I can't be an NPC

Chapter 210 What is an infrastructure country?

Chapter 210 What is an infrastructure country?

Li Wen stretched in the morning light from the drawn curtains, looked at the bustling street outside, opened a portal beside him with a wave of his hand, and stepped in.

After helping Helen to plan everything yesterday, he went back to the library to copy down the ritual spells of the two five rings, and at the same time, he also wrote down the two five rings that he planned to learn, Hand of Bigby and Oath of Otherworld. Learned all spells.

In the evening, I also found time to study "The Melting Pot" at Croxan's for a while.

People can't just indulge in one thing, and occasionally have to change their minds, which will help learning efficiency.

The space here in Croxan was eternally silent, and it was Li Wen's arrival that made the space a little more lively.

Thinking of something, Li Wen didn't rush to the Mad Moon Continent. Instead, he stamped his feet slightly and asked the gray fog that filled the surroundings, "When will you be able to open the door next time?"

The door Li Wenwen opened was not a portal that he and she ran to open in both directions, but a continent-wide portal similar to the one that happened when the magic tide happened without using spells to communicate with him.

Just like when she was approaching, in the process of going away, the portal would often be opened naturally at the crest of the space connection.

It's just that as time goes by, the interval between each time she naturally opens the portal will gradually increase. The next time she opens a large-scale portal, she will have to wait until the time allowed for all other players to enter.

Otherwise, it is obviously unrealistic to expect all players to come to Jianfeng City to enter the dungeon... Mad Moon Continent is obviously unrealistic.

Gray Fog responded quickly, "According to your calculations, there are about...five days left?"

"It's getting longer and longer..."

As it gets farther away from the critical point, the frequency of Croxanne connecting to the Gaia continent becomes less and less, and the time to rely on her to provide convenience to all players becomes less and less.

Before she completely leaves the Gaia continent, can she be left hanging next to the Gaia continent?

Just like Er Gouzi?
With this thought lingering in his mind, Li Wen looked at the sky, and the moons of nine different colors reflected the night sky here in Croxan in various colors.

The gray-black corruption moon, the now whitewashed frenzy moon, and the patina-colored moon that seemed about a quarter of their size otherwise.

Emerald green light occupied a small piece of the night sky, exuding a soft halo.

"Let's go, Kebao~"

The gray fog suddenly spread.

After Li Wen stepped out of the portal, he slowly condensed two words.


The construction site was in full swing, and construction was started at various points in the entire urban planning at the same time, and some basic urban structures had roughly taken shape.

For example, professional buildings such as the reserved Mage Association, Warrior Camp, Priest Concentric Association, etc., or the temples of various gods, etc. have a rough prototype.

And some important functional buildings in the city - such as the council hall, the city lord's mansion, the central square and other facilities have been completely completed.

It's only been two days.

Under the planning of the aborigines, it is unimaginable that players who only need to be brainless can display their construction skills.

Moreover, the buildings of this era do not have so many necessary facilities for water, electricity, and gas, and there are no high-rise buildings with dozens or dozens of floors. With the efforts of a group of professionals... or we can say that they are all extraordinary, the simple building itself is really not a problem.

Of course, the difficulty in building a city lies not in one or two special buildings, but in the scale of an entire city.

In the past, it was possible to build a modern large hospital with at least [-] beds in seven days, and now it is possible to build a human city that can accommodate at least tens of thousands of people in five days.

"It is worthy of being from a big country in infrastructure construction."

Li Wen nodded in satisfaction. It seems that the next time Croxan will open the door can be synchronized with the progress of these players.

Wandering around in the prototype of the city, Li Wen was attracted by a noise.

Following the voice, I found an acquaintance unexpectedly.

It was the human village he met when he first landed on the Mad Moon Continent. At this moment, facing the bustling city, they felt that they could barely use their eyes.


For ordinary people like them who have lived in the village all their lives, this kind of city... even if it is just a prototype, is an unimaginable impact experience for them.

"Turtle! Can we live in this kind of place in the future?"

"Their house here can't keep out the wind... My old house hummed when the wind blows."

"Where do we live? Where are we?"

A group of people chattered.

Especially the uncle janitor and the middle-aged village chief, Li Wen still remembers them vividly.

