I can't be an NPC

Chapter 198 Li Wen's Plan

Chapter 198 Li Wen's Plan

"Then according to Master Bobby's opinion, what kind of chips should we use as entrustment rewards for them?"


Li Wen pondered for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"How about the territory?"


The more Li Wen thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was reasonable. He nodded and said, "Yes! Fiefdom! Give them the qualification to build a city."

The population of this world is actually small. Under the influence of the blood curse for many years and the ravages of wild beasts and monsters, there are a lot of open spaces in the wild waiting for everyone to develop.

It took more than a day to go from that small human gathering place to the nearest elf city, and it was difficult to even see a few people on such a long road.

Although the elves are now preparing to assist the aborigines in building a city, building a city cannot be done overnight.

It's better to leave this kind of work to the players.

It just so happened that the first batch of players in charge of developing the different world was a group of masons!

Everything is planned!
"Let them build a city?"

Larika who came over looked at each other with some doubts.

"Is it reliable?"

While defending against the attack from the Underdark Region, and at the same time proceeding with matters related to the establishment of the city, can the Chosen Ones whom Master Poppy speaks of really have such great energy and strength?

After so many years of accumulation of monsters in the Underdark, no one knows how many there are...

Want to build a city despite their pressure?It is already an unimaginable feat to be able to keep the homeland.

No matter which one it is, it is beyond the reach of human beings.

For a moment, a group of people looked at Li Wen, looking for a more detailed explanation in their eyes.

However, Li Wen's eyes became brighter and his thoughts became clearer.

The starting position should be low, the development prospects should be broad, and they should be given endless tasks to squeeze their unimaginable energy.

This is his policy.

But now, an opportunity is in front of him.

An opportunity that kills multiple birds!

"Let's build a city! Build a Great Wall! Since the Eternal Flame has lost its effect on the monsters in the Underdark, we will build another barrier! An eternal city wall that can block the attack of the Underdark to a certain extent!"

Fighting monsters alone may be exciting, but there is something missing. Besides, if it is only a tangible monster, as long as it is not a top legendary level, there are probably millions of players in the entire game...that is, millions of two to three Professionals who are not afraid of life and death, and whose morale is always high, may be able to break through their lair.

Therefore, simply killing monsters cannot be their ultimate entrustment target, and the tasks set for them need to be more long-term and sufficiently challenging.

You know, even in the Gaia continent, an army composed purely of second to third-tier professionals can definitely be regarded as an elite division.

The scale of millions is unimaginable.

In this extremely short period of time, the players who entered the game have grown to a point that shocked most of the rulers of the Gaia continent.

The rulers of many powerful forces are already trying to recruit players.

The player selection contest held by the Golden Lion Empire before was such an intention.

But Li Wen didn't have this interest. He didn't want to stand in front of the stage and become the leader of a certain player's power on the surface.

After all, today's players have become a kind of resource. Whoever has mastered this kind of resource, but his own strength is not too strong, is undoubtedly courting death.

He even wants to hide in the dark and become a kind of master of players who is invisible at ordinary times and responds to every call at critical moments.

Only children make choices, adults want them all!
And more importantly, Li Wen knows very well—don't look at the players' hippie smiles all day long, saying that they are dogs of this and dogs of that, but their hearts must have a certain natural sense of superiority to the aborigines.

No one can really control them.

Just like those illithids, even if they used some method to forcibly change the camp positions of the two players, Ah Zhi, they just recruited two rebels.

If there is a leader they approve of, it has to be their own will.

Had to... show some sort of charisma that made them willingly follow and work for it.

Ever since he was attacked by a player last time, this thought has jumped into Li Wen's mind, and he can't get rid of it.

With his activeness in the world, more and more new things with limited communication channels will cause more and more contradictions among the future player groups.

Do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from inequity.

In fact, Li Wen doesn't really blame the players who attacked, and he can understand the motives of these players.

But he needs to give his own attitude to prevent other players from following suit in the future.

