I can't be an NPC

Chapter 242 Chaos and Summoning

Chapter 242 Chaos and Summoning


Hearing the sound of the arrow, Li Wen subconsciously made a short body, trying to squeeze his petite body into Xiong Da's arms beside him.

However, with Li Wen's agility, when he heard the sound of the arrow, it was too late to dodge.

Fortunately, it wasn't Li Wen.

But there are blind arrows.

Hearing the whistling sound of shuttles in his ears, Li Wen only felt his heart pounding.

Li Wen was naturally afraid of death when he wasn't sure who had the bigger fist between the group who kidnapped him and the group who intercepted him, and whether they could protect himself well... Be cautious.

Almost purely subconsciously, Li Wen poured huge soul energy into the professional level.

Don't worry about it.

Apart from other things, it is also good to increase the blood volume by two levels to resist beating.

[Your professional level of mage has increased, and the current professional level is 13. 】

[You have obtained a seven-ring spell slot. 】

[Your current professional proficiency bonus is +5. 】

[You's mage's professional level has been improved, and the current professional level is 14. 】

[You have obtained 1 attribute point, and you can freely choose to improve a personal attribute. 】

[You have obtained the level 14 feature of Sword Song-Song of Victory: From level 14, during the activation of your sword song, you will add your magic power adjustment value (minimum +1) to your melee weapon damage. 】

Simple and crude.

But with Jian Yong's melee ability, this kind of damage increase is quite considerable.

As long as the attack hits, the magic power adjustment value +5, the human talent wolf pack +1, the basic damage is 6 points, not to mention the weapon slashing damage that can be exerted, as well as the damage of multiple attack combos and two magic swordsmanship.

The attribute of professional proficiency bonus is also a very important attribute, which is widely used in almost all determination possibilities such as attribute checks, immunity checks and attack rolls, but the determination coefficients under certain conditions are different and need to be calculated independently.

In short, spells are easier to hit, and it is easier to avoid other people's attacks, etc. This is improved with the improvement of the professional level, and it is also one of the biggest benefits of professional upgrading.

A level 14 professional has essentially widened the qualitative gap with ordinary professionals.

As for the newly acquired attribute points, Li Wen directly put them into perception.

6 points of perception, gradually approaching the level of a normal person, so touched...

At the same time, the blood volume has reached a full 70 points, a ratio of meat.

The improvement of these hard attributes made Li Wen feel confident even in the chaos.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

After the bear man beside him slapped an incoming arrow, he also patted Li Wen on the shoulder honestly to show Li Wen's peace of mind.

But in Li Wen's ears, it became "gurgling".

"Be careful! The arrows are poisonous."

"These despicable jackals!"

"Which race dares to call itself despicable in the face of drow?"

A mess of incomprehensible voices sounded from all over the place, mixed with the sounds of various weapons clashing.

Even though Li Wen, who couldn't see the situation at all, felt that he had some means of self-protection, he was still a little uneasy.

The unknown always magnifies the fear in people's hearts.

Fortunately, Xiong Da brought him to a place that felt like a corner of a wall, reducing the possibility of being attacked.


A slight groan in the chaos caught Li Wen's attention, and it sounded like a cry of pain from that sister Yu.

"Hey! Are you okay? Do you want to help?"

Li Wen didn't know if the newcomer was here to save him, but he guessed that it was probably not.

The most important thing is that he doesn't sound like a good person when he speaks. Instead of falling into the tiger's mouth again, it is better to stay in the wolf's den for the time being.

But Li Wen was the only one present who spoke the lingua franca, and the drow could also recognize Li Wen's voice.

But as she said, compared to worrying about these jackals, she was more worried about Li Wen who was abducted by her.

A person who can confront the "brain monster" head-on, even if there are some tricks in the process, but if this restores his ability to cast spells, won't a single spell blow everyone present?
"Need not."

Just be stubborn.

Li Wen curled his lips, An Xin shrank in the corner.

He didn't want to act rashly before negotiating, so as not to become an ambassador to persuade the two groups of underground people to unite their positions and target him together.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't make a move, no one will know the fighting ability he possesses.

Maybe I can find a chance to escape.

But I heard from Adric that the underground road has many twists and turns, and there is a 100% probability that people who are not familiar with it will rush into it and get lost.

In addition, my eyes are darkened, and I can't see anything... Well, it seems unrealistic to run on my own.

After the restriction is lifted, it is more realistic to use the teleportation circle and run away.

No one in this world can trap a high-level mage unless the mage loses the ability to cast spells.

Like right now...

For the Zall side, the situation is not optimistic.

This is an underground hub-type passage. The place where everyone is located is a small crypt cavern, and there are several passages in all directions.

The Jackal side arranged first, occupying an absolute first-hand advantage.

Under the attack of those poisoned back arrows, whoever was scratched a little, immediately felt that the injured place was weak and numb.

Although everyone is from the underground world, no one is a gentleman.

After all, the means of detoxification are not as fast as poisoning.

Today is another situation of chaos in the dark. Even if there is a quick way to deal with the toxin, it is difficult to deal with it with peace of mind.

If it is said that the only advantage that the drow side has, it may be that their lineup's individual combat power is slightly stronger than that of the jackal side.

The leading drow is a 12th-level drowloth priestess. The two fifth-ring spells, plague swarm and group healing, are almost incomprehensible in such a small-scale and limited terrain. .

Regardless of the large number of spellcasters among the people Li Wen has come into contact with, the number of spellcasters in this world is actually not much.

A 12th-level drow priest has a very strong strategic ability.

But these gnolls seemed to be crazy, rushing forward almost desperately, exchanging their lives for the limited spell slots of the drow priest.

While the drow priest was massacring with his whip, the leader of the gnoll who had been supervising the battle in the rear uttered a painful howl.

Right in front of everyone's eyes, a purple-red magic circle began to glow with a strange light.

A phantom of a demon with two horns on its head slowly floated up from the circle, and gradually merged with the body of a wolf man standing in the center of the circle.

As the phantom completely disappeared into the body of the wolf man, the body shape of the wolf man suddenly began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Some recurved thorns pierced his skin and the light armor he was wearing, and the hideous bone spurs turned his whole body into a monster purely for war.

At the same time, his body began to grow, and under the power of the demon's spirit, his originally thin body began to increase violently, and even directly broke through the light armor that had been pierced by bone spurs.

A chaotic atmosphere reverberated in this small crypt.

The drow priestess looked at each other solemnly, "Yeguno, you really dare to summon the upper body of the demon!"


The other party gasped strangely, "In that city, I would not dare to initiate such a level of killing, and thank you for helping me kill so many people..."

It was also by virtue of this dim and evil purple-red light that Li Wen was able to see part of the situation in the crypt now.

The most conspicuous thing was that countless blood gathered and rushed to the magic circle at the feet of the jackal like a little snake.

And walk around in the magic circle as if they have life.

Sacrifice the devil with blood...

Followers of the devil... Gnolls!

It doesn't matter whose corpse or blood... the devil only needs blood.

Gnolls just need strength.


The drow elves who led the team were not stupid, they turned around and ran away, while yelling at the boys in Underground.

(End of this chapter)

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