passing crowd.

Pedestrians on the street grabbed paper bags and gnawed on the seemingly sweet and delicious bread.

Some children bumped into the early morning crowd recklessly, and ran into the distance happily.

The ranger in leather armor dozed off and led the horse towards the city gate.

In the open space near the city wall, there are soldiers in formation practicing martial arts.

There are also some figures in mage robes with their heads held high, and they walk slowly towards a special-looking building complex.

The layout of that building complex is so special that it seems to be able to feel some kind of magic charm just by looking down from a distance.

"where is that?"

"Mage Association."

"Mage Association..."

The elf whose question was answered nodded, his eyes full of deep awe.

No matter where, the Master is always respected.

As a professional, everyone does not distinguish between high and low.

But mages have never been pure professionals.

This is identity, life, pursuit, and the greatest hope for the future of every race.

And in almost all places in the city, you can also see some strange figures that look more lively and active.

They are incompatible with ordinary residents, and even these elf sisters from different worlds can notice their difference at a glance.

"That's the chosen one."

Li Wen came to Aletta and Larika and explained softly.

"Looks alive."

Players who can leave the bed and seal in such a morning may be really energetic.

"Also enthusiastic."

An elf councilor next to him added.

She noticed that the so-called Chosen Ones were asking around, and often offered to help.

For example, a girl carrying a basket far larger than her body, or an old man bent over trying to call back his frightened kitten that ran to the roof.

Li Wen pursed his lips, unwilling to deceive them either.

"People have many sides, and this is just one of them."

"That one side is enough to represent a lot of things."

The elves fell silent.

Originally lively and lively, they watched everything in front of them silently, with only quiet observation in their eyes.


A legend intertwined.

There was a faint mist in Helen's eyes.

Li Wen's decision was right, and his caution was also right - of course the news of the discovery of another world cannot be released directly.

The two worlds certainly cannot suddenly start large-scale communication with each other. Human ambitions are endless, not to mention that the three kingdoms on the current continent are all ambitious people.

Although war can also allow different worlds and different cultures to blend with each other, it is the worst way.

Helen also didn't want to see that happen.

However, the relationship cannot be cut off.

The beginning of many good things in the world comes from the unconditional trust of one party at the beginning.

It is also a good idea to choose to let the other party see how these Chosen Ones are in their city.

After all, for the aborigines of the Gaia continent, the chosen one also fell from the sky, and they were not even given a time to prepare and adapt.


Thinking of something, the corner of Helen's mouth curled into a smile.

This time, he finally chose to believe in himself... Believe in himself, a powerful person in the city.

"Finally didn't you do it secretly and secretly this time?"

Seeing that Li Wen was about to say something, Helen spoke first and blocked his mouth.

"Because I think you should be able to understand them... They are all very good people, and so are you."

The corner of Helen's mouth twitched, before her bright smile could bloom, the next moment she realized that she couldn't be pleased by such simple words, so she immediately suppressed it forcibly.

It would be fine if suitors like Laurent knew he was so easily amused.

"It seems that Master Li Wen listened to what he said last night. Be bold, it's nothing. I can't guarantee anything else, but in Jianfeng City, you are the king here. This is my promise to you."

It must be cool in his eyes to say these words with a cold face~
Helen was thinking wildly while talking.

While speaking, Helen's eyes drifted, and she saw the two elf sisters who seemed to be looking for Li Wen with their eyes.

"The two elf sisters you mentioned earlier, are they the same two?"

"Which two?"

Li Wen followed her gaze and found that Aletta and Anastrina were looking around, as if they were looking for something.

Li Wen thought of something and immediately shook his head, "No, I don't know."

Who discovered the truth about Mad Moon? He seemed to have lied to her...


Helen raised her tone, moved her long legs, and leaned forward on her own initiative.


Li Wen pressed his forehead.


(End of this chapter)

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