I can't be an NPC

Chapter 223 Magic Web Mystery Lock and Chapter City Scroll!

Chapter 223 Magic Net Fan Lock and City Portal Scroll!

Li Wen was a little thankful that he was also learning six-ring spells while studying "The Great Melting Pot".

Regarding the creation or dismantling of advanced magic items, there must be an unavoidable existence of "mystery lock".

This is a hurdle that no mage can bypass after reaching a certain level.

If he hadn't obtained the Green Dragon's understanding of "mysuo" in advance, and he was also learning the six-ring spell at the same time, no matter how proficient Li Wen had mastered the various forging techniques recorded in "The Great Melting Pot", he would be able to analyze the fine gold It is also difficult to make any progress when it comes to the secret key.

Among the fine gold secret keys, there is also a "mysterious lock".

Fortunately, Li Wen learned all the six-ring spells he wanted in the past ten days.

In fact, not only that, Li Wen even learned all the seven six-ring spells that are limitedly recorded in the elf treasure house.

He learned one and forgot the other, and finally only kept the three six-ring spells that he hoped to master within the plan.

Adding his original trigger technique, it was four.

After all, Li Wen's purpose of learning the six-ring spell is not all for the value of the spell itself, but also to collect the application of the "mystery" technique in various spells.

The last ones left are: Disintegration, Evoke Undead, and Otiluk's Frozen Orb.

These three spells are more distinctive spells among the seven spells, and pure damage spells are not favored by Li Wen.

Among the seven spells in total, Chain Lightning and Death Circle are pure damage spells, the only difference is that Chain Lightning hits 4 targets and causes lightning damage; while Death Circle attacks all targets within a 60-foot radius, causing dark damage .

The common denominator is expensive!Casting a spell requires at least 500 gp of casting material.

This is a spell?This is throwing money at you!

The sun ray, which is also a harmful spell, is not that expensive. It only needs a reliable magnifying glass to cast the spell. The attack range is a 60*5 foot strip area, and it causes radiant damage.

But this spell requires concentration and lasts for 1 minute. It takes 6 seconds to re-release a beam of light every 3 seconds during the duration of the spell.

Li Wen didn't want to learn too many concentration spells. After all, mages could only maintain one concentration spell at a time. With the existence of Bigby's hand, Li Wen was not very interested in other offensive spells that required concentration.

As for the remaining few, the trigger technique is a magical skill and Li Wenxue has experienced it, so it goes without saying.

Otiluk's Frozen Orb is also a harmful spell, and it does good damage, but what Li Wen values ​​is its functionality, and there is no special effect if it is released normally, but if the spell hits a liquid mainly composed of water, then Can condense into a square frozen area 30 by 30 feet and 6 feet thick.

Even after the spell is released, it can be condensed in the form of a small ball in the hand and cannot be triggered. You or others can physically smash the ice ball out to cause the spell effect, which is somewhat special.

The most important thing is that it is cheap... The only material for casting the spell is a 10-gold crystal ball.

As for evoking the undead... As Li Wen's first summoning spell, it is undoubtedly special.

The particularity of these spells is not only reflected in the effects of the spell itself, the performance of "mystery" in these special spells is also very different from those purely lethal spells.

The superficial study is only for Li Wen to have a general understanding of the changing structure of a certain "mysuo". A real in-depth analysis of the structure and effect of "mysuo" in each spell model requires a lot of practice and specialization after understanding.

At the same time, supplemented by the elf treasure house, there are literal explanations and understandings of the "mysuo" by the elves' predecessors, and Li Wen has a general understanding of what a "mysuo" is.

When it comes to mythos, one needs to understand the magic net first.

What is the magic net?
The magic net is everything, and it travels through everything in the world with invisible threads.

It is a necessary condition for all mages to cast spells.

But the original magic net is different from the current magic net.

The current magic net is a lawful and orderly magic element field that exists in the world after the goddess of magic reconciles all the chaotic magic elements in the world.

Because of the law, the mages will show the expected results when they cast a fixed spell formula.

A stable scene, a fixed technique, showing the established effect.

This is the necessary condition for a normal mage to cast a spell.

It is too natural, too familiar to all mages, as if everyone lives in the air, so its existence is often ignored by most people.

And the horrible end caused by Kalotaki's ascension to the gods at the beginning was precisely because his ascension to the gods stole the authority of the goddess of magic to manipulate the magic net, but his own ability was not enough to maintain control over the magic net. He continued to adjust, so that the magic net briefly turned into the chaotic state of the original magic net within the time after he cast the ascension spell.

This kind of upheaval led to the sudden sudden death of countless mages with the regular magic net as the core. Only those mages with extraordinary magic power could survive this upheaval and still retain the ability to cast spells.

Occasionally there are some special areas. For example, when Li Wen first came to the first elf city in the Mad Continent, he followed the elf legion to encircle and suppress the area. In fact, there is also a special saying in the records of the elf seniors in the Mad Continent—— - Wild magic area.

The so-called wild magic area is the chaotic state of the original magic net, which is not controlled by the goddess for certain reasons.

