Chapter 234 Visitors from Echo Valley

When a pair of brightly dressed dwarves came out from every corner, it was the busiest time in the whole market.

Everyone will offer the most sincere and best wishes to these couples entering the marriage hall today.

The wedding ceremony of the dwarves is not as elaborate as that of humans. If everyone gathers together for a lively drink, it is tantamount to telling all the compatriots about this matter.

If it's a brother, let's have a toast.

And at this time, it is time for Shakespeare to exit.

Looking at a dwarf girl surrounded by the crowd, Shakespeare's eyes looked affectionate and sad.

Sitting beside him, although Li Wen could understand his feelings, he still couldn't empathize with him.

After all, this old man's XP is somewhat strange.

This was the first time Li Wen met this Shakespeare beloved woman—a genuine dwarf.

That dwarf girl's beard is more vigorous than Shakespeare's own. When she says "boo", doesn't she have to prick her mouth?

Just thinking about that scene, Li Wen felt a little unbearable to look directly at.

So even if it was comforting, there was an uncontrollable smile in his tone.

"I said, there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world..."

Shakespeare glanced at Li Wen, wondering how he spoke.

"Donghua people?"

Li Wen was taken aback.


He hadn't heard the word yet.

Shakespeare shook his head.

"It doesn't appear to be."

Li Wen became interested instead, "Tell me, what is Donghua."

"Donghua is Donghua, a human country."

Li Wen asked excitedly, "Where is it?"

"In the legend of our bard..."

After answering Li Wen's words impatiently, Shakespeare looked at Li Wen with serious eyes and said, "Please buddy, can't you see that I'm sad now? You don't need to comfort me, but can you leave me alone."

Li Wen squeezed his elbows and looked at the lively center of the crowd.

"Didn't you see her smiling so happily? She is very happy, and you should be too."

Shakespeare squinted at Li Wen.

"You think I don't understand this truth?"

Then he pointed to the position of his heart, "Uncomfortable, do you understand?"

As if someone finally had someone to confide in, Shakespeare began to ramble.

"Do you know that I was attracted by her the first time I came to this city?"

"Of course you don't understand... most of you only care about looks, you only like succubus."

"When she smiled, she was like my angel. She was so warm and trusting to me, even if I told her a little lie at that time. From then on, I swore that no one can lie to her! hurt her!"

"I know that she likes to listen to the legendary stories of Moradin and the epic legends of those heroes, so I tried to learn all the history of their dwarves as much as possible... Whether it is official history or unofficial history, she likes it Listen, I'll go find out."

"It was only later that I found out that she treats everyone the same, and she has such a personality."

"And no one lied to her! No one hurt her!"

"Biography is always just a biography. Everyone is very good. There is no hero to save the beauty, and there is no love at first sight."

"She has companions who grew up together. They have known each other for 60 years, and I am only 20 years old..."

Li Wen listened quietly to the ramblings of such an old man, only the last sentence became serious.

"You're only 20 years old?"

Shakespeare had a thick dark blond beard...compared to a human.

The manicure is quite decent, but it has a mature masculine charm.

Li Wen couldn't believe that such an old man was only 20 years old.

Shakespeare's expression was a little awkward, "A little more..."

"How much?"

So Shakespeare became furious.

"A little more is a little more, a man's age is a secret!"

At this time, the dwarf who was standing with Shakespeare's beloved dwarf girl in the distance seemed to have noticed Shakespeare's figure in the crowd and came over on his own initiative.

"Look, he's coming to show off to me!"

Shakespeare rolled up his wide cuffs, planning to have a duel between men.

"Come on! Brother! Have a drink! I'll pay the bill!"

Looking at the warm smile on the dwarf's face, Shakespeare took the wine glass that was as thick as the dwarf's arm.

Dwarves are not good at words, their emotions are in the wine.

"Ton ton ton..."

Bitter wine hurts the throat.

As if in a fit of anger, Shakespeare drank one glass after another, drinking several glasses in a row, and then looked at the back of the other party with drunken eyes.

"Look... this is the most annoying part, they are all good people, so I can only bless them."

Li Wen put his arms around the other's shoulders with a smile, "Why don't we play something more exciting?"

"What exciting thing?"

"Come and let's find a secluded place and talk about it."

Yesterday that player brought Li Wen Shakespeare's voice about the music, but it was limited to this.

Shakespeare himself was not a powerful professional, and he was not aware of the subconscious use of charm in his singing.

Fortunately, the other party is also a target for communication, so Li Wen intends to ask him directly to see if he can find some inspiration from him.


Shakespeare's rationality told him that he must let go of the unrequited love in his heart, and also wanted to find something to divert his mind.

They randomly found a small unoccupied tent set up for this kind of festival, and the two of them got in with a large barrel of ale in their hands.

Dwarves can drink, so anyone who wanders in dwarf land must do as the Romans do.

Besides, Shakespeare is depressed now, and he likes the feeling of being intoxicated.

"Have you ever considered using your unique talents?"

There are not many people with high charisma, and there are not many people who have enough attainments and knowledge about music and even various biographies and allusions.

People who possess both qualities at the same time are even rarer.

During the break yesterday, with the help of Adric and other dwarves, Li Wen also found out some basic information about this human poet who was in the dwarf fortress.

If you don't inquire, you don't know, but once you inquire...there really are two brushes.

As a human being, during the five or six years of living in the fortress, he has a clear understanding of various epics and allusions of the dwarves.

Only those who know enough about the history of the dwarves and at the same time must have enough attainments in music can completely perform "Danzo's Elegy". There are few such singers among the dwarves, but he, a human poet, can do it.

And Li Wen's thinking about new ideas must require the cooperation of these abilities.

Without charisma, there is no professional ability, without musical skills, there is no way to communicate the Creation Word echoing in the background of the universe, and without insight... It is impossible to talk about songwriting and performance.

All poetry is narrative in essence, which is what Li Wen got from Shakespeare's voice.

He can grab a piece of record from the history books at random, and he can compose a heroic poem with ups and downs on the spot; he can also sneer at the short-sightedness and behavior of human beings; If you don't let him do it, don't let him touch it, then he won't be able to make any sound other than sighing.

However, facing Li Wen's inquiry, Shakespeare just slammed the wine barrel in his arms at the wine barrel in Li Wen's hand.

"Come on! Take a bite first!"

Without waiting for Li Wen to say anything, he took the lead in picking up the huge wine barrel with both hands, pouring it into his own mouth, and the wine dripped down his beard.

Li Wen didn't refuse, he also unscrewed the lid of the wine barrel, and took a couple of sips while holding it.

Hmm...not spicy?
Li Wen, who was frowning and preparing to meet the excitement, opened his eyes in surprise and looked at the wine barrel in his arms.

It was very different from the alcohol he drank when he first rescued the piano. The dwarf's ale was mellow and clear, full of grain aroma but not a bit pungent.

More like a special drink?

So Li Wen took two more gulps.

"Ton ton ton..."

"Ton ton ton..."

The shadows in the tent reflected the figures of two men holding a barrel.

The whole street is like this.

Even on this special festival, the dwarf soldiers who still did not forget their duties and stood guard on the city wall looked back and murmured.

"I really want to have a bite..."

At this time, a companion beside him suddenly exclaimed.

"Look outside! What's that!"

In the gloomy Echo Valley, a strangely shaped... spaceship?Slowly emerging from the darkness.

Like a pointed-shelled conch, the squid-headed creature wields its elongated tentacles within the conch's shell.

A pair of red eyes stared evilly at the direction of the dwarf city wall.

And on the back of the conch, several human figures stood on the flat deck...

(End of this chapter)

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