I can't be an NPC

Chapter 237 Closing

Chapter 237 Closing
The dwarves kept trying to attack the four illithids, but to no avail.

It is also wishful thinking for the illithid to break through the legendary dwarf's block and take down Li Wen directly.

The situation was at a stalemate for a while.

Only the legendary dwarves kept whistling their battle axes and roaring in their mouths.

However, this sound could never be heard by others.

Seeing that the situation had reached a stalemate, the mysterious existence on the conch shell ship perceived by the legendary bronze dragon could no longer remain hidden after all.

In fact, in the voices of Levin and Shakespeare, it already feels a certain degree of pain.

But at this time, this pain, accompanied by its spiritual power, spread out like an invisible circle of water ripples, and quickly spread to every creature in the city who had fallen into a "charmed" state under the attack of its spiritual power.




These turbulent negative emotions are like the deep sea, instantly drowning all the creatures under its control in the city.

The dwarves who were just standing silently let go of the things they were holding in their hands. Tears unconsciously dripped down the furrows on their faces and the thick beards on their chins. Most of their bodies were also weak. Collapsed to the ground.

Some with weaker wills even subconsciously grabbed some sharp objects around them and tried to commit suicide.

The ocean of negativity drowns everything, and everyone is drowning in it.

Even the people from the underground world in the dark passage far outside the range of influence lost control in an instant under this kind of invasion.

Only the leading black-skinned female elf seemed to have deployed some kind of defensive barrier and was not affected, but the original calmness was no longer on her face.

After showing his true strength, the master behind all the consequences made it impossible for him to remain hidden.

A... bare brain?

On the second half of the deck above the conch shell ship, a thing like a human brain suddenly appeared.

"Dong Dong~ Dong Dong~"

Just like the beating of a human heart, its gray-white skin is even beating rhythmically.

Seeing the Lord's appearance, the eyes of the Legendary Bronze Dragon showed a solemn expression.

His legendary resistance was also triggered twice.

And every natural day, he only has three opportunities to forcibly change the result of the legendary resistance of the failure of the saving throw. If it happens again, even he may be in danger.

The opponent is... a demigod!
It's just that the opponent has few subordinates, and they don't dare to let everyone in the whole city be able to move freely, so they need to spend energy to control everyone, so that they can't target themselves or that legendary dwarf. Otherwise, it may be difficult for themselves and that legendary dwarf How long will it last.

After all, unless it is a god who really controls the law, anyone under the gods, as long as they don't run, may be beaten to death by a huge number of people.

A demigod-level existence... How on earth did the dwarves mess with this kind of existence.

Do not!
Not dwarves!

It's... Li Wen!Or another human next to him?
The legendary bronze dragon looked at the two drunks who were still dancing, feeling both surprised and amused.

The two drunks in the center are oblivious to what is happening behind them, and the legendary dwarves flying around seem to be their background board.

The collapse of the dwarven civilians around them didn't seem to affect their improvisation at all.

In Shakespeare's increasingly emotional cadences, the simulation in Li Wen's mind is also getting closer to more than 60%.

And when the soul energy was used to start smashing, this progress began to advance by leaps and bounds.

Li Wen, who holds more than 400 million soul energy, has never been so rich. With the hint of paying a lot of soul energy and the reminder of Shakespeare's talent, Li Wen achieved a 100% completion rate in one fell swoop.

[In order to respond to the new features, the new profession——? ? ?emerge in the path. 】

[You have discovered a brand new profession. As its creator, you can name it, and you can freely choose whether to take up the job regardless of the job requirements, and you will not be subject to any job transfer penalty for the first job transfer. 】

Li Wen laughed loudly, completely ignoring the prompts that sounded in his mind, but only brought the "performance" ability endowed by the sword song to the extreme, and continued to sing along with Shakespeare.

"I swear, by innocence and youth,
I have only one heart and one loyalty,
From now on,
No woman can possess it,

Only I am my own queen. "

Singing is a different language.

And it is often more concise and expressive than ordinary language, and all the feelings about the new profession in Li Wen's heart are mixed in his voice.

Shakespeare, a linguistic genius, almost instantly received the message conveyed by Li Wen from his singing.

This is the first human being who can directly learn his creations from Li Wen without needing any Taoist book.

Li Wen didn't plan to change his job to this new profession. After all, he wasn't one of those bards who knew all kinds of epic biographies and hero legends well, and he didn't have the musical creativity comparable to Shakespeare.

So even though Li Wen's chant had the meaning of communicating the "Holy Word of Creation", it couldn't fully utilize the professional ability.

