Chapter 199
"That's so easy."

Li Wen smiled slightly, "I didn't say that the position of the city lord is forged. Every once in a while, let them fight again. Wouldn't this stimulate most of the power groups?"

"But they are still composed of individuals. I think this level of reward is not enough for each of them to go all out to help."

Larika frowned and said.

As the head of the council of the elves, she has enough insight and understanding of the human heart.

"Don't worry, the rest... and me."

Isn't there no place to learn from those creations of your own?

Here's your chance!

Daguai upgrades for you.

New ways to play for you.

Skills are rewarded to you.

The future development ambitions are also given to you.

It's all for you!

Bypass the doomed and divided interests on the Gaia continent, and start a new journey on a brand new virgin land.

In this way, I have done what I should do as a planner, and what I should do as an NPC who imparts skills.

All that's left is to create a sense of presence in front of the players!

Make them realize who really did it all for them!
The elves headed by Larika looked at Li Wen in front of them together, and they could feel the vigorous self-confidence displayed by the human being in front of them at this moment.

Also... After all, he is a person who has already created miracles.

If it is Master Bobby, he must be able to do it, right?

"Then what we need to do is..."

"Find a suitable place to build the city, and ensure that there are enough raw materials for building the city around. In addition... build some large enough portals from around the floating city."


Li Wen nodded, "The portal."

Players are very emotional creatures. Before sending them to move bricks, you have to hang a cake in front of them, and at the same time give their actions epic meaning and a sense of ritual.

Otherwise, if you come up and throw it at the brick-moving site, it's a bit... unreasonable?

On the player forum, it was extremely lively late at night.

With the opening of the server for more than two months, this world's only holographic simulation game has attracted the attention of almost everyone, even many people who don't have account helmets, have nothing to do on the water forum and become a qualified player. cloud player.

Some anchors have also benefited from this. People who don’t have a helmet themselves also have a player’s heart. Watching others play as if they played it themselves.

But this night, the forum was surprisingly lively because of a post.

The post comes from a curious inquiry from a cloud player.

"Is this game fun? "

"It's fun! Of course it's fun! The real sense of shock when fighting monsters is something you can't experience in other games in your life!"

"Exactly! And it's true that everyone's development path is different. The composition of occupations requires individual research, and the NPC resources that everyone can enjoy are also different."

"Do you know the sense of accomplishment when I broke down the half-stretched city wall through my efforts? Oh, mom! It's so cool!"

Among a bunch of rainbow farts, there are always some bad-mouthers.

Difficult to say, players have their own preferences, some things are unparalleled appeal to others, for others, the novelty quickly passes, and they crave more excitement.

"Fun? I thought it was fun at first, but after the beginning, I'll be honest, the gameplay of this game is quite monotonous."

"That's right! Games are just for fun. No matter how real a game is, can it be more real than reality? I've been stuck at level 9 for more than half a month, and I can't make it to level 10. I need too much experience! Fighting monsters It’s okay to give less, it’s okay to go over mountains and mountains, it’s hard to beat Jibai! Fight for half a day and die once and lose all experience. Zhuo!”

"Exactly! In addition to finding some ordinary tasks to get some pitiful experience rewards when you go online every day, you will either spend two or three hours going to the deep mountains and old forests to fight monsters that you don't know if you can beat them, or wandering around the city! Already Grass is starting to grow."

"The two upstairs, don't complain about the uneven road if you can't do it. You're already level 10. You deserve to be leveled. Do you think this game can be upgraded with your eyes closed like those games you used to? Not only do you need to plan your career path, You have to plan how to level up. Do you think that so much content in the game is just for you to see? If you can’t beat it, you don’t know how to train specialties? You don’t know how to learn battlefield dressing techniques to recover from battle in time? You know you’re not foolish? You can level up There are ghosts."

"You are amazing! You are noble! You have the ability to take me to upgrade!"

"Hahaha! See you on that picture!"

