I can't be an NPC

Chapter 196 Dwarves asking for help?

Chapter 196 Dwarves asking for help?

The sudden sound startled Li Wen and the three of them. The strength of the three of them is not bad, and it is generally not possible for someone to touch such a close place without reacting.

This is the observation and adaptation of the surrounding environment brought about by the improvement of professional level, just like instinct.

They are mages, pay more attention to this.

If the other party was an assassin, the three of them would probably face some troubles at this moment.

Of course, in the main city of the elves, there shouldn't be anyone so bold as to attack the three of them.

But the initial surprise was still indispensable.

After calming down, what appeared in front of the three of them was an ordinary-looking...human?old man?

The two elf ladies didn't know why, they didn't know the old man at all.

On the contrary, Li Wen, the moment he saw the other party, his pupils shrank rapidly, and his muscles tensed instantly.

If it wasn't for the fact that the chair behind him wasn't easy to push, Li Wen would have already flew back.

It was this slight difficulty that made Li Wenqiang calm down.

"What's the matter with you?"

The old man in front of him is none other than the human image of the legendary bronze dragon.

He didn't leave!
He is still in this world.

Even in the main city of the elves!

Are you waiting for me on purpose?
Have you already discovered your existence?Or was it just a random encounter today?

In an instant, countless thoughts flowed through Li Wen's heart.

Hearing Li Wen's words, the two elf ladies looked at Li Wen together and asked with their eyes.


Meeting her two eyes, Li Wen shook his head, a little secretive.

The two elves didn't ask any further questions.

Li Wen obviously knew the other party, but the identity of the other party...isn't easy to say?
who?To make Master Li Wen so... taboo?
It looks like it's still a human?
When did such a strong human being exist on the Mad Moon Continent?

Or, it also came from the Gaia continent on the side of Master Li Wen?
After thinking about it, they easily came to a conclusion that was close to the whole truth.

The old man sitting beside Li Wenyuan's table showed a bitter smile on his face, "I really didn't expect it to be you... This is my best chance, but I didn't expect it to be ruined by you."

Li Wen didn't know what the other party meant, even though his fellow clan, that is, the green dragon, said that even if the legendary bronze dragon found out the truth, he probably wouldn't directly attack Li Wen.

Colored dragons and metal dragons are natural enemies. The so-called one who knows a person best must be his opponent. The green dragon may be right, but after all, this is not the opponent's hometown. The legendary bronze dragon can be said to be He is fearless, as long as he is not caught by the elves on the spot, the locals can't do anything to him at all.

Therefore, Li Wen secretly made preparations to urge the lost steps attached to the Adamantine Key at any time.

When a mage encounters a battle, it is an absolutely correct choice to open the distance first.

With such a tense body, Li Wen asked cautiously: "Are you waiting for me here?"

"That's not it."

The old man shook his head, answered the question first, and then looked at Li Wen with a smile and persuaded him: "Little guy, you don't have to be so nervous every time you see me. This is the second time we have met, so relax. Now that things It's over, no matter how irreversible it is, I won't do anything to you."

"Speak and do it~"

Li Wen relaxed a little.

This legendary bronze dragon should not be deceiving.

"Of course. Meeting in another world..."

The old man sighed, and subconsciously reached out to pick up a golden star-shaped pastry on the table.

After getting it, he was slightly taken aback, and put it in his mouth reluctantly.

"Very delicate..."

"Enjoy delicious food?"

Li Wen, who found himself with a mustache, still stared at the bronze dragon, and asked questions he cared about without changing his expression.

"Why are you staying here?"

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't stay here for you. I didn't even know you existed. If I hadn't met you in Sword Wind City before, and now I see you here again, I really didn't know that you made my plan fail. I stayed here only to watch those dwarves."

Facing Li Wen's inquiry, the old man in the form of a bronze dragon was extremely sincere.



