Chapter 214
This time it was ridiculously impulsive.

He has a rich resume with several betrayal experiences, and he knows that the hidden ghost may be able to exert better results.

So as an arcane knight, his second-ring invisibility technique disappeared from the border of the Underdark, and went straight to the back of the players.

His position is chaotic, no one cares, and no one will hit him.

He knew Poppy wasn't going to fight the whole battle line.

Since he originally wanted to kill Bobby, he had to have a good understanding. As far as he knew, Bobby had never been in the habit of fighting in such a big situation.

His shot is not so much about killing the enemy as it is about interest.

It's purely because my hands are itchy that I come up to fight for a while, and I will retreat to the back of the field after a while.

Yes, itchy hands.

After a long time, almost every player can find that every character in this game has his own real side-emotions, sorrows, loves and hatreds.

Bobby didn't have any kind of anger or sadness on his body, and he couldn't see any killing intent when he occasionally shot. Even if he shot against the deadly enemy in the eyes of some aborigines, it was purely out of the need of the situation, and he didn't have any intentions. What personal emotions.

An NPC scholar looking for fun?
It is precisely because of this that it is outrageous that I feel that I can find him to propose my own plan.

Put it on the other NPCs who are jealous and hateful. Once they find that there are little tadpoles of spirit suckers on their bodies, they will definitely send themselves to the resurrection point directly.

As for the fact that he is actually in the chaotic camp... that's even more annoying.

Whoever says it's good whether it's an enemy or a friend, and double-faced people are even less pleasing.

Among the NPCs he knew, Bobby was the only one who could think about problems purely rationally and... also possessed the strength and planning that made him dare not think about it.

Yes, he also knows what kind of piss he is. If there is no big mountain to hold him down, he might have some crooked thoughts in the process of implementing the plan.

Do npcs generally not trust themselves?

Coincidentally, I don't trust myself very much.

And once he cooperates with Bobby, at least in the current incident, he will not dare to act half-heartedly.

Looking at all the previous cases, this Bobby either has more information than anyone else, or is a god who knows the prophecy.

This is Poppy in the eyes of the outrageous.

Honest cooperation is also very good.

And as expected, after only a few minutes of playing, the thunder and emeraldness of Cui Yan disappeared on the field.

Those who were staring at Bobby's figure immediately noticed his exit, and groped past him quietly.

In order to prevent misunderstanding, he shouted at Li Wen from a long distance: "Master Bobby!"

Li Wen, who was still reminiscing about the thrill of the battle just now, looked over in an instant, only to find a figure that was... a little familiar and a little strange.

Familiarity is because you must have seen it before, and the mage's memory will not make mistakes.

The strangeness is because it is really unfamiliar, and there has not even been an interaction.

After searching for a second or so, Li Wencai found the origin of the other party from his memory - Qin was one of the two players who helped the black-robed people of the Shadow Sect during the night when Jianfeng City was besieged.

And one of the two players was the key figure who later betrayed the Shadow Sect and led General Victory to find their lair.

What does it mean to find yourself alone right now?
After thinking about it, Li Wen approached absurdly, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Master Bobby..."

After getting closer, Li Wen saw at a glance the amber-like breastplate with flowing red glow on the opponent's body.

Armor made from Demon Heart Mine.

And... there seems to be a chaotic atmosphere on his body, changing and invisible.

Chaotic camp?

"what's up?"

Li Wen asked softly.

"I am the person in charge of this monster invasion inside the Underdark."

He introduced himself outrageously.

For NPCs, you must be the first to catch people. Only by letting them hear the news they are interested in at the first time, will they be able to pay attention to people, otherwise they are usually dismissed with the word "scroll".

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Wen outrageously and nervously, not knowing how Bobby in front of him would react.

His understanding of Li Wen is limited to observation and guesswork, and in fact, he has to discuss the matter when he encounters it.

Hearing the words of the player in front of him, Li Wen's expression remained unchanged, but he thought of Ah Zhi and the banks of the Seine in his heart.

It seems that he is also a player who was forcibly changed camp after being planted with tadpoles by the illithid, but it seems that he has no intention of attacking other players at all, which should be due to the magic heart armor on his body.

So he nodded, "Well... it seems that this armor on your body reminded you where your glory belongs. Just be willing to come back."

Accepted so easily?

Sure enough, it's me, Poppy!
He cupped his hands outrageously and said: "My lord! Those illithids are far less discerning than you, my lord. They still believe in me. Do you need to make some plan to wipe out the lairs of those illithids in one fell swoop? I can help everyone lead the way."

