I can't be an NPC

Chapter 238 If You Can Do It All Over Again

Chapter 238 If You Can Do It All Over Again

"They're done..."

A group of alien races in the shadows from the underground world watched from afar the dwarf city that had once again fallen into peace. They were not affected much, so they were able to recover quickly.

The alien conch-hull ship was obviously the loser, and had fled in despair.

"Sister, what shall we do?"

"Those stupid dwarves seem to have fainted, why don't we take this opportunity to loot their treasure house! They must have a lot of good things in their hands!"

The black-skinned elf with one hand on the side of the stone wall looked in the direction of the city from afar. Drow's excellent eyesight, which had lived in the dark underground environment for a long time, allowed her to see clearly what happened just now.

So at this moment, he pointed in that direction with the whip in his hand, squinted his eyes and said with a sneer: "What's so good about a dead thing? Let's take a living person back!"

"Who are you robbing?"

"Yes! Who shall we rob, big sister?"

The black-skinned female elf raised her mouth slightly, "Of course it's that short human! Didn't you see that he confronted that 'brain monster' that we dare not touch just now? Take him back, and we don't have to be afraid anymore." Those octopus heads!"

"But didn't the tall man also participate?"

A gray dwarf touched the back of his head and expressed his opinion with some doubts.

"Look at his slovenly appearance. If people say what he says, can he be the main force?"

"If you take a long look at the clothes on the two of you, you won't think he has any credit? The magic robe on that short human is not something ordinary people can afford."

A gray dwarf who raised objections was reprimanded for a while.

"But he can fight the 'brain monster', where is it that we can control?"

Another question was raised.

"Yes, big sister, don't be arrested by him."

"no problem."

The black-skinned female elf waved the small leather whip in her hand, "I have the gift of the Spider Queen... He was able to fight against that 'brain monster' just now, it was simply that the 'brain monster' couldn't help but compete with him for those ordinary people The power of mind control was backlashed. If it weren’t for the away game and the large number of dwarves, he would not be able to take advantage. So his strength should not be very strong, and it looks like a human mage. What is the mage falling into our hands? The trash understands everything! Take it back!"


A young man from the cave nodded fiercely, "Listen to the elder sister."

"Be careful, don't provoke those two legends."


The two legends stood still and did not chase after them.

After all, conch shells can fly.

Although the bronze dragon can also fly, let alone whether it can fly fast, and he doesn't want to reveal his identity as a bronze dragon in front of outsiders.

Wherever he goes, he prefers to interact with other intelligent beings as an ordinary person.

So even in the battle just now, he participated as a professional human ascetic.

At this moment, the two legends looked at each other.

The legendary dwarf was the first to ask, "Ascetic?"

The old bronze dragon nodded, "Yes."

The legendary dwarf looked at the old man's clothes up and down, sighed and sighed: "It's really hard."


"You ascetics are really good at training your mind. I was almost controlled by that thing."

Whether it is a legendary professional or a creature will not be clearly marked on the top of everyone's head, and the short battle just now can't reflect their maximum true strength at all.

So the legendary dwarves didn't realize the true identity of the legendary bronze dragon, and they didn't even know that the other party was also a legend.

Moreover, the human form of the legendary bronze dragon does not have the attainments of the legendary ascetic, and the ability to withstand the control of the mastermind is purely due to the legendary resistance possessed by the main body.

So at this moment, the legendary dwarf only regarded the other party as a high-level ascetic who had learned a lot, but he didn't expect that the other party was also a legend.

Of course, how he perceives in his heart does not affect his attitude towards his friends who have just fought side by side.

While talking, the legendary dwarf put down the battle ax in his hand, glanced around, and realized that the clansmen had only fainted for a short time, and he was slightly relieved.

Picking up a large barrel of ale not far away, the legendary dwarf threw it at the legendary bronze dragon.

"Take a bite."

Without waiting for the Bronze Dragon to express, he also picked up the barrel of ale beside him and found a place where no one was around, and half-lyed down comfortably, gulping down a few gulps of ale.

"What kind of spell did these two humans use just now? Have you seen it?"

