I can't be an NPC

Chapter 203 The discovery of Minister Eric

Chapter 203 The discovery of Minister Eric
Observing the construction of the city probably occupied Li Wen's entire morning, and it was already noon when he returned home.

After returning to the Gaia continent, Li Wen went straight to the library where the Mages Association was stationed.

I haven't been here for a long time, and the library is still the same as before.

No matter what has happened recently, after the event is over, it can always return to that calm look.

Magic books or spell scrolls were placed in front of the mages sitting around, turning them quietly and studying them with great concentration.

The only difference is that Li Wen has now unlocked more advanced permissions and can learn spells with four to five rings.

The scrolls of the fourth and fifth ring spells are also in the library.

In fact, this library is considered to be the place with the strongest defense even in the Mage Association resident, so all the spell resources owned by Jianfeng City can be found here, the difference is that if the authority is not enough, it cannot be consulted.

Li Wen recruited those magic servants who were like little hairballs, and verified his authority... that is, the defensive ring given by Helen, and verified them, and successfully got the spell scrolls he wanted.

Previously, Li Wenkong had spell slots, but no high-level spells to use. A bunch of learning aptitudes that could learn high-level spells were only made up with those low-level spells.

Now that he was able to learn Gao Huan's spells, the first thing Li Wen had to do was sort out his memory in an orderly manner.

As I said before, the high magic power required by the mage profession is to be able to sort out one's memory as accurately as a disk.

The limited storage space of the disk corresponds to the number of spells that the mage can memorize.

Li Wen used low-level spells to occupy these storage spaces before, but now if he wants to learn new spells, he has to forget the old and redundant ones first.

At the same time, because of different strengths, Li Wen now has different needs for various spells. The low-level spells that were useful before also need to be re-selected and combined.

In the next few days, Li Wen made up his mind to get a brand new combination of spells.

As for which combination to choose, Li Wen had already made up his mind.

Currently, as a 12th-level mage, his qualifications for learning spells of each level are 5 tricks, 8 first-level spells, and 4 all [-], [-], [-], [-] and [-] spells.

Leaving aside self-created spells, the chosen coordination is——

Cantrips: Thundering Sword, Emerald Flame Sword, Blade Burst, Mage's Friend, Message
First Ring of Spells: Protection from Good and Evil, Shield, False Life, Understand Languages, Thunder Wave, Alarm, Oil Sole, Detect Magic

Second-level spells: stray step, darkvision, polymorph, levitate
Three ring spells: fireball, protection from energy damage, counterspell, dispel magic

Four Rings of Spells: Stoneskin, Dimension Door, Otiluke Bouncy Sphere, Greater Invisibility
Five-ring spells: Bigby's Hand, Scrying, Otherworldly Oath, Teleportation Circle

Sixth Ring Spell: Trigger
Ritual Spells: Phantom Horse (Third Circle), Leomont Cabin (Third Circle), Feign Death (Third Circle), Underwater Breathing (Third Circle), Otherworldly Exploration (Fifth Circle), Larry's Mind Link (Fifth Circle)

Ritual spells are a special kind of spells. Not only does it not take up the qualifications for casting spells, but it also does not take up the qualifications for learning. As long as you reach the lowest level that can be learned, you can copy it in your spell book. It can be said that the more the better, the more you can learn.

As for other spells, Li Wen still tends to be functional as always.

The only two offensive spells are probably Fireball and Bigby's Hand.

Bigby's Hand is a very powerful and interesting medium-range attack spell. It is actually the ultimate plus version of the mage's girlfriend. A self-created five-ring fighting spell.

Li Wen is now considered to be half a melee mage, and learning one-hand combat spells can be regarded as a complement to each other.

There is not only a genius like Li Wen in the world, there are countless people on the road of mages who are successively developing what mages can do.

As for the other spells...the advanced invisibility of the fourth ring was used to replace the invisibility of the second ring. The difference was that one could cast spells in the invisible without appearing.

As well as the Otiluk Bouncy Ball, a spell with a strong life-saving ability combined with the trigger technique, and the vital spell of the teleportation circle.

Only when he has a deep understanding of the rules in the teleportation circle among conventional spells, can Li Wen make innovations on this basis.

