Chapter 224 The Return
"Arrogant! Too arrogant!"

"Those foreigners are showing off their power in our Golden Lion, so no one cares about you?"

As most of the players of the Golden Lion Kingdom went to another world for development, some players on the forum who stuck to the Gaia continent for various reasons began to complain.

Especially Sword Wind City, players who came from the Violet Kingdom all came to Sword Wind City for some reason.

But almost all the players in Jianfeng City went to another world, and the few remaining salted fish suffered in their daily activities.

Aboriginal laws can't control players, or the binding force is not so strong.

Malicious PK in the wild is common.

Although Sword Wind City players have unique advantages in skills, skills are only part of a player's strength.

Players who don't think about going to another world to develop and build cities are already salted fish among players, and it's hard to say that they care about fighting.

And Violet players were able to stand out from their equally huge base and be selected by the aborigines to be eligible to accompany them to the Golden Lion. Not to mention being the strongest among them, they were also the top players.

The same skill is placed in the hands of different people, and the combat effectiveness that can be exerted is very different.

But the problem is that this is his home court, and being chased and killed at home is somewhat aggrieved.

Let alone being chased and killed, it would be embarrassing if he didn't kill the opponent until he rolled back in despair.

"The house has been stolen and you still don't want to build the city? I order you to come back quickly and kill them!"

"It's almost built, it's almost built."

"It's still a day before I can go back. There are still cds running back and forth in this strange world. Fuck!"

"That's not true, the CD is getting longer and longer."

"How can Bobby run back and forth?"

"Nonsense, you can run back and forth with his strength."

"Will we be allowed to choose one of the two sides for development in the future?"

"Maybe... But when we reach Bobby's strength, maybe we will be able to cross planes freely. And I have also heard of a seven-ring spell-transfer from another world. If we can learn it, it will probably be possible. I can go back and forth freely."

"Seven rings...hehe. Those NPCs regard high-level spells as a treasure, and any of you who can learn fourth-ring spells will call you uncle."

"My uncle. Transfiguration (click to view the description of the spell information)"

"My uncle. Ice Storm (click to view the description of the spell information)"

"Call me aunt. Fire wall (click to view the description of the spell information)"

"Cough~ let's not talk about this, the brothers who stayed in Jianfeng City can bear it and wait for us to go back tomorrow to open up their ass."


Where did the Chosen One go?

This is something that many aboriginal people in the Golden Lion Kingdom cannot understand.

From a certain unknown moment, those Chosen Ones seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

And it seems that only the Chosen Son of their Golden Lion Kingdom disappeared. According to reliable spies, the Chosen Sons of Violet and Thalia Kingdoms are all well.

How can this be good?

Judging from the information obtained, no matter which kingdom, almost all the powerful people are trying to recruit the Chosen One, trying to make them do things for themselves wholeheartedly.

Others do it, but they don't do it themselves.

When they fought, they had so many undead professionals who were close to Tier [-] than themselves. How should they fight?
But now all the chosen sons of his golden lion disappeared at once, even if he wanted to recruit, he couldn't recruit anyone.

Not only that, without the Chosen Son, all the soul energy that they have been able to obtain in the interaction with the Chosen Son in recent days has also stagnated.

It's broken.

Wouldn't the goddess kick out their chosen son of the golden lion alone?
I didn't feel it when I didn't have it, but now it disappeared all of a sudden, especially when only their chosen son of the golden lion disappeared. This change was unexpected and unacceptable.

In Helen's main hall, Prince Reid Flagg, who had been staying here for the past two days, sat on the seat beside Helen with a worried look on his face.

"Recently, I've been hearing that those Chosen Ones from Violet are making trouble in your place. I think City Lord Helen should be very worried about this."

Helen shook her head, "It's okay."

Red Flagg "sees through" Helen's pretense of being strong at a glance, and the sudden disappearance of the Chosen One is an unacceptable loss for almost every person in power in the Golden Lion Kingdom.

Not to mention the parties who directly feel the difference between having the Chosen One or not.

