I can't be an NPC

Chapter 209: The Traitor Is Out Of The Player

Chapter 209: The Traitor Is Out Of The Player

"Brothers, don't run into it anymore, it's gone forever."

"Don't come and save us, we are already octopus heads."

"There is no way to deal with these things. It's okay if you can't beat them. You can't even die. It's too perverted to forcefully switch camps."

"That's right! Can't we go back?"

The late-night forum was quite lively, and the action of developing a different world was vigorous, almost attracting the attention of the whole people.

After all, whether the initial city construction can be successful means whether all the next players can successfully join the army of developing another world.

During the period of time after the opening of the server, players have gradually figured out some routines or strengths of "Gaia Continent".

People who are crazy about game companies have their self-confidence and capital.

It's not like no player has encountered such a super-large task like Bobby.

There was even a player who received a time-limited task of stabilizing the summoning array. As long as he stabilized the summoning array, he could summon endless legions of undead from the inner plane, and he also received a promise that he would lead the endless army of undead to wreak havoc throughout the entire world. The head of the world's first army.

It's a pity that the legendary aboriginal strongmen who were rushed here killed Jiujiu 81 times, and once returned to before liberation.

Another player received the task of finding the lost blood of the orcs. As long as they retrieve their original blood in the blood frenzy, the orcs will eventually stand on top of the world again.

It's a pity that before that player becomes a powerful mage who is qualified to extract the blood factor, the blood frenzy will be terminated by some bastard.

There are actually quite a few similar big events, but most of them are very difficult to complete, and I don’t know if it’s because they don’t dare to attract the attention of too many aborigines, or because they can’t pay the corresponding rewards. Can find so few players.

Without crowd tactics, relying solely on personal strength, even if they can be resurrected infinitely, what a single player can do at this stage is actually the same as that of the aborigines.

None of this is the point, the point is that the existence of these missions proves that Poppy is not the most special one.

There are many big events in the game, not just limited to a certain NPC.

Every major task, if completed, represents some kind of large-scale event that affects the world pattern.

Didn't the game company make these contents?

Obviously it was all done, otherwise would they play animations after the player finished it?
So Poppy is not special.

But it is also special, because his task gives people full hope of completion every time.

People's NPCs send out a task and send it out, how to complete it by yourself.

Success is determined by nature, and nine points depend on hard work.

Bobby sent a mission?
Not only does it provide ideas for how to play, but it even tracks the whole process and corrects the mistakes that players may make in the process. It can be said to be a father and a mother at the same time.

Is it okay without him?

But are there other NPCs sending out the tasks linked to him?

Judging from the current experience of players - there is no such thing.

Every NPC in the game is special. Some players killed a few ordinary civilians in remote places out of a cautious scientific spirit, but they never saw any refreshed NPCs replacing their original positions.

Except for the aborigines who heard about this tragedy, the heavenly justice, the impact of the players has permanently existed in this world.

Some families who lost their fathers and children started their lives again after many days of grief, while others were totally devastated.

This kind of real influence even makes some players feel unbearable, and they seldom make casual killings anymore.

So once Bobby's mission fails, or if something happens to Bobby himself, these missions of his will completely say goodbye to the players.

In other words, there are many such large-scale quest chains created by the game company, which are hidden in various parts of the game waiting for players to discover them, and they are really not afraid of players getting lost on a certain quest.

If you play off, just play off, at worst, wait until someone triggers another task, or everyone grows grass together, continue to climb mountains and mountains to find those rare and powerful creatures to fight to the death, and then get a pitiful little soul energy reward.

With background, it is so arrogant.

Recently, similar argumentative posts have become very popular on the forum.

But who knows where the untriggered tasks are?
The most important thing is to seize the tasks that have shown their charm and have a great possibility of completion.

The task of developing a different world released by Bobby is not only a task for players who can enter the Land of Mad Moon, but also a task for all players in the Golden Lion Kingdom!

All the problems encountered in the process of large-scale development will be discussed on the forum.

After all, it's better to be alone than to be happy... No, it's one person counting the short and the other counting the long.

In today's forum, rather than discussing the plight of those few players, more people care about the progress of building the city itself.

"I said you should stop worrying about your underdark region all the time. You can't even build a city. If you still run in it all day long, you won't be afraid to lure the monsters from the deep to attack the city. Let's cool down together. cold?"

"Fuck! Shut up! Don't say anything!"

"Fuck! It's not really possible, is it?"

"Emmmm, that's all I said, it won't really happen, right?"

"There are no twists and turns in building the city. What do you think is the difficulty of this task?"

Players are used to the setting of the difficulty of the task, if there are no twists and turns, then there is really not much sense of accomplishment to complete the task.

Every day... or every other day... Anyway, the small-scale monster attacks that happen from time to time can't have a big impact on the players.

What does it mean that more than [-] permanent players are concentrated in the construction of a city?
Even if their resurrection needs to run the map, most players who have learned well will not let themselves fall into this kind of danger at all.

With so many teammates, if you are not in good condition, withdraw first. Only monsters can't stand up to the wheel battle. The monsters from the Underdark that attack each time are not so much destroying as sending warmth.

Fearing that the players would be bored simply swinging the hammer, let them move their bodies and send some soul energy by the way.

If it weren't for the fact that everyone was scrambling for personal points, causing the progress of the city construction to fall into involution, everyone would have wished that the process of building the city had been delayed as long as possible.

On countless forums where information is aggregated, a lens is shining behind one of the accounts.

"Hmph~ Instead of everyone developing a different world together, let me develop it alone. As long as I assist the spirit suckers to become the master of the continent, don't those murlocs want to play as much as they want to sacrifice to their sister? You idiots, continue to give Bo Be a dog! I want to lead an army of murlocs and crush everything you have! The first step is to kill that Bobby first!"

(End of this chapter)

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