It can be said that the new spell learning qualifications of the fourth and fifth rings are the basis for Li Wen to open up a wider world.

After a long time, Li Wen sat quietly at the table next to the window in the library again, immersed himself in the spell scroll in front of him, and began to learn brand new spells.

Time passed slowly, and the bright sun that was originally high in the sky gradually set.

Li Wen, who was obsessed with studying, was aroused by the scent of apples.

In the afternoon, it was indeed time for dinner.

Li Wen blinked, and withdrew from the spell scroll in front of him.

In one afternoon, Li Wen only learned the five-ring spell - the teleportation circle.

With the improvement of the spell level, its overall spell structure has become more and more complicated. Large pieces of runes are combined in a way that is difficult to explain. The integrated circuit chip is probably not enough to explain the complexity. Even with Li Wen's peak human magic power is as high as 20 points, and he still feels a little dizzy.

As an ordinary person, I am afraid that what you see is a messy ball of wool without a clue?
It's hard to imagine how much energy a mage with a lower level of magic power needs to devote to learning these spells.

Li Wen, who had withdrawn his energy from the spell scroll, touched his stomach, and decided to solve his physical problems first, and then fight the spell scroll sauce.

However, seeing Li Wen's actions, a long-lost voice sounded in front of his eyes.

"Hungry, I prepared it for you."

Li Wen looked up, and found that Miss Pie was sitting opposite, looking at him with a charming smile.

Looking at the pie that was pushed to his eyes exuding the fragrance of apples, Li Wen smiled a little embarrassedly.


"It's okay, let's eat, it's just for you."

Miss Pie held her chin and smiled sweetly at Li Wen, her bright eyes were full of smiles.

Li Wen picked up a piece of hot pie and put it in his mouth, and asked in a low voice with a vague voice.

"Why are you here?"

"I should ask why you are here, long time no see, I thought you went to the imperial capital..."

"No... I don't have time to go to the imperial capital~ I've been too busy recently. By the way, what happened to your master and that old man?"

Li Wen still remembered that the two old guys acted as if they were in a blood frenzy. He ran to another world to find a way before, and he didn't know what happened to them.

"There's nothing wrong with them... Are you trying to say that they were affected by the blood frenzy? They stayed in the manor all the time, and they didn't cause trouble to anyone. I took care of the food and drink. It's just that our money was squeezed by that old man Dried to buy those livestock... After the moon turned red and then white that day, they were completely fine. Don't worry."

Self-control is quite strong...

Li Wen raised his eyebrows in surprise.


While speaking, Miss Pie seemed a little hesitant, her small face drooped slightly, her eyelashes fluttered, and she didn't dare to face Li Wen directly.

"Do you... have any plans to go to the imperial capital recently?"


Li Wen was taken aback, then shook his head, "No, why?"

"That's... that's why I'm planning to go to the imperial capital. I'll... say hello to you in advance. After all, we're friends, right. Wherever you're going, you have to say hello to your friends. It's polite."

Miss Pie's voice became smaller and smaller in the second half, as if she was talking to herself, and finally raised her head to look at Li Wen.

"So, do you want to go to the imperial capital?"

Facing the girl's expectant eyes, Li Wen seemed to understand nothing, just smiled shyly.

"I like Jianfeng City better... By the way, this pie is quite hot, don't you want to eat it yourself?"

"I told you it was specially prepared for you!"

Miss Pie stood up, "I saw you here this afternoon, so I figured out the time to go home and make it."

With that said, Miss Pie let out a light breath, as if making some sort of declaration.

"I've signed up for the Sventut Academy of Magic in the Imperial Capital, and I'm about to go to further studies. When I come back, don't be pulled too far by me!"

Li Wen looked up at the young girl with soft brown curly hair and delicate face holding a big magic tome in his arms, showing a bright smile.

"Then I will wait for you in Jianfeng City, the second greatest pie mage lady in Jianfeng City."

"It's not Miss Pie!"

Brightening her white and tender fists, Irene turned around and walked towards the door of the library without looking back again.

It was only after leaving the library that Mimi quietly turned her head to look at the figure she could see from the window.

But she found that she was meeting Li Wen's gaze, and facing Li Wen's smiling eyes, Irene once again flashed her fist at him, turned around and disappeared into the dim light of the magic street lamp.