If there is no other place, there will be nothing. At most, it is just worrying about future development.

Helen's here is directly caused by Violet's Chosen Son, there is no harm if there is no comparison.

The prince glanced at Helen's exquisite profile, and sighed softly, "The Chosen One really is the only one who can contend..."

Helen smiled helplessly.

"It's really nothing, Your Highness."

She really isn't worried.

The Chosen Sons of Violet who caused chaos in her Sword Wind City won't be long.

Unlike others, she knew where the chosen sons of the Golden Lion had gone.

Just like the chosen sons who suddenly appeared in Jianfeng City on a large scale and then disappeared on a large scale a while ago, I am afraid that the chosen sons of the entire Golden Lion Kingdom have been dragged by that guy to the other world of the so-called Crazy Moon Continent. .

Although I don't know how Li Wen did it, it's obvious that guy won't sit back and watch these things continue to develop.

As long as he comes back, it's all right.

While speaking, Helen gazed at the distant sky that could not be blocked by the eaves of the hall, which was in the direction of No. 14 Minke Street.

I don't know... when that guy will come back.

Suddenly, a guard in silver armor rushed in from the door and reported to Helen.

"Report! General Boswell begs to see you."

Helen waved her hand lightly, "Please come in."

Boswell walked in quickly with a gray face. Although there was no expression on his face, it seemed that he was in a good mood from the cheerful wind when he walked.

Even rarely took the initiative to say hello.

"Master Helen, Your Royal Highness."

There is no way, people are in good spirits on happy occasions.

As expected of the soldiers I carefully selected, what I want is the current effect.


Try it out!

See if these Golden Lions are ready for a possible war.

And who can say what the Chosen One will do?

Can you control your chosen son?

I can't control it either, if you have the ability, kill them back to Violet.

But now, these Golden Lion people have obviously lived a comfortable life for a long time, and have not taken any tough countermeasures.

In their Dreiser State, if these Chosen Ones were not thrown into the Devil's Gate, it would be the Marshal's mercy.

More importantly, an additional piece of important information was discovered—their Golden Lion Kingdom... at least the Chosen Son of Jianfeng City, has disappeared!

The times have changed.

Ever since the appearance of the Chosen One, the world no longer only depends on the original strength of their own country.

An army of undead mid-level professionals!It's exciting to think about.

Whoever can control those chosen children will control this new era!

Those old elements who cannot keep up with the development of the times should be swept into the dustbin of history.

In this regard, no one does it better than their Dreiser State.

If we take this opportunity to send an army against the Golden Lion, plus those undead Chosen Ones leading the charge, is it possible to annex the Golden Lion and achieve the unification of the world that the Marshal even dreamed of accomplishing?
Those Chosen Ones I brought with me are doing well!Apart from not being willing to respond to my summons, there is nothing wrong with it!
But you have to be more cautious, and see if the senior executives of these Golden Lions have any awareness and plans for this phenomenon.

If they don't have the confidence to win quickly, they who are the first to provoke the war can easily fall into a passive situation.

Boswell, who walked in with a tiger-like dragon, glanced at the handsome and melancholy face of the Golden Lion Prince, and he knew it in his heart.

"It seems that His Royal Highness is troubled by something? Could it be because of the chosen ones I brought?"

After a few days, Red Flagg was too lazy to pretend to be a snake with these barbarians in Dreiser State, so he snorted coldly.

"General Boswell can't even tie his own dog? Now I'm a little suspicious of the generalissimo's eyes."

Boswell twitched the corner of his mouth slightly indifferently, it was just the barking of the incompetent.

"Your Highness, you know that the Chosen Sons don't listen to persuasion. You can completely let the Chosen Sons of your Golden Lion launch a counterattack, and I have no objection. They have gone too far, and they really deserve some punishment."

At this moment, Helen, who had been keeping silent all this time, suddenly froze, and then burst into a smile.

"Punishment? I just hope that General Boswell will not feel that our Golden Lion is aggressive."

Boswell's eyes fixed on Helen's body, and a look of amazement appeared in his eyes.