"Hey~ Don't talk about it! It was agreed that we would go to another world to play, but it has been two days since the task was completed! The rewards for the agreed task have not been exchanged! I don't know if there are any conditions that have not been fulfilled. This game The task is quite tricky, not clear enough at all.”

"Let me tell you the truth. The current gameplay is really a bit monotonous. It is said that we are exploring the world for ourselves, but our strength is not enough! I tried to run to the next city, but I didn't know where to start from. Who jumped out of a monster, and sent it back to me on the spot! Zhuo!"

"Go to Jianfeng City next door, right? Envious of going to Jianfeng City."

"Hey! Don't talk about it! I think those aborigines don't like us running around. Didn't they set up fixed-point teleportation arrays everywhere a while ago? They were all destroyed in the end! No matter how many were built, they would be destroyed, although I don't know. Who did it, but I suspect it was the aborigines who did it, they just wanted to tie us in place and not be able to move. Now if you want to teleport, you can only earn money to make materials, teleporting once is expensive, Zhuo!"

"Don't doubt it! That's what they mean! We caught the current situation here, but guess what they said? They said that we violated the regulations and built it, but we wanted to demolish it! We have been fighting with them here for three days! It's fun! No way We have to create our own gameplay.”

"Speaking of Nima's Jianfeng City, Ji Bai is on fire! Why do the players in that city have everything? We are all raised by stepmothers?"

"Fucking DJ! It's really unfair to Ji Bai! Complaining is useless, the game company is dead!"

"This is the first time I've seen such an arrogant game company. They don't take the players' opinions seriously!"

"My suggestion is everyone don't play it! There's a new game next door, it's fun, and I have an internal bonus code here! Get the first charge when it goes online!"

"Fuck Nima's first charge! Krypton gold games are dead!"

Everyone has their own opinions, so it is lively.

It wasn't until another post suddenly appeared on the top of the repost that the firepower was instantly drawn away.

"here we go!here we go!The development of the alien world is about to begin! "

The poster is a player called "Gold Miner".

Not long ago, Bobby revised the mission progress change message for all players who have completed the moon polishing mission, reminding everyone to gather outside the west gate of Jianfeng City at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, and everyone set off to a different world!
Of course, don't be afraid if you don't catch up with the time, Bobby will always open the portal, as long as you have completed the follow-up of the moon polishing mission, you can enter.

Then the pot exploded again in an instant.

"Fuck! It's Jianfeng City again! Damn it! Don't play anymore!"

"The dog plans to come out and get beaten!"

"Obviously it's not the dog's plan! This game says that authenticity is the first. It is estimated that the game company has developed some brand-new artificial intelligence. The development of the game is probably not under the control of their game company, otherwise they can pretend like this." die?"

"The brothers upstairs are so clear? Are you an insider of the company?"

"Ah~ I heard from my sixth aunt's son's neighbor's grandson, he said that he works in a game company."

"Don't scold the dog for planning, this time everyone has a share, see it clearly before scolding. The details of the mission change stated that as long as the pre-mission mission is successful this time, maybe everyone can go to another world to play!"

"What? Is there such a good thing?"

"Not only that! There are even fiefdoms, skills and other rewards in the mission rewards! Fuck! Fief!"

"I see what was mentioned about building a city?"

"Hi! It's vaguely unclear, let's watch it online tomorrow! I'll know then."

"Hahaha! Brothers, I'm going to bed! Go to another world tomorrow morning!"

"Good night Makabaka! You guys continue to stay up all night! Grandpa needs to rest and recover! Tomorrow we will fight against another world!"


early morning.

Li Wen looked at the players all over the mountains and plains in front of him, and without saying a word, he opened a portal that was tens of meters wide and more than ten meters high.

Behind the easy and freehand brushwork is Li Wen's preparations that have been busy for most of the night.

With his current strength, he can open a small portal immediately, but such a large portal requires a detailed array arrangement.

With the advancement of strength and research, many of Li Wen's current spellcasting abilities have broken away from the shackles of spell slots, and have moved towards a state of free spellcasting.

A dark cloud-like mist rolls around the edge of the portal, and inside is an invisible gray mirror-like appearance.

