I can't be an NPC

Chapter 215 Complete the mission!

Chapter 215 Complete the mission!

Every illithid is a natural user of psychic energy, but only a part of them that have been well-studied can fully use the power of psychic energy and become a special professional in their group - psion.

And these psions all have the ability to see through invisibility.

That is, the ability to see through the detection sensor.

But it doesn't matter, after all, everyone didn't plan to sneak the whole way from the beginning.

Start playing!
However, what I didn't expect was that this illithid obviously didn't have the mentality that a strong man should have. When he saw the mixed team composed of a group of players and elf dwarf elites rushing up like wolves, he turned and ran away.

Not waiting for the mixed team to chase up, following some squeaking noises and the sound of water coming out, a group of strange figures with their bodies crouching down appeared around the mixed team.

"It's Kou Tao murloc."

Kou-tao murlocs are generally small in size, with bipedal feet, and their thick webbed feet support their flat bodies like real devil fish to walk semi-upright.

On the short but powerful hands are various shields or weapons supported by various materials.

Just swept over those murlocs outrageously, and gently explained to everyone.

"The one holding the shield is Kou Tao murloc's miscellaneous soldier, very fragile, with only 18 blood points. The one holding that kind of pincer stick is the Kou Tao whipper. They can pinch one-on-one, and it's hard to break free if they don't have enough strength. And they are quite fleshy, I guess they all have at least 60 points of blood."

It's ridiculous that he wasn't the only lucky one who found this illithid camp by accident. During this time, he could occasionally see some players or aboriginal elves and dwarves touching it.

But the end was miserable without exception.

Among those Kou Tao murlocs, a murloc holding a weird stave that looked like a dead branch and decorated with shell pearls was particularly attractive.

"The most special murloc is their murloc priest sister..."


Everyone looked at him for a moment, thinking that he had exposed some special XP system.

"Why do you look at me like that! I mean she's the strongest. I've seen her use a five-ring spell called group healing. If we don't kill her first, we'll all die."

"Oh~ So that's how it is..."

"Oh~ So that's how it is!"

Start playing!
As fighters of an intelligent race, the Kou Tao Yu people naturally have their own means of survival.

Although ordinary Kou Tao murlocs have thin blood and are almost shattered by the touch of today's players and these elite mixed teams, the shields they hold are all covered with some kind of unknown slime.

As long as the weapons of melee professionals are successfully blocked by their shields, no matter whether they penetrate the defense value to cause damage, they will always be stuck to the weapons by the mucus on the shields, causing them to use extra strength to withdraw their weapons after each attack break free.

Coupled with the fact that they are purely like cannon fodder, it kind of makes melee professionals feel at a loss.

And those Kou Tao spurs are extremely difficult for the caster.

The power of the caster is slightly weaker.

Of course, they wouldn't be stuck to their weapons by the shields of ordinary Kou Tao murlocs, but facing the pincers of Kou Tao's pushers, they seemed a little embarrassed.

In real battles, no one follows the mode of combat law and animal husbandry in which the mage is behind and the warrior is at the front.

We all know that Mages' spells are difficult to pick up, who would watch the enemy's spellcaster secretly make big moves?

Therefore, the ability to maintain spellcasting against the opponent's attack interference is also a necessary quality for a mage.

This kind of ability is generally linked to physique, but when facing a pincer that has the same effect as hard control like grapple, in addition to physique, a strength judgment must be passed first.

Under such circumstances, almost no mage could continue to cast spells, and was chased and slashed by those Kou Tao's spurs.

If it weren't for those melee professionals who knew how to cover for their teammates, they might have to GG in a short time.

Fortunately, the mixed team of dwarves and elves has maintained its basic face, and it is a solid elite that has been carefully selected.

Facing the siege of a group of Kou Tao murlocs, each of these aborigines acted fiercely like gods of war.

On the contrary, these players were randomly found by Li Wen, and there were no restrictions other than certain professional requirements. It was inevitable that some players were of uneven levels, and they looked thrilling and exciting under the siege of murlocs.

