I can't be an NPC

Chapter 241 Attacked

Chapter 241 Attacked
Only then did Adric, Shakespeare and others who saw the legendary dwarf Bronzebeard learn everything that happened last night.

Bronze Beard doesn't have the sensitivity of Bronze Dragon to the rules. As a warrior, he doesn't understand the mage's fields. is the main force.

"Spaceship like a shell?"

"Brain Monster Invasion?"

"Octopus head?"

This information made these people's eyes widen.

Especially Shakespeare himself... Think about your own professional ability, and then think about the foreign invasion that Lord Bronzebeard said last night.

Too magical and spicy!

So... where did Li Wen go?


Li Wen felt that he was probably not dreaming.

How can you realize that you are dreaming when you are dreaming?Moreover, the voice from below, the restraint of the limbs and the bumping of the body were all transmitted to Li Wen's various senses more clearly.

How many people are carrying me away?
Where is this going?
It was pitch black... Could it be that he fell asleep again at night?

But even at night, there should be stars.

Besides, there was no wind.

"Then what..."

Li Wen hesitated to make a sound.



The voice below him was obviously taken aback, and even the arm supporting Li Wen's right leg softened a bit so that Li Wen's body suddenly tilted.

it is good.

Li Wen confirmed that he was really carried away.

"put it down."

A hoarse and charming voice of Yujie sounded in front of her, and the next moment Li Wen felt his body being gently placed on the ground.

Li Wen, who was still a little weak under his feet, subconsciously supported a black figure beside him with his right hand, and asked aloud at the same time, "Where is this?"

While talking, Li Wen raised his right hand and rubbed his fingers...why is it oily?
"How long has it been since you washed your hair?"

"We cavemen don't need to wash our hair!"

The other party used some kind of weird language, and his voice was hoarse and dry, and Li Wen found that he couldn't understand it at all.

Excluding the accent, there is a high probability that the language I have never heard is used.

After waking up for a while, Li Wen's sanity has gradually recovered.

"Isn't this Edinburgh?"

"of course not."

It was the hoarse and charming Yujie who replied again, and it seemed that she was the only one who spoke the common language of the mainland among the people around her.

"This person doesn't know what happened haha!"

"Idiot, idiot! Human beings are all idiots!"

"Eggs? Where are the eggs? Blind teeth want to eat eggs..."

It was also mixed with the messy voices of other figures around him.

Realizing that the situation might not be ideal, Li Wen frowned and wanted to cast two spells——

One is darkvision, and the other is language proficiency.

However, as soon as he communicated with magic elements, Li Wen discovered that some invisible barrier made him unable to communicate with magic.

Li Wen, who already had a certain understanding of the magic net, could feel the deeper reason—the connection between himself and the magic net was cut off.

what happened?

This was the first time Li Wen encountered such a situation.

In the darkness of invisible objects, some invisible spell glow flashed on a strap in Li Wen's hand, and only its owner could perceive what kind of spell judgment just happened.

The hoarse and charming Yujie answered Li Wen's doubts softly.

"You don't need to try, you are no longer that omnipotent mage in the domain of Lady Evernight."

Li Wen remained calm.

Since these people are just grabbing themselves, it means there are no demands or scruples.

Life is safe for the time being.

It's just that I don't know if the magic effects solidified by the trigger technique can take effect... That's the capital of Li Wen's life.

"who are you?"

Li Wen asked softly.

Sister Yu replied straightforwardly: "We... people from the underground world, please go down as a guest, don't worry about safety."

"Someone instructed you?"

Li Wen wanted to know who was targeting him.

You shouldn't have any enemies, right?

The previous group of players?

It's probably not something they can and dare to rob themselves from the dwarven city.

Bronze dragon?
If he wants to do it, he probably doesn't need anyone else.

Who is that?
"No one can tell me."

The hoarse Yujie's voice was full of confidence, "I just think you might be useful."