The reason why most mages in the Crazy Continent have difficulty casting spells in the wild magic area is that they have lost their familiar magic net environment.

And after understanding the current magic net system, the concept of "mysterious lock" came into being.

In the normal magic net area, the invisible silk threads show a regular structure under the control of the goddess, and this structure includes the goddess' rules for this area.

The goddess of magic stipulates that within the normal magic net area, fireball will appear when fireball is cast, and flame arrow will appear when flame arrow is cast.

It's like formulating the rule that [-]+[-] equals [-].

As long as you are in it, your [-]+[-] must be equal to [-].

This is a "lock".

But the goddess did this only to prevent the power of magic from being abused by humans without restraint. Her purpose was definitely not to lock up the pursuit of truth by intelligent creatures. On the contrary, she rather encouraged this kind of exploration behavior.

So the "mysterious lock" technique was born.

The Goddess compiled the magic net, but in the places where the powerful mages are, the mages can use their own understanding of the magic net to compile the magic net near them to meet their own requirements.

To make a simple analogy, when casting a spell, temporarily change the magic net rule of the area where the spell is cast to [-]+[-] equals [-], and then the spell based on the underlying rule of [-]+[-] equals [-] can take effect for a short time.

Each spell is based on different rules, so the "myth" will behave differently in each spell model, which is why.

And after casting the spell, the magic net whose rules were temporarily changed by the "mysterious lock" skill will soon turn into the appearance of a goddess again under the conditioning work that the goddess is doing all the time.

This is the truth about the casting of spells above the fifth ring.

What about putting it in a magic item?

The answer is to permanently lock the spells in the magic item with the fixed "mystery" technique, and the magic net in the area where the magic item is located will naturally be distorted by the "mystery" technique.

In this way, no matter who made the magic item, even if it is handed over to another person who does not understand the "mystery lock" skill at all, as long as the person and the object are in tune, then the person who does not understand the "mystery lock" skill at all Those who possess the skill of "lock" can rely on the "mystery" solidified in the magic item to distort the magic net around them, and achieve the rules set by the "mystery".

Classic don't know the principle, but allowed to use.

After understanding everything, the conditions for using the "mysterious lock" skill will naturally appear——

One, enough magic power can distort the magic net.

Li Wen has [-] points of natural magic power, and [-] points of acquired human peak magic power is naturally satisfied.

Second, the understanding of the "mysterious lock" technique to formulate its own rules.

After learning seven kinds of spells and deeply studying four of them, which are six-ring spells that use the "mystery lock" skill, this is still a small achievement.

Three, enough forging or alchemy ability to fix the "Mystery Lock" skill.

"The Melting Pot" allowed Li Wen to master this ability.

And last but not least: the creative ability to combine all three.

Coincidentally, this is what Li Wen has done a lot along the way.

A magic item consists of two parts—a mythal, and a spell.

The spell effect in the Golden Key itself comes from the five-ring spell - the teleportation circle; the setting effect of the mysia is that even if the user does not know how to teleport the magic circle, he can be teleported to the set location after activating the secret key , and drawing magic elements from the air around him all the time to supplement the charge of the secret key.

After analysis, Li Wen found that the [-]-foot casting distance limit of the Adamantite Secret Key, as well as the effect of the number of uses of the Misty Step spell, were not necessary.

The number of uses of the missing step is purely because the elves want to make this key, which represents identity and privilege, more practical.

As for the purpose of the casting distance limit, it is more obvious, it is for safety.

Li Wen's current method is to replace the five-ring spell - the teleportation circle, with the portal he researched to communicate with Croxanne.

As for the setting of the fan lock, it has become the two instructions of recording and triggering.

At the same time, taking into account two different usage requirements—running back and forth between the Madness Continent and the Gaia Continent, and quickly returning to the record point during wild adventures on the Continent, Li Wen also made two different requirements. version of.

So... two kinds of spells came into being.

Blue shuttle spell: It can only be used after recording two locations across the plane, and can only record up to two fixed points across the plane.Allows the user to use a spell while at one point of the recorded location to go to another point.Cooldown: None.

For example, if the talisman recorded Jianfeng City and the main city of the elves.

Then the user will go to the main city of the elves if he uses the spell while in the city of Sword Wind, and if he uses it when he is in the main city of the elves, he will go to the city of Sword Wind.

And it can only be used in these two places, and it is invalid beyond the area.

Red Return Curse: Only one place on the plane can be recorded, and the user is allowed to use it at any place, and return to the recorded place after use.Cooling time: [-] hours.

The teleportation spell on the Shuttle Talisman relies on the communication between Li Wen and Croxan, so as long as Croxan doesn't lose contact with the Gaia Continent for a day, the Shuttle Talisman can always take effect and has no cooldown time.

The return talisman still relies on the five-ring spell - the teleportation circle. Li Wen can only use this spell twice in each battle stage, and his own authority is not enough, so naturally there is a limit on the number of times it can be used.

You're done!

The soul energy that has just been harvested and not even warmed up is almost empty...

Next, you have to put it out and see how it works.

(End of this chapter)

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