Chapter 235
"Meet the enemy!"

The dwarf defenders reacted immediately and tried to sound the horn to issue a warning.

However, an invisible wave emanated from the conch ship, and these dwarf soldiers suddenly fell into a state of groggy confusion.

And not only that, this wave of invisible fluctuations even spread around the conch ship, and with the movement of the conch ship itself, it gradually covered the entire dwarven fortress.

But all the dwarves, or humans, or various other races, animals, or professionals who were touched by that invisible wave, all fell into a certain kind of confusion. state.

He froze in place in a daze, his eyes glazed over, his face full of dementia.

Before being controlled, these people did not even sound a warning.

A strange silence began to spread from the direction of the city gate towards the interior of the city, and the speed was extremely fast.

Suddenly, a voice full of surprise and anger resounded through the entire fortress.

"who is it!"

A dwarf wearing chain mail and holding an ax and hammer stepped out of a palace in the fortress, looking sharply at the never-before-seen conch-hull ship in the sky.

As the only legendary professional in Edinburgh, the mighty dwarf had never seen such an enemy in his long life.

While speaking, the legendary dwarf glanced quickly around the city wall, and was temporarily relieved after seeing that all the clansmen had only suffered a certain degree of mental assault for the time being.

The origin of this comer is unknown, but its terrifying mind control spell can instantly subdue all creatures affected by it.

If it wasn't for the fact that as a legendary professional, he has the legendary resistance that a legendary professional must obtain, and can forcibly change the judgment of the failure of the save when affected by a certain spell to a success, I am afraid that he will also fall into the opponent's mind control, and the whole The fortress... I'm afraid it will be directly captured by this inexplicable attacker today.

However, faced with the problem of the legendary dwarf, the conch ship was still flying towards the interior of the huge city, and its height gradually decreased, as if it had plans to land inside the city.

The roar of the legendary dwarves, which should have been enough to resound throughout the city, seemed to be stopped by some kind of array effect, so that no one in the busiest market knew that the danger was coming.

Seeing this situation, the legendary dwarf was furious, his stocky legs slammed on the fine iron ground under his feet, and his whole body hit the direction of the conch ship like a shell.

However, as a pure warrior, the legendary dwarf who had no flying ability still inevitably fell to the ground even after jumping nearly a hundred meters.

It's just that when he was at the highest point, the legendary dwarf still poured all his strength into the hammer held in his right hand even though he didn't have enough strength to exert his most ferocious blow as much as possible.

The iron hammer surrounded by thunder slammed into the hull of the conch ship with lightning speed.

However, ten meters before the hull of the conch ship, it seemed as if it had fallen into some kind of swamp, and its kinetic energy was quickly weakened. Although it was still moving forward, its speed became like a turtle crawling.

Even the flashing thunder and lightning around the hammer seemed to be slowed down by some invisible force field.

Four humanoid creatures with red eyes appeared on the side of the conch ship facing the attack of the hammer, which also allowed the legendary dwarf to see the appearance of the attacker for the first time in the process of falling.

A humanoid creature with the head of an octopus and four tentacles, wearing a black robe.

Not the drow, not the gray dwarves, not even any of the underworld races that have been feuding for a long time.

Enemies never seen before.

Why is it here?
Countless questions immediately appeared in the legendary dwarf's mind, and his body finally fell to the ground.


The legendary dwarf who fell from a height of hundreds of meters smashed all the stone bricks where he landed, and the flying gravel made a whistling sound through the air.

In order to fight against the legendary dwarf's flying hammer, the four illithids resisted for a while as if holding a ball with their skinny hands, and finally succeeded in making the flying hammer completely still.

The flying hammer suspended in the air suddenly turned the direction of the hammer head, and was projected into the distance with a "swoosh".

"You didn't hit it back! Coward!"

The legendary dwarf cursed angrily, looked at the battle ax in his left hand, hesitated for a while, but still didn't throw it out.

Turning his head to look at an iron siege arrow not far away, the legendary dwarf ran over to hold the siege arrow, which originally required at least five or six dwarf warriors to operate at the same time, and turned around, aiming at the conch ship in the sky .