Li Wen stepped in first, and when his footsteps landed again, he had already reached another continent.

From the Gaia Continent to the Mad Moon Continent, of course, it is necessary to transfer from Croxanne, but Li Wen directly connects the two portals of the transfer, and the resulting phenomenon is to step in from the Gaia Continent, directly from the Land of Madness. The Moon Continent came out.

Li Wen, who didn't say a word, conveyed a certain solemnity, which made these players calm down rarely, and followed Li Wen into the portal.

A whole new continent!

"Oolong Roasted Milk" was mixed in the crowd. As a player in Jianfeng City, he also regarded the anchor as a business of eating, so he naturally had to learn to grasp the hot spots.

Previously, Bobby needed players who knew masonry skills to help him complete the task. He, who was neither interested in nor knew anything about masonry skills, went to sign up for a crash course in masonry overnight.

In exchange, it is the first-hand information today.

In his live broadcast room, there are now hundreds of thousands of popularity, follow in his footsteps, and witness this brand new world together.

sun?No, not the sun.

A ball of light hanging in the sky, it is not as bright and dazzling as the sun, and the light is so soft that everyone can look directly at its existence and see its curved edges clearly, as if they can see the entire sphere.

And there's another—off-white...mirror?
The mirror hangs in the sky like a smooth disc, reflecting the things opposite it, that is, the earth under everyone's feet.

A planet with blue, yellow, green, black and other colors intertwined!
The line of sight slowly fell in front of my eyes, and a floating city floating in the air at a height of tens of meters suddenly jumped into my eyes.

Like some large and small discs supported on a conical base, the pearly white building exterior walls and emerald green vines are the basic colors of the city.

The elves' attainments in art have been vividly displayed in this floating city.

And a certain kind of ship that was supposed to be used for navigation sailed directly in the air under the strange power, and slowly took off from several circular "trays" around the floating city.

A certain sense of fear and awe in the face of giants instantly filled every player's senses.

A truly new world!

Oolong Baked Milk didn't speak, but used his own eyes to lead all the audience in the live broadcast room to quietly appreciate the scenery of this different world.

"It's great! Even just looking at it makes me feel shocked."

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! Do your tasks quickly!"

In the live broadcast room of Oolong Roasted Milk, bullet screens floated by like flowing water.

And in front of the eyes of all the players, several floating ships that fell from the floating city circled gently in the air, as if they had located their targets, and slowly fell towards the ground.

facing the player.

"Are they here to fetch us?"

"Is this city the territory for us?"

"If I want to eat fart, I can only say."

The faces of the players who were facing the approaching airship were dull.

In the end, several floating ships lined up in a neat row and stopped quietly not far from the players, that is...

Li Wen's is not far away.

The elf guard of honor on the boat stepped down. The emerald green clothes made of some kind of light gauze were fresh and pleasant, and they were faintly seductive when they were blown by the breeze. He looked a little solemn.

A row of sun elves, a row of moon elves.

Surrounded by them, Larika, Aletta and other important elves walked in the middle, walking towards Li Wen with a smile on their faces.

Belonging is to pull the scene to the extreme.

This is the entrance ceremony requested by Li Wen.

Facing these players, you have to come up and give them some exciting news.

"Ah I'm dead!"

"Fuck! Elf! Such beautiful elf sisters!"

"The elves in the other world seem to be more beautiful than the elves in Gaia!"

"Bobby really has a lot of faces...why doesn't he seem to be so popular in Jianfeng City?"

"Nonsense! Are you still carrying it all day at home? Whether it's awesome or not depends on when you face outsiders."


"Is this the reinforcement brought by Master Bobby?"

While speaking, Larika, the dignified and majestic leader of the Elf Council, glanced at all the players, and all the players she glanced at straightened their chests, as if they were in a military parade.

"They are the best adventurers in our world, the bravest fighters, and the most outstanding craftsmen. Let them rest assured that you will build the city!"

Li Wen replied softly, but with the help of magic power, the calm voice resounded clearly in the ears of every player present.

(End of this chapter)

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