And in fact, his revenge is also a punishment judged by the authority of the goddess, which is reasonable in terms of rules.

Of course, Li Wen also knows that this relatively severe punishment is not easy for some players to accept.

The process is normal, but the psychology is unacceptable.

It's just that these players are only a small number of first-time offenders, and what has happened, will happen. No one will care about the experience of a few players except themselves.

What needs to be considered now is how to remedy and completely prevent this from happening.

For example, let players really realize their transcendent status?

And, let everyone create the possibility that everyone can get it...

Yes, it only needs to be a possibility, and it doesn't have to be available to everyone "simultaneously".

Players are actually very coaxing, as long as you give them a little hope, they can move bricks day after day, and never get tired of it.

Then, looking back, it seemed like a good choice to start with that sneak attack as the beginning of showing your uniqueness and transcendent status as an NPC.

Going to the front of the stage on this crazy moon continent, showing his influence and uniqueness, Li Wenke didn't have the slightest worry.

No matter how crazy the rulers on the Gaia continent are, they will not be able to know what happened in this different world in a short time.

If you force yourself to be strong, I will secretly give you ntr in another place.

The invasion of the underdark region before them is an excellent opportunity for him to show his value to them.

How to do it?

According to Li Wen's understanding of players, what they need...is not a real bribe.

It is about game content that makes them feel interesting, provides them with a better game experience, and a physical character with a complete character background that can touch and give emotions.

The last one needs to be done slowly, and the first two can be described as two jobs.

One is planning and the other is guiding NPCs.

One provides them with rich gameplay and interesting game experience, and the other provides them with powerful strength or interesting game props to complete the game.

Right now, it is the best opportunity for me to show these two functions at the same time.

In the current incident, what the players want is definitely not to simply fight monsters.

Fighting monsters and upgrading is fun, but a little monotonous.

They need something more exciting... like, some kind of internal struggle.

You can't always let these Chosen Ones focus on PVE. The strength of the second and third tiers combined with enough numbers will make their development on this Gaia continent gradually become saturated.

The soul energy that can be obtained by simply killing monsters and the experience drops caused by their frequent deaths when they face more difficult events have reached a certain balance, so that their upgrades are slow to almost stagnant.

In fact, this is not just a dilemma that players need to face. It is also because of this reason that it is difficult for the natives to improve their professional level.

The higher the level, the more powerful monsters need to be challenged to effectively improve the soul energy, but how can there be so many powerful monsters in the world to kill?

Besides, every powerful creature has challenges. It is very risky to kill a single person or a small group, and the benefits of killing a large group are no different from killing low-level mobs.

The essence of soul energy is to challenge and break through one's own limits to obtain it.

It is this restriction of soul energy that makes it difficult for players to move forward on the road to upgrade.

The lack of soul energy has always been the biggest limiting factor that restricts the strength of all professionals.

In theory, no amount of soul energy can be collected, but there are too many variables that need to be faced in the actual implementation process.

In a sense, if the game "Gaia Continent" is considered as an upgrade game, it is almost over.

A professional level of around Tier [-] is the lifetime limit for most professionals.

There are very few legendary professionals, and there may occasionally be one or two in the high-level legendary million.

The current strength distribution of the aborigines is probably the future of the players.

If there is no prospect and no fun of development, the fun of players will naturally be reduced or even lost.

This is exactly the kind of trouble that can be seen before my eyes.

The loss of players is not a concern that Li Wen should have, but Li Wen deeply knows that this game is not planned.

As I said in the chat with Ah Zhi before, the game companies in their world just pretend to be dead.

Even if someone @exploded, no official person from the game company will appear to explain anything.

Of course, he just pretended to be dead, because I'm afraid it didn't exist at all.

Li Wen didn't know who the Goddess of Creation had reached an agreement with in the world from which the players came from, but one obvious fact is that this world is a real world, and the players were able to come to the world through the authority of the Goddess of Creation. in this world.