According to his outrageous judgment, even if he doesn't include the entire group of illithids that he hasn't seen yet, the creatures they rule, such as the murlocs and some creatures in the Underdark, are not something these players can deal with right now.

But it doesn't matter, Mr. Poppy has all eyes and hands, can't he still contact those big bosses of the aborigines?

The two sides work together and lead the way by themselves, and they will definitely achieve brilliant results.

And I, who personally contributed to such a big event, should have a reasonable reward no matter what?

Sometimes if you want a large task, you can't wait passively, but also take the initiative to attack.

Even if the rewards are mediocre, if you can personally facilitate all of this and destroy a large dark force in the game, it's still bragging rights to say it.

From now on, everyone will be "Illithid Terminator", how nice it sounds.

Li Wen frowned slightly upon hearing this.

Go straight into the Underdark and hit Huanglong?
This plan... doesn't quite fit.

The interior of the Underdark region has a suppressive effect on normal professionals. Whether it is a player or an aborigine, their strength will be discounted after they enter.

Even if the tadpoles of the illithids can be ignored, and the spiritual spells of the illithids can be exempted to a certain extent, that is just their means of controlling other creatures and their own attacks. Ethnic groups, players who play away games probably won't be able to please them.

The wave of monster attacks in front of them required the players to rely on the resurrection point to withstand it. If they really rushed in, I am afraid that the opponent would not burp after eating.

There is no way, the environment of the Underdark is not suitable for normal players by nature.

As for bringing together the aborigines of the native world... Forget it, unnecessary sacrifices are not worthwhile.

Whose life is not life?
It is still cost-effective to build a city.

Build the Great Wall!
It can also find things for players to do, develop new gameplay, and give them a stable leveling field.

Why do you have to fight to the death? Isn't it good to build a wall to entertain yourself.

Hmm... But Li Wen felt that it was quite feasible to send an elite team of players to collect the knowledge of those illithids.

"Not for the time being. Going deep into the dark region to fight alone is thankless. There is no need for it. It's good that everyone is safe and sound."

"But those illithids don't think so. They are recruiting all the creatures in the Underdark, intending to rely on them to occupy the entire world. When they complete their recruitment, the world may be in danger."

"It's good for you to have this thought, but it doesn't matter."

As Li Wen spoke, he turned his head and looked at the almost completed city behind him.

"As long as the construction of this city is completed, more passionate adventurers like you will come to this world, and our strength will be equally impressive at that time."

Professionals with a scale of millions and all of them are close to the third level and even fearless of death. This is a terrifying force.

Even if not everyone is willing to come to this different world, even half of them, Li Wen thinks it is easy to keep the border.

It's outrageous that he thinks so, of course he knows the player's power.

So, can't you fool this Bobby?


But after all, with such a special identity, I can't trigger some tasks, isn't it a bit reconciled?
And he is already willing to talk so much with himself, it wouldn't be too bad if he couldn't lead to some special tasks.

"Then... I don't know if my lord needs me to do anything?"

He asked outrageously.

"Hmm... Maybe you can take a small team and try to make a surprise attack? I need to know more about them."

You can't miss the opportunity to pluck wool. When it comes to the understanding of psychic power, who can understand better than these illithids themselves. If they can get their own understanding of psychic power, then they will make a lot of money.

Moreover, according to Aletta's feedback, the elves and dwarves are also planning to send a joint elite team to investigate further.

No matter who it is, it is more reliable to know the information yourself than to listen to others.

Maybe we can act together?
Hearing Li Wen's words, his eyes lit up outrageously.

Just have a task!
Sure enough, if you want the task, you have to take the initiative yourself.

"No problem my lord! The road is too dark! I will lead the way!"

"Then you should pay attention to yourself first, and wait here, and I will go and gather people to take a look."

There are many beasts that attack, and most of them have strong vitality.

The tug-of-war between them and the players may have to continue for a long time. Taking advantage of this time, the elves and dwarves can be found to quickly pull the joint elite team together.

As for the players, Li Wen wasn't worried at all.

Their mobility is unbelievable, as long as a task is issued, they will leave as soon as they say it.

And Aletta, who was contacted by Li Wen, also quickly found her mother. After telling Li Wen's plan, she immediately made a decision and quickly called the established team members.

Execution is amazingly fast.

In the end, a 20-member elite team of elves and dwarves, and Li Wen himself stood on the side of the battlefield, meditating in his heart on the release of the mission and attracted the first twenty lucky people who already possessed the Magic Heart Mine Armor, a total of four Ten people, under the leadership of the outrageous, drove into the dark region.