Saying that, without waiting for Li Wen to ask any other questions again, Yu Jie, who explained a few sentences and felt that Li Wen should roughly know her situation, turned around, and the voice came from the back.

"Since you're awake, follow us and go on your own. There's still a long way to go."

Li Wen didn't have any objection to this, after all, people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and just shouted a little aggrieved.

"I can't see..."

He groped the ground twice with his feet, only to feel that the uneven ground was full of raised stones, and it was impossible for him to walk on his own under such conditions.

"Dandong, help him go."

Sister Yu lightly gave orders, and Li Wen felt two thick palms stretched out from the side to pinch his thin arms, which were like chickens in comparison.

And the thorny bristles...

Sensing the opponent's strong palm and the smell of the opponent's breath, Li Wen couldn't help asking: "Brother, what race are you?"


Li Wen couldn't understand, and couldn't even be sure whether the other party was talking to him or his partner.

"They don't know the lingua franca of the surface world, so don't bother. Dandong is a bear man."


While speaking, Li Wen's fingertips flickered with arcane light.

This secret discovery gave Li Wen some peace of mind.

Spells that require spell slots do not work anymore, but cantrips seem to work.

Cantrips are special and don't cost spell slots.

So the meaning of the so-called domain restriction of Ms. Heiye is that she confiscated her spell authority?

After discovering this detail, Li Wen suddenly had confidence in his heart.

With tricks that can be used, coupled with the professional ability itself, it is not impossible to fight in a dangerous situation.

As long as it is not completely incapable of resisting, it can still make waves.

If it is a normal mage subclass that can only use tricks, maybe I have to worry about it, but his mage subclass is Sword Wing, and he can play a guest role as a warrior with a sword.

I just don't know if the portal leading to Croxan can be used, but it doesn't look like Li Wen can use it effortlessly now, but it's very noisy, so it's not easy to try.

I seem to have more than 400... well, more than 500 million soul energy.

The players are really awesome. When you are traveling around, the players in the Frenzied Continent are always working hard, which is touching.

In such a special situation right now, do I want to mention my soul energy that has not moved for a long time?
Even with the additional 50% soul energy consumption of the Master of Elements sub-class, it only takes 12 million soul energy to upgrade from level 14 to level 390.

And once the Sword Singing subclass reaches level 14, you can get the last one of this subclass... and also the biggest feature for strengthening combat ability-the song of victory.

A little excited.

"and many more!"

Sister Yu, who was walking in the front, seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly reminded everyone behind her in a solemn voice that Li Wen couldn't understand.

Li Wen didn't understand.

But it doesn't matter, because the bear man who said he was helping him was actually holding him to go, he couldn't move if he wanted to.


"As expected of Rose's priest, Miss Kardashian has such a keen sense."

In the complete darkness, another strange and cold voice sounded from the passage ahead.

Even though it was pitch black right now, Li Wen could detect the possible situation from the voices and the attitudes of everyone.

These people who "invited" themselves to the underground world were blocked by others again?
"Yeguno? Who gave you the courage to stop me here."

"My mistress Kardashian, you should know that there is a saying in human beings that money touches people's hearts. You must have gained a lot of good things after going to the earth, how about sharing half with me?"

Kardashian glanced at Li Wen behind him, wondering if he could survive if he was cut in half.

The conclusion is probably not.

and so……

"Sorry, not for you."

As he said that, he flicked the small leather whip in his hand, and there was a sonic boom that broke the air in the darkness.


The sound bounced back and forth in the dark cave, spreading far away.

Although he couldn't understand the meaning, Li Wen felt a little worried when he heard their tone of voice and the crispness of their bodies, "Are you two going to fight?"

Yujie replied briefly.


"Then can you undo my restriction, and I can help you."

Sister Yu sneered, "I'm more worried about you than worrying about these guys."


While speaking, cold arrows struck from the dark.

If there is a disagreement, the other party has already made a move.

(End of this chapter)

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