Only Shakespeare, who has no occupation, but inadvertently took up a new occupation at this moment, can really display the ability of the new occupation.

As for soul energy... Years of wandering around in various places in the world have already made his soul extremely tough.

Different from the player's real gift from heaven, each aborigine has always honed his skills in the tempering of various world affairs, strengthened his will, and recognized his own path before he could obtain the reward of soul energy, thus Get feedback on your career path after spending soul energy.

Shakespeare's many years of traveling around the world have already made him like a piece of rough jade. Even when he just subconsciously resisted the attack of the magic effect of the "half-god" level, even if he himself did not realize it, this kind of confrontation was not enough. It will also bring him soul energy rewards.

Aboriginal geniuses have always had a different way of obtaining soul energy from ordinary people's bitter fighting and meditation. For them, the experience similar to enlightenment is even instinctive and ignorant.

So a brand new professional ability began to show in his words.

6th-Level Trait—Anti-Chaos: You gain the ability to interrupt mind control effects with music or words.You can use all your language skills to carry out your performance.During this time, you and friendly creatures within 30 feet of you have advantage on all mind-related saving throws against panic or charm effects.The creature must be able to hear you to gain this benefit.This performance will only end prematurely when you become incapacitated, silenced, or terminated voluntarily.

As the first bard class, Shakespeare even has almost no limits in the reach of this trait.

But at this moment, all sounds in the quiet city are suppressed by that demigod existence like the brain, only this sound that seems to sound from the heart of every creature can penetrate this airtight bondage, and the whole city Every creature in the city seemed to be listening to the duet melody of him and Li Wen.


If the original voices of Shakespeare and Li Wen were only protecting themselves, now, Shakespeare's voice is helping every creature affected by the "Master Brain" to escape the master brain's magical control.

The confrontation of spells is everywhere.

Spells that do not directly affect each other's attacks are called confrontation.

Shakespeare, a poet who was just an ordinary person a moment ago, confronted a demigod-level "mastermind" of an illithid through the minds of every creature in Edinburgh today.


A silent scream of pain echoed in every creature's mind as well.

However, under that crazy voice full of enthusiasm and true feelings, it seemed a little pale and weak.

The confrontation of the two wills caused many creatures affected by both sides to lose consciousness and fall limply to the ground.

In high spirits, the two turned around and expressed all their feelings about everything around them, about the dwarven kingdom, and about living here in the form of praise.

There is no Eldev in every word, but Eldev in every sentence.

The battle between the legendary dwarves and the four spirit suckers has always revolved around these two.

It was like playing the game of eagle catching chicks, the five figures shuttled around the two of them never got into the sight of the two chicks.

The legendary dwarf flying up and down seemed to be hiding in the shadow of the two of them.

With the gradual escalation of the conflict between Shakespeare and the mastermind of the illithid, countless movements of falling to the ground are almost connected together.

In exchange, the gray and white tentacles on the gray and white brain on the conch ship twitched and waved in pain.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Some kind of crazy order was received by the four illithids who were entangled with the legendary dwarves, so the eyes of the four illithids turned redder and looked at the more excited Shakespeare.

The legendary dwarf was full of excitement, so he naturally wanted to die.

It's just that the illithid, who obviously paid a price, suppressed his movements for a short time.

Then, under the eyes of the legendary dwarf, a spirit sucker rushed towards the backs of Shakespeare and Li Wen.


An old human figure stood behind Li Wen and Shakespeare, forming their last line of defense.

"Farewell, Miss, I will never come to mourn with you again."

After a series of confessions, Shakespeare finally chose to leave the stage sadly.


A movement like a leaking ball also resounded in the minds of the last conscious few creatures at this moment.


The four illithids couldn't care less about entangled with the legendary bronze dragon and the legendary dwarf in front of them. A storm that broke out in the heart swept through the hearts of every conscious creature.

Mind blowing!

The last full blow from the demigod mastermind and the four illithids caused even the dwarves and bronze dragons who were as strong as legendary professionals to fall into a daze for a moment.

The four spiritids quickly flew back to the conch ship, and the whole conch ship flew towards the Echo Valley outside the city again.

The sudden explosion also startled the two drunks.

The two looked at the people lying on the ground beside them with drunken eyes, thinking that everyone was drunk.

So they laughed and clapped their hands together.


The four palms were not aligned.

The two people who were drunk hit each other limply, and then fell to the side together.


Hit a fallen wine barrel and rolled away...

(End of this chapter)

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