Li Wenzai had cast a detection spell on Jiji, just like the mage lady before, she wanted to see for herself what the lair of the illithid looked like.

He also made this move with Aletta and Larika, elves familiar to Li Wen.

Almost every elf senator who can use the five-ring spell hangs a scrying spell on a member of the elite squad.

A group of people squatted in the political hall of the elf main city as if they were waiting to watch a short movie.


The interior of the Underdark region is as dark and gloomy as ever, and it is difficult for sight to touch the dark depths that are too far away.

It seems that because all the beasts in this direction have been coerced into the tide of attacking the human city, the 40-member team did not encounter any setbacks in their actions.

With a large number of people, the effect of the Demon Heart Mine Armor on the creatures in the dark area will definitely not be so good, but even so, their actions seem to be quiet.

However, this quietness made people feel even more frightened.

With the parties involved and everyone in the political hall in fear, the team drove in silently for about five hours.

From nervousness at the beginning to numbness later.

Fortunately, as the footsteps really deepened, the occasional one or two battles made those players not feel too boring.

On the contrary, diving in this kind of atmosphere does not have a stimulating feeling.

In the political hall, Li Wen was so bored that he held a four-ring spell scroll and began to learn.

Those elf councilors didn't waste their time, everyone gathered together with some picture books and laughed and discussed something.

It was also the first time Li Wen knew that among the materials he had brought to this world, the ancient scrolls about spells or ways were not the favorites of these elves, but the travel notes and novels requested by Aletta. Or the books that recorded the geographical anecdotes of some cultural landscapes of the Gaia continent, etc., caused a wave in the entire elf kingdom.

I don't know how many thousands of copies have been transferred, and it was originally placed in the treasure house of the elves, and it is treasured as a treasure.

Finally, following the outrageously soft reminder from the leader, everyone suddenly became nervous again.


The old lair of the illithids is full of the wet smell of the seaside. It is not a whole huge building, but many functional soil bags.

Nestled in the dark shadows, it looks comical...

It was like a tour guide outrageously, and began to introduce the respective functions of those sections in the channel voice of their team.

"That's the guard room. Be careful not to attract their attention. Inside is an armed squad of kuo-toa murlocs enslaved by illithids...

This is the cleaning room. The illithids must first remove all clothing and equipment from the creatures whose brains are about to be stripped, and clean them thoroughly to prevent any parasites or danger from happening.

This is the ventricle, which can hold the brains that they deprive. Those brains are still alive and soaked in a magical liquid. I often see illithids doing some research here.

That's the transfer chamber, where promising test subjects are kept, where the illithids try to twist their physical development.Most creatures that go through this process turn into twisted, crippled wretches, but I've seen a few individuals grow stronger and tougher than before.

That's the tadpole room..."

The voice seemed to ring directly in the hearts of Li Wen, Aletta and others.

Fifth Circle Spell—Lara Mind Link (Prophecy) (Ritual): You establish a mind link with up to eight willing creatures within range of the spell.For the duration of the spell, each creature on the line is mind-linked to all other affected creatures.Creatures with a magic score of 2 or less are unaffected by this spell.Until the spell ends, all affected creatures can communicate telepathically with other affected creatures through telepathy, regardless of whether they speak the same language or not.This communication works over any distance but not across planes.Release time: 6 seconds.Cooldown: None.Duration: 24 hours.Casting Range: 30 feet.

At the same time as scouting was hung, this five-ring ritual spell was also hung together.

The outrageous introduction is more of a pure observation on the surface. He is not an illithid himself, so naturally he can't understand too detailed content.

"Their habits are similar to those of the kuo-toa enslaved by them. My own guess is that they eat too many kuo-toa brains.

The illithids seem to be able to absorb any memory and knowledge stored in the brains they eat, so that the behavior and habits of the illithids I know are similar to those of the murlocs.

And I'm sure the illithids here are by no means all of their kind.

Although they have some type of psychic communication, I occasionally hear them imitating the language of other creatures for practice, and this information is what I only heard at those times. "

After looking at it for a long time, Li Wen didn't see what he cared about and asked softly: "Don't they have an individual called a master brain?"


He shook his head absurdly, and responded in his mind: "I haven't heard them mentioned, nor have I seen other obviously strange individuals."

"Is that so..."

While speaking, in the picture that the detective saw, a figure with four tentacles flying under the dark curtain caused an elf councilor to exclaim in a low voice.

"Behind you!"

The group hurriedly looked over and found a standard illithid standing not far away, staring blankly at them.


In the eyes of the illithid No. [-], a dozen bright pale white balls floated in the air in front of him.

That's the detection sensor.

(End of this chapter)

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