I can't be an NPC

Chapter 213 The Charm of Melee Mage!

Chapter 213 The Charm of Melee Mage!
The construction of the city has come to an end. Considering factors such as possible expansion in the future, except for the side facing the dark region, the other three walls are only symbolic earth walls.

In fact, the players are not natives, and it is better to expect them to be invincible than to expect them to rely on the city wall to play their home court advantage.

Therefore, I am afraid that in another day, Li Wen will be able to inspect and accept the entire city.

Sure enough, a huge "black wave" almost surged up from the edge of the Underdark like a rising tide.

This kind of timing even made Li Wen think that there is a setting that the city will be attacked by monsters in the dark.

The players who saw the monsters coming back from the Underdark region were in high spirits. The city was almost built and there were no difficult events. I always felt that something was missing.

Right now~
"Brothers, don't forget to bind the resurrection point!"

"The battle formations gather quickly!"

In order to wait for today's battle, the belligerent players have already done rehearsals in advance, and some can't wait.

Pick up the hammer and be the master builder, lay down the hammer and be the warrior.

Facing the crazy-looking monsters rushing out of the Underdark, the battle line formed by the players almost attacked with a more fierce attitude.

The monsters in the Underdark generally present a dark tone, and the equipment and dress of the players are various. If you look at it from a high altitude, this scene is full of distinct colors.

Standing on the edge of the dark area and observing the intersection of the two colors, the eyes are full of complacency.

These guys probably thought they were sending warmth, but in fact, your city is going to be bulldozed by the Lord!

Don't let the other players in the future come in. When my elder brother Octopus dominates the Underdark, he will have the whole world on his lap.

If a passage to the Gaia continent can be found, the co-lord of the two worlds is no problem!
hum √


Watching the beams of light representing the death of the players rise into the sky, they dubbed the sound for them outrageously.


Staring at the direction where the beams of light went away, he squinted his eyes absurdly, feeling that something was not quite right.

That direction...Although it is similar to the previous one, it is still a little bit worse.

It seems... not in the direction of the portal?

where is that?

So outrageously, I climbed up a taller tree and tried my best to look far away.

That direction is... the periphery of the newly built city?

No way?
Not so much, right?

Resurrection point?
When did the resurrection point come out?
fake!It must be all fake!
illusion!All hallucinations!It must be some kind of illusion like a high-level phantom cast by those scheming Goubas!

Go to the forum!
front page!

Did a quick scan and found no similar posts.

Sword Wind City Plate!
Get used to it... come again.

"Different World Developers" section!
"Birth is more spicy!" "

The time was... an hour ago?

His eyes froze outrageously.

A pat on the thigh!

Those who returned to the game again paced around absurdly, and decided to wait and see for a while.

There will be no loss in normal resurrection, but if players are resurrected continuously, they will be superimposed with a state called "exhaustion", which is the same as the human talent bestowed by Poppy before - the wild hound's pace is used multiple times in a row.

Superimpose to the sixth floor and die directly!

It means that resurrection loses its meaning after reaching the fifth floor.

Dead and alive, alive and dead.

In other words, there is actually no possibility for players to be resurrected all the time.

If... they can kill at least [-] players at least five times, then there is still hope for their siege operation this time.

And as long as the "exhausted" state starts to be stacked, various judgments in the battle will be quite disadvantageous.

So outrageously decided to wait...wait...

Wait until... the battle line began to be pushed back.


Seeing the players withstood the initial wave of fierce offensive, Li Wen, who had begun to stalemate in the battle line, squeezed his fists, feeling the blood in his body start to surge.

There are not many opportunities to safely demonstrate the power of magic, and it just happens to show a wave of sorcerer's way called Master Bobby in front of the players.

After a series of combos of blowing meteorites, sound waves, sky, fire and ice walls in the distance, Li Wenti joined the battlefield with his sword.

Li Wen, who played the sword song technique, moved quickly on the front line, wandering among the small battle groups one by one.

The battle of professionals is not a swarm of swarms, even the most cumbersome fighters need a certain amount of room to maneuver.

From a distance, the battle line looks densely packed with human heads, but when you get closer, you can actually find that each small battle group basically fights independently, and it is rare to see some battle groups interlacing and cooperating occasionally.