The high magic level of the mage makes almost every mage have a photographic memory for some general things.

And the person who led the villagers to introduce the city to them...was Linton?

This little guy who I haven't seen since taking the Moonwell spot for him?

Li Wen didn't like his little thoughts.

But he is not an absolute follower of order like the Bronze Dragon. Although a little dark thought is annoying, it is nothing more than that. Li Wen will not do anything against him, nor will he like it.

But now...

When he wanted some aborigines to settle here to try out ideas, he was the one who brought people from his village here...

How did he know he wanted Aboriginal people to come and settle?

Or is it simply that you want your fellow villagers from the past to live in the newly built city?
Li Wen hesitated, and leaned forward.

Linton, who has excellent eyesight, saw Li Wen walking over at a glance, and with a little joy in his heart, he took the lead in saying hello.

"Master Bobby!"

Li Wen smiled slightly, looked at the dazed villagers behind him, and asked softly.

"You are..."

"I heard that this newly built city was built for humans, but those elves seem to only look for people who are willing to come here in the nearby human gathering places. This kind of opportunity is very rare for us humans, so I made my own decisions. Go back and ask my clansmen to move here first... If those elves don't allow it, I wonder if Master Poppy can help a little bit, after all, the environment we lived in before is really..."

In his words, he completely forgot the fact that he was a half-elf, and considered it from a human standpoint.

And he didn't even mention the news that Li Wen wanted the aborigines to settle here. After all, the daughter of the head of the Elf Council in Aletta said at the time that this city under construction was dangerous. , They are unwilling to allow people to come and settle first out of the consideration of being responsible for human life.

So instead of giving Master Bobby the burden of making such a decision, it's better to shoulder it by yourself without letting the other party know.

Not to mention the painstaking efforts he had put in during the whole process of migrating the tribe.

Whether it's the three-inch tongue he used when persuading his tribe, or the fact that he had to pull out Poppy's banner in order to let the elves open the portal for him.

Everything is just to fulfill Master Bobby's request.

Li Wen didn't even doubt that he was there, because the perspective was different, so it was difficult for him to truly empathize with him, and it was difficult for him to completely stand on the other side's point of view to see what conditions he needed to do all this.

It's just that I am a little happy in my heart. The village has a total of several hundred people, and it should be able to verify whether his previous ideas can come true.

"Don't worry, you can settle down here with peace of mind. If you need anything, just tell me. Er..."

Considering that he often slips away, he may not be able to find what he wants, so Li Wen hesitated and added: "I may not be here a lot of the time, if you have something to do, you can go to the person in charge of the elves here, and I will talk to you." He said hello."

Of course, the elves will not completely ignore such a large project, and there is also a person in charge who stays here to be in charge of communication and supervision.

Considering that these people had just arrived here, and the various necessities of life must not be able to keep up, Li Wen took Linton to the side and patiently told all related matters.

For example, boldly use the player's power. According to the player's experience when they first came to the Gaia continent, when ordinary people issue some unimportant small tasks to them, they don't need to pay any price. A little money and soul energy will There is Goddess of Wealth and free creation energy to pay.

Then Li Wen went to find the person in charge of the city where the elves were stationed here. While introducing Linton to him, he told him about the direction of the city's construction in the future, giving priority to the area that is enough for these hundreds of people to live in. Come out and build it.

The new human beings from the entire village made Li Wen feel good.

When standing guard for the players, they all hummed a ditty.

Not long after, some players spotted Li Wen.

This Bobby-sama seems to be wandering around the edge of the Underdark, inspecting the soil near the Underdark, and occasionally waving his hand to outline some magical brilliance flashing in the air.

As if investigating something.

Have a plot?
The shrewd players immediately realized this and hurriedly joined in.

"Master Bobby..."

Li Wen glanced at him - not enough favorability.

"do not bother me."


The refusal was neat and tidy.

Although Li Wen is going to give it away for free, not every player is eligible to receive this news.

The players here must have taken over the moon development mission, but this kind of basic favorability is obviously not enough, at least the players can't clearly feel that they are giving away for nothing, otherwise their favorability is worthless?

Only those who have completed at least two or more of the tasks that Li Wen previously released will have enough favorability to hear Li Wen's next words.

