I can't be an NPC

Chapter 204 Traces of Spirit Absorbers?

Chapter 204 Traces of Spirit Absorbers?

Listening to the Lord's words is like listening to the words.

The knowledge and cognition of these real mages in the field of magic is still much better than that of a mage who has become a monk halfway.

Li Wen was really convinced.

What Minister Eric said made sense, but it didn't work.

The rules themselves are not determined by Li Wen, Li Wen just vaguely created this skill, and even the determination of this skill to take effect is recognized by some kind of rules behind it.

From ancient times to the present, there have been many mages who just proposed a possibility or an idea, and I have never seen so many great mages appear. None are resolved now.

What Minister Eric said only made Li Wen realize that the original spell of Icacia thunderstorm might have another value, so he wouldn't give up.

But to say it is useful, at least until Li Wen has more knowledge and understands the relevant laws of authority, it will be difficult to use it.

Minister Eric just wanted to discuss this matter with Li Wen, and he sighed in disappointment when he saw that the creator, Li Wen, had no idea about the supporting rules behind the spell.

it's fine.

Since a spell is created, it no longer belongs to the individual, but belongs to everyone who can touch the spell.

Anyone can discover new results from the existing knowledge system, and having a feasible research topic is an extremely happy thing for many mages.

When saying goodbye, Minister Eric asked Li Wen again with a blank expression, "Are you really not considering going to the imperial capital?"


Seeing Li Wen's speechlessness, Minister Eric showed a scary smile.

"That's all I asked."

It seemed to be a little dry, and he added another modal particle after about half a second, "Haha~"


Quiet again, Li Wen silently thought about what Minister Eric said, and after confirming that he currently does not have the ability to research and complete, he will stop spending too much time on it.

A mature mage must learn to control his own thoughts, and not fall into a situation of internal friction on meaningless things.

Instead, he once again devoted himself fully to learning another five-ring spell-detection.

Learn first, then refine.

Use while learning, master while using.


The late-night player forums were equally lively.

Players who insist on the task of building a city keep themselves safe and create everyone's happiness with one hammer at a time.

However, there was a little problem with the exploration actions of those players who were trying to save the country with curves.

The exploration of the players failed badly, but not completely.

The players who entered the dark area were almost wiped out, and the players who didn't make a move could still go in a little bit, but once they made a move, even if they made even the slightest movement, they would immediately be treated like a shark that smelled fishy. The monster sensed it and quickly surrounded it, and then played gg.

There are indeed many monsters, but there are too many.

In addition to the vampires, werewolves, and some monsters that have attacked the sidelines before, there are more types of creatures inhabiting this dark area. They have lived in the dark for a long time and instinctively hate light, so they are unwilling to leave voluntarily. The Underdark impacts the world of intelligent beings, but it doesn't mean they don't exist.

Therefore, the only player who successfully came out alive with his own "strength" is extremely precious.

This female human mage player named Anna brought back valuable Underdark experience——

That is, no matter how you get lost, choose an obtuse angle... choose to go to the right and you will be wronged!

After being separated from her teammates miraculously, the miraculous human female mage miraculously fell into a miraculous underground cave, and then encountered a miraculous octopus-headed monster, and then miraculously fell into an intricate underground cave with extremely low visibility. Strolling around, miraculously encountered many kinds of underground creatures that seemed not easy to mess with and various biological traps, but miraculously managed to save themselves from danger every time.

The female mage, who firmly followed the principle of going right when there is no way out, stumbled all the way out of the crypt, and even ran out of the Underdark.

During the process, he was chased by that terrifying octopus-headed monster many times and almost died suddenly. He even chased him all the way out of the crypt, but he was always one step ahead of disaster.

After watching the great adventure of this legendary female mage, the players on the forum said they couldn't learn it.

With video evidence, no one would think that this was made up by the female mage herself.

"This is the real chosen one. What kind of chicken and dog am I to be called the chosen one?"

"What? Luck? Isn't luck also a kind of strength? You are just jealous of our Miss Anna's invincible luck. Woohoo! Next time, I will be Miss Anna's dog! I will go wherever Miss Anna goes."

There are also players who analyze carefully.

"Could it be because of the Demon Heart Mine she carries?"