The crossbow strings made of strong cowhide made a dull sound, and the several-meter-long steel crossbow bolts flew straight to the weird conch-hull ship in the sky.

And immediately after that, another crossbow arrow after another shot at the opponent one after another.




However, whenever a distance of more than ten meters from the surface of the shell ship, these crossbow arrows will always be stopped by an invisible barrier, lose kinetic energy after a short confrontation, and eventually be manipulated by the four illithids. Reflected back towards the legendary dwarf.

The legendary dwarf holding the ballista made of steel was unable to dodge, and the ballista held in his hand was hit by one of the crossbow arrows in the middle of the frame.

The same reliable texture made of steel allowed the vibration of this impact to be transmitted to the body of the legendary dwarf.

It also made his hands go numb.

"Damn you, come down to me!"

Even though many professional fighters are unparalleled in strength, it is difficult for them to display their true strength in the face of many difficulties.

Whether it's flying, or certain magical prohibitions.

No way is no way.

The legendary dwarf, who was chasing after with a ballista and a few arrows, yelled at the conch ship flying in the sky, but all he got in return was the disdainful ignorance of the four red-eyed illithids.

However, the conch ship, which seemed to have a tendency to lower its height and plan to land, did not descend after slightly lowering its height, and kept sailing unstoppably at a high altitude that was difficult for dwarves to reach. The most central part of the city.

As a result, the festive scene of celebration spread and solidified at an extremely fast speed.

All the creatures enveloped by the force field centered on the conch shell ship stopped their movements almost at the same moment, and all stood there silently in a daze.

In a daze, he stood there in a daze.

In a few breaths, all fell.

Seeing this scene, the legendary dwarf's eyes were tearing apart, but he couldn't do anything about the conch shell ship that just stayed in the sky and refused to come down, and the unknown humanoid creatures in it.

Even the crossbow arrows in their hands did not dare to shoot at will. In case those guys let go after blocking the crossbow arrows, the vertically falling crossbow arrows will inevitably hurt the dense crowd.

Don't let the other party do anything to endanger the lives of his own people, but he hurt his people first.

"What the hell are you going to do!"

Looking at the conch ship slowly circling above the market as if looking for something, the legendary dwarf roared loudly.

But there was no response from the spirit sucker.



And at the same time, some cautious figures sneaked in the shadows in the corner of the city.

"Shut up and see what these things are trying to do."

"I didn't expect these inhuman beings to have enmity with these dwarves... A dog bites a dog, just right, hee hee~"

"We worked so hard to sneak up from the underground passage, just to track down these strange things that we haven't seen before, and now we just want to see if we can find something cheap..."

"Elder Sister, you said that if we take this ship back and give it to Lord Rose first, will she give us a gift?"

A black-skinned elf holding a whip lazily leaned against the stone wall in the darkness, carefully observing the conch shell ship suspended in mid-air with his evil eyes from the corner of his eye.

With experience facing those monsters, they kept a safe enough distance to ensure that they and others would not fall into the opponent's mind control.

"Let's see what good things we can get before we talk..."


In the dark space, two drowsy people sang some out-of-key songs, trying to communicate with the "sacred words of creation" in Li Wen's mouth.

Gray mist happily wandered around the two of them.

For Li Wen to be able with her friends here?And feel a little unusually excited.

Li Wen, who disliked the noise outside, moved the place to Croxan shortly after discussing with Shakespeare.

"Hi~ Don't you have any wine?"

Shakespeare reached out his hand, and he pushed the empty wine barrel away, rolling away.


[You are trying to communicate a certain law with sound, and the completion rate of this attempt is 0.01%. 】


[You are trying to communicate a certain law with sound, and the completion rate of this attempt is 20.08%. 】

[You are trying to communicate a certain law with sound, and the completion rate of this attempt is 13.14%. 】

Li Wen ignored the throbbing information in his mind, and also burped with the aroma of wheat.

"I'll get it……"

Shakespeare staggered to his feet.

"I'm with you too..."

(End of this chapter)

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