I can't be an NPC

Chapter 208 Social Flower Poppy

Chapter 208 Social Flower Poppy

Li Wen, who had just held the five-ring spell—Hand of Bigby, and experienced how the predecessors used the power of a mage's girlfriend, had just entered the state not long before he received Helen's text message spell.

"Dwarf blacksmith shop, come quickly."

Only when Helen is in the same plane can Helen use SMS to contact Li Wen. This is why every time Li Wen goes to the Land of Mad Moon, Helen can only ask the guards to wait at the door of his house if he wants to find Li Wen. Stupid way to do it.

Li Wen didn't hesitate, and let those hairball-like spell servants put back the spell scrolls, got up and left.

In the blacksmith's shop where the dwarf was, the two blacksmiths brought by Helen looked at the arrogant dwarf with embarrassed expressions.

"Teach as you preach? This is a handicraft handed down from our ancestors. Hiccup~"

The dwarf guarding the door was holding the ale barrel in his arms, and he was not even willing to stand up in front of Helen, the city lord.

Ugly human woman with no beard or sexy chest hair!Ah!
Helen frowned slightly, feeling a little difficult.

Dwarves are notoriously stubborn and rarely flexible, and what they are sure of is almost more difficult to move than an iron mountain.

But the blacksmith she found, who was the most proficient in casting defensive magic items in the city, was also a little helpless with the Magic Heart Mine.

Ordinary blacksmiths are easy to find, but a blacksmith who can forge magic items is not something a simple blacksmith can do.

If you want to cast magic items, you first need to be a spellcaster who knows the principles of magic, and the more exquisite and high-level magic items are, the higher the caster level requirements for blacksmiths are.

And that's just the basic requirement.

The casting method of each magic item is rare, and it has been summed up and passed down by countless ancestors. Just like spells, it is even more important and rare than low-level spells.

Therefore, for every blacksmith who can make magic items, the types of magic items that can be cast in the inheritance they get are actually limited. If it is a magic item with a similar principle, they may still try a little by analogy.

However, for such a brand-new thing as the Magic Heart Mine, they had no inheritance skills similar to magic items, nor did they have the experience of forging almost all magic items, so they had no idea at all.

Give them time and enough materials, and they may also be able to slowly accumulate experience through trying.

The so-called masters all have a certain amount of talent, coupled with hard work and hard work.

After all, the experience of the predecessors is also like this. One obvious problem is that there is no time for this right now.

They must immediately invest in large-scale forging, so they can only seek help from the dwarves.

As for the report... the hard evidence is not enough.

The only witness was a Snakeman, and even this Snakeman didn't show a complete surrender to humans, and those illithids were also targeting the remnants of the Snakeman.

As for the habits of the illithid race that Li Wen said, it is difficult to verify, so it is impossible to win people's trust.

Even though Li Wen is now a great mage in the eyes of some insiders, he is still a nobody in the eyes of most people... especially some bureaucrats. The discourse weight of this kind of existence is naturally different.

Taking another [-] steps back, even if someone believed it, it didn't happen.

Strength and habit are not sins for human beings. No matter how strong the so-called illithid is, can its individual strength be stronger than that of the giant dragon?
No matter how bad the character is, can it be worse than the five-color dragon?
Before they truly show hostility and killing to humans, these things are not enough to attract attention in the eyes of high-level people.

Some incidents near various cities have always been resolved by those in power in each city themselves, and it would be ridiculed to report and ask for support if there is nothing to do.

Due to various reasons, Helen knew that even if she reported it, she would never be taken seriously. For the kingdom, the other two human kingdoms would always be the biggest enemies.

Therefore, before the illithids really showed their ferocity and aggression, these preparations were destined to contact and learn about the sword wind city of those illithids themselves.

I have to prepare and have no time, so I can only come to the dwarves.

But... dwarves are also notoriously stubborn.

If it's an approved friend, then they can be quite generous.

But if you don't agree...who are you hooking on?

The problem is that their recognition of humans is often very slow. The average lifespan of a dwarf is about 400 years, and the average human is 80 years old.

