I can't be an NPC

Chapter 195 It Was You...

Chapter 195 It Was You...

Helen's sudden accusation made the two elf ladies slightly stunned, but within a few words, Helen made them let go of their basic guard against strangers.

Even with a few more words, I saw them smiling.

It's ridiculously spicy!

Curious about what they were talking about, Li Wen quietly approached them.

"Oh~ He also asked those chosen ones to polish the surface of your 'Moon God', right? That's very difficult, he must have spent a lot of effort to convince those people, right?"

"That's right... If it wasn't for the 'Moon God' that reflected the ground under our feet like a mirror, everyone wouldn't dare to step out so easily."

"How did you find out the truth about the blood curse? The process must be very difficult, right?"

"No hey... He seems to know what to do very easily, and he didn't ask us for help. He did everything by himself. Master Bobby is really amazing."


Li Wen leaned over.

When the two elves saw Li Wen, they quickly remembered that they were planning to find him.

"Our time is almost up, we have to go back."

"Oh...then you go back first, I will go there later."


Although the elves are a little bit yearning for the distant place in the other world, a certain expulsion-like rule that only they can feel makes them have to return along the original path of the portal.

As the last elf sister stepped into the portal, Helen stood beside Li Wen and said in a somewhat unpredictable tone.

"It's Bobby again..."

Li Wen smiled mischievously.

"It's normal to have an alias when you're away from home..."

"Why don't you let those chosen ones polish our moon? I want to see the big mirror too."

"But isn't that what the situation requires..."

"Why do I feel that you are trying to please that elf lady named Aletta?"

"Absolutely nothing! I'm just... spreading the truth."

"Oh yeah."

Helen was noncommittal, and turned to talk about business.

"Okay, my Master Poppy, go and see if the elves agree with your request, don't break your promise to those chosen ones."

Li Wen pursed his lips and didn't speak. He just took one last look at Helen and stepped into the portal.

outside the door...

The elves who had seen the scenery of the other world almost made a unified decision in a very short period of time.

Perhaps the hasty side cannot represent the situation in the entire other world, but the tranquility and peace of that entire city can always be contagious.

There is nothing more touching than the breath of life in this city.

When Li Wen passed through the portal and came to the continent of Mad Moon again, he saw a few elf councilors headed by Larika, the chairman of the council.

"We have no opinion on Master Poppy's proposal. Now there is just one more question. I don't know where Master Poppy is going to put those so-called Chosen Sons? Because you first got in touch with these Chosen Sons, I I think you are far more experienced than us."


For this kind of problem, Li Wen also had a final decision in his mind.

"My suggestion is to let them start from some grassroots places. Facing these chosen children, we must give them the lowest starting point, the farthest outlook, and endless things. They are full of vitality and full of ambition... If Yes, you can let everyone try to give them all the things you originally wanted to do. By the way, isn’t it to assist humans in building cities? There is also a need to eliminate the existence of those beasts and monsters to protect humans. Similar things can be handed over to them.”

Li Wen shared his understanding of players.

Players are not afraid of how difficult and difficult the world is, they are only afraid that they will have nothing to do after going online.

That way the aborigines are also happy, and so are the players.

Everyone is happy, who pays the price?
Not the goddess of wealth. During this period of time, Li Wen has also roughly understood some underlying logic of the interaction between the Chosen One and the aborigines——

Goddess of Wealth just provides a temporary equivalent of some kind of intermediary. To put it bluntly, it is to give players loans through some tasks, and then take them back when they need them.

In this process, all the value created by the players is actually exchanged by the "creation energy".

In other words, the value of the whole process of the activities of all the chosen ones in this world is not conserved, and the basis of everything... is to absorb nutrients from the creation energy during the interaction.

Or is it the purpose?
The purpose is to develop creation energy?
These thoughts have been hovering in Li Wen's mind for a long time, but it's still too early to say that.

Knowing these mysterious and imaginary things, apart from satisfying curiosity, doesn't have much meaning in my current situation.

Listening to Li Wen's exhortation, Larika also deeply agreed.

"Okay... I'll notify you right away."


Li Wen smiled, "Then I'll trouble the President of the Council."

"Master Poppy, you're welcome."

The two elf ladies didn't go with them. They were not members of the council. If it wasn't for the fact that they were the only ones who knew Li Wen well, the affairs of the council basically didn't have much to do with them.

The two people who remained looked at Li Wen, and Anastrina had a wicked smile on her lips.

"Li Wen?"

"Ah~ she told you... I was going to tell you myself."

"Okay Anna...Master Bobby, let's take you out for a walk. After arriving in the main city, I don't even have time to take a good look at our city?"


Li Wen responded immediately, and then explained a little.

"The Chosen Ones call me Bobby, but you can also be called Li Wen. In addition, Anna also showed me some, and the dancer Luna's sword song skills have benefited me a lot."

The three of them left Li Wen's residence and found that at the door of the mansion, someone seemed to be in a hurry to find Larika and other councilors who had just come out.

The speaking elf looked a little irritable, which is not uncommon for elves who admire elegance and dignity.

After saying a few short words, the councilors headed by Larika hurried away with the elf.

"That's Carlyle, what is he doing with his mother?"

Aletta knew each other and muttered softly.

Li Wenshun asked, "What does he do?"

"Uncle Carlyle is in charge of diplomacy, that is, the person in charge of contacting dwarves...and humans and other alien races."

Anastrina, who was speaking, was halfway through her speech, realizing that today's human beings are about to slowly develop, and she added it.


Li Wen didn't know about the matters of the elves, so naturally he didn't want to ask too many questions.

Although the two elf ladies were doubtful, they were not bothered by small things, and probably not by big things.

So just after losing sight of their mother's back, the two elf ladies withdrew their gazes and looked at Li Wen with a smile.

"Let's go."


The structure of the main city of the elves is a kind of circular shape.

Big ring with small ring.

Some kind of gray-white jade-like stone bricks paved clean and dust-free city roads, and the faces of the elves in the main city who were not threatened by the blood curse disaster were filled with innocent and cheerful smiles.

The windows of various shops along the street are bright and clean, and it is even more difficult to find some dust and bugs.

And no matter what the store sells, the only constant is good looks.

No matter what to eat, use, play... Even weapons, armor, handicrafts, musical instruments and so on.

Rather than saying that their pursuit of art is engraved in their bones, it is better to say that the gene of art flows in their blood.

In terms of prosperity, I am afraid that it is no worse than the previous urban business district in Li Wen's memory, and it is even more clean, orderly, calm and elegant.

On the roof of a small open-air opera, the two elf ladies ordered an exquisite snack and some kind of tea with a fresh mint flavor. The three of them sat near the glass railing and quietly watched the performance below. .

And at a certain unnoticed moment, even as if the other party was sitting beside him, an old voice suddenly sounded in Li Wen's ear.

"Oh it's you……"

(End of this chapter)

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