They firmly believe that this kind of luck cannot exist in the world, and everything has a deep reason for its inevitable occurrence!

The octopus-headed monster was initially distracted by the Demon Heart Mine and let the female mage slip away, and even followed it all the way, maybe it was also because of the Demon Heart Mine.

After all, it is a limited version.

After all, it was a reward given by the pre-quest to open this different world, and it was even dropped by everyone with a hammer, so it should have some special effect.

Master Bobby didn't say clearly that they want to realize it by themselves, and right now, maybe it's the real purpose of the Demon Heart Mine.

"Are there any other people who went in with the Demon Heart Mine on them?"


"Of course not! You went out for an adventure and took all your wealth with you? Of course it's all stored in the warehouse in the city!"

"Look! This is the reason! Check again!"

"Let's try it."

"You don't need to try, the dead are back. I went in with the Demon Heart Mine."

With so many players, there are always some who are particularly divergent in thinking.

Since it is a reward given by the door opening mission, it may be used in the follow-up missions, so there are many players who wear a piece of magic heart mine like a talisman to keep them safe when they are active on the Mad Moon Continent.

However evaluation is useless.

It even exploded after death...

"That's not what I said. I also carry the Demon Heart Mine. I think it is useful. When I act with my teammates, those monsters seem to be more willing to hit them than me..."

"Fuck the dj! I just said why are you the last one to die when we form a group? You secretly wear the magic heart mine and don't tell the brothers to harm the brothers, right?"

"Awkward! I didn't know it at the time, but now I see them discussing it and I remember it."

"By the way, do you want to report to Bobby?"

Someone suddenly made an opinion.

The tasks and interactions in "Gaia Continent" are sometimes quite strange. When there are no tasks, there may be some small rewards. In most cases, it comes from the fact that the players did not give much in the active interaction behavior after finding some NPCs. Items of value or some information.

Among other things, the similar incident that happened to Bobby was the fact that a player took Bobby to find a green-haired boy NPC and got a small piece of magic heart mine reward.

So even though there are no related tasks, some players have their brains open.

Immediately someone was inspired, "Withdraw quickly, don't let others see it!"

"Understood! I will try it tomorrow."


So the next day, when Li Wen came to the construction site again and wanted to check the progress of the players, he was surrounded by a group of enthusiastic players.

What do you want to do?
Li Wen looked at the group of players around him with a cold face, what happened again?
"My lord! My lord! My lord Bobby! I entered the Underdark yesterday, and I have important news about the interior of the Underdark!"


Li Wen raised his eyebrows, "Look at the panel?"

[You have entered the dark area, all attributes are -1 in this terrain, and the field of vision is halved. 】

【You are under attack...】

[You have received 7 hit damage. 】

[You have received 9 points of dark eclipse damage. 】

[You have received 3 points of piercing damage. 】


【You are dead...】

That's it?


"My lord! My lord! I have mine too!"

There was a commotion nearby, and Li Wen patiently looked at each of them. He knew that there were many players in Lu Ziye, and most of them took chances, so he didn't expect to see useful news from everyone.

But for these players who have really entered the Underdark, Li Wen also has enough patience.

Maybe there are one or two players, what surprises can they give themselves?

But unfortunately...



No useful information!They are all pure death battle records.

Being slapped by monsters in the Underdark in a fancy way, highlighting a dead one that no one cares about.

Hmm... Even those who have never been in the Underdark dare to fish in troubled waters?
Li Wen looked at the player in front of him with unkind eyes.

[Bobby favorability -100. 】

[You are in the legendary event - Light and Darkness!Personal task points in -100 points. 】

[Insufficient points, cleared to 0. 】


The player immediately burst into foul language.

[Bobby favorability -200. 】


I don't talk anymore, can't I stop talking?

The player who ran to the periphery of the crowd forced a smile on his face, and grinningly encouraged other players around him, "Bobby is a fool with a lot of money, go quickly! No matter whether you have been to the Underdark or not, you can get rewards! Hurry up! Pass it!" There is no such store in this village!"

The other players looked at him mercilessly, with one meaning in their eyes - "Who do you think is a fool?"

After Li Wen punished them a little, those players who were trying to fish in troubled waters dispersed, including some players who found out that Li Wen hadn't given rewards to anyone so far and felt that they didn't find anything big. They also left secretly.

The surrounding players instantly decreased by half.

Their time is very tight, and they have to hurry up to grab points. I didn't see that when they surrounded Bobby, everyone else was doing their best, trying to quietly work hard and finally amaze everyone. They can't let these struggles succeed!
So the air around Li Wen seemed to be a little fresher for a while.

Li Wen looked at the female player who was squeezed in front of him.

The female player smiled silly at Li Wen with a shy face, and invited to show the panel.

[You consumed a third-ring spell slot to cast a fireball on the target. 】

[The magic effect was resisted and failed to cause damage. 】

[? ? ? (Voice): It's numb. 】


[You have passed through a poisonous gas swamp, and you are in the process of determining your agility and constitution immunity...]

[If the save fails, you are about to fall into a swamp and suffer from poisonous gas erosion. 】

[You are protected by a certain magical effect and successfully passed the saving throw. 】


【You triggered the death cloud technique trap...】

[You are protected by a certain magical effect and successfully passed the saving throw. 】


【You triggered the rockfall trap...】

[You are protected by a certain magical effect and successfully passed the saving throw. 】


[You have passed the territory of some kind of creature, and the sticky spider silk under your feet makes it difficult for you to move an inch, and you are making a power saving judgment...]

[You are protected by a certain magical effect and successfully passed the saving throw. 】


Densely packed.

Li Wen couldn't help but click his tongue. Which god is this, and he was taken care of by the gods all the way, right?

The path he traveled could cause other players to die dozens of times, but Li Wen didn't see the death message he wanted to see in a daze.

"Damn Ouhuang!"

Li Wen sighed indignantly and looked at the player in front of him.

It is a girl player with big eyes and excitement in her eyes at the moment.

He also held a delicate crystal staff in his hand, and was wearing a clean sky-blue robe with some kind of magic effect.

It can be seen from the panel that this girl player is a level 9 mage and has no priest level.

And there is no one in the combat record that shows the effect of the spell she cast herself. The only one, the three-ring fireball, hit something and it still hasn't taken effect.

I don't know what kind of strange force is protecting me all the way.

"You went to the Underdark yesterday?"

This was the first time Poppy had spoken a second sentence to a player.

A group of onlookers seemed to be more excited than the girl herself.

Anna also nodded excitedly.


"What did you see?"

"I saw so many spiders with many eyes, a big tree with branches that move like snakes, mud that can wrap people up and suffocate to death, oh! There is also a strange octopus head!"

Ms. Mage didn't know if she was too excited, or her language skills were not good enough, and what she said was a little scattered.

But Li Wen still grasped the key point - the octopus head.

"What octopus head?"

"It's a humanoid monster, wearing a black robe. Its head is as slippery as an octopus head, its eyes are gray and white, and there are four tentacles on its chin. It was the one I hit with my fireball! But it didn't work for it, it just chased me all the way Run! I kept running, and it kept chasing me! I don't have syrup...it scared the hell out of me."

Miss Mage was deeply impressed by the monster that chased her all the way, even until she left the Underdark.

As soon as Li Wen asked, they poured out like the wheels of a cart.

The girl's words reminded Li Wen of a familiar look.

Such a coincidence?
This thing can't be a spirit sucker, right?

Why are there spirit suckers here?
Of course, that's not the point, the point is why this illithid...doesn't kill or capture this lady mage.

And the mage who crashed into so many dangerous places all the way is safe and sound?

There was even some kind of special magical effect protecting her all the time?
A strange thought rose in Li Wen's heart.

"By the way, I'm wearing a magic heart mine. The octopus head was staring at it at the beginning so that I found a chance to run away successfully. Did it just want this after chasing me?"

Annayou remembered that she saw the discussion of big guys on the forum, and took the initiative to tell Li Wen this immature idea.

"Magic Heart Mine?"

Li Wen was slightly taken aback.

Not at all, the Demon Heart Mine should not have this effect.

Directly instigate an illithid to escort it all the way?unrealistic.

But it's hard to say, why don't you let her try again?
Thinking of this, Li Wen nodded with a serious expression.

"Do you remember how you found that octopus-headed monster yesterday?"



"I lost my way..."



Li Wen shook his head helplessly, but still sent a task.

"Go and try to see if you can find that monster. I need more information about it. By the way, don't just run after you encounter it. Remember to fight back when you run."

【Bobby is going to entrust you with a mission - to investigate the octopus head!Whether to accept?Please respond positively. 】

"Fuck! Mission sent!"

The players on the side exclaimed, but the protagonist remained motionless.

"But I'm afraid..."

Ms. Mage didn't accept the task immediately, but just stared at Li Wen eagerly.

Li Wen is stern and selfless.

"You can find some companions."

afraid?What are you afraid of?
You players can't die again, it's the master who should be afraid!

I don't have time to go in with you.

"I was with the others yesterday, too."

"and then?"

"Lost, they're all dead."

It's really the Emperor of Europe, isn't it?hateful!
"It's okay! I trust you."

If you can get lost once, you can get lost twice. The world of Ouhuang is always dark.

Li Wending looked at her steadily, his cute and serious face made the girl subconsciously avert her eyes, even though she knew that the one in front of her was just an NPC.

he trusts me...

Anna felt that she was greatly encouraged, "But I'm still afraid."

Li Wen pursed his lips and said as a last resort.

"As a mission reward, I can borrow it for you in advance."

Then he beckoned and took out a...belt.

That's right, it was the belt that the dwarf made from the magic heart mine that Li Wen took out.

Anyway, to verify the effectiveness of the magic heart mine, you can try the magic heart ore itself or the effect of the magic heart mine creation.

This wave is called pushing the boat with the current.

Moreover, this belt has little effect on him. Li Wen, who has three rare magical items, the defensive ring, the silver language necklace, and the fine gold key, doesn't like this belt and is ready to give it away.

"Damn! They even gave out rewards first!"

What Li Wen doesn't care about is a rare magic item in the eyes of players!

The eyes of the onlookers were all red.


Miss Mage, who took the belt to take over the task, turned around and wanted to run, but was stopped by Li Wen.

"Etc., etc!"


Looking at this reckless mage lady, Li Wen felt a little headache.

"I'll give you another buff, don't resist."

"Oh, good~"

Relying on the mage's own expressive ability, Li Wen is not at ease, but he still thinks it is safe.

Fifth Level Spell—Scrying (Prophecy): You can see and hear a creature on the same plane of existence as you.The target creature must make a Wisdom saving throw; the modifier for this save is based on how well you know the target and how physically connected you are to the target.If the target knows you are casting the spell, it can voluntarily waive the saving throw if it is willing to be observed by you.If the save is successful, the target is unaffected by the spell, and you cannot attempt to scry the same target for 24 hours.

If the opponent fails the saving throw, you create an invisible sensor within 10 feet of the target.Through sensors, you can see and hear the environment around the target immersively.The sensor follows the target and remains within 10 feet of the target for the duration of the spell.To creatures that can see through invisibility, your scrying sensor is a fist-sized ball of light.

In addition to creatures, you can also choose a location you have seen before as the target of the spell.At this time, the sensor will appear at the target location and will not move.Casting time: 10 minutes.Cooldown: None.Duration: 24 hours, requires sustained concentration.Casting Range: Self.

The five-ring spell that I just learned last night came in handy.

It’s just that I feel sorry for the casting materials... one thousand gold crystal balls, but fortunately, they were obtained from the city’s military supply warehouse as an honorary city defense mage~
There is a certain amount of spell research materials per month, but I didn't say how much the limit is. Anyway, I don't get it for nothing.

Since it was a newly learned spell, and it was a complicated five-ring spell, even a genius like Li Wen still had to cast the spell honestly according to the procedure.

The 10-minute casting process made all the onlookers hold their breath.

Until the end of casting the spell, it seems that the mage lady who can feel the infinite magic power condensed on her body and is more and more eager to move becomes full of confidence.

With Lord Bobby's magical protection, what monsters, goblins, beauties, melon skins, mountains of knives, mountains of fire, seas of knives, traps and tricks...

Don't pay attention to everything!
"I'm going!"

Seeing the back of the girl leaving, Li Wen pursed his lips, thinking that she probably misunderstood something.

This thing is not for you to die...

But the problem is not too big, self-confidence is the fourth magic item of Ouhuang.

Go for Grandpa!
With Miss Mage's demonstration, Li Wen was immediately surrounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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