With five times their lives, they are always puzzled and unfamiliar with humans, a short-lived race whose temperament is extremely changeable.

When there was really no other way, Helen could only turn to Li Wen for help. She still remembered that Li Wen said that there were some new paths on the Mad Moon Continent.

When Li Wen arrived, what he saw was Helen standing at the door of the blacksmith shop, looking a little helpless, and the two craftsmen following her.

"I remember……"

Seeing Li Wen approaching, Helen quickly walked two steps closer and whispered to Li Wen.

Before he could speak, he was interrupted by a rough voice that smelled of alcohol, "Master Li Wen!"

The tone is full of respect.

It was the dwarf who was holding the wine barrel and was unwilling to get up just now. The dwarf who was talking not only stood up, but even shouted at the inside of the "dingling jingling".

"Master Li Wen is here!"



What's not right?

Helen watched helplessly a group of dwarves who should be hard to believe, and welcomed Li Wen in like their king.

"Master Li Wen, come over and see which of the two long swords we made just now is better?"

"Exactly! Master Li Wen, you judge me! Is my skill much better than Balur?"

"Etc., etc!"

Li Wen broke away from their warm hospitality, and pointed at Helen who was looking dull, "My friend asked me to come here, what's the matter with her?"

"What can she do? She wants us to teach her two blacksmiths how to make something... By the way, what do you want to make?"

After knowing that he was Li Wen's friend, the dwarf at the door visibly changed his attitude.

Although not respectful, at least willing to communicate.

Helen was a little dumbfounded, the wine barrel didn't listen to what she said just now.

"It's about the extraction and forging technique of a brand new ore."

Even though he hadn't had time to listen to Helen's explanation, Li Wen understood the situation at this time, and said to help: "It's the new ore I brought over last time, and now I want to forge it into magic equipment on a large scale, I don't know..."

"no problem!"

The dwarf in debt that impressed Li Wen the most immediately agreed, and he was hearty.

He patted Li Wen's... arm with his thick, rough hands and said, "Since it's Master Li Wen's request, of course there's no problem! It turns out that the new ore belongs to the city lord... How much do you want to forge? Take it all here." , we just had itchy hands recently."

Li Wen glanced at the two human blacksmiths behind Helen, "The quantity needed may be too much, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it with too few people."

Means to teach humans?

Building your own and passing on your craft are two different things.

The dwarves were silent for a while, which also made Helen feel a little bit better.

After a while, the debt-paying dwarf smiled heartily again, "Okay! Who told Master Li Wen to be our good friend! We dwarves have always believed in friends! As long as the city lord promises that only your craftsmen in Jianfeng City will use this craft and not rumor, we will teach them how to build."

"That would be very grateful."

Helen looked surprised, and sincerely pressed her chest with one hand and bowed.

These dwarves seem to have no airs, but they are also the envoys representing the entire dwarves to the Golden Lion Kingdom. The direct contact should be the high-level kingdom of Prince Red Flagg, which can be said to be the face of the dwarves.

At present, she is only staying in Jianfeng City for the time being. In terms of status alone, she is indeed not as good as the other party as the city lord of the main city.

"it's okay no problem!"

The debtor dwarf waved his hands casually, "Master Li Wen's affairs are our affairs! You just said that Master Li Wen asked you to come here!"

Turning to look at Li Wen, he said very sensiblely: "Master Li Wen should go to work first if you have something to do, and don't forget our agreement."

"Remember remember..."

Li Wen replied with a smile.

He didn't expect these dwarves to be really kind to his friends, but he seemed to have his own little thoughts every time he saw them...it shouldn't be!It shouldn't be!
"Then I'll send someone over here to learn. These are some ores I carry with me. Two masters, you stay here and learn the skills first from the dwarf masters."

Helen poured out some magic heart mines from a gorgeous kit bag she carried with her and put them in the blacksmith's shop, and gave instructions to the two human blacksmiths following behind her.