"Let's go, ignore people."

The first player to strike up a conversation turns around and walks away.

Although the players are free, they will not stalk any NPC. Experience tells them that if the trigger conditions are not enough, it is not enough. Stalking will only arouse the disgust of those NPCs.

"Do you think everyone is like you?"

After casting a contemptuous glance at the first player who struck up a conversation, another hunk approached Li Wen.

"Master Bobby..."

"It's you, passer-by."

The fierce man raised his eyebrows at the first player, smiled triumphantly, and turned to look at Li Wen shyly, "Sir, are you investigating something here? Is there anything I can do to help you?" ?”

"Hmm~ I'm researching how to effectively resist a special monster in the Underdark."


"Hmm... a race called spirit suckers. They are very powerful and will enslave other intelligent races. I am worried that they will integrate all the creatures in the Underdark and launch an attack on the outside world."

The macho passerby's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Illithids? What does it look like? Do you want me to collect some information about them for Mr. Bobby?"


Li Wen shook his head, "No need, I've already collected most of the information about them, and I'm just thinking about how to effectively attack them. Oh, by the way, didn't I give you some magic heart mines before? That's for restraining spirit suckers The point is, if you encounter a spirit sucker alone, the equipment made with the magic heart mine may be able to protect you. Well, passer-by, you can go to your business first, and I will continue to study."

"All right……"

The macho passer-by left with some embarrassment.

no tasks...

Uh~ wait!

The macho passer-by immediately logged on to the forum, and he grinned when he found the familiar word on the forum, and sure enough, he remembered it correctly.

Those monsters that can force players to switch camps are called illithids!
So I immediately left a message at the bottom of one of the posts: "There are now 77 billion people in the world, and there are 253 billion chickens, which is three times the number of people. That is to say, if chickens decide to go to war with humans, each person will have to fight three times on average." Remember, no matter how lonely you are, there are always 3 chickens somewhere in the world that you need to fight against. Today is Crazy Thursday, V I 50, I will teach you how to get out of trouble."

Passerby A was the first, but not the last.

Li Wen stood guard for a while, and after receiving about 50 guests, he left the place.

Not only does it require favorability, but it also has information about quota restrictions.

And among so many players who got the news, there will always be someone who will spread the news.

The rest is up to them to perform.

Li Wen believed in the craftsmanship of the dwarven race in the Mad Moon Continent.

It didn't take long for Master Poppy to release the strategy information to the entire forum.

"That's great! Poppy! I'm a god!"

"Someone give me a magic heart mine armor, the coordinates are in the dark area (1111, 2222). I will be airborne to accompany him for a week, and I will take medicine."

"I'll go dig the graves of those octopus heads after I put on the magic heart armor!"

"I just said that limited editions are good things!"

"Damn it! Someone collected a gold and a catty for me before! Damn it!"

"Hahahaha! My brother, that's a limited version, you'll sell it for one gold."



Looking at all this lively scene, he just felt that the world played a big joke on him.

unfair!Why do you rely on someone to fall?
He died before he got out of the apprenticeship.

Here, the plan of the spirit sucker to integrate all the monsters in the Underdark was completely seen through by that Bobby, why did he even prepare the countermeasures early?
no!I have to go to the master spirit sucker to advise, if it doesn't work, don't think about the idea of ​​building a new city, or the octopus head will be blown away.

It is also very good to be king and hegemony in the Underdark, without contending with the world.


The illithid put a tentacle in its mouth to act as a vocal cord, and looked at the in front of it with scarlet eyes, making a weird buzzing sound from its mouth.

"It was your opinion to attack that city, and now you say no to it. Didn't you say that once they build the city successfully, we will fall into a sea of ​​undead like you? Fight! Fight hard!"

With the vibration of the strange sound, the turbulent power of psionic energy instantly shook his outrageous body and made his heart go cold.

Don't listen to advice.

That being the case, don't blame me for being rude.

He went out of his way to log into the forum account and issued his own declaration of invincibility——

"Someone give me a magic heart mine armor, the coordinates are in the dark area (1111, 2222). I will be airborne to accompany him for a week, and I will take medicine."

By the way, I attached a photo of myself in women's clothing.

hum √
(End of this chapter)

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