I can't be an NPC

Chapter 211 Changes and Proposals

Chapter 211 Changes and Proposals

Li Wen, who had just returned to the main city of the elves to continue learning the six-ring spell after finishing his guard duty, received a text message from Aletta.

"Where are you, I need to find you."


After sending the short message, Li Wen smacked his lips... It's more and more like an online chat.

Hmm~ Do you want to find a way to develop this thing in the future? Only mages can use it and you have to rely on the limited spell slots of at least the second ring. It's not enough to chat.

Not long after the short message was sent, Aletta rushed over, and she was the only one.

"I just heard something from my mother, and I thought you might need to know too."

Aletta cut to the chase.


Li Wen nodded and looked at her.

"We have found out that the monsters in the Underdark have some special movements recently. It seems that they have begun to gather under the influence of a certain will. We are worried that your city construction will be affected by this."

With Eternal Light no longer restricting the monsters in the Underdark, the elves and dwarves began to pay more and more attention to the situation inside the Underdark.


Li Wen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Who can make those untamed beasts, including werewolves and vampires, obey their orders? Except for spirit suckers, it is hard to imagine other creatures that can do this.

"Yes...but the specific reason is not clear."

Li Wen thought about it and said.

"Probably an illithid."

Aletta looked suspicious.


Instead, it was Li Wen's turn to be puzzled.

"You haven't heard of this race?"


Maybe it's a different name?
Li Wen tried to explain.

"It's a humanoid creature with a head like an octopus and four tentacles on its chin. The power it uses is some kind of extraordinary power called psionic power."

Aletta squinted her eyes and recalled what she had learned all her life, but she couldn't find the shadow of this creature, so she could only shake her head cutely.

"But I still haven't seen this kind of creature... Is there such a creature in your world?"

"Well... and it is said that it is a very powerful ethnic group. Legend has it that it ruled the entire multiverse many years ago..."

Considering that this world's knowledge of the world does not even exceed the ground under his feet, Li Wen changed his explanation: "It is to rule many worlds like ours, and the strength is quite strong."


Aletta naturally did not doubt what Li Wen said, and covered her mouth in surprise when she heard the words, "Then how did you deal with them?"

"I don't know... In fact, we have only seen one or two and certain rumors in our place, and there has not been a large-scale war. Besides, the illithids here may not be their entire group. Of course, according to me According to some information I just received, the equipment made of a kind of ore in my hand also has a certain restraint effect on them, but it has not been tested in actual combat."

Li Wen and Aletta looked at each other while talking, and fell silent for a moment.

In the next 0.5 seconds, a tacit agreement was reached, "Then what are you waiting for?"

Not only dwarves are experts in making equipment, but elves are also not bad at crafting.

They just strive for perfection, and treat each of their creations with the attitude of creating a work of art, so the small number of products produced does not mean that their skills are poor.


In the council hall of the main city of the elves, the elves councilors who got the news gathered here to talk about the changes in the underdark region.

Under the strange assembly, it is hard not to be linked to a large-scale invasion.

No matter who the opponent is, they need to prepare themselves.

"The few reconnaissance teams we sent out can only go a short distance, but all the teams whose mission is to go deeper have lost contact, and even a short message can't be communicated. We have no idea what happened inside. something."

"Until I have specific intelligence information, I feel that any decision seems a bit reckless."

"But I still recommend that all staff prepare for battle from now on, and let most professionals conduct military-style training to deal with possible impacts. When the enemy really breaks out, it will not notify us in advance."

"Reconsideration! I suggest building military equipment from now on, and laying out magic defense lines near the border."

Unlike the previous blood curses, most of the targets infected by the blood curses are humans. Even though they will be strengthened to a certain extent after infection, they are still far from the opponents of their army of elf professionals.

Although troublesome, it is by no means a deadly threat.

It's different now, the counterattack of the entire Underdark...

If their power can be integrated, it may be an unimaginable impact.

Larika, who was presiding over the council, silently listened to everyone's opinions, thinking about the feasibility of various proposals.

Consolidating the army and preparing for war is naturally the best effort they can make, but the result of this is that the development of their elves has all stagnated.

But for the safety of the entire continent, this is actually the most feasible solution.

If it is determined to do so, certain calls and mobilizations are needed.

She is also an elf herself, so she naturally knows the nature of most elves.

It's not that there are no warriors among them, but most elves are more interested in watching a performance or listening to a concert than taking up weapons to fight the enemy.

Even in the face of a crisis, they need to be given time to adapt.

While thinking about these thoughts, a text message was suddenly heard by Larika...it was news from her daughter.

Master Bobby also has his unique cognition and response to the changes in the Underdark?
"Gentlemen, I think we have more information than we have."

Larika pressed her hands on the table in front of her, leaned over and scanned all the congressmen in front of her.

Aletta, who had obtained the permission, brought the belt that was hastily forged with Li Wen from the Demon Heart Mine to the Council Hall.

Even though it was made hastily, the emerald green belt still has intricate patterns, like a hundred flowers blooming in spring.

The amber-like red mineral extract is divided by silver branches, showing the appearance of blooming flowers on the belt.

"According to Master Poppy's understanding, it is possible that the anomalous phenomenon in the Underdark is caused by a certain ethnic group that also exists in their world. This is a magical equipment made of a certain mineral that Master Poppy took out. It is said that it is for that The ethnic group has special effects. If equipped with this equipment, it may allow our reconnaissance team to obtain some detailed information."



"How many have been built? I will send someone to investigate again!"

"But Master Bobby has one condition."

Aletta said softly.

For a moment everyone fell silent and looked at her.

There should be some appeals for taking out these treasures.

I just don't know what kind of remuneration Master Bobby wants.

"If it is confirmed to be effective, he hopes that we can gather people and quickly arm the sidelines with the ore he provided, because the opponent... is quite difficult."

Aletta relayed Li Wen's request.

The Magic Heart Mine Belt is effective for players, but it does not necessarily mean it is also effective for aborigines. Li Wen wants more rigorous certification.

It is difficult to find traces of illithids in the Gaia continent, and it should be much easier to find illithids in the Underdark.

"Is this also called a condition?"

"That's what we're supposed to do."

Some elf councilors said excitedly.


Larika pressed her hands on the table and said in a deep voice.

"I think you may have misunderstood what Master Bobby meant...he meant that we should give up unnecessary scheming considerations and not spend our minds on his attitude. In this matter, he will fully support our actions and Willing to provide those ores unique to him free of charge."

Looking at the councilors who were silent because they were aware of this, Larika added again.

"So after this matter is over, I propose that Master Bong Poppy be our new... Sun King."

And the last one... was the great arcanist.

(End of this chapter)

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