The clear wine flowed down his dense beard like steel wool like clear water. The legendary dwarf with blurred eyes glanced at the two humans lying on the ground, and then asked the legendary bronze dragon.

The legendary bronze dragon took two mouthfuls from the wine barrel, then shook his head and replied, "I haven't seen it before."

When he spoke, his eyes were also full of doubts.

Another new thing that has never been seen before.

How many times?

Since I heard the name of this little guy, how many new things have I seen related to him?

Paladin...human talent...

Recently, it has been regarded as a popular return spell in the entire human world...

Now, he even took out a... magic effect that he had never seen before?In the face-to-face confrontation with the demigod-level monsters, he won the final victory.

Of course, there are many reasons for this, not just because of how powerful the spell-like effect he produced is itself.

For example, the main force is not actually this little guy named Li Wen, but the human beings around him who are far more magical than ordinary people are the core.

After all, no matter what spell or combat technique it is, it depends on who is using it.

The current spell system is really good for those ordinary mediocrity, as long as they learn the fixed spell formula step by step, they can cast the desired spell effect.

However, it is not something that everyone can do if they want to bring out the upper limit of the true power of some spells and open up more possibilities for the entire professional system.

As an ancient giant dragon that has lived for nearly a thousand years, his knowledge is not comparable to that of the legendary dwarf with a head full of muscles and alcohol.

And the powerful perception ability even allows him to perceive the vibration of the magic net or some kind of rules that are still on the magic net to a certain extent.

Undoubtedly, the confrontation just now was a two-person show.

Li Wen is undoubtedly the one who really communicated with the underlying rules that echoed in the background of the world, while the other human being felt the rules that Li Wen wanted to convey to him, and unreservedly trusted and used them .

With a strength much greater than that of Li Wen, he used the hearts of all the dwarves to complete a beautiful counterattack.

The most outrageous thing is... these two obviously drunk guys did all this spontaneously without knowing everything about the situation.

Is this human creativity?
This short-lived race can always unleash the unimaginable potential of these long-lived species to accomplish miracles that are absolutely impossible in their eyes.

So at this time, he looked at Li Wen half with doubt and half with admiration.

When he met him for the first time at the so-called Jianfeng City altar, he never imagined that a seemingly fledgling young human kid who was boldly arguing with him like that would actually become a thousand-year-old boy in his eyes now, not long after. There are countless human heroes in history.

Looking at everything he has done under his known circumstances, it is definitely not something that can be accomplished by pure force or intelligence.

If you can come back...

Presumably he would not accept his solicitation.

This is also a hero with very clear persistence and belief in his heart.

It is precisely because of this that apart from admiration, the bronze dragon's old eyes still have three points of entanglement.

It is the duty of the strong to protect the weak.

This is a belief in absolute justice that he has adhered to since his youth.

However, even though he is old, he has never summed it up in his heart, but the concept that is roughly the same as a sentence always pops up in his mind——

Those who go against me are either subordinates to be punished or opponents to be attacked.

These two beliefs will occasionally conflict a little bit.

Like Li Wen...

Li Wen, who was also protecting the weak... was obviously his opponent.

One, worthy opponent.

Right now is a good opportunity to eradicate the opponent.

It's a pity that he didn't even have the slightest urge to make a move.

Even if you want to beat your opponent, you should beat him upright on a formal occasion!

The human world war will start, and there will be a lot of time to verify each other's beliefs with facts in the troubled times to come.

at the moment……

"I am leaving."

The bronze dragon old man took two gulps of wine again to show his sincerity to the legendary dwarf.


The legendary dwarf was stunned for a moment, and looked back at the two humans, Li Wen and Shakespeare.

He always felt that he had heard about the appearance of this short, black-haired human being, but he couldn't remember under what circumstances he heard it.

"Then don't send it."

The legendary dwarf who was talking also stood up and walked into the distance.

That's the direction his hammer was thrown.

The hateful octopus head didn't even return his weapon, despicable!

On a quiet street market, only dwarves and humans sleeping on the ground are left...

(End of this chapter)

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