With nothing urgent to do, the Bronze Dragon communicated in a calm manner, like a wise old man who has really gone through the world, with a moderate tone of voice.

"I snatched the position of the previous dwarf king before, and now I'm letting go. I don't know if there will be disputes in their clan because of this, so I have to stay and watch."

"Then why didn't you settle it before leaving?"

The old man spread his hands, "Why don't you give them a little trust?"


To give trust, or to be lazy?
Or both.

At this moment, Li Wen remembered what the green dragon said.

Bronze dragons love war, especially just war.

If there was no civil strife among the dwarves because of this, then he obviously didn't have to worry too much; but if the dwarves fell into turmoil because of this, he just happened to take this opportunity to show his bravery.

He doesn't want to get bogged down in dealing with tedious mortal affairs, but if he needs to show his fists, then he's more than happy.

After gathering information from various sources, Li Wen realized that this might be the real truth.

"Then why did you stay in the main city of the elves?"

According to this, he should be in the dwarves' territory at this moment to observe the movements of the dwarves closely.

"Probably because they have no time to contend for the throne."


"Because there are enemies, troublesome enemies."

Li Wen narrowed his eyes, a little puzzled.

"You came here to help them seek help from the elves?"

"No. I came with their rescue party."


Suddenly remembered something, Li Wen looked at the Aletta sisters.

The male elf who was in charge of diplomacy hastily came to find the chairman of the council, Larika!
"What happened over there?"

Aletta, who had been listening quietly all this time, interjected and asked.

"Dark Region..."

"Those people can't go out of the range of the Underdark..."

Anastrina was slightly taken aback.

The old bronze dragon sighed helplessly, stared at Li Wen and said, "Thanks to this little friend, the eternal flame has lost its suppressing effect on those creatures in the dark region. They can come out."

From the beginning of the incident, the Bronze Dragon had already personally investigated it.

However, in the face of such a large-scale invasion, no matter how powerful his personal power is, it is also stretched.

Therefore, we can only hope that the elves will lend a helping hand. After all, although the dwarves' territory is closer to the Underdark and has more borders, everyone should understand the truth of the cold.

Li Wen frowned, "It shouldn't be..."

He just cleaned up the substantive ambition on Mad Moon, and did nothing else. How could it affect the relationship between the Underdark and Eternal Light?

"But it does."

The bronze dragon old man looked at Li Wen fixedly, "That great arcanist was too kind-hearted, and set the suppression range of eternal light to all creatures affected by the crazy moon. Now... the influence of the crazy moon from When those creatures disappear, they can naturally come out again. And under the long-term influence, even if the influence of the crazy moon disappears from them, they themselves have completely become alien species of non-native races."

The bronze dragon has lived long enough and is strong enough. Many things in the world are not big secrets to him.

Perhaps due to certain legal restrictions, they cannot know the underlying information, such as the "background information" that Li Wen can see, but most of the things can be reasonably explained with his knowledge.

"This is how to do?"

The monsters in the Underdark have accumulated over the years, and no one knows how many there are.

The sudden eruption now will definitely have a big impact on the elves and dwarves.

Aletta bit her lip, looking worried.

She realized that the days of just stabilizing seemed to be gone forever.

Li Wen nodded his chin, and suddenly squinted his eyes to make an opinion.

"Isn't this just an opportunity?"


The two elf ladies and the legendary bronze dragon all looked at him with puzzled eyes.

This kind of thing, even in the eyes of the legendary bronze dragon, is a big trouble, and it may hurt the elves and dwarves today.

How did it come to Li Wen's mouth and turned into an opportunity instead?


Li Wen said as a matter of course: "Aren't we discussing the details about the Chosen One? Right now, this is a perfect opportunity. They will help you guard your homeland."

Even with Li Wen's many explanations, the two elf ladies still find it hard to understand how such an existence exists in the world.

"You said they would help us?"


Li Wen shook his head, "They will beg for your help."

(End of this chapter)

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