I can't be an NPC

Chapter 205: The Mage Fights the Spirit Fool

Chapter 205: The Mage Fights the Spirit Fool

Anna stepped into that frightening dark area again, and rejected all requests to form a team. This time, she was full of confidence, without any hesitation.

But what should I do if I still feel scared when I look at all kinds of weird objects that seem to be waving their teeth and claws in the dark?
Why can't the spell effect bestowed by Lord Poppy allow me to see more clearly and further away...

crunch ~ crunch ~
Anna carefully stepped on the soft ground that seemed to be covered with a layer of rotten leaves, the surroundings were quiet, like a graveyard at midnight.

The Underdark is a dark forest, and every creature is a hunter hiding in the dark...

But everyone seems to be ignoring themselves?
Anna bowed all the way, like an assassin, following the approximate route she walked yesterday, groping towards the place where she fell into the crypt yesterday.

Observe, lean over, move forward.

The small figure shuttled through the weird shadow background, and Li Wen, who was able to see everything she saw, including her own body, through the detection sensor suspended within 10 feet of her, felt a little funny.

Compared with watching the scenery around Miss Mage, the experience of using the five-ring spell for the first time-detection made Li Wen feel even more miraculous.

The scenery transmitted by the sensor and the scenery in front of him seemed to be two completely irrelevant pictures, presented together in front of his eyes... or in his mind.

And the super high level of magic power allows Li Wen to pay the same attention to the scenery on both sides, without missing any detailed information on either side.

So Li Wen took it for granted that a pair of big purple eyes lit up next to the black tree trunk that Ms. Mage stepped on just now...

safe and sound...

Are you safe?

Those dark purple eyes obviously saw the existence of Anna, and Li Wen could even see through the sensor that its gaze moved with Anna's disappearing figure, but for some reason, he didn't take any action towards Anna, just staring at her indifferently. Then she disappeared...beyond the range of the sensors.

The sensor couldn't be within 10 feet of Anna, so it was Li Wen who lost sight of those purple eyes first.

Why didn't you shoot Anna?

Is there any magical effect added to the body at some inadvertent time?
Or... what did the belt or the magic heart mine do?
Or was it because he was afraid that he would not be able to take Anna down and wanted to put her in a little deeper and safer?
Even beasts possess some hunting intelligence.

Because it is a completely unfamiliar thing, Li Wen's thinking is open, and he does not want to let speculation limit his imagination.

However, Anna, who was carefully observing the things around her, didn't even realize that she had passed three similar Underdark creatures along the way. Li Wen didn't know how she was able to get lost all the way to the lair of the suspected illithid last time. .


Anna groped in the Underdark for at least an hour, and even Li Wen sent all the players around, but she couldn't get "lost" to the right place.

Of course, Li Wen's release of this task is purely for fun, and it is of the nature that it is okay to have it, and it is not a loss if you don't have it.

After all, Anna's exploration is based on fate, and Li Wen doesn't know if her fate has not arrived today, so it is impossible to stare at her all day and do nothing.

The monitoring is on here, and Li Wen has already returned to the main floating city of the elves.

The observation of scouting spells does not require Li Wen to expend too much extra energy. During this time, he can go to the elf treasure house to see what kind of spell inheritance the elves in the Crazy Moon Continent have.

Although the spells in the resident library of the Mage Association in Jianfeng City are more comprehensive, Li Wen's authority is only up to the fifth ring; while the spells in the elf treasure house of the floating ship are not so comprehensive, but Li Wen has the right to view the sixth to ninth rings. of all spells.

In addition to triggering spells, Li Wen, a level 12 mage, now has three aptitudes for learning six-ring spells, so he has to find some spells to fill them up.

Moreover, only after learning spells beyond the fifth ring, can Li Wen study the difference between the upper and lower spells of the fifth ring, so as to figure out what the so-called "mysterious lock" that he saw in the voice of the green dragon before is.

Li Wen had longed for the six-ring spell for a long time.

Back in his own palace, Li Wen activated the teleportation effect on the fine gold key.

The airflow surged wildly, filling the void left by the space where Li Wen disappeared.

The elven treasure house was still quiet, and the space was so large that it was difficult for Li Wen to meet even if there were other owners of adamantine secret keys here to study the information.

With a thought, the space changes. Of course, the uniform bookshelf style of the treasure house makes it difficult for Li Wen to discover this change. Only when he looks at the six-ring spell written in the characters of the sun and moon elves on the bookshelf, can he know where he is. Change.