"That little girl is pretty nice, why don't you go with her?"

Just as Irene walked away, a tall and thin shadow covered half of the table in front of her.

Li Wen was still fighting for the remaining half of the pie, and upon hearing this, he looked at the person who came.

Minister Eric?
Oh, by the way, there seems to be an agreement with him.

Hey~ I haven't been here for a while, and I happened to meet them all when I came here.

"It's useless for me to go to the capital."

Li Wen told the truth, he knew where his roots were.

Not only because he likes Jianfeng City, but also because there are no players in the capital city...or large-scale players.

Where can he cut leeks without players?
Relying on self-cultivation... Now that he is a mage, he really doesn't need to rely solely on meditation to obtain soul energy, but should he go to find those powerful creatures to fight for his life?

It is strenuous and dangerous, and it also delays my own study.

It's still easy and freehand to cut leeks, and occasionally it's just to pretend...

Hearing Li Wen's words, Eric nodded in agreement.

He knew that Li Wen was now the honorary city mage of Jianfeng City, and his authority was not low.

The so-called would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix, go to the imperial capital and start from scratch, it really may not be comparable to the development of staying in Jianfeng City.

The various researches of mages also require resources. Without the accumulation of resources, it is difficult for a mage to truly understand the true principles contained in those spells, and it is also difficult for a mage to explore the wider mysteries of arcane magic on the basis of predecessors.

His only regret is not being able to eat melons...

"Master Li Wen, do you remember our previous agreement?"

Li Wen nodded.

"Well! Of course I remember. I don't know what Minister Eric wants to say?"

"It's the Icacia thunderstorm you created. I've studied it to this day, but I still don't understand it."

The release effect cannot be automatically increased with the increase of the professional level, and the magic bit can also be used to cast spells.

This thing shouldn't be a trick.

It can be said to be a youthful version of a one-ring spell.

But the problem is that there has never been a youthful version of a one-ring spell in this world.

If all spells could have youth versions, there would be too many tricks available in this world.

Of course, this is also because the structure of this spell is simple enough to be judged as level 0 by a certain law. The structure of ordinary spells is not so simple.

Minister Eric is a pure aboriginal mage, who has neither experience nor interest in how to harvest players.

From his point of view, even though this spell has now been extended to the whole country, he has hardly received any feedback.

This spell has a simple structure, but the runes that make up the structure are complex.

Almost no one is interested in this spell, those who need it can't learn it, and those who can learn it don't like it.

The evaluation made by the Mage Association for this spell at the beginning is accurate. It is complicated to learn, without the natural growth of tricks, and it needs to consume spell slots to exert its power.

However, the limited spell slots are placed on other spells, and the effects that can be exerted are much stronger than it.

This spell is so problematic that it's a purely useless invention that deserves to be shoved into a corner for ashes.

After listening to Eric's analysis, Li Wen also felt that it made sense.

Not only the aborigines don't like it, but the players don't like it now either.

It can only be said that the timing of this thing's appearance is very suitable, and it appears in the most correct position when it is needed most, allowing Li Wen to earn the first pot of gold in the beginning.

By now, Li Wen was about to give up on it.

Eric didn't care that this spell was created by Li Wen. He scolded its shortcomings in front of Li Wen, and then suddenly took a turn for the worse.

"But I think it means some kind of new rules, some rules that we didn't discover."

This is the reason why he, the mage head of a majestic association, has been obsessed with this spell some time ago.

"The lethality of tricks is fixed, and it can only be increased naturally with the improvement of the professional level. It is guaranteed to die. Although some normal spell slot spells can also be cast from the ring, none of them can not consume spells. And this trick that can increase its power by raising the ring to cast spells, does it mean that there is some kind of rule behind it? Can we find out the combination of the advantages of both sides by studying this rule... ...some kind of spellcasting?"

Eric's eyes are fiery, and there is no mage who is not eager to discover more truths about the world.

This world naturally has the underlying principles for its operation.

There must be rules that allow certain things to appear before corresponding things can appear, just like those paths that appear out of thin air and actively respond to professional characteristics.

And the significance of this spell's appearance is probably not in itself, but in the... rules that support its existence?
(End of this chapter)

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