Even if their so-called game company existed, it was just a launched shell.

This point, from the arrival of the player to the present, most of the gameplay and rules were born in the struggle between himself and the goddess, so you can get a glimpse of it.

A game that requires the characters in the game to move by themselves and design the gameplay for themselves... It sounds outrageous, but this is the situation Li Wen needs to face.

The Goddess of Creation must have a profound intention and necessity to bring the Chosen Son.

The gods may all know this fact but have no experience, so who can make all these things come alive, and who can make those players linger and forget to return, even if they are at the top level, they are still obsessed with this game?
Without dog planning, who is responsible for retaining players?

Ah Zhi may have just said it casually at the beginning, and she may have even felt that Li Wen could not understand what she meant by "game company".

In fact, Li Wen at the time didn't think that this matter could have too much to do with him. It was related to the major changes in the world. what relationship?
But right now... It doesn't matter if it's time to make a hero, or it's simply wanting to contribute my own strength.

Li Wen found that whether it was out of the plan to assist the Goddess of Creation, or to strengthen his influence among the players, it was necessary for him to take his own actions.

If you can retain them and at the same time strengthen your influence among them, it will undoubtedly kill two birds with one stone.

So what to do when the level is over?
In Li Wen's memory, there are many games that started their real game career after reaching the full level.

Undoubtedly, pvp is one of the most effective means.

Fighting against the sky and the earth is not as good as fighting against people.

It is also time for them to start pvp.

For the aborigines, infighting may be something that consumes the potential of the race, but for the players... that's great.

Under normal circumstances, they will not fight when they meet, so you need to create occasions and opportunities for them to fight when they have to meet!
The battle for the city lord, the battle for territorial resources...

Just thinking about these plans, Li Wen deeply felt... Those dog plans are geniuses.

"Let them build a city!"

Li Wen became more and more sure that this was a plan that must be implemented.

It's getting crazy.

The elves looked at Li Wen, and felt that Master Bobby... was somehow more incredible than the great Arcanist back then.

The great arcanist relied on the power of magic to change the world and reshape the world.

The Master Bobby in front of him is relying on... those characters called the Chosen Ones to try to rebuild the structure of this world.

Although they were shocked, they still considered the possibility of this idea from a rational point of view.

"But we don't have enough people, and we don't have enough money to support this kind of plan to build the Great Wall."


Li Wen insisted.

"We don't need to fully launch the Great Wall project right away! After all, the number of the first batch of Chosen Ones I let in is also limited. So let's concentrate our efforts and build a closed city first! For this city, we will contribute half of our efforts and the rest The next ones will be contributed by those chosen sons."

"Why are they helping us?"

Larika stared at Li Wen, waiting for an answer.

The question is back again, what to use as a bargaining chip?
"City lord! This city is lord by one of the Chosen Ones...a faction group. He can enjoy certain actual rights and interests in his own territory, but he needs to be ordered by you. And the main residents of the city are still you Myself! Isn’t there a large number of human beings who want to live in the city? You can let some of the most difficult people live in this city first and become the first pilot city. If it succeeds, I will follow up with our Most of the world's Chosen Ones are sent in, let them assist you in building the city, and launch the Great Wall plan to isolate the Underdark region!"

Behind the Great Wall, every certain distance, a big city is erected.

It can also allow the emerging race of humans to provide some of their own power for the entire continent, so as to alleviate some conflicts within the race of elves and dwarves... After all, after proposing a plan to help humans revive, Li Wen has heard more than once that Anastrina mentioned Among ordinary... elves, some elves often complain about why the higher-ups are so helpful to humans.

At the same time, the warning function of the Great Wall can also be guaranteed. The cities can help each other, and when necessary, they can join hands to defend against the enemy, and give full play to the full effect of the Great Wall.

I don't know how much this plan has achieved.

"But if only one faction group can finally become the city lord of this city, why should the remaining chosen ones contribute?"

Aletta calmly analyzed.

(End of this chapter)

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