Before Li Wen came to the bookshelf, he took out the catalog book and glanced at the six-ring spells and the general introduction.

There is no way, the six-ring spells belong to the secret knowledge of masters in the Gaia Continent, and there are only three kinds of six-ring spells that can be passed on by the Mage Association in Jianfeng City, so let alone learning, even the names and effects are past. Li Wen didn't know anything about it.

Through the catalogue, Li Wen learned that the spells inherited by these elves include the following types: triggering, summoning undead, chain lightning, death circle, disintegration, Otiluk's frozen ball, and sun rays.

Needless to say, the trigger technique should be the most important spell for almost every mage. It can be said that it is a qualitative change spell that mages are no longer afraid of sneak attacks.

As for the rest... Except for a spell that summons the undead, which is a certain type of summoning, the others are all types of direct damage.

Especially the dissociation technique, its damage is simply terrifying, 10 times (2~3) + 40 points of force field damage, if it hits the current Li Wen solidly... Coincidentally, not to mention the damage reduction given by the sword chant With the addition of special characteristics and spells such as false life, Li Wen just had 60 points of blood.

There is nothing to say, I will show everyone a sudden death on the spot without any precautions.

A spell of this level hit the green dragon, and I'm afraid it would have to peel off its skin if it didn't die.

And after the spell has been cast, the only way to avoid this spell is to pass the agility save, that is, to hide aside with a quick reaction, otherwise as long as it hits, it will not die or be seriously injured.

Purely direct killing spells are indeed not very popular at certain times and have a single purpose, but when the damage reaches a certain level, it will form a qualitative change.

This is the effect of spells in this world. The spell slots of mages are indeed limited, but each spell may send away an opponent of the same level. This strategic significance makes the mage profession always have the ability to make the final decision.

Learn big!

Moreover, the significance of the disintegration technique lies not only in its ability to damage, but also has the effect of dispelling some difficult magic barriers.

If it happened again when Qin was besieged by an enchantment in Jianfeng City, Li Wen, who had mastered the disintegration technique, didn't even need to enter the enchantment, and directly gave the enchantment a dissociation technique, The boundary will immediately fail.

Whether it is damage ability or functionality, dissociation can be said to be the most meaningful existence for Li Wen among the spells passed down by these elves.

Take the spell scroll of Disintegration...

A layer of invisible restraints covered Li Wen's hand, and dense golden light spots seemed to emerge from the void, forming a scene of pale golden writing in front of the scroll.

Some kind of repulsion prevented Li Wen from breaking through the weak-looking handwriting to get the scroll.

Looking intently at the handwriting, the self-taught language ability of the sun and moon elves allowed Li Wen to read the meaning clearly.

"Those who learn this spell must promise that they will never use this spell to do things that harm living beings or violate morality. Those who violate this spell will be revoked the qualification to use this spell, and it will naturally arouse the disgust of every elf until death!"

A powerful spell requires a strong self-control ability to ensure that it will not cause too much damage to this world.

Moreover, once a character who is qualified to learn spells in the elves' treasury does evil, the loss it can bring to this world is unimaginable.

Li Wen withdrew his slightly raised hand, and silently made an oath in his heart.

In front of the dark purple-red bookshelf exuding a faint fragrance, a young man with black hair stood silently facing some pale golden words floating in the air above his forehead, his whole body was illuminated by the light coming in from the window...

After a while, Li Wencai sincerely extended his hand again.

A certain kind of pious intention was sensed by the golden secret key, and the light golden writing that formed resistance scattered into a swirling fine spot of light with Li Wen's touch, disappearing in the air.

Holding the dissociation scroll, Li Wen put away his distracted thoughts, sat down at the long dark red table between the two rows of bookshelves, and started studying quietly.

The first step is to start with the extremely complex spell model.

The magic of the sixth ring is more troublesome than that of the fifth ring, and even the normal three-dimensional space imagination is not enough to accommodate its strange combination of runes.

Li Wen, who had learned the trigger technique once, didn't feel that there was anything to learn from when he learned the dissociation technique. Even because he had to devote a little energy to pay attention to the five-ring spell-detection sensor screen, Li Wen's progress was even slower.

The distraction of inconspicuous attention under normal circumstances is a bit fatal in this kind of learning that requires full concentration.

But fortunately, if you take your time, you can still learn after all.