Neither monsters nor players are well-trained.

It's a routine operation to beat the enemy in front of you to death. Some players with strong skills or some monsters with outstanding single-body strength have already fallen into the enemy's formation, with enemies in front, back, left, and right.

In this case, Li Wen's joining would not be so conspicuous, and he would not become the unlucky ones who were set on fire because of rushing into the battle line.

And... the agility endowed by the sword song technique allows him to easily move through the chaotic battle group. The more chaotic the battlefield, the safer he is.

Meat has many meanings, and being unable to deal effective damage is one of them.

Holding the elven long sword, the sound of thunder and emerald green flames danced on the battlefield, following Li Wen's figure.

Occasionally, when he saw some difficult monsters that were targeted by the players as if they were fighting a boss, Li Wen even took out a small piece of egg shell and a snakeskin glove that he carried with him, and cast the five-ring spell that he had just learned .

Bigby's Hand (Evocation): You designate an unoccupied space within range that you can see, and create a large, shimmering hand there.The giant hand remains for the duration of the spell, and moves at your command to mimic the movement of your hand.The giant hand is considered an object with a defense value of 20 and a health equal to your maximum health.If its hit points drop to 0 the spell ends prematurely.It has a Strength of 26 and a Dexterity of 10.The giant hand does not occupy the space it is in.When you cast this spell, you can cause the giant hand to move up to 60 feet and cause one of the following effects.You can also control it to complete the attack effect again every 6 seconds during the spell's duration.

Vajra Fist: Giant hand strikes one creature or object within 5 feet of itself.Use your own panel characteristics to launch a melee spell attack, and cause 4~3 force field damage 5 times when it hits.

Flying Five: The giant hand attempts to push a creature within 5 feet of itself.The giant hand's Strength check is opposed by the target's Strength check.You have advantage on the check if the target is a Medium or smaller creature.When you win the confrontation, the target is pushed back a number of feet equal to 5 plus five times your spellcasting key ability modifier.The giant hand moves with the target and remains 5 feet away from it at all times.

Grappling Hand: The giant hand attempts to grapple a Huge or smaller creature within 5 feet of itself.You have advantage on the check if the target is Medium or smaller.During the giant hand grapples the target, you can order the giant hand to squeeze it, and deal 2 to 2 + your spellcasting key attribute modifier to the target twice.

Protective Palm: The giant hand stands between you and a creature of your choice until you give it another command.The giant hand keeps moving between you and the target, putting you in half body cover against the target.If the target's Strength score is less than or equal to the giant hand's Strength score, it cannot pass through the giant hand's block.If its Strength score is higher than that of the giant hand, the target can move through the space in which the giant hand is located, but the space must be considered difficult terrain by the target.

(Ascending ring casting effect: when using a sixth-level spell slot or higher to cast this spell, for every spell slot you use that is higher than the fifth-level spell slot, the damage times of Vajra Fist and Grasping Palm will be increased by 2 times.) Release time: 3 seconds.Cooldown: 1 minute.Duration: Up to 1 minute, requires sustained concentration.Casting Range: 120 feet.

An incredibly versatile spell for melee combat.

The power of 26 points can be said to be a one-sided attack without a doubt against enemies below the legend.

After learning Bigby's hand, even a mage can occasionally play a melee master.

Who said that mages can only stand in the distance and cast spells secretly.

At the same time, while maintaining the focused spellcasting of Bigby's Hand, Li Wen himself can also display his charm as a sword chant.

Lei Ming and Cui Yan were still dancing on the entire battlefield, and Li Wen's figure also quickly shuttled among countless small battle groups.

Players who saw this scene only felt yearning.

A mage capable of melee combat!

At the same time, multi-line combat was launched and the lethality was extremely powerful, and it was even worth a damn!
The action moves are also incredibly fast!Is this still the mage in my impression?

Is this the disabled mage in the hands of the players who went out at level 1 and died tragically at the hands of goblins?
This nima is too handsome!
Whether you are strong or not is a matter of version, and whether you are handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime.

"I knew he was hiding something!"

"Coach, I want to learn this!"

For other players, Li Wen's joining was just a fresh entertainment.

But for a player who is looking forward to a miracle, it is like pouring a pot of cold water on his head.

(End of this chapter)

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