This city lord is somewhat similar to Queen Louisa Jill of Dagger Beach in Violet, and they are both equally bright and charming.

He didn't dare to make mistakes with that queen, but he didn't have so many taboos about the city lord of the golden lion.

So at this time, his eyes seemed full of aggression.

"City Lord Helen doesn't need to be humble at all. The actions of the Chosen Ones will not rise to the national level. You can punish those Chosen Sons who make trouble at will, and don't care about our opinions."

"Oh~ is it?"

Helen raised her eyebrows, "That's good."

Looking at the "pretentiously confident" smile on the corner of Helen's mouth, Boswell couldn't help showing a slight smile on that rigid face.

His Royal Highness, who is a fledgling prince, is full of joy and anger, but the city lord, who is experienced, seems a little more unpredictable.

But it was this combination that actually exposed their reality to their eyes.

They are equally pessimistic about their chosen sons.


A silver-armored guard outside the door hurried in again.

However, seeing Boswell still exists in the hall, he hesitated and looked at Helen with a questioning expression on his face.

Helen waved her hands indifferently.

"General Boswell is a guest, not an enemy, just say it."

"Yes! Lord City Master! Those Chosen Ones... are back!"

Since the Chosen Son disappeared, almost every person in power has asked his subordinates to keep an eye on the situation around him. If the Chosen Son returns, he must report it as soon as possible.

Helen also issued a similar order.


Helen, who heard the news at this moment, responded lightly, and waved her hands with lowered eyebrows, "Understood, let's go down."

Helen's reaction was flat, but the prince on the other side was excited and wanted to ask for more details, but considering the existence of outsiders, he forcibly held back.

Boswell, who also heard the news, jumped in his heart.

It is unlikely that someone will spread a word specifically to deceive them. Just take a walk in the street to find out the truth.

So it's really back?
It's ok.

Boswell stabilized his mind, so what if he came back.

Judging from the previous situation, the real power holders of the Golden Lion have almost zero control over the Chosen Son that appeared on their land.

It doesn't matter whether you come back or not, the actual situation is the same. The Chosen One doesn't have any concept of family and country. In a real fight, few people will fight for their Golden Lion.

The advantage is great, don't panic.

Helen stood up suddenly, "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Li Wen sent a message, and she has no time to talk nonsense with these people.


When Li Wen returned home, he sent Helen a text message——

"I'm back, are you free?"

The reason for asking Helen this question is to let her find some people to learn the craft of making the return spell.

After all, it was an army of millions, and Li Wen didn't have the time to rub the spells one by one by himself, it was just asking for trouble.

Looking for wage earners...a partner is a must.

And the only thing left to the Gaia continent is the Return Curse.

The shuttle spell is obviously going across the two realms. Li Wen didn't want to disclose that spell to the aboriginals on the Gaia continent, so the shuttle spell can only be obtained in the mad continent.

As compensation, Li Wen decided to leave the craftsmanship of the Homecoming Curse to the Gaia Continent.

One on each side is fine.

"It's free, in the study."

Helen's news came back immediately.

Li Wen immediately got up and went out.

In the study of the City Lord's Mansion, Li Wen saw Helen who was alone.

"Why didn't I see those conscription signs on the street?"

Li Wen was not in a hurry to talk about himself, but first told what he saw and heard on the way before coming to the City Lord's Mansion.

Helen held her clean chin and stared at Li Wen with soft eyes.


"No more conscription?"

"Don't show it to others."

"Others? Who?"

"People from Violet... During the time you left here, some people from Violet came to our Sword Wind City, and at the same time, their Chosen Son."

Oh ~
Li Wen remembered, Ah Zhi said.

Their world is similar to their previous world, so the "server" is probably also partitioned.

People from Ahzhi and the Yan Kingdom came to the Golden Lion Kingdom, and people from other countries went to other "servers", namely the two kingdoms of Violet and Thalia.

Europe and the United States and Japan and South Korea, right...

 These two days my mother is not feeling well, and I have been sending her to the hospital for a few days, the update is not stable, forgive me~
(End of this chapter)

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