"Okay, my lord." X2
Looking at the backs of the humans going away, several dwarves looked at each other, and the dwarf who watched the door smiled and blinked his right eye.

Such is the wisdom of dwarves in making friends...

Helen, who walked away from the sight of the dwarves, pushed Li Wen with her arm, "I didn't expect you to have a lot of face?"

"It's okay...luck."

"A courtesan, right? Those elves also come here from time to time to ask me about your movements intentionally or unintentionally. I think Master Li Wen might as well go to the imperial capital as a diplomat. It must be very promising."

Different from the stubbornness of dwarves, although elves have arrogance written on their faces, most of the time they do superficial work very well.

The aggressiveness they showed when they were envoys to humans at the beginning was only a temporary need. In normal life interactions, they can be said to be the most courteous nobles, so they often take the initiative to find Helen, and when they are trying to find Li Wen. It's a polite request.

"I'm in Jianfeng City, I'm not going anywhere."

Li Wen answered Helen's words casually.

What I thought in my heart was—it’s broken, I forgot about the elves.

Before I agreed with others to study the elements of the Carl simulator together, Li Wen also wondered if he could find some inspiration for new ideas from them.

Before, they even sent someone to stop him directly, but at that time he was in the blood frenzy, so he really had no time to talk to them.

I really have to take the time to get in touch with them when I have time.

Every great mage who became a legend didn't come up with it behind closed doors and purely retreated. The retreat has already collected enough information, but before the retreat, most mages will often communicate with other mages to summarize their experience.

Elf mages, presumably, will have completely different views from human mages in terms of many spell rules.

This is valuable knowledge and difficult to obtain through normal means.

The speaker was unintentional, but Helen's heart was shaken when she heard Li Wen's answer.

Is this some kind of promise?
For so many years, there are only a handful of strong people who have come out of Jianfeng City.

Is the reason just because there are no geniuses in Jianfeng City?

Do not!
It's because Jianfeng City can't keep geniuses, compared to the Imperial City Mage Association...or even the direct invitation of the kingdom itself, the bargaining chips that Jianfeng City can offer often seem so insignificant.

Li Wen is obviously a genius.

Has no one made any of these proposals to him in all this time?Didn't anyone from the imperial capital or other cities contact him in private?

Among other things, it is estimated that the mages of the Rainbow Council who had been in contact with Li Wen before, as well as the mage Talanka of the Imperial Capital Mage Association who accompanied the second son of the McLaren family to Jianfeng City. Li Wen expressed a similar meaning.

But I never saw that Li Wen had the slightest intention to leave Jianfeng City.

He really regards this place as his home...

No matter who he is for or not, does this mean that the city under his rule has a certain unique charm?

He has me in his heart...

"Do you have a warehouse?"


Helen was taken aback by the voice in her ear, but she didn't realize what Li Wen said when she came back to her senses.

"I said, do you have a safe warehouse, and I'll pour out the ore for you, otherwise sometimes I go to another world and it's not easy to contact."

The dwarves mistakenly thought that it was good that this brand new ore came from Helen, so let this misunderstanding continue.

Li Wen didn't want to attract too much attention, so try not to get involved with these things as much as possible.

It's good to not say that it's dangerous or not, and it can save you some trouble to worry about.

"Yes! Yes!"

Helen agreed immediately.

After leaving an entire warehouse of the Demon Heart Mine for Helen, Li Wen clapped his hands, feeling that another matter in his mind had been settled.

Seeing Jianfengcheng have its own means of self-protection in the face of possible illithid threats is also a sense of accomplishment for him.

So... Now that he has this information, Li Wen is thinking about how to reveal it to the players in a small way, so that they can also have the capital to face those illithids, and can't let the illithids turn the players into psychics. what they look like.

Of course, it cannot be given in vain.

The next time you go to the city construction site, you can stand there... See if any lucky people with enough sympathy will approach, and use this kind of news as some kind of game strategy information, and reveal it to them in a small way.

Not only can it hit those spirit suckers, but it can also brush up a small wave of my personal prestige in their eyes.

Kill two birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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