But they were charged with Bobby's mission, and they didn't get entangled with the murlocs in front of them.

They just want to find the illithids that are hiding.

I don't know if these illithids are cautious by nature, or their physical strength is really not too strong. There is a lot of fighting here, and none of them can be seen.

"Cover us to find those illithids."

It was outrageous that he temporarily acted as the team commander.

He led the operation this time, and he knew more about this lair of the illithids than anyone else.

Moreover, the order received by the aboriginal mixed team before departure was to cooperate as much as possible with the actions of the Chosen Ones, and at this time they all obeyed his command without any dispute.

"Go to the brain bank! That's where they keep their most valuable brains, and they will definitely show up if there is a threat there."

Under the leadership of Ji Li, the mixed team struggled to move amidst the siege of the murloc army.

Fortunately, the dwarf's war mad professional is as mighty as a god of war, and he is almost invincible under the two axes.

And sure enough, when they noticed their course of action, the figures of three spirit suckers emerged from several dark corners.

Some kind of milky magical halo poured out from around their octopus heads like spreading smoke rings.

Charm humans.

command technique.

Crazy crown.

fear technique.

The spells contained in these mage tables are cast by them in a similar form with psionic energy, and try to control the members of the mixed team.

As psionic masters, they have a higher spell hit bonus for this way to counteract the attribute immunity resistance of normal professionals, which is the so-called spell penetration.

However, when anyone in the mixed team was touched, they were weakened to a certain extent by a force field emitting a red light.

The chest armor made of magic heart mine effectively protects everyone in the mixed team.

And seeing the spirit sucking monster appear, the players are not welcome.

Going to the brain bank is just to attack the enemy and save them. Their purpose from the beginning to the end is these illithids, which is the mission target appointed by Master Bobby.

"Lost Step!"

The mage player who was part-time paladin rushed to one of them with a jump.

The ranger players drew their bows and set their arrows, "Eat me as a bully!"

"Stay there and don't move, I'll give you a fireball technique."

Looking at the players rushing past like crazy, some great confusion can even be seen in the big gray eyes of the activated illithid.

Why do these people completely ignore the effects of psionic spells?

This is unreasonable!
Most of the professionals I encountered in the past were hard to beat the siege of the murloc servants, and a few stronger individuals were often defeated and captured under the influence of their spells and the murloc siege.

Not to mention that this is their home field. The weakening of various attributes of normal professionals in this environment is only a small problem, and even some immunity judgments will fall into a disadvantage and cause abnormal performance.

Fortunately, although the spells that attack the enemy have little effect, the use of protecting oneself or generating some defensive force fields can still continue to take effect.

The illithid clumsily stretched its legs and tried to run away, and the raging murloc servants rushed over quickly under its silent command, trying to block the players' footsteps.

However, these players didn't want to go back alive.

"You go first, we will cover you!"

It's outrageous to order the aboriginal mixed team in the soul link.

The basic purpose of information collection has been achieved, and these aborigines can withdraw.

And as long as they entangle those illithids and bite them to death, if they can touch them, they will be considered as having completed Lord Bobby's mission.

As for going back alive... I'm sorry that the five-hour journey is too far, they didn't think about walking back by themselves.

On the contrary, these elite aborigines can go back alive, and maybe they can increase the task score~ hee hee!

A group of aboriginal mixed teams who have not changed their minds look at the Chosen Ones who seem to be heroically rushing towards the enemy, with tears welling up in their eyes, and they have the urge to live and die with them.

"come back……"

Li Wen, who was also in the mind link, shouted helplessly.

Silly boys!Players can live after death, but you are really dead if you die.

Larika, who was on the sidelines in a sane state, also soberly ordered through the mind link: "Come back, maybe they will come back faster than you."

In fact, either maybe, or sure.

Following the outrageous sudden death, the detection sensor lost its target and disappeared naturally, and Li Wen went straight to the resurrection point.

Let me come to Kangkang, what's going on in the minds of those illithids...

(End of this chapter)

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