Li Wen closed his eyes, immersed his mind in the complex spell model recorded on the spell scroll, and began to observe its structure bit by bit.


"Strange, it's almost this place?"

All the way to the same position in memory, Anna jumped on the spot, trying to use her light body to crush the solid ground under her feet, and fell into that strange underground cave again to find that strange octopus head.

Although that octopus head seems to make people lose their minds, but this is Bobby-sama's instruction... There is no way, the master's task is the biggest.

"Don't run when you see it! Fight back! Fight back."

In order to prevent her head from getting hot when the time comes, Anna kept muttering in her small mouth, trying to brainwash herself.

"Where...where did I see you..."

Humming softly, Ana tried to gather courage.

At an inadvertent moment, his feet slipped, and a melodious scream was issued again, echoing over the area for a long time.

Countless creatures who heard the movement quickly approached in the darkness, but stopped outside a certain limited range.

After carefully "observing" the subsequent development in the area in their own ways, and finding that there was no movement, these creatures carefully dispersed.

In fact, before it was really implemented, the mage who had experience once had already "restrained" and covered her mouth, not wanting to make any big noises.

She hopes to touch the octopus head so that she can complete her master's task.

But I don't want to passively encounter...

Just like this moment.

Four eyes met, big eyes staring at small eyes.


Miss Mage's fierce response caused Li Wen to escape from the spell scroll in an instant, and watched the development in the sensor with great interest.

The picture in the sensor was very clear, it was a spirit sucker, exactly the same as the spirit sucker I saw in the voice of the green dragon.


I just don't know why this spirit sucker didn't attack Miss Mage last time. It stands to reason that the first time it encounters it, it should use its unique means of their race to force her into "one of my own people", right?

Li Wenjing watched the changes.

This illithid was clearly different from the ones Green Dragon and Jean had encountered.

Facing Miss Mage's "Lion's Roar Technique", it subconsciously took two steps back as if frightened.

The screaming was just the subconscious protection of Miss Mage, and the moment she uttered it, she remembered her mission here.

Three-ring spell - fireball!

The flames that exploded close at hand were wrapped in mid-air by some invisible force, and after a moment of fierce collision, the power that exhausted the magic power dissipated in vain.

familiar script.

Ms. Mage was much more rational this time. Knowing that spells were of little use, she turned around and ran away with oil on the soles of her feet, kicking off the prelude to the great underground adventure again.

However, the difference is that this time there is a detection sensor that always follows, and Li Wen's gaze that always keeps calm afterward.

Facing Miss Mage's reckless behavior, the illithid stood still, its upper body slightly leaning to the side, as if sighing.

Just as he was about to catch up to Miss Mage's back, he found a flaming arrow shooting towards her with a "swoosh".

The escaped mage remembered Li Wen's order and did not forget to fight back.

However, the flaming arrow, which was originally shooting in a straight line, was pulled in the direction of the illithid and slightly deviated from the line by some invisible force, causing the spell to fail completely.

Anna also didn't expect that the trick——flame arrows—would be of much use in situations where even the three-ring fireball technique was useless.

Playing a trick—the Flame Arrow, she jumped up, intending to avoid the obviously strange trap on the ground in front of her.

"Hmph! The mere trap also wants to take effect on this Dharma god?"

Behind her, where she didn't pay attention, the illithid, who didn't care about the flame arrow, just stretched out his right hand from a distance, as if wanting to say something.

Still too late.

In desperation, some invisible force acted in the direction of the upper, left, and right walls, blocking the venom sprayed out by the creatures hidden inside.

All of this was seen by Li Wen who watched through the sensor.

Sure enough, this Anna was not the chosen one, but had some kind of strange power secretly protecting this reckless mage lady and saving her from danger.

So... who is doing all this silently?

Li Wen looked at the illithid chasing Miss Mage... No, is it it?

Li Wen, who was in deep thought, could only feel that the world was spinning in his vision, and some unstoppable force quickly pulled his vision into a dark alleyway before it stabilized——

It was Miss Mage who turned a corner and ran far away. The spell limit of 10 feet away from the target of the spell was forcibly dragged over by the sensor.

"Don't run! Don't rush to run! Remember to fight back."

If you don't fight back, there will be no more voices.

Li Wen wanted to know more about the truth about this spirit sucker, and some things it knew, which might be useful for understanding the situation in the Underdark.

So I started using SMS to remotely